Refresh Combox With Bindingsoure But It Cant Return Result

Aug 10, 2009

I use this code to refresh my combox with bindingsoure but it cant return result.

Private chucvudatabindingsource As New BindingSource
chucvudatabindingsource.DataSource = dat.getChucVuCB()
cobchucvu.DisplayMember = "ChucVu"
cobchucvu.ValueMember = "ChucVuID"

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Return A Value That Belongs In More Than One Result?

Nov 4, 2011

Am I able to return a value that belongs in more than one result?

I mean, I want to return a value that is based off of 2 calculations and I was wondering if this is correct:

Function CalcParkingFees() As Decimal
Dim dblDays As Double
Dim dcmParkingTotal As Decimal


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.net - Android App Won't Return Result From WCF Service

Dec 1, 2010

here is my WCF server code (VB.NET)...

Public Class Service1
Implements IService1


For some unkown reason, I can run the VS 2010 client test and it the WCF host works fine. The code above just returns nothing (it's supposed to return a string)

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Return Result Of A TSQL Query In Program?

May 14, 2011

I have a VB.Net program that will basically make a query to a remote MS-SQL DB using TSQL, return two columns (normally 4 rows/records), 1 is a datetime and 1 is a double. I will then need to return the average of the doubles (which is easy in VB.NET).

As I will need to run this query perhaps 1000 times an hour (programmatically with different input parameters for the query), I am looking for the most efficient way to code this up so that it will take the shortest time to run. I tried SQLDataAdapter and then using dataAdapter.Fill and sometimes it returns an empty set although the raw select query has values returned.

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If The Context Menu Is Open For A Selected Item It Should Return And Not Refresh?

Jul 13, 2010

If cmOptions.Visible Then
End If

I have a refreshing process that updates a listview every ten seconds. If the context menu is open for a selected item it should return and not refresh?

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How To Return Result Of HTTPHandler And Set To Text Property Of Label

Jun 9, 2011

I would like to be able to return the text generated from an httphandler and insert it into my web page during an onload event. There are examples that show how to return an image by setting the image source to the path of the handler. But how do you do this for just text as in the "hello world" basic template. I would like the text value of a label on my page to be set to "hello world", preferably withour using javascript.

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IDE :: SqlCommand.ExecuteReader Does Not Return Result When Used With A StoredProcedure That Uses While Condition?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a stored procedure that repeats a block of T-SQL statements using WHILE logic until it finds a matching record in a table. When I execute the procedure directly from the SQL Management Studio, it works and returns a record, even when the statements within the WHILE logic have to be repeated over and over again before a matching record is found.

However, when I use the same stored procedure as the commandtext property of an sqlcommand object in Visual Studion 2008 (VB) and call the executereader method of the sqlcommand, the resulting SqlDataReader will only return a row if the T-SQL statements within the WHILE logic find a matching record after a single pass. If it takes more than one pass to find a matching record the SqlDataReader does not return a row. It's like it abandons the execution of the stored procedure after the first pass of the statements within the While logic, disregarding the repetition.

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VS 2008 Query SQL, Return Result To Multiple Textboxes

May 21, 2012

I am creating an application for a friend and have no issue inserting or updating the table, but I am having trouble relaying the information from the query back to the corresponding textbox when searching for an entry.

This is the closest thing I've got to a working model, but I'm still getting and "array out of index error".


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Communications :: Serial Port Read Wrong Return Result?

Dec 17, 2008

Anyone else have an issue using read, It appears when I use read it gives me the correct buys but returns the wrong integer value So I use it and it fills the Array i make with &h10, &h6 but read reutnrs number of bytes returned to 1. if there a better way to go with with RS232 I mean really my projet dosent have anything out of the Normal

Friend WithEvents CashValidator As System.IO.Ports.SerialPort = New System.IO.Ports.SerialPort("COM1", 9600, IO.Ports.Parity.Even, 8, IO.Ports.StopBits.One)
CashValidator.Read(MyResponce, MyResponceLen, 4)

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VS 2010 - Search The Rtb1 For Combobox1 Selected Value And Return The First 9 Characters From The Line With The Result?

Jul 28, 2010

i have form1 with combobox1 and rtb1 i would like to search the rtb1 for combobox1 selected value and return the first 9 characters from the line with the result.



so if combobox1 selected.value = "BALTIC" then i would like "1209-4756" to become a named string (eg, cda = 1209-4756)

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DataGrid Columns Math - Result Return The Answer In The Unbound Yield Column For That Row Represented As A Percentage?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a table in a data grid the columns are bound to the columns...


i also have added into the datagrid an unbound column called Yeild%.what i'm trying to do is the following formula

SQFT / (QTY * (width * length / 144) and have the result return the answer in the unbound yield column for that row represented as a percentage

So if SQFT = 178 QTY = 2 Width = 144 Length = 102 answer would be 0.87 (rounded)

so this would be 87%

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Refresh Windows Form When Ever User Clicks Refresh Button?

Jun 5, 2009

Lets say i label "label1" , and 2 buttons named "button1" and "btnRefresh " [code]So , when user press the button 1 , the text will change. But what should i put inside btnRefresh to reload the forms ? and display the default label.text = "Form Load" ???

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End Result Of Combobox Selection Keep Showing Same Multiple End Result When There Is Only One Entry?

Dec 10, 2010

I am currently having a headache on how to solve this problem that i am facing. here is the situation: I have a combobox and a list box on the main form. The combobox will get the data from the ms access database. In the database, i have the details of a person's IC, Name and DOB say for eg on one entry I have D215311523C,SHAWN,13/04/1987 So now, my combobox on form load will show the list of dates in the database to allow the user to search base on the date itself by clicking on the selected date. So when the user clicks on the particular date say 13/04/1987, people in the database whose birthday is 13/04/1987 will be shown on the listbox.Meaning to say if i have 3 entries whose dates are the same 13/04/1987, 3 entries will appear. If there is only two entry, then two results will be shown. But now, when i do a single click on the date, one result will be shown. That is correct. But the problem is when i click on the same date again, three of the same results will be shown on the list box. that is it will display : 13/04/1987 13/04/1987 13/04/1987 which is not the case. Then it will show more duplicates of the same results if i click more times on the same date which should not be the case.

Dim n As Integer
Dim numbers() As Integer
Dim StartFrom As Integer
Dim EndAt As Integer


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IDE :: When There Is No Result In Grid Result Column, Disable The Save Button

Sep 25, 2010

I am using a datagrid in my where i am having four columns. In first column the parameter values are entered and in the second column measured value is entered and in third column the nominal value is entered.Inthe fourth column the result is displayed by subtracting the measured value and nominal values. I am doing this calculation in Datagrid cell validated event. What i want is,there will be many rows in the grid,when typing the value in the third column the corresponding result will be displayedin the rowof theresult column,save button will be displayed while the form loads,when the calculate part is completed that is there should not any cell of the resut column empty then i should enable the save butto.

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Make An Array And Put Result Every Time The Serial Port Gives A New Result?

Oct 14, 2009

I am encountering the following issue So i have a device that sends stuff at the serial port, i then parse it and put it into an array of bytes like that:

Dim HCI_Command_Rcvd_Byte() As Byte All good till here What i wanna do is make an array and put this result every time the serial port gives me a new result, for example:


Basically what i wanna do is let the port parse the messages, fill in the array with the result at an empty spot in this array and then i will have a separate thread that will look in into this array in each non empty space and after it looks into the non empty space it will use or discard the info and also mark this space as empty (after it checked)

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.net - Combox Box Within A Datagrid

Sep 12, 2011

I have a combobox with a datagrid, but I'd like the user to be able to type into the combobox like usual; At the minute it's a fixed dropdown. Here is my code:


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Can't Add Combox To Datagrid

Aug 25, 2005

I saw for adding combox to datagrid still Unwritable.[code]...

field has order number 1. Name of this column is "Name"' Datagrid ComboBox ValueMember field has order number 0. Name of this column is "PubID"

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Combox Box From One Form To Another?

Jun 21, 2010

Is there anyway to carry one combo box from one form to another without the use of loops? I'm trying to figure out if it would be easier to represent a comb box in a new form, or if it would be easier to show it in a print preview window....

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Autocomplete A Combox From Dataset?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a couple of texbox and combobox controls that are bound to a dataset. I can scroll this with the a bindingnavigator. But I want to have the combobox do autocomplete from the dataset. For example, if i type a "D" in the combobox bound to the 'ClientName' column of the 'ClientInfo' table,i want the comcobox to display all (or maybe the top 20) names that start with a "D". If i then type an "E" I would like the list to show all names starting with "De" and so on.

I have tried to bind the 'autocompletesource' of the combobox to the 'ClientName' column, but that did not appear to do anything.I am reasonably experienced with VB .Net, but totally new to database and data centric applications.

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Combox With Datagrid And Query?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a VB.NET Windows form with a datagrid on it. I also have a combobox on the for (outside the datagrid).The purpose of this combobox is to limit or filter the records shown in the datagrid

database is Access MDB

table name table1 field name = field1

another question

i have 2 tables table 1 for customers include cust_code and cus_name

in table2 emp_name cus_code

i need to get the data from table 1 with information in table2 cus_code

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Combox With Text From Txtfile

Feb 1, 2012

I have a code for populate a combobox with the text from a txtfile.[code...]

But i have about 20 comboboxen en i want all of them with this text from the txtfile.
(Every Combobox in the Form).How do i do that ?

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Events In A Combox (in A Loop) (again)?

Mar 22, 2010

First i don't know how many textbox, checkbox or combobox i have in my form, because this been doing in a loop.Then i want to add some events in this elements.

For Each ctl As Control In Me.TabPage3.Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is CheckBox AndAlso ctl.Name.StartsWith("rtpcheckbox") Then
Dim ctl_X As CheckBox = ctl


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Treeview With Combox Control?

Jul 23, 2009

Does anyone knows how to achieve UI like the attached image. I need to have a Treeview control which will have nodes & child nodes and each node should have a ComboBox control next to it.

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Limit Result Being Put Into DataSet And Get Next Result From Database

Apr 16, 2010

I just read about DataSet in VB.NET, it uses disconnected concept. My question is: if my apps has "List All" button that query data from 1 table in the database, and that table has "very very very" many rows, so my DataSet will be filled with those data and eat up memory. Can I limit the data that being put to the DataSet from that query? But I want to be able to retrieve the next data from the same query if the user want to see it?

For example:
I have 1000 rows in my database, and i query all of them. But I just want 200 rows being inserted to my DataSet, but if the user want to see rows number 201 and so on, I want to be able to retrieve the next 200 rows, and so on. So it just like cutting those data into a group of 200 rows. Can I do this with the concept of "disconnected" of the DataSet?

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Add A Value And Text To Combox Control Without Datasource?

Nov 11, 2009

I want to add items to my combobox but am not able to add a value and a display text.

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Multiple Combox Delete From One If Selected?

Oct 7, 2009

I have a databse program that is using 3 comboboxes all pulling same data from a dataadapter. I would like it if after a selection is made in one combobox it no longer becomes available in the other 2?

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Populate A Combox Box With Counter Object?

Feb 27, 2009

How do i populate the combo box with counter object like in add counter dialog box in Perfmon in Xp.bottom line is i would like to get a dialog box like in perfmon add counter

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VS 2005 Combox, Valuemember, Displaymember

Apr 12, 2009

My question: i have a combobox which i would like to populate with data from a database. The table looks like this: pkIntCompany (the pk) & chrCompanyName You see nothing special.

I would like all the records in a combobox. When a user selects one of the value, i would like to show the pk and the combobox in a textbox (seperate). Is there someone who has some example code?

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VS 2010 : Add Combox Items Through Input Box?

Nov 27, 2009

I would like to add the text you add into an input box go to a combobox.I tried

Me.Combobox1.Items.Add = InputBox("Please enter name.", "Name?") 'text[,title[,defaultresponse]] (Returns "" if user pressed Cancel)

But I get an error.

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VS 2010 Search Database Using Combox?

Mar 24, 2011

How can i search my database using a combobox were he will suggest list of names in the combobox list . It will search all fields in my database. My DB is created in access.ex. i type Kev then the combobox list will have Kevin then Kevlan on its list knowing that Kevin and Kevlan are in my database .

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