Receive Email Messages In VB 2010 Express Edition?

Jul 5, 2010

I want to receive email messages in VB 2010 Express Edition. I use gmail. It can be pop3 or imap. I would prefer imap but what ever is easier is fine. Then when an email is received i want it to auto reply.

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Send An Email In VB 2008 Express Edition?

Dec 15, 2009

A Form on visual basics express, with one button (button1)

- One Textbox (Textbox1)

-. No Imports.

What I need -

- Click that button1, and the message in Textbox 1, is sent to [url].....I've copied tons of code from the forums that come up with error messages, most likely have the wrong imports, so please in your reply, state the imports I need,then the codes, for VB 2008 Express.

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Receive Bluetooth-messages Through Vb 2010?

Sep 22, 2011

How is it possible to receive Bluetooth-messages through vb 2010?

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VS 2010 - How To Get Users To Receive Messages Without Port Forwarding

Aug 8, 2011

I am testing out packet sending with some friends and I've made a chat program which seems good and all...(not really, its really bad actually), But anyway... The users cant receive incoming messages unless they portforward port 1337 to their computer... How can I get users to receive messages without portforwarding?

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Compile X64 With 2010 Express Edition?

Sep 6, 2011

I found a forum post about Visual C++, Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition And 64-Bit Targets , but how do I develop x64 applications under Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition?

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Convert VB 6.0 To .Net In VS 2010 Express Edition?

Feb 10, 2009

I have downloaded VS Express 2010 edition from Microsoft website. I want to convert a VB 6.0 project into VB.Net using VS Express 2010. Is it possible to do it without the "Upgrade Wizard"? How much will it cost me to get basic VS 2010 Professional with the "Upgrade Wizard" option? What other tools (that I might require during conversion) are missing in the VS Express edition?

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VS 2010 Creating Exe With Express Edition?

Aug 24, 2011

I have a Visual Basic project that needs compiling to an exe. Can you do this with the express edition or only the paid version?

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VS 2010 Use Of VS2010 Express Edition?

Sep 28, 2011

When Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition starts , there is always a message (a splash screen or what so ever) saying : "Use of this software should be limited to evaluation purposes only" . What does this mean ? We must not share our programs (made with VS2010 Express Edition) not even when they are free ?

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Is It Ok To Install VS 2010 Ultimate If Already Have Installed VB 2010 Express Edition

Mar 7, 2012

Is it ok to install my VS 2010 Ultimate even if I already have VB 2010 Express Edition? or should I uninstall the express edition first?

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Tooltip Property - VB 2010 Express Edition

Apr 24, 2010

where have all the ToolTip properties gone in this new edition of Visual Basic Express 2010 edition? I know this feature was available in the previous versions of Visual Basic, but in the 2010 Express release I don't see this feature listed any more, did Microsoft rename this, if so what would the new name be?

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VS 2010 Receive Email - Use 2 Listboxes And A Form With Labels On It To Display The Message?

Jul 5, 2010

the application I'm building is ALMOST done. The ONLY final feature I NEED to add is the ability to receive email. Now I'm using VB 2010. How would I go about doing this? Would I use 2 listboxes and a form with labels on it to display the message. I haven't any code yet. How in the world do I do this??

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64 Bit Unsigned Integer Overflow - In VB 2010 Express Edition ?

Jul 25, 2011

I have an application that deals with some rather large number values. I wanted the values to allow a roll over so I compiled the program with Remove Integer Overflow Checks turned on. The 32 bit numbers roll over just fine but the 64 bit unsigned integers still throw an over flow exception. Is this a bug in the compiler?

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Download 2010 Express Edition Stand Alone File?

Jul 30, 2011

Is it possible to download a stand alone file for installing VS 2010 Expres Edition ?

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Introduction To Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition?

Jun 24, 2010

I am new to Visual Basic. The only programming I have played with thus far is Perl and some Python in script writing for Paint Shop Pro. (if that is acually programming) I found a tutorial on "from the ground up" with a link to download VB 2010 and when I tried to install the vb_web file I got this error:C:usersuserAppDataLocalTempSit24308reboot.ini cannot be opened. I did a computer search and found this file was not in the Temp folder. The install just hung and I could not cancel or retry. I shut down from task manager. When I looked in add emove there was not a Visual Basic listed. I couldn't tell if there were any other files that were added even though VB is not listed. There seems to be more C++ files (which came installed on my laptop) but I'm not sure if there are more of these C++ files.

I have searched for a week and cannot find a tutorial of how to install this program. I see VB 5, VB 6 and VB 2008. I also see a file for Microsoft Web Platform Installer, but it does not say if I need to download and install this file in order to download Visual Basic 2010 Express. I keep going in circles with my searches and always end up back where I started which is at the Visual Basic 2010 Express download page.

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Make A Basic Roguelike In VB 2010 Express Edition?

Jun 3, 2012

I would like to know the basics of roguelike development in Basic, Visual Basic to be more specific. As stated in the title, I have Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition (fully paid). I do know about variables, if statements, basic math operators (Such as addition and powers), advanced math operators (such as PI and Sqrt), nested if statements, functions, subs, and all of the other basic stuff about Visual Basic. I am most effective with console applications, rather than windows form applications. My favorite roguelike is ADOM (Ancient Domains of Mystery), which, in my opinion, is much better than nethack. I would like to make a game similar to ADOM, but I don't even know how to make the player move around the screen and collide with walls. I am also most effective with Video Tutorials, rather than written tutorials, just cause I'm not a big reader. I have seen most of thenewboston's video tutorials on Visual Basic more than once, and I have all of the basic stuff nailed down in my brain. If anyone at all can help me, or even team up with me in my VB.Net project ATOR (Ancient Temple of Redhold), it would make me so happy I would burst out in tears of joy! Btw, I have created a bunch of unfinished text-based games before in the game engine ADRIFT 5, so I do know the basics of game development.

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Register 2010 Express Edition / Notification Pops Up Always

Mar 12, 2012

I am experiencing an issue with my copy of Visual Basic 2010 Express. I know my copy will run for about, 22 more days. But even when I try to register my product so it can run forever, a notification pops up always saying the same thing - "This product needs to be re-installed." What does that mean? Is my copy fine with no problem? Or do I not have a .dll file that I need to install? Please, help me so I can register my product.

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T4MVC VB With Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition

Nov 28, 2010

I am having trouble using T4MVC VB with Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition.I can reference the T4MVC classes in my controllers, but I cannot access them in my views (where I actually need them).In the view, the following code is overwritten by intellisense as if the class MVC is invalid.[code]Which generates the error message 'Home' is not a member of 'Mvc'. It seems that in the view there is an Mvc namespace hiding the MVC class. This doesn't exist in the controller.After playing with it some more, it seems the classes aren't available in the View no matter what they're named. What decides what classes and namespaces are available in the view? The classes continue to be available in the controller, regardless of naming as well. I presume there has to be some filter or limit on what is available in the views?I was just watching this excellent video from Phil Haack, and it game me a clue.I need to modify the <pages> section in the web.config file. Now the question is, can I get that to use a class that's not in a namespace, as the MVC class is by default, otherwise I'll have to modify the T4 template to put it in a namespace and include that.

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Change Grouping Of Radio Buttons In VB 2010 Express Edition?

Oct 4, 2010

The app I am trying to make needs a few info in the beggining, these questions include a radio button I have four radio buttons in the same frame and I want to change the grouping so there are two questions being answered

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Deploy Project In Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition?

May 13, 2011

How do I deploy my project in visual studio 2010 express edition? I dont see any setup and deployment template

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Does Not Have The Choose Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient) In VB 2010 Express Edition

Nov 28, 2011

I have version VisualBasic.2010 Express Edition , but this version Does not have the choose Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient) when open choose : add new data source and choose database and add connection Does not have the choose Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient)

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Game Programming :: 2010 Express Edition Usernames & Passwords

Jun 30, 2011

I'm actually a beginner in VB express. i made about 10 easy programs, now i decided to make one a bit difficult. I'm stuck at the beginning.In first form i have 2 Textboxes and 1 Button (1username, 1password, button - sign in) and then another 2 Textboxes and 1Button (1username, 1password, button - register) I want to make something like this for beginning: When you register the infos from textboxes (username & password) are saved in some file (let's say in info.txt or info.ini). I actually want to know how to automatically save these usernames and passwords in text file when you click register button, so when you want to login, you have to use registered username&password. So if there in text file is not the username you registered or typed in textbox you can't login.

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Made A Chat In Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition?

Sep 9, 2011

How I can made a Chat in Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition ?

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Multithreaded .NET (2010 Express Edition) Program Work Properly?

Sep 11, 2011

I'm trying to make a program of mine into a multithreaded application, but I've hit a pair of snags that I documented in the following code. I can expand this stub into a more efficient version of my existing application.


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Using VS 2010 Express Edition Settings For Creating Console Application?

Jul 26, 2011

I'm using VS 2010 express edition, Are there any settings for creating console application?I've done a simple program but it get stops while running.


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Email & SMTP - Program To Send Very Simple Text Email Messages

Feb 17, 2009

I'm trying to get my program to send very simple text email messages. I did do a search beforehand, and found that I was having the same issue as someone else, but the specific question I have was not answered --

I've learned that if you're trying to send mail, you need an SMTP server... I found this list here but every one of them I've tried yields the same "Failure sending mail" error.

Here's my

Dim mail As New MailMessage()

mail.From = New MailAddress("")


Is the problem that I need to show "credentials" (i.e. user/pass)? If so, what would those credentials be? Can I use my yahoo email SMTP server with my login info to do it? And is this all I'd need to add to add the credentials?

smtp.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("MyUsername", "MyPassword")
(before the smtp.Send, of course)

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Adding Records To An Access 2007 Database Using VB 2010 Express Edition?

Jun 21, 2011

I am not able to add records in an Access 2007 database using VB 2010 Express Edition. I have read other posts and followed them but still I am not sucessful. I have the connection to the access database as MS Access Database, therefore it has the OLEDB connection (not the Jet 4.0). I am using the project instance in binding the text boxes to the fieldnames in the Access database. Did I miss something? I am also using Windows Vista Ultimate.

Below is the code.

sender As


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How To Receive Gmail Messages

Mar 13, 2011

How can I reseive or open my gmail messages by vb.net2008 code ???

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Use Pocketoutlook.messageintercepiton To Receive SMS Messages?

Aug 25, 2011

Can someone give me VB VS2008 sample code to use pocketoutlook.messageintercepiton to receive SMS messages.

I have a VB app developed with VS2008 that is running on a mobile device with WM6.0. I need to be able SMS message that are sent to the mobile device. From what I read, messageinterception should accomplish this

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Proper Update And Delete Code For SQL Express In 2008 Express Edition?

Oct 3, 2011

I'm just using the default SQL Server Express in my vb 2008 express edition as my database server for my database operation. When I tried to update the records on my table I got a runtime error which indicates the error on this line 'myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()'and it highlights a yellow background on it. The runtime error says "SqlException was unhandled: An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'Number'. ".

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand


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Receive Incoming SMS Messages Via Gsm Modem In Program?

Jul 21, 2009

I am working on an assignment whereby i am requested to receive incoming messages via a gsm modem, i have tried to do so by writing at commands to the serial port where the gsm modem is connected to but there's one specific line which gives me error when i tried writing it to the serial port, (AT+CMGL= "ALL") which returns me an error: CMS ERROR: 305 which means Invalid Text mode parameter The following is the codes i have done up to so far, can anyone tell me what is the correct way to write this specific line to the serial port or is there any other methods that is able to do the same thing?[code]...

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