Register VB DLL(2008) To Use In Classic ASP?

Apr 3, 2012

I've created a VB DLL in Visual Studio 2008 Professional. Not sure what I need to do to call the code below from a classic asp page. I have had other ASP pages to call a DLL. I'm not sure If I have a Dot Net DLL

or what. Bottom line I just want to create a simple DLL that can be called by

multiple users from a classic ASP web page.


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Download Visual Studio And The 30 Day Period To Register Expired And I Cant Start It To Register?

Feb 25, 2010

I downloaded visual studio and the 30 day period to register expired and i cant start it to register.i uninstalled it and reinstalled it and it still wont let me start it up to register it. what can i do to get the key?

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Register An Automation Server In The ROT (Runtime Object Table) Using IRunningObjectTable.Register?

Feb 1, 2007

Does anyone have an example of how to register an automation server in the ROT (Runtime Object Table) using IRunningObjectTable.Register and how to revoke it using IRunningObjectTable.Revoke?

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VS 2008 Register Dll On Another Pc?

Mar 2, 2010

I created a dll in 2008 express. the correct way to register it on another pc. I want to then create the object in classic ASP e.g

server.CreateObject(XStencils.XMLValidator) how to register a .Net 2008 dll.

this is my all i want to do is validate an xml code fragment against an xml schema:

Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml


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VS 2008 - Register ESC Key In A Listbox

Nov 15, 2011

So there's this app I made. Let's say it registers how many times I've pressed ESC in a listbox, and every 2 minutes that list keeps being saved at a specific location. This is not a Edited keylogger, I'm just giving an example about the saving thing. And there's this opener that opens that file in another listbox, but sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't. I don't get it. Could it be because the text is already used by another process < - the first program? Anyways here's my saving and opening code. [Code]

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Cannot Register VB 2008 Express Edition?

Apr 28, 2009

I just installed Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition with SP1 on my computer.When I first launched it, it directed me to the registering site.

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VS 2008 Mysql Register Button Insert Into?

Jun 9, 2008

VS 2008 Mysql Register Button insert into

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VS 2008 - Register Two Hotkeys To Enable Two Different Button Clicks

Dec 25, 2009

I'm trying to register two hotkeys to enable two different button clicks. I have the first button successful. (F9 = Button 1) How would I add the second button without errors? (F10 = Button 2)


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VS 2008 Register Keys (shifted Letters, Enter Key)?

Dec 20, 2009

When my program is looking at the keys it capitalizes all the keys and keys like enter, space, alt, and other keys are not registered so they dont come out correctly. I am writing information to a "RichTextBox1" and I need to know how to register all keys to this.

1. I need to know how to decapitalize all the letters.

2. How to make shifted letters work.

3. Make keys like enter, shift, and tab show up as text.

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VS 2008 Writing To Register For All Current Users Rather Than Just Mine?

Dec 29, 2010

I doubt I can do this but it is worth a try asking. I know how to write to the current user in the registry along with local machine, etc. Is there a way to update an existing key for all users under the current user? I want to change a value for everyone on the computer as iff you went into regedit and opened the current user keys for that person. But I want to do it from the admin account for all other users also.

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Classic Asp To Conversion?

Mar 26, 2012

i am working on project jigsaw puzzle game . i have done with coding in classic asp using vb script and it working properly . i want to do same coding using but css style i was written it was not working properly in

<script type="text/javascript">


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GridView In .NET With Classic ADO?

Aug 27, 2009

I need to be able to use an Classic ADO Recordset in an VB.Net application. I need to be able to Edit the recordset in a gridview, unfortunatly, the DataGrid in VB.Net only seems to work with ADO.NET.I am not in a position to redesign the application to use ADO.NET, much of the database code was converted from an old VB6 application. Is there any way to either convert back and forth between a recordset and RecordSource so that I can use the dataset that I already have, or is there a classic ADO datagrid that is compatible with VB.NET.

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How To Use Namespace In ASP Classic

Jun 21, 2012

I'm using ASP Classic but I need to use the System.IO.DriveInfo namespace in VB.NET. How to do that?

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Use A Namespace In ASP Classic?

Jun 21, 2012

I'm using ASP Classic but I need to use the System.IO.DriveInfo namespace in VB.NET. How to do that?

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Start Learning Classic ASP / NET?

Oct 29, 2009

I realize that VB.NET and ASP.NET are the successors of their seemingly obsolete classic counterparts, but I have noticed that some job descriptions still list VB6 and classic ASP as requirements. This may be because they want people who can convert code from classic to .NET, but I'm not really sure.

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What Is Equivalent Of WMP.CurrentPosition Of WMP Classic In New WMP 11?

Jul 15, 2009

Can anyone tell me what is the equivalent of WMP.CurrentPosition of WMP classic in the new WMP 11? I'm playing a file with WMP 11, and want to get the current time position live with a timer control.

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.NET 08 How To Click On This <li><a Href="register.php" Rel="nofollow">Register<

Feb 5, 2011

<li><a href="register.php " rel="nofollow">Register</a></li>

Driving me nuts..I'm trying to create forum type software but I can't seem to figure out how to programmically click on this link

Tried by id and by tag but there isn't one for this...what is the work around for this?

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.net - Old Classic ASP Pages Getting Caught In MVC Route?

Dec 17, 2011

I am converting an existing classic ASP website to (VB) MVC and I don't want any of the existing URLs to break. I have read many posts (like this one: Routing Classic ASP Requests To .NET - SEO Redirects) about how to do the proper 301 redirect. With the latest MVC release, I've gathered that

Response.RedirectPermanent(objRedirect.new_url, True)is all that is needed.

I have entered all of my old URLs in a database table with a corresponding column of the new URL. I have added code in my custom 404 page to get the original URL:

Dim strURL As String = Request.RawUrl.Substring(Request.RawUrl.IndexOf("aspxerrorpath=") + 15).ToLower()

so I can look it up in the database. (Interesting sidenote, MSDN's documentation here - Redirect Mode - seems to say that if I set RedirectMode=ResponseRewrite in the CustomErrors section of my web.config, I won't have to worry about doing the above, but when I've tried that, I get IIS errors saying it won't serve an ASP page?The problem I am encountering is that any of my old, Classic ASP URLs that have the same directory as a new MVC route are somehow being partially routed. For example, "/test/default.asp" shows up as "/test/test" in the above strURL variable of my error page.


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Asp Classic - Call Function In DLL Without Registering The DLL?

Jan 26, 2011

Is it possible to call a function in a VB.Net dll without having registered the dll file? I need to call it from ASP Classic on shared hosting web server.

View 2 Replies - Unrecognizable Code In Classic ASP; - .NET Conversion

Sep 9, 2010


Explain what the lines of code above are doing? i'm more interested in the first line as the method it is written in exits when it hits that line, so apparently the variable oXML isn't being set. i know that oXML is supposed to be set to some kind of COM object but can you explain the "Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0" part a bit more? what is that, where is that, and what will it look like in .NET (this code is a classic asp)? i don't know what the second line of code above is either but the method never even reaches it so if you have any ideas about what that is doing would be great too.

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C# - Language Choices When Porting A Classic Asp App To .NET

Sep 7, 2010

We are looking to port our existing classic ASP application to .NET, but we're unsure of what language to use for the new app. I personally would 'prefer' C#, as I'm more familiar and comfortable with that languages way of doing things, but, the original code is VBScript, so it would possibly be easier to port to VB.NET ... One possible situation I fear would be that, because the code is so similar between the two variants of VB, that we might end up getting stuck on something that is not similar between the two, even though it looks like it would work. A shift to a wholly different language might avoid that kind of situation. Does anyone have any practical examples of this kind of situation? Insights to illuminate the issue with? Do the potential benefits of a complete paradigm shift outweigh the gains from a high degree of 'copy-and-paste-ability' ?

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Run ASP.Net 3.5 Site With Some Pages Written In Classic ASP?

Jan 24, 2011

We have a site and a logged in section of the site that all was written in classic asp. We are starting to convert the site pages to 3.5. We are starting with the easiest pages (text mainly) first then we will rewrite the web application part of the site.My question is - Is it possible to run the new 3.5 pages with classic asp pages? Or will we need to rewrite everything before deploying?

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VS 2010 The Classic: Favorites On A Web Browser?

Feb 15, 2011

I want Favorites/Bookmarks on a web browser.I want it to list favorites in a listbox (if possible) and when you click on a favorite, it will take you to that page.I also want it to add bookmarks on add bookmarks button click I also looked at source of other programs and couldn't find what I'm looking for.I using TabControl1 by the way.I would like to not use IE favorites, but if I have to, it's OK.

View 2 Replies - MissingMethodException Using Classic ADO's Recordset.Type Property?

Apr 17, 2011

In my ASP.NET app, I'm using classic ADO 2.8 to save some data into an Access database. (Or a Jet database, for those who insist that Access is just the front-end.) So I have a RecordSet containing some data, and I want to set the value for some fields, but first I need to know the field type. So I use the Recordset.Type property:

Dim fieldType = rs("MyField").Type

And that unexpectedly results in an error: MissingMethodException was unhandled by user code -- Error: Missing method 'instance valuetype ADODB.DataTypeEnum [MyProjectName] ADODB.Field::get_Type()' from class 'ADODB.InternalField'.

Considering that it is .NET itself that has created the .NET/COM interop assembly, any idea why?And here's the strangest thing: When the debugger stops and reports the error and takes me to the spot in my code where it happened, and it has that great feature by which you can hover the mouse over any variable etc. and it will show its value -- so I hover over the rs("MyField").Type part, and, lo and behold, it shows the correct value!So if it could evaluate it at debug-time, why did it throw an error at run-time?

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C# - Create Zip Files In Classic ASP Using DotNetZip Or SharpZipLib?

Aug 20, 2010

In ASP.Net two of the possible ways to make the zip files are

Sharp Zip Library

Dot Net Zip Library

How can i use any of these in Classic ASP to make the zip files ? And which one will be better ?

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Calling A .NET Function That Requires A .NET Type From Classic ASP?

Aug 3, 2011

I am trying to over come this paoblem from last 2 days But i am not able to overcome.I was able to set up the environment so that I can call .NET method (via COM) from a classic ASP page.Everything actually works as intended until when I have to call a .NET method that requires a .NET type.So I have a method named SetTable Like Below I have a function like this in .Net

Public Sub SetTable(ByVal _City As City, ByVal _Country As Country)
'doing some thing
End Sub

and i have asp code like this:

dim CountryUtil, City, Country
set CountryUtil= Server.CreateObject("mydll.CountryUtil")
set City= Server.CreateObject("mydll.City")


' I get this error here:

'Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0005' 'Invalid procedure call or argument: 'SetTable'

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Change A Classic Windows Application Design NET?

Jun 21, 2010

Using visual studio 2008 environment, i would like to change a classic windows application design, so i'm wondering if there is an idea a bout this. i've find some skins like irriskins ( ), but i'ts not what i'm looking for.

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Classic Change To # Of Coin Program In New Language&?

Oct 15, 2009

Public Class Form1
'Click event for the Calculate button!
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Forms :: Implement A Classic Layout Design In .net (2.0)?

Nov 14, 2010

how to implement a classic layout design in (2.0).The application design is the classical toolbar panel at the top and different panels stacked at the bottom. Depending on the button pressed at the top in the toolbar panel a different panel at the bottom will be available.This is thought to have different part of the software available on different panel but with the toolbar panel always available at the top.To implement this I thought:

1) one tablelayout with 2 rows. First row contain a panel with the button (toolbar panel) and adding/removing hte correct panel requested on the bottom row.

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Include Dynamic Code Which Was Easy In Classic ASP

Jun 8, 2010

I've got an file, and I'm trying to include dynamic code which was easy in classic ASP. Here is what I have tried so far:


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