Retrieve A Certain Column From A Text File?

Mar 11, 2010

I have this code that searches for a set of numbers in my textfile. When it finds those numbers I want it to print what's on column 5 to 12 in the same line. Is this possible to do? I've been looking for an answer for ages now, and I can't seem to find anything.

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VS 2010 : Search For Column 1 In Text File 1 And Display The Matching Column 2 Field In Column 2 Text File 2?

May 23, 2012

I have two text files, the first text file has two columns separated by a space (" ") and the second text file only has one column.

The column 1 in text file 1 and text file 2 match albeit in different order, what I'm trying to achieve is for every field in column 1 text file 2 I want to search for column 1 in text file 1 and display the matching column 2 field in column 2 text file 2.

Dim*OpenTextFile*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test1.txt")
Dim*OpenTextFile2*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test2.txt")
Dim*SaveTextFile*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test2.txt")


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Retrieve Text From Listview Column?

Apr 7, 2010

I need to get the text from the thrid column in my listview control


Title Forname Surename
Mr David Bloggs

So i need a piece of code the gets the text "Bloggs" for me - something like MsgBox(Me.ListView1.Columns(3).Text) but the above code doesnt work.

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How To Retrieve URL From Text File

Mar 22, 2010

I am trying to retrieve URLs from a text file and showing them into the is my code:

Public Function ExtractLinks(ByVal str As String) As ArrayList
'ArrayList to hold all the links


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Retrieve A Specific Value In Text File?

Feb 18, 2009

I have an Intel Hex file with multi-line hex values -


I need to retrieve specific values in some addresses. E.g. If I want to read the 8th byte of the first line, 0x0A and the 9th byte of the second line, 0xF1, how to read them by opening this file?

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Retrieve URLs From A Text File?

Mar 22, 2010

I am trying to retrieve URLs from a text file and showing them into the textbox.
here is my

Public Function ExtractLinks(ByVal str As String) As ArrayList
'ArrayList to hold all the links


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Retrieve Data From Text File And Save It To Sql Database?

Jun 10, 2011

i want to retrieve data from text file and save it to sql database bt i just have to implement some conditions like if there are 3 entries exists in text file with the same ID but i just have to get only 2 of them so in what manner should i write the code....

Dim sbIDs As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim sbPunchDateStamp As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim sbPunchTimeStamp As New System.Text.StringBuilder


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Retrieve Data From Text File That Is Contained Within Headings?

Feb 15, 2012

I am making a simple application that will be able to store competition data into a text file that I have given a custom extension to on saving. Here is an example of the format that i have saved the data in.

[Comp_Name]Test Competition[Comp_Name]
[Location]Silverwood Lurgan[Location]

When i open the file, i want to redisplay the data in separate text boxes. Later on in the project i want to be able to search within the file for headings for example;

if "[Heat1]" is present then get all text between [Heat1] and [Heat1]

i am currently able to use the streamreader and open file dialog to retrieve the entire string of text fromthe however i am not sure how to go about getting the text between the headings I have used.

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Retrieve Info From Text File And Assign To Variable?

Mar 22, 2011

I have an application that gets executed on a windows mobile device using RAPI that outputs the current device type, rom version, and wireless driver version etc.. to a .txt file on the device.My plan is to then pull .txt file over activesync to my pc and then open it up and assign each of those attributes into variables in my application.

OEM VERSION:05.43.0001


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Array Structure - Store Data And Retrieve From Text File

Mar 29, 2010

I'm trying to build something called a structure which will store data it retrieves from a text file. I have the structure set up like this:
Structure Employee
Dim FirstName As String
Dim LastName As String
Dim ID As String
Dim Hours As Integer
Dim Wage As Decimal
Dim EarnedPay As Decimal
End Structure
[Code] .....
How to set these operations up?

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Sum The Last Column In A Text File?

Dec 7, 2011

I have created a program that reads data from a text file. The file has four columns /fields separated by "," The first three columns are strings, the fouth column's value is an integer. I need to be able to sum the data that is in the fourth column. The file has 700 rows. I have tried using the split function to split the columns on each line. But am stuck as far as using array to compute the total of the fourth column.

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Change The Value Of Text File Column?

Aug 14, 2009

I have a line of tetx. I must change the value of X an Y column according to the initial value which is input by user. I have a text box for user to enter row and column and also text box for the user to enter intial value of X and Y

It should work like that. If have 10 lines then user wil input row =2 and column=5. Row always will be 2. Initial value for X=100 Y=100

the first line should be 100 100 whic is initial value.
my output will be like this

100 100
102 100
104 100


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How To Change Value Of Text File Column

Aug 13, 2009

I have a text box for user to enter row and column and also text box for the user to enter initial value of X and Y. It should work like that. If have 10 lines then user will input row =2 and column=5. Row always will be 2. Initial value for X=100 Y=100. The first line should be 100 100 which is initial value.

My output will be like this
100 100
102 100
104 100
106 100
108 100
100 102
102 100
104 100
106 100
108 100

The X value must plust with 2 until X=column meanwhile Y remain unchange . then at 6th column which is second row X=100 Y will be intial value of Y+2=102 the the same process will be repeat for second row.

This is my code so far
Dim lines1() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:\wirematchesout.txt")
Dim xValue As Decimal = Val(TextBox1.Text)
Dim yValue As Decimal = Val(TextBox2.Text)
Dim altValue As Decimal = 2
Dim lineTracker As Integer = 0
[Code] .....

Now I don't want to depend on the column value which is input by the user. I want to do automatically.Let say If my text file contain 131 lines. Since my row will be 2 which is fixed so it should take 66 lines as first row and 65 lines as second row and do the process that I explain above. If line is 132 then it will be 66 for first row and 66 for second row.

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Read Column From A Text File?

Jun 10, 2009

i have a text file which contains lines like this:

[1 07.15 44.4] 218611 54227 212454 38691
[1 07.43 45.8] 17111 51225 210454 36691
[1 07.58 45.8] 209611 1235 210454 35691
[1 07.50 46.4] 203611 51225 209454 36191
[1 07.51 59.1] 90111 238 190456 36138

The red colour column is X and green colour column is Y I wanted to replace Column X values with X1....Xn and Column Y values with Y1.

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Sort Text File Column?

Oct 6, 2009

I have lines like this

( Pin ) [ Probe ] Length = in.
| From | To | From | To
Length|Ga|Color |(b r c )|(b r c )| X Y | X Y


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Sorting Text File By Column?

Dec 9, 2011

how to sort .txt file by first column and the second column the first row is the header



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Retrieve Column Name With The Value?

Oct 9, 2010

I am trying to retrieve column name with the value which it have. I did many try but only i am able to get column name.

Dim schemaTable As DataTable = reader.GetSchemaTable()
Dim myRow As DataRow
Dim myCol As DataColumn


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Change Value Of Column From Text File Line?

Oct 26, 2009

Change value of column from text file line? I have lines like this[code]...

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Computed Column Values In Text File?

Jan 16, 2012

i need the max ,min, avarage, for the 24 lines that lines counted from the line that contain the max date so i get the code for the max date for in the txt file this code used for both if txt file sorted by Ascending or by Descending

Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Drawing


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Initialize Column Headers In Text File?

Feb 11, 2010

Background: Users fill out a form that has 14 fields (radio buttons, checkboxes, textboxes, or listsboxes) in it. I have these fields populate into array list for each field. When the Write and Exit button are clicked the information in the arrary lists are combined and written to the text file that was appended when the form loaded.[code]...

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Point To Specific Column In Text File?

Jun 1, 2009

I have a text file like this:

4.5 28 Red (T1 ) [1 12.86 53.8] 229111 -28275 198452 -1309 | 11.0 28 Red (2 13.10 04.0) [T1 ] 130611 2948 229111 28275

I want to chage the value in green colour and red colour column in each line. how can i point to that column?

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Read Text File And Sum A Column Of Data?

Sep 21, 2010

I am new to the forum and would like some guidance on how I can achieve the following. I would like to read data from a text file after which I want to do a simple calculation that totals one of the columns.

I have already been able to read the text file into a text box but firstly I'm not quite sure if this method of using the text box is appropriate and secondly how do I sum a column of data?

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Reading Column Align Text File

Nov 9, 2009

how to read a text file that is column aligned. I understand how to read a delimited file (i.e.: comma, pipe, space, etc.) but the file I need to read is column aligned. [Code]

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Sort Based On Column In Text File?

Aug 22, 2009

I have text file whic look like this[code]...

I want to swape the lines based on second and third column.. I must first swape based on second column in decending order wher the big number will come first. Like here the lines with number 30 will come first followed by 28 and so on. Then i must swape the colors. Like all the Black will come first follow by[code]...

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Sorting Text File Based On Column?

Oct 5, 2009

I have lines like this

1.0 30 Blue (2 15.50 27.0) [2 15.48 24.1] 96111 19775 100493 19608
1.0 30 Blue (2 16.00 25.0) [2 15.26 23.7] 99111 23275 101123 18112
1.0 30 Blue (2 15.12 22.0) [2 14.97 17.9] 103611 17087 109706 16065
1.0 30 Blue (2 15.50 21.0) [2 15.15 21.4] 105111 19775 104509 17325
1.0 30 Blue (2 15.00 23.0) [2 15.23 17.9] 102111 16275 109706 17876

I want to sort the column that i higlighted in accending order.This is my code so far:

Dim FileContents() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(wirebot50)
For Y As Integer = 0 To FileContents.GetUpperBound(0)
If Not FileContents(Y).Trim = "" Then


But this does not sorting anything. What is the wrong in the above code. And if i want to sort in decending order how to modify the code?

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Split And Swap Text File Column?

Aug 11, 2009

my text file will look like this

7.0 28 Black [2 11.94 37.7] (2 13.00 14.0) 115611 2275 79996 -5121
7.0 28 Black (2 13.00 50.0) (2 04.00 39.0) 78111 -60725 61611 2275
7.0 28 Black (2 11.00 18.0) (2 02.00 19.0) 108111 -74725 109611 -11725


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Split And Swape The Text File Column?

Aug 10, 2009

my text file will look like this

7.0 28 Black [2 11.94 37.7] (2 13.00 14.0) 115611 2275 79996 -5121
7.0 28 Black (2 13.00 50.0) (2 04.00 39.0) 78111 -60725 61611 2275
7.0 28 Black (2 11.00 18.0) (2 02.00 19.0) 108111 -74725 109611 -11725


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Retrieve Column From Dataset?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a Customerdataset as follows[code]...

I want to sort it out on Route sequence and put it in the Listbox in order.may represents other numbers.So in the list box..[code]...

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Retrieve Value Of One Column In A Table?

Apr 27, 2010

Here is my problem:I have 2 tables Accounts and Transaction Accounts table, it has column "Amount" which is a base amount of an account.and in Trans Logs table, it also has column "Amount" which is additional (add or minus to the base amount) amount of the account.and I don't know how to retrieve that base amount to edit it, then save it back to the table.That means I need to get a value of the right column by using Acc_No to find. I'm using DataSet, by the way.i think it should go like this:

Dim Amount as Decimal
Amount = *the code to retrieve the base amount*
Amount = Amount + txtAmount.Text
*the code to save the new amount back to Accounts table*

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Forms :: Sum Of Last Column In Text File As DataSource Of TextBox

Mar 1, 2010

I have a text file that looks like this:
How I would sum the last column, all of the numbers in bold, of this text file and then make the result as the DataSource of a Textbox?

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