Replicate Some Simple Activex Script To Create A New Excel File?

Aug 3, 2009

I am using it in conjunction with SQL2005. I am trying to replicate some simple activex script to create a new excel file that can be used as a data dump from a database.


I have changed the file location references to make it easier to read. I have googled all morning but cannot find something that helps me. I think it has something to do with references?

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Cannot Create ActiveX Component - EXCEL - Does Server Have To Have Excel Installed

Apr 1, 2009

I have read some of the other posts on this and seem to be a little different than my situation. Trying to print out some reports into an excel document on the clients machine - of course it works fine on my local (heard that before right). I went in and set my references Ms.Office.Core and Ms.Office.Interop.Excel to 'Copy Local' = True so the .dll are in the servers bin folder.


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Cannot Create Activex / Using Excel In App

Feb 2, 2010

I wrote an app that writes to an excel file. It works fine on my computer. I create the install through VS2008 and it adds the needed files such as the office dll files. After installing it on another machine it shows it cannot create activex. Does excel need to be installed on the machine? Or is this another type of error?

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VS 2010 Create A Program That Can Access Information Held In An Excel Database And Show It In A Simple Form

Feb 27, 2012

how to create a program that can access information held in an excel database and show it in a simple form.

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VS 2010 OpenXml SDK 2.0 Generating A Simple Excel File

Nov 3, 2011

I am using Microsoft OpenXml SDK 2.0 to create Office 2007, 2010 files, specifically a very simple excel file. It has a simple header which is merged with 6 cells to center. Bold font size 16. There are 6 columns and each has a header. Bold font size 14. There are rows of data related to each 6 columns. I am looking for decent examples of OpenXml SDK 2.0 to get started.

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Does IO.File.Copy Replicate Files Attributes

May 13, 2010

Does the IO.File.Copy method preserve file attributes? Especially, if I have a write-protected file, will the copy be write-protected to?

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Create A Simple XML File To Store Settings For An Annual Process

Jan 13, 2010

Each year I have to create 1099s from a legacy system. So in the past I had Foxpro code that ran out of a directory near where the Foxpro dataware house was. In 2009 we moved to SQL so I have to convert the code to VB and SQL

But I need to still store the text files and the report and I wanted to save settings in this "working directory"


Does this seem like the propery way to do this?

Finding documentation on XML is really difficult, because there is so much yet all of the examples seem to do it a different way.

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VB 2010 Express - Create A Simple Local Data File On PC Using Mysql

Jul 15, 2010

I have been reading about ADO, SQL, datasets, data adapters etc and have gone into information overload. My next step is to create a simple data file of my own that I can manipulate, update, sort etc in VB Express. Do I need another piece of software? I read about MySQL, which I understand is primarily used to access databases on the net, but can that be used to create a simple local data file on my PC? Can you simply hard code something in VB Express?

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VS 2010 Make A Simple Program That Can Create A Text File With The Content?

Aug 23, 2011

Im learning Visual Basic 2010 on my programming class and we reached the part of file handling. Here i tried to make a simple program that can create a text file with the content of what i type on the textbox, basically i create the file if it doesn't exist, and if it already exists i append the content to it. Once the file is saved i can read it using the "Open" button. Unfortunataly, whenever i try to create the file, the compiler gives me an error saying that it cannot modify a closed file, although i've followed up the execution instruction by instruction and i can't find the error.

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim body As String


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Create An Excel File In Excel 2003?

Jun 24, 2009

how can I create an excel file in excel 2003, open it, add workbook, write into it, save it and close it by visual basic 2008.

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Create An Excel File Without Excel Installed?

Feb 12, 2009

Is there a way in VB .NET to create an Excel file without having Excel installed?

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ActiveX Changes In Excel 2010 From 2007

May 5, 2011

I recently upgraded to Excel 2010 from 2007. My ActiveX files will not work. I used to use:

Dim xlApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet

That does not work and most of the choices do not contain: Application, Workbook and Worksheet.

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Excel 2007 Activex Control Caption Size Expands?

Apr 15, 2009

I have an activex command button located within a worksheet. After pressing the button a couple of times to run VBA Code, the caption size uncontrollably expands larger than the size of the control. I have to go back into the design mode to adjust the size of the button to fix.

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.net - Create ActiveX.DLL In VB 2010?

Dec 14, 2010

I am trying to create an ActiveX.DLL file. I have created them before with VB 5.0. However, I can't find this option in Visual Basic 2010. Has it been renamed?

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Can Not Create An ActiveX Component

Nov 1, 2009

I didnt know if this was the correct location to post this kind of question. My code is in C# however I am using the visualBasic. Interaction. CreateObject to connect to a OCX file. I notice that this works great for a while but if it continues to do its job for lets say a few days then I get and exception... "Can not create an ActiveX component." I am 100% sure that the ocx and dlls are registed correctly to the system.

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Can't Create ActiveX Component

Jan 27, 2009

I am using the following code to send an email thru Outlook 2003:

Dim omsg As Object
Dim oRcp As Object
Dim objCDO As MAPI.Session


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Can't Create ActiveX Control

Jan 23, 2010

Working on getting a legacy app up and running again for work. I'm getting an error at run time that I can't create an activeX control. The suspect call is

oSQL = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer2")

I did a bit of googling and found that SQLDMO should be in a SQLDMO.dll. I've got that DLL referenced in my project but it is still failing.

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Cannot Create Activex Component

Jun 30, 2010

I am develpoing a small forms application. From that trying to load the Autocad using the following code.[code]When creating the application for first time, it works fine. Loads the Autocad correctly. But for second time if run the application the following runtime error is occuring. "Cannot create ActiveX component" at the CreateObject line.I cant predict what is the problem. I've included the following references in my program.[code]

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Cannot Create ActiveX Component?

Jul 26, 2010

I am developing a VB2008 application that makes use of the Office Access runtime.I started development on Win7 64-bit & Visa 32-bit machines.The application runs just fine on the machines with VB2008 installed.I have used a number of tools to build the application installation and I am running into the same thing on all target test machines (currently XP Pro).The system fails when the Office Access portion of the code starts to run.Below is the Just-In-Time debug info.

I also notice that .NET 2 is being called.Is it wise to make .Net3x the preferred .Net client?In the application, I have specificed .Net3 (however, it does not look like it is being called).The target test machine (XP Pro) has .Net 2.3 and 4 installed.See the end of this message for details on invoking

just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************

System.Exception: Cannot create ActiveX component.[code].....

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ActiveX Component Can't Create An Object

Dec 10, 2009

I am getting error : ActiveX component can't create object. Actually I have VB6 Dlls where business logic is reside and I am calling that dll function in my application , all dlls are dependent on other dlls.I am getting the error from one of the dlls

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ActiveX Component Can't Create Object?

Nov 30, 2009

I have VB6 ActiveXDLL called A.dll , I am referencing this DLL into my VB.Net Application.Now I am calling a function of A.dll in this project. A.dll function is referring to the function of B.dll ,C.dll ,C.dll further referrer to Z.dll and so on.when I am executing application it gives an error from B.dll that ActiveX component can,t create an object.

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Cannot Create ActiveX Component Error From Web Using VB6 Dll?

Mar 15, 2010

I created a VB.NET web site that must use an existing VB6 dll. In the VB.NET code, I use the dll like this:

Dim objTEST As CAPObject.TESTCls


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Cannot Create ActiveX/CreateObject(). - Permissions?

Jun 30, 2011

I am troubleshooting a program that normally works, and has worked in the past on the machine I am working with.I am a very novice programmer, I didn't program this myself I am just trying to get it to work.I have done as much research as I can, which has lead me to believe it is permissions problem with the CreateObject command.I have tried a fix in the .net 2.0 machine.config file, changing the processModel user to System, that didn't help.The machine does have norton on it, and norton was installed since the program stopped working. However I have tried disabling norton and running the program. A friend suggested it might be some settings on the computer that Norton changed hence disabling it not helping.Here is the error:See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.[code]... When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer rather than be handled by this dialog box.

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How To Create Activex Controls Just Like Osenxpsuite

Jul 1, 2011

how to creat activex controls just like osenxpsuite

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WorkSite SDK - Cannot Create ActiveX Component

Jul 10, 2011

I am attempting to learn how to develop applications to interact with the Autonomy WorkSite 8.5 server and have found the WorkSite DB Administrators COM Developers Reference Guide, it has helped me somewhat and I can now see the types of objects that I can interface with, however I am stumbling on showing the members of a group. [Code] Can anyone offer any assistance on this problem? I have read on page 21 of the DB Admin COM guide that it mentions to execute iManAdmin - REGSERVER from the command prompt, however this will not work for me with Windows reporting that the file doesn't have a open with program set. I am running Windows 7 64bit.

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[2005] Cannot Create ActiveX Component?

Mar 12, 2009

I have a DLL that utilizes the Redemption Outlook Library. This is included in the DLL's Reference on the Project Properties Tab. This is a DLL that I wrote and one of its newest features is its ability to send an email.This DLL is called by a Click-Once program that has a GUI. When the program called the DLL and at the point of sending the email....I receive the "Cannot create ActiveX Component" error. So, in the Click-Once application, I also referenced the Redemption Outlook Library thinking that would fix the problem but it didn't. The Click-Once app resides on a server with other Click-Once apps. In it's irectory structure the DLL is also present and is the Redemption Outlook Library DLL. I'm all out of ideas. Here is the code that sends the emails below.

Private Sub SendEmailToUser()
Dim Application = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")


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Keep Getting An Error That ActiveX Component cant Create object

Feb 12, 2010

I have a vbscript that tries to create an object of msmq but I am keep getting an error that ActiveX componet cant create object. I have msmq installed and queues are there but cant create an object.

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Failed To Import ActiveX Control (trying To Load A VC++ ActiveX Component Into A VB Project)?

Apr 8, 2009

I am trying to load an actixex component in a VB project which was made in Visual C++.n VBA it works fine.In VB6, when I try to load the component on the toolbox I get an "Error 35005"In VB2008 the component can be added to the toolbox, but when I try to place it on the form, the following error occurs: "Failed to import ActiveX control. Please ensure it is properly registered."

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Non-modal Forms Cannot Be Displayed In This Host Application From An ActiveX DLL, ActiveX Control, Or Property Page?

Oct 20, 2010

How to Resolve following Error in .netNon-modal forms cannot be displayed in this host application from an ActiveX DLL, ActiveX Control, or Property Page.

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How To Create Excel File(.xls) From .Net App

Jan 8, 2009

SELECT * INTO [supplierexp] FROM [supplier] IN '' [ODBC;Driver={SQLServer};Server=(local);Database=sh op;user name='shop';password='abc123';Trusted_ Connection=yes];"For above code im getting error like ODBC--connection to '{SQLServer}(local)' failed. Im using the valid username and password only.How to remove the error

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