Put The Second Listbox2 On Form And Try To Save Again But Fail?

May 15, 2010

I take this code from Crazypennie and the code is working very well.i try put the second Listbox2 on my form and try to save again but fail

Private Sub SaveValue(ByVal Path As String)
Dim ToSave(1) As String
Dim index As Integer = 0[code].....

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Mixing Console And Form Together Fail

Mar 29, 2012

My app is basically console based but I need a Form to run in background. Adding a form in the app works but using Form1.Show didn't work, so I used VB.NET Application.Run(New Form1) However, in Form1_Load Me.Hide didn't work. I have no idea why. It works in buttons or other components in the same form.

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Carry Over The IP's To Listbox2?

Oct 29, 2009

Stuck on resolving host IPs within a listbox. I want it to carry over the resolved IP's to listbox2. But also have an 2 radio options either to resolve IP to Hostname or resolve Hostname to IP. Thus when I hit the start button, it checks to see which one is selected and starts the process. Here is what I have found, but can there be a simplified version to this but for lists? [URL]..

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Save The Form Settings Like A Save State Of The Form

Sep 17, 2010

I need to save the form settings, like a save state of the form. Because the program allows the user to add controls. I would like to be able to save them and load them. BTW: The controls are Panels and Labels. BUT! The Panels are a modified version of the control, known as NewComp. This simply allows the user to drag the panel around the form.

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In-project Components Fail If Project Is Opened With In-project Component Used On Initially Open Form?

Dec 20, 2010

Public Class ExtendedDateTimePicker Inherits DateTimePicker

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Add ' Infront Of All Items In Listbox2?

Jun 21, 2010

Im having a bit of a problem here. I need to add a certain string in this case (') infront of every item in my listbox.

So lets say items are :


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Listbox1 To Listbox2 Advance?

Dec 24, 2010

Uploaded with ImageShack.us how can i move the highlighted listbox on the right side to the empty row(the one that is highlighted on the left side) using a button.

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Move All Of The Listbox1 To Listbox2?

Dec 15, 2011

here i have 2 listbox i already have the code for the selected item moving right and moving left but i don't know how to move all of the listbox1 to listbox2 by just click >> or listbox2 to listbox1 <

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Numbering The Listbox2 Using Listbox1

Jan 12, 2011

I have a listbox2 and it is bound to my ms access database. I want to number them using listbox1. Example


** the listbox1 must automatically number the items depending on how many items inside the listbox2. -I already know that i can make it by creating autonumber in ms access, for certain reasons i cant do that.

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Same Row Number Selected On Listbox2?

Feb 7, 2011

Ok so what i have is 2 listboxes and which ever item on listbox1 is selected i need the same row number selected on listbox2.

Listbox1 selected item = listbox2.select??

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Add Selected Files From Listbox1 Over To Listbox2?

Apr 19, 2012

So I have two ListBoxes. Listbox1 gathers files from a directory and I have an add button to add selected files from Listbox1 over to Listbox2.

Is there a way to manually sort these items? Maybe with an up down buttons?

The reason I'd like to sort/reorder is I'll have a process that will run those selected files and each file will have to produce another file unique to the filename.

A quick example would be process FILE1.txt and produce FILE1.pdf, etc.

Is there an easier way to accomplish the sort/reorder?


Here is currently how I'm populating my listbox1, before adding anything to listbox2, which is the ListBox I'd like to have sorted so way or another.

Dim directoryInfo As _
New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath)
Dim fileInfos() As System.IO.FileInfo


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Copy All Text From Listbox1 To Listbox2?

Feb 26, 2010

I want to press a button and then copy all text from listbox1 to listbox2...how do i do this?

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Photo In Listbox1 And The Location Name Of It In Listbox2?

Aug 24, 2010

Okay as an example i am opening images through listboxes. Say I have the name of the photo in listbox1 and the location name of it in listbox2.Okay so what i want to do is make it so if i select an item in listbox1 that it will select that item down the list in listbox2 but by location not names.


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VS 2008 - Listbox2 Same Selected As Listbox1

Jul 1, 2011

I have 2 listboxes, and i can't get out what i need to do for the method. The method is, if a item in listbox1 is selected, it will select the same line in listbox2 and same in reverse. there can be many many items.

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Change Listbox1 Item Based On Listbox2?

May 29, 2012

I have two listboxes. [code]..

I have already achieved above but the main difficult part is I also want numbering in listbox2 to go green or red based on listbox1 item (Corresponding items)

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Generate Only 10 Random Words From Listbox1 To Listbox2?

Mar 25, 2010

im using visual studio 2005 and i want to generate 10 random words from listbox1 to listbox2.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim readerVar As IO.StreamReader


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Listbox2 Check If An Item Is Already Exist In Listbox1

Mar 15, 2012

in form1 i have two listboxs listbox1 listbox2 loadbutton and savebutton this code will write listbox1.selecteditem into a txt file and loadbutton will load info in listbox2 but i want when i click loadbutton it check if that item is already exist in listbox2 , if not so write selected item from listbox1 and if that item is already exist in listbox2 then do not save it (msg"this item is already exist in listbox2")


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Display CheckedListbox Values Into Listbox2 And Retain CheckedState?

Dec 13, 2010

What i am trying to achieve is that if listbox2 contains checkedlistbox1 items then checkedlistbox1 should retain checked state even after the from is closed and re-opened again.

Since i am saving the checkedlistbox1 values into a Table - is it possible to bind those to retain the checked state even after the from is closed and re-opened again - or it can be done comparing the values from both listboxes [code]...

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Random Name For Each Item In Listbox2(which Copies The Items From Listbox1)

Jul 30, 2009

Random name for each item in listbox2(which copies the items from listbox1)


You can see i almost got the code, but i dont know how to rename!

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Start New Process By Click On Listbox2.selected Item

Sep 22, 2009

i have two listbox who contain Directories File one listbox show Full Path of Files..Second Listbox Show Name Like Show in Picture:i want to start new process by click on Listbox2. selected item( contain only name of files )

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[2005] Copy Selected Lines From Listbox1 To Listbox2?

Feb 10, 2009

I have say... 10 lines of text in listbox1. how can I copy lines 5 thru 10 to listbox2 on buttonclick?

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View All Files And Folders In Listbox1 From The Selected Drive In Listbox2?

Jun 7, 2012

this is my first project and i am using vb.net2010

i have list box contains my drives using this code


and ListBox1 is empty

i need the code to view all files and folders in listbox1 from the selected drive in listbox2

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[2008] Getting Texboxes To Save To Form When "save" Is Clicked

Jan 13, 2009

how to get the form to save some data, but the problem is I only know how to get it to save as the body. since the main parts of the program are third party, but here is the code I'm using to save data.

Private Sub Initialize()
' cmbLabel shows group(student) level
cmbLabel.DataSource = _schedule.DataStorage.LabelStorage.Labels


Since I have them all saving to the "body", whatever the last box is in the code is what shows for all three once I click save.

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Make A Button That Will Save Changes In One Form That Will Affect Another Form?

Jun 9, 2011

I need to make a save button. The user will work in main form. User also has Settings in the MenuStrip, when the user clicks Settings a new form will open. There user has ability to make changes that will affect the Main form. This is the code:

If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
End If

This is the change that the user will be able to do that will affect the Main form, but I'm not really sure how to make that the CheckBox1 will be saved when the user clicks it and the clicks OK button. I also want to know how to make a cancel button.

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Make A Login Form That Will Save Data To Form 2?

Apr 25, 2009

Im using 2 forms

How Would i make a login form that will save my data to form 2 like i sign into form1 and it saves like my username/email and password from form1 to form2

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Fail To Get Procees Name

Jun 7, 2011

I wan to create a program that can get the application name.i can start the program but cant get the program name[code]...

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Why Does The Assignment Fail

Jun 5, 2012

Concerning this code... Dim i1 As Integer = Nothing


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.net - TableAdapter Update Fail?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a VB windows Form project that connects to several DataTables in an Access DB. On my form I have several textboxes, comboboxes and datetimepickers that are bound to those sources. With one table in particular when I try to update the tableadapter after editing one of the textboxes the update method fails. No exceptions are thrown, but the update method returns a zero value and the data is not updated. The update will work when just the comboboxes or datetimepickers are edited, but as soon as a textbox is edited also, update will not work.

Other DataTables within the project are set up in the same manner but are not having update issues. I can't figure out what about this one particular table is causing an issue. Can anyone give me any thoughts on where or what to troubleshoot?

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.net - Why Does The Read Of StandardOut Fail Here

May 26, 2009

I am currently trying to write a little wrapper around post-review to automatically post however this function fails when it comes to Dim results As String = sOut.ReadToEnd() and I can;t suss out why,

Edit: It doesn't produce an error it just seems to go into ReadToEnd() never to return

Function postReview() As String
Dim psi As ProcessStartInfo = New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe")
psi.UseShellExecute = False


Further Info: The actual command is working as I can see it posting to Review Board. But it just seems to get stuck in a loop while waiting on the Stream to complete. I have tried with Read and Readline with no luck?

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Asp.net - Dropdownlist.SelectedIndex = Value Fail?

Nov 13, 2009

I have a dropdown list that I am binding to a datatable. Here is the code I am using to do it:[code].....

Unfortunately, the line ddlBuildAddr.SelectedIndex = addressId is failing. Looking at this line through the debugger, the SelectedIndex goes to -1, while addressId goes to 2. What gives? Why would the assignment operator flatout not work?

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