Redirect - Putting A Hyperlink Inside Of A Label?

Jun 22, 2010

i have this in my code.

label1.text = "Click on THIS ONE to proceed"

Now for the THIS ONE in the label text i want to give it a hyperlink or response.redirect.

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HyperLink In Gridview - Link In The 2nd Column Which Redirect To Diff Page?

Apr 2, 2009

i have 5 columns & it bind to gridview.nw i want to link in the 2nd column which redirect to diff page.

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Making A Hyperlink Inside A Button In

Aug 25, 2011

I have a button on my page that (upon mouseover) needs to act like a hyperlink (the hand cursor). I cannot use a linkbutton because I need the GUI of a regular asp:button.

Is there a way to create the hyperlink cursor on mouseover?

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Hyperlink From Html To Label?

Dec 24, 2008

I am making a text advertisement that I will add to my application. I want to use a label as the text and it should be able to go to a URL when I click it. The text of the label should be whatever the text of the hyperlink is and it on the website.

I want the label1.text to be the first sentence of I also want the label1_clicked to do wb.navigate to whatever the link of first sentence of the website is. So if the website is a blank page with only one link:

Merry Christmas
label1.text = Merry Christmas
label1_clicked should do wb.navigate

this way I can change the text and the hyperlink from dreamweaver or whatever, and it will update in the users apps as well.

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Putting A 3rd Party Program Inside A MDI Parent?

Jan 29, 2010

Is it possible to put a "3rd party program" (an already compiled EXE thats added as a resource), into a MDI Parent form?

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VS 2010 Webbrowser Go To Hyperlink Via Label Name?

Nov 7, 2009

how to do this, because i don't have any clue about it. I have tried many things to find document by tag name etc.

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.net - Grabbing Information From Textbox And Putting It In Label?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm trying to grab information entered in textboxes. I'm trying to grab a name, an age, and a movie title from three separate textboxes, and put them into a single label like this:

"Name" is "age," her favourite film is "movie title."

after clicking the "Show" button.

I know it's a click event for the show button, but I can't quite figure out how to make the concatenated message.

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Reversing Text From A Txtbox And Putting It Into A Label?

Apr 18, 2011

Private Sub btnGo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGo.Click

Dim name As String = txt1.Text
Dim backwards As String
'backwards = name.Reverse


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Putting A Block Of Text (ie A Paragraph) Without Using The Label Tool?

Mar 28, 2012

Is there a way of putting a block of text (ie a paragraph) without using the label tool?

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Using Timer In Do Until Loop - Putting Single Variable Into Label

Mar 11, 2010

I'm trying to use the timer (not a Timer object) in a Do... Until loop. I want the loop to put a single variable into a label. When I do this it works and puts the value into the label (lblOxygenReading):

If btnGetOxygen.Text = "Get Oxygen Reading" Then
Select Case True
Case rdoColorWhite.Checked
strCurrentColor = "White"
Case rdoColorRed.Checked
[Code] .....

It goes through the Do loop and the For.. next loop but doesn't change the label. Visual Studio doesn't show any errors when I'm writing the code, but when I run it, it hangs somewhere.

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Scroll The Text Inside The Label For Anything That Is Longer Than The Label Width?

Apr 5, 2009

I am using a label to display a song for an mp3 player. I wanted to scroll the text inside the label for anything that is longer than the label width. I figured out the width of the label and if the width of the text inside the label is longer. But I have no idea how to turn this into subtracting parts/pixels of the text currently displayed and how to append the subtracted parts to the end of the new text.

Sub f1timer2tick()
Dim g As Graphics = f1l2.CreateGraphics
Dim s As SizeF
If f1l2.Text.Length > 19 Then


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DB/Reporting :: Taking Information Out Of A Database And Putting It A Textbox Or A Label?

Sep 24, 2010

I have an online database, and I have a program to insert information into database and to login using the information in the database, now I am wondering how to take something from a database and display it in a label, lets say if I log in with my username and password I want it to display my e-mail address from the database in a label, this is the code that I have for the register:

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form2


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VB2008 Deleting Spaces, Putting Each Line Of Text Into Its Own Label Or Textbox?

Oct 13, 2009

OK, SO i have this program that outputs all the servers on a specific game. It outputs it to a text file. HOWEVER, There is a lot of annoying spaces. This is kind of hard to explain, so ill try to explain it. This is what The text file looks like. 2302 2302 2302


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Auto-hide Label After 10 Sec And After Label Hide Redirect

Jan 15, 2011

I have a label and button on label in my webform.i want when i click on button then label1 will be visible with text "Success" and then it will hide automatically after some time say 10 seconds.I M using (VB)How to auto hide label after 10 sec and after label hide redirect to the ~/Default.aspx ?

View 1 Replies - How To Make Hyperlink.Visible=False If Hyperlink.Text = 0

Jan 20, 2011

I am trying to hide Hyperlink visibility in Repeater if there isn't any Text value in Hyperlink. Something like this:

Protected Sub rptReferenca_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs) Handles rptReferenca.ItemDataBound
Dim lnkThumb As HyperLink = CType(rptReferenca.FindControl("lnkThumb"), HyperLink)


View 3 Replies - Redirect To Two Different Pages In Radgrid Using Two Command Buttons Inside Radgrid?

Apr 23, 2012

I have a radgrid1 and inside radgrid Item template i have two imagebutton namely imagebutton1 and imagebutton2 .... i want when i click on Selected radgrid Item whose id is id then after clicking on Image Button1 i redirect to ~/book.aspx?id=1 and if i click on imagebutton2 then i redirect to ~/details.aspx?id=1 Note : the id of the item will be changed dynamically according to the selected radgrid row . I have already done it using simple Gridview but m unable to perform this action using radgrid.

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Creating A Hyperlink In A Gridview In (without The Hyperlink Control)

Aug 8, 2011

As a follow up to my previous question Putting together a tricky SQL query

since I now have the records returned as URL format, how can I display those as hyperlinks in my gridview? (this is how the client wants it done, not much I can say to change their mind)

My vb code is:

Dim pds As PagedDataSource = New PagedDataSource()
GridView1.DataSource = pds

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Centering Text Inside Label?

Aug 20, 2010

I am trying to make my first program in 2010, and I have a question.ou know how when you have a button, the text centers itself within the frame of the button?I have a label in my application, that displays a different text (through the label) everyday.

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Getting A Label Inside A Picturebox During Runtime

Jan 3, 2012

I'm trying to create a bunch of labels during runtime that will be "inside" a picture box, so when I move them, if their new coordinates are outside the box's dimensions they wont display, or if they're right on the edge of the box only half the label will be visible etc.

I thought label.Parent = picturebox would work but it doesn't seem to do anything, and Google keeps telling me to set the label's container to the picturebox - which sounds right, but maybe it's no longer a VB.NET thing since the Container property seems to be Read Only.

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Save A Picture Box With Label Inside It?

Oct 8, 2011

I need to save a picture box to the hard disk with some text labels inside it.

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Altering Label Properties Inside Of A Function?

Oct 19, 2011

I'm trying to validate a form to be filled out by the users, and when the required section isn't filled, I increment an

ErrorCount += 1

variable to show that error(s) have occurred inside the program, I then also set an


to whatever the corresponding field number is, now I have 0-12 (13 fields). What I have also done is titled the labels that are associated with all of these fields to correspond with the ErrorArray() value that might be set, such as.

PatLabel1 etc.

What I am trying to do is loop through the array contents, depending on which ErrorArray() values have been set, to go and set the corresponding fontcolor property of that label to red, to show that these now need to be filled out. This is what I have, but Visual Studio doesn't allow me to use the iteration through the loop as a reference to changing properties. Can anyone point me in the right direction to trying to figure this out, or at least tell me what else I could do. Just seems doing 20 if....then....else.... statements with 2 - 3 lines in each of them is redundant when 1 function line could do the same job. This is what I have.

for i = 0 to UBound(ErrorArray(12))
if(ErrorArray(i) = "*")then
PatLabel(i).forecolor =


that is basically all im looking for initially, but I can't do it.

View 1 Replies - Changing An Asp:label Text Inside A Repeater

Aug 16, 2011

I have this label inside a repeater <asp:Label id="lblsub" runat=server text="sdds" /> I am trying to change the text of this label,this is the code behind


unfortunately this code doesn't work for me ,the text value doesn't change,

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Call Label Textbox Inside Module?

Oct 15, 2011

im trying to do something like this

Module module1
public sub()
dim a as string[code]....

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Control Internal Margins Inside Of A Label?

Jan 14, 2010

I would like the size of a label to be identical to the space used by the text inside. The height and width of a label does indeed change depending on its content (text property and its font), but there is a wide margin that I would like to remove.

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Refresh Label From Inside A Thread Not Working?

Feb 2, 2012

I am using Visual Studio 2010 and have been slowly getting into threading. My current project has a form with a button that in turn starts two threads. The form itself has two labels on it that are used to display the progress of the computations. Each thread has a delegate defined to change the value of the respective label (as the labels are not defined in the thread, but on the form itself). The threads call subs from a separate class. All of the calculations work flawlessly. My problem is that the labels do not visually update. Through use of message boxes at the end of each loop, I know that the label text property is, indeed, being changed, but it is not actually refreshing and updating on screen.

My delegate code is as follows (I grabbed this code off of another forum where people had the same issue - it seemed to work for them, but not for me):

Private Delegate Sub UpdatePMLabelTextDelegate(ByVal s As String)
Private Sub UpdatePMLabelText(ByVal s As String)
' Are we in the same thread as the label itself?


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C# - Changing Label On Linkbutton Click Inside Repeater?

May 18, 2012

I am using an repeater in my page like this:

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="lblsSICCode" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("sSICCode") %>'></asp:Label>


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Forms :: Link Button Inside A Textbox/label?

May 14, 2009

is its possible to have a link/button inside a textbox or label... or other term for that...for example.. i am populating some chapters in a book... then i would only display 250 chars from each chapter... then i would end it and add a "Read More" text in each chapter.. and when they click it.. i would populate the whole chapter of selected chapter in the textbox...

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Ignore Mouse Event On Label Inside Panel?

Jun 30, 2011

I am making a custom menu. I am applying colors on panels on mouse enter and mouse leave.I have labels on these panels, and the mouse enter and leave events work snappy, but as soon as I hover over the label (on/inside) the panel, the mouse leave event is fired. I know I can just do the same thing for the label mouse enter event, but I am doing some other visual stuff, and I need to have the label mouse events totally disregarded.

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VS 2008 Creating A Label/textbox Inside A Groupbox?

Oct 19, 2009

I've been struggling with something I imagined would be simple. My aim is to create a TextBox or Label with in a GroupBox using, yes I could use the Toolbox/Common Controls to do this easily, but it's a pain when planning on making more than just one or two of them

Here's my current coding to create the actual text box.


All that works perfectly, but how would I allow it to show up within a GroupBox?

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Label And Textbox Are Set Inside A Panel Container - Make Changes To The Interface?

Oct 28, 2008

I have it so that for each entry node in the XML file, it creates a new label then it creates a textbox under it. Both are added to a Collection so I can reference and delete them later. The label and textbox are set inside a panel container. I'm planning to make changes to the interface.

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