Read The Text Of A Cell In DataGridViewComboBoxColumn

May 10, 2010

I have one DataGridViewComboBoxColumn in the DataGridView, and that column's "ValueMember" is the "id" and "DisplayMember" is the "name" of my table. When I try to read the text with cell's "value" property, the "id" is returned instead of the "name". Is there a way to read the "name" or "DisplayMember" of a cell in DataGridViewComboBoxColumn?

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DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Cell Value Is Not Valid

Jul 11, 2010

I get the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn cell value is not valid only when the record in the ComboBox table does not exist. I have done quite a bit of searching on this and I can't find this particular situation mentioned.

I have a datagridview with a comboboxcolumn on it, both generated entirely in oledbdataadapter code. The datagridview is created, then the combobox is created, then the combobox is added to the datagridview, then the datasource of the datagridview is set. It works just fine. Except if there is no matching record in the combobox table I get the "DataGridViewComboBoxColumn cell value is not valid" error popup. I could trap the error but it seems to me a beter way would be to prevent it from happening. Is there some property I can set or something I could do to compensate for the situation where there is no match in the combobox?

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DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Default Text?

May 25, 2011

I am using datagridviewcombobox column for the first time bound to a datasource.I have set the datasource, DisplayMember and ValueMember. The DGVcombobox is getting filled up from the datatable column content without any problem but unlike a normal combobox, it is not displaying the first item as the default text from its list.

So My question is how to display the first item, from the list as the default text so that the user don't have to select an item from the list for every row.

I am searching again and again but without any success, Please help me. Thanx.

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Editing Text In A DataGridViewComboBoxColumn?

Jul 31, 2008

I have a bit of a dilemma - in the ComboBoxColumn, I have added various numbers from 0 to 11. I need people to be able to type into the ComboBoxes in that column if the Combobox doesn't contain a value they need.I realise that I have to change the ComboBoxStyle to DropDown but am not sure how to. Also, for each row in the ComboBox, I believe I have to add the item that the user typed to the ComboBox list items for it to save but am also unsure how to do it.

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Datagrid New Row Cell Validation - Validate Empty Text And Indicate Error On Cell?

Jun 1, 2010

The problem is that if you never enter anything into a cell for a new row then that cell is never validated. This is a problem because I have columns that should not be null. I am doing the check in the row level validation and storing the information about which cells are empty that should not be empty. The row level validation works fine and the row level validation error indicator goes on,(red exclamation mark at the beginning of the row) but I also need a visual indicator on the individual cells that are in error.

I am thinking that setting the HasError property for the cells that are in error should cause them to display n error style (the default red border). Is there a way to this this either from XAML (perferably) or from code?Alternatively I could cause those cells to re-validate when the row editing is finished. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Select A Record (A Cell) In The Column 'Dog And Have The Text Of That Cell Appear In A Textbox?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm using something call ultragrid in my program.The program works as a mini-record keeping area (Like any datagrid, really). Well, I am adding a history to it and it allows the user to see the last 50 records searched. They get a grid showing the records. This, thus far, works perfectly What I want to do is this: I want to select a record (A cell) in the column 'Dog and have the text of that cell appear in a textbox. This is what I've tried with no success.

Private Sub HistoryTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles HistoryTextBox.TextChanged
If ugHistoryButton.ActiveRow.Cells("Dog").Selected = True Then


It just doesn't seem to want to transfer over when I select the cell in the 'Dog' column.

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IDE :: Read Cell From Datagrid To Textboxes?

Oct 3, 2011

when i double click in some cell in data grid i wan to see it in specific textBox.

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Read Excel Cell From VB2008?

Oct 2, 2009

how can i read an excel cell in VB2008?1) i do not have to open MS excel.2) i want a message box to pop up the data in the cellfor example, the data in cell A5 is 586when i press a button, a messagebox will show the data in it.

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VS 2008 Read A Datagridview Cell?

Nov 3, 2010

I am having trouble when I am running the below code. I a datagridview (DG) and it has one column that is a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn and this gets populated from a list in a database.I want to go through all the lines in the DG and add them to a SQL insert statement

Dim RN As String = "Show Cell Address"
Dim tempsql As String = ""
Dim sqli As SqlCommand = sqlconn.CreateCommand
Dim Counter As Integer = 0


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ComboBox - How To Read Cell Values From Excel

Jun 9, 2011

I'm trying to populate a ComboBox with all column headers I have in my Excel -file...
Dim Polku = fdlg.FileName
Dim XL_App As New Excel.Application
Dim XL_WB As Excel.Workbook = XL_App.Workbooks.Open(Polku)
Dim XL_WS1 As Excel.Worksheet = XL_WB.Worksheets(1)
with ComboBox1
[Code] .....

All I get are 10 values that are:

Even though I should get in the dropdown list:

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Office Automation :: Read An Excel Cell Value?

Aug 17, 2009


I am not sure I should be asking a question like this. But while going thru the thread I could understand assigning values from Excel cell when you know cells address. I am trying to find out syntax for activecell, activecell. row, activecell. offset etc.

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Read Date From Excel Cell To Datagrid?

Aug 8, 2011

I am trying to read a date from a cell in excel into a datagrid and then compare the current date to the one in the datagrid, however converts the date (which should be of the form 03/09/2011 UK style) into a number so for instance 03/09/2011 becomes 40789

how do i keep it as a date so i can compare it to todays date?[code]...

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VS 2010 Read Excel(2007) Cell Value From VB?

May 14, 2011

I have 2 spreadsheets I need to read 1 cell from each. I think I am close but you will see the line that doesnt work,


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Code Read The Excel Cell As Null When It Contains Data?

Mar 29, 2012

Using VB.Net, I am reading an Excel spreadsheet does anyone know what might cause a cell to be read as VBNull when it contains data?the cell clearly contains data. and what is extra weird is all the same cells in the rows before and after the bad one have the little green triangle in the upper left corner, indicating an error - but they all read fine the cell that reads as NULL is the cell in row 4 above

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Read Specific Cell From Excel File Using OLEDB Connection?

Mar 9, 2010

How can I read specific cell from Excel file using OLEDB Connection with VB.NET?

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Read The Test File And Then Fill Specific Cell In The Temple?

May 26, 2009

I have and excel invoice temple, I need to fill this temple with information that I will get from a test file.So I need to read the test file and then fill specific cell in the temple.

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Csv Column Contain Mix Datatype Connot Read All Cell Data Using Oledb Provider?

Jul 22, 2010

my csv contain mix datatype f.ex. in cell E8 data format is date, and other data in this E column are string.i use this connetion string in classic asp ,VB Script and back end SQl server

ChekCnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Path1 & ";Extended Properties=""text;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;FMT=Delimited"""
Set rs1 = ChekCnn.Execute("SELECT * FROM myCSV.csv")


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VS 2010 Read / Write Excel Cell Data To Textbox & Visaversa

Jan 31, 2011

I'm converting older VBA code to VB. I'm using Visual Studio or VB 2010 but am new to this "oop" approach and not a seasoned programmer. Scenario:

1. Open new Excel worksheet (see below - will this work?)


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String Text = Text Of Cell In Table Within VB Dataset?

May 17, 2011

Basically, I've made a dataset with a table inside of it that I plan on using for a quiz program.

If it matters, heres the code that was generated when I did this.

vb Private Sub QATableBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Read Text File And Stop Then How To Continue At The Last Read Point

Dec 15, 2009

I'm using 1.1 to develop the program. I got text files that contain test result from a machine, like below.

T1 1.24535 2.56335 2.43253 1.24538 2.55619 4.35243
T2 1.42542 1.63728 3.57295 4.59275 1.57320 2.72057
T3 5.12857 2.45375 6.38593 2.58375 3.57259 3.57204

I need to check the test result with the data from database, to find out which test result is failed. If there is a fail test result, I will show an alert to the operator and stop the checking process. Until the operator close the alert, then the checking process will continue from the last read point.

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VS 2010 Text File Read From Read Until?

Oct 3, 2009

I'm trying to make a program that can read .mp3 data (Such as Artist, Album, Year, Track number, etc), but I need to be able to do two things that I have no clue how to do:

1. Read starting from a specified string (E.G, On one line it states: [code]

2. Read until a specified string (E.G, On the previously stated line,I need to read starting from what I said, up until.

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Copy The Value Of Cell A6 Into Cell A5 Based On A Change In Cell A4?

May 16, 2009

I am attempting to copy the value of the TimeStamp in cell A6 which has the NOW() formula into cell A5 Based on a change in Cell A4. The catch is I don't want it to update every time the sheet is recalculated due to updating links in other cells on the sheet. ONLY when Cell A4 Changes. What do I do?

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How To Use Cell As A Text Box

May 3, 2010

The issue is whenever the user selects an item in an comboBox , the cell adjacent to the comboBox must act as a textbox containing by default as "Enter the Value" in transparent mode. when the clicks on it the default text has to be sqiped off and the cursor must blink at the beginning of the cell.

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Add Text In A Cell Depending On Its Value?

Sep 13, 2010

Is it possible to add text next to its value in a cell, depending on its value?

as example if the value of the cell is less than 1.00, the box will turn to red color and will be appear.

attachment 1 (pic1) is the image before and attachment 2 (pic2) is the image result i want.

i have successfully color the box and having problem with adding the text.

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DataGridView - Add Text To Cell?

Mar 30, 2010

I want to add text to a specific row, column in a DataGridView grid. I have tried several ways to do this bit none seem to work.

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Get Text From First Cell Of Selected Row?

Jan 12, 2011

I have a data grid view and i want to show the text from the first column of the selected row (regardless of what cell in that row is selected) in a text box.

So for example in this picture:

The 1st column of the selected rows text is 'California' so that should be sent to the textbox.

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Getting The Text Value From An Access DB Cell?

Nov 15, 2011

I am trying to get the value from a field in my Access DB.Once the value is retrieved I need to be able to compare it to a condition I set. I still haven't figured out the right code to make this happen....i don't know if I should convert something or what,heres my line of code...

ElseIf Me.AssociateDBDataSet.Associates.Rows(0).Item(4).value.ToString = ("No") Then
MsgBox("You are not currently scheduled for Training! Please see your Trainer.", MessageBoxIcon.Stop)


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Change The The Color Of The Text In A Cell?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a datagridview which I would like to change the the color of the text in a cell if the number is negative in the Total column. This is what I have so far.

Dim rowcont As Integer = (TTLGrid.Rows.Count) - 1
For x = 0 To rowcont
Dim Total As String = TTLGrid.Rows(x).Cells(4).FormattedValue


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Clearing Text Of Cell In DataGridView

Jun 18, 2012

I am new in VB2008. How I can programmtically delete/remove/clear the content of a cell of DataGridView? Say, for example, I have the following code that populates with data in DataGridView. Now,how can I clear/delete the "Test4" text from the cell of DataGridView? The GridView is not bound to any database.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim dt As New DataTable
[Code] .....

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Excel Cell Format Changes In Text?

Dec 14, 2009

I have use microsoft Excel Sheet ..I've fell different Values in excel sheet there is no problem..but i've fell some numeric Columns like this (00023785678).. in this columns first zero is not get i went to change the column in cells format of text..

how to create in code.. already i have fell excel sheet this method...
Dim oXL As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook


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