Prevent Warnings On Variables Which Aren't Assigned A Value In A Try

Dec 22, 2010

I found some code on the internet as below (slightly modified).It simply requests the content of a webpage.However I get two warnings:

Warning 1 Variable 'srRead' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime.

Warning 2 Variable 'Str' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime.

I know I can simply forget about the Finally and add the code to the try block.Will that be the way to go or can I prevent the warnings using a different approach?

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Warnings In Project Make No Sense - The Variables 'uxRecentlyOpened' Is Either Undeclared Or Was Never Assigned?

Aug 14, 2009

I have a form called SearchScreen and on that screen is a custom control of class recentlyOpenedCompany called 'uxRecentlyOpened' within the form. I have made no changes at all to the SearchScreen form. I have added an aboutdialog to the project and deleted an about form. Thats itand

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PhpMyAdmin MySql Database - Program Hangs In The For Loop Before The Variables Are Assigned Values From The Data Table

Jan 5, 2012

I am using with phpMyAdmin MySql database. While running the piece of code below, the program hangs in the for loop before the variables are assigned values from the data table(dt)...

'Check for appraisal period-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim sqlCheckDate As String = "SELECT * FROM tblappraisalsetting where appSetID=(select max(appSetID) from tblappraisalsetting);"


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Any Way For A Class To Prevent Outside Code From Declaring Variables Of Its Type?

Jan 6, 2011

Is it possible for a class of exposing a type for function returns, without allowing users of that class to create variables of that type? A couple usage scenarios:A Fluent interface on a large class; a statement like "foo=bar.WithX(5).WithY(9).WithZ(19);" would be inefficient if it had to create three new instances of the class, but could be much more efficient if the WithX could create one instance, and the other statements could simply use it.A class may wish to support a statement like "foo[19].x = 9;" even when foo itself isn't an array, and does not hold the data in class instances that can be exposed to the public; one way to do that is to have foo[19] return a struct which holds a reference to 'foo' and the value '19', and has a member property 'x' which could call "foo.SetXValue(19, 9);" Such a struct could have a conversion operator to convert itself to the "apparent" type of foo[19].In both of these scenarios, storing the value returned by a method or property into a variable and then using it more than once would cause strange behavior. It would be desirable if the designer of the class exposing such methods or properties could ensure that callers wouldn't be able to use them more than once. Is there any practical way to accomplish that?In formulating a question, it's difficult sometimes to draw the line between complicated usage cases, and simpler usage cases which aren't quite so important. Here's another usage case, and one closer to the one I'd be most interested in (though I'm also interested in Fluent chaining; being able to have something behave like a C++ reference to a value type would be nice, but probably too much work to bother with).I have a type which is somewhat like the Windows registry, in that it is a hierarchical collection of items, each of which may have a string value, an integer value, and/or a nested collection of items. I wish to be able to support the following types of usage:[code]As for the Fluent interface, my thought would be to have the WithXXX properties return a new instance of a derived class which shadows (not overrides!) the WithXXX properties with versions that simply modify the current instance. The return object from WithXXX would be known to be of the derived class, and would thus use the shadowed WithXXX methods, but once it was assigned to a variable, it would be regarded as an instance of the base class, so the next WithXXX would create a new instance.

C++ a stronger concept of value types than C# or, including the very useful concept of references to value types; it ensures that references to value types cannot be persisted outside the scope of the type in question. Unsafe code in C# can use pointers to value types, but they don't have the protections offered by C++ references.

View 3 Replies - Use Session Variables To Prevent Infinite Web Form Popups?

Apr 6, 2012

I have a web application that allows a user to view family members.

When the user clicks on a family member, it displays the member's basic info. There is also a grid displaying that family member's related family members. (e.g. User can click on the Father link. From that popup, they can then click on the Father's Father link, then click on the Father's Father's Grandson link, etc.).

To reduce the number of popups that appear on the screen, I want to prevent the user from continually clicking on family links past three members.

What is the best way to keep track on how many data forms have popped up? Or can this reliably be done with a web application?

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Prevent An ASP.Net Webapp From Clearing Out Page Variables On VB Side?

Jun 17, 2010

I have a webapp in ASP.Net with a VB codebehind. I need a List variable I have declared to persist as long as the person is on the page, but currently any time a control posts back to the code, everything is cleared out. Can it be done with a Session variable? Those seem to me to be limited to base types, but I could be wrong.

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Make Picturebox1(function Already Assigned) Perform The Same Function As Picturebox2(no Function Assigned)

Aug 1, 2009

i wanted to ask how to make picturebox1 ,to which functions are already assigned, perform the same function as picturebox2 ,to which no functions are assigned.For example:I have already made picturebox1 and have assigned it alot of function like when play button is pressed then picturebox1.visible = true and when we press pause button picturebox1.visible = false. So now i decided to make a theme and have to remove the picturebox1 and want to allow the picturebox2 to havefunction of picturebox1.But when i disable the theme the function of picturebox1 should go back to picturebox1.

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Delete Some Files But Only If They Aren't In Use?

Nov 23, 2009

i want to delete some files but only if they aren't in use. What i did was a try/catch:

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

but it seems that this method is very slow if i try to delete some files over network.

Is there an faster way to delete files? Is it faster to check first if an file is open? If yes, how can i check if an file is open?

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Settings AREN'T Saved?

Apr 9, 2010

I have about 10 settings in my app which are set during coding, but the user can change them during the running of the app. They should then be saved so the same settings are there the next time the program is run.

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Getting These Warnings While Trying To Debug?

Oct 11, 2011

Getting these warnings while trying to debug,

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Getting VBIDE Warnings?

Oct 22, 2008

I'm not sure what I did to cause this. I just opened my program one morning and had a warning staring me in the face. I'm guessing by the common reference to VBIDE they are all cause by the same problem. What do they mean and how do I solve them.

Warning1Cannot find wrapper assembly for type library "VBIDE".DM Code Calculator
Warning2Unable to apply publish properties for item "microsoft.vbe.interop".DM Code Calculator
Warning3The referenced component 'VBIDE' could not be found.

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How To Get Rid Of Warnings In A Project

Apr 29, 2012

I have a bunch of warnings dealing with Crystal Reports, which I was going to use in the program but change my mind. deleted everything I can find dealing with Crystal Reports to no avail. I stall have 20 warnings.

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Compare 2 Datasets That Aren't Identical?

Jun 5, 2011

I've just about scrambled my brain on this, searching and trying things, so I'm hoping someone sees something that I'm missing or can explain it to me. I'm new to .NET, used to do a lot of programming in VB but that was many years ago.


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Way To Select From A List - Aren't The Two Listboxes Getting A Little Old?

Dec 22, 2009

How many times have we seen this type of selector:

I was just about to start creating this in a WinForms app, when I thought that others may have some ideas for doing this better. We need it to sort - so the right hand list will need up/down buttons. But this seems so old school. I love devexpress components, and was thinking of asking them if they would consider adding a component that handles this functionality with a slick UI.

I am thinking that a graphical representation of the objects, and a graphical representation of the listboxes - that would be a more intuitive way to move items around. Has anyone seen an open source project like this?

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Suppressing Obsolete Warnings In .Net?

May 13, 2009

I have VB.Net code in VS 2008 using an obsolete method, and would like to suppress the warning.Unfortunately, following the recommendation is not a good solution, because it requires using a different class, which works differently, in important ways.I'm trying to suppress the warning using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage, but I don't know what to write as the parameters for the attribute, and can't find any relevant reference.

I should also say that, right-clicking on the error in the error list I don't have any 'Suppress Message' option.

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Warnings On Operational Sltn

Sep 2, 2009

So my project works exactly as I want it to. But I have these 2 similar warnings when I Build. I would like to understand and get rid of if possible. [code]

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ASP Files On Windows 7 Aren't Loaded Even Though Installed IIS?

Jun 5, 2011

I don't know how to get my asp code to work on windows 7. I ran my project, it works correctly.

But for some pages I'm getting an HTTP 401.5 error.

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C# - Aren't Short Circuited Operators The Default?

Feb 5, 2012

Given that a typical coding mantra is "Don't induce side effects in method calls." and that the only reason (that I know off - please enlighten me if I'm wrong) to not use short circuited operators is when you depend on the side effects of a method call in subsequent code. Why isn't the default operator in languages like C# and VB.NET not a short circuited version?


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My Programs Aren't Playing Background Audio

Nov 12, 2010

Right now I'm trying to make an alarm clock program.I know my coding is correct and I'm not geting errors. Also my sound is a .Wav and was properly inserted into the resources folder. I was wondering if there is just some dumb setting that needs to be changed or if I'm forgeting something in the code.[code]...

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VS 2005 : BitBlt From Windows That Aren't Visible

Mar 9, 2010

I'm using BitBlt and GetDC to capture windows and save them to a bitmap, but a window that is covered or overlapped by another window appears with that window showing over top of it. Is there a way to stop this from happening? I have the window handle available, the graphics context, and a Process object.

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VS 2008 Why Aren't Controls Drawn Transparently

Jun 3, 2010

If you make a Control's BackgroundColor Transparent and put it in front of another control, the other control doesn't show through. Why not? GDI+ makes this easy, doesn't it? Why don't Windows Forms use it?

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Error/Warnings In Visual Basic?

Mar 29, 2009


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Fixing Warnings During Design Time?

Feb 20, 2009

I have the following errors displayed at bottom of my Visual Studio.However, I do not actually have ANY error when I run the app.

Dim storyboard As Storyboard = Me.FindResource("Show Entry")


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IDE :: Maximum Number Of Warnings Has Been Exceeded?

Jan 23, 2006

I'm using VS 2005, after VB6 to VB.NET conversion we have fixed all the errors but still have unidentified number of warnings. Is there any way to increase this limit of 101 warning you can see after compiling? I want to actually see the total number of warnings to get an idea how much work is there.

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ReturnVar.Warnings Is A String Array?

Mar 6, 2009

Was looking at some code earlier, and am thinking that there has to be a more elegant way of writing this...(returnVar.Warnings is a string array, it could be returned as any size depending on the number of warnings that are logged)

For Each item In items

If o.ImageContent.ImageId = 0 Then
ReDim Preserve returnVar.Warnings(returnVar.Warnings.GetUpperBound(0) + 1)
returnVar.Warnings(returnVar.Warnings.GetUpperBound(0)) = "Section: " & section.<header>.<title>.ToString & " , Item: " & item.<title>.ToString
End If

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Show ALL Warnings And Messages In Project?

Mar 11, 2010

Is there a way in Visual Studio (2008 or 2010, don't care right now which one) to show all warnings and/or messages in a project?Currently, I see all warnings and messages for all open files/documents. It would be handy if I could switch an option somewhere or something to show all the warnings and messages without needing to open everything.(I ask this as I'm developing a web site in VS that I have inherited from an ex-colleague and there's lots of messages per page regarding outdated attributes and the like)

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[2005] Make Eventlog Warnings?

Mar 4, 2009

I am creating my very first Service application and it seems to be quite simple to do. I want to create an eventlog so I can write away any exceptions that may occur. Is this the correct way? I have the following

If Not MyLog.SourceExists("MorrisonsSync") Then
End If


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C# - Why Aren't Code Regions Allowed Within Method Bodies In .NET

Jun 30, 2010

I'm refactoring VB.NET code where methods routinely run five hundred lines and the references are so tightly coupled that the code defies simple refactoring such as method extraction. And that's why I thought I would try regions within a method body. I just wanted to organize the code for the short term. But the IDE didn't let me (resulted in a compiler error.) I'm just curious as to why? Seems like code regions shouldn't impact the compiler, intellisense etc. Am I missing something? (Still using VS 2005 btw.)

Interesting: This seems to be language specific. It's OK in C# (I didn't check that initially) but not in VB.NET.

public module MyModule
Sub RunSnippet()
dim a as A = new A (Int32.MaxValue )


that gets a compiler error but the C# version is ok.

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IDE :: Changes I'm Making To My Code File Aren't Taking Effect?

Oct 26, 2009

I'm developing a Windows Service, but for some reason, the changes I'm making to my code file aren't taking effect. I clean, build, and rebuild the solution as well as all the files that I'm changing, but nothing's happening.Is this a problem with the installation of the service, or something wrong with my IDE? I just now thought that maybe I shouldn't be rebuilding the files...

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Stop Program From Writing To A File When Certain Conditions Aren't Met?

Dec 11, 2011

I am building an application that accepts input entered into textboxes, then checks the input for negative values, etc. before writing it to a file. If the data does not meet the conditions, a message box pops up letting the user know. The problem I am having is that after it checks the data and displays the message box, it continues to save the input to the file anyway. How do I make it only write to the file if all the data meets my conditions?

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