Run Dxdiag In The Background And Then Show The Result In A Richtextbox?

Aug 3, 2009

is there any way I can run dxdiag in the background and then show the result in a richtextbox?I know there are tools that can run dxdiag and show you the information.How can I do this so the information appears in a richtextbox?

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VS 2008 - Background Worker Code - Does Not Shows The Result

Jul 30, 2009

I am using a background worker, it runs fine but it does not shows the result. i am using jmcilhinney source to work it out.. have a look.

VB Imports System.ComponentModelImports System.Text.RegularExpressionsImports System.NetImports System.IO Public Class WorkDialogue Private _result As Long = 0L Public ReadOnly Property Result() As Long Get Return Me._result End Get End Property Private Sub


And the button codding in other form:

VB Using dialogue As New WorkDialogue dialogue.ShowDialog()TextBox2.Text = dialogue.Result.ToString() End Using

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Set A Richtextbox Background As Transparent

Oct 1, 2010

this code sets a richtextbox background as transparent:


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Show More Than One Result?

Dec 3, 2009


Dim RXLIKEIT As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(?<="">).+?(?=</a></td>s<td>)")

MsgBox("Did you mean't:" & (RXLIKEIT.Match(DL).Value))

How do i put it show more results than only one "RXLIKEIT"?

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Way To Calculate / Show Result

Mar 23, 2010

I am using the Math.Exp function in a calculation, and the result essentially is Infinity / 1 + Infinity, which is 1 statistically, but it is showing as "NaN" (not a number). Is there a way to calculate/show the result of this as 1 (besides just testing for NaN and explicitly setting it as 1?) [code] X is a number larger than 709.782712893 in order to get the NaN result.

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Delete String Without Background Color From Richtextbox?

Apr 20, 2012

I have a richtextbox with some text in that I got from a webpage.I need to delete all the text without background color but also i would like to keep the market words in same row as it was before deleting lines. Here is the example of the text:

Print screen

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RichTextBox - Save The Background Color Or Whatever Content Is On The Rtb?

May 8, 2010


RichTextBox1.SaveFile(FileName , RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText)

This is the way i am saving my rtb files , But it don't save the background color , can anyone tell me of anyway to save the background color or whatever content is on the rtb.

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RichTextBox Not Able To Display Table Background / Shading

Sep 23, 2011

So I have this project where I have to convert a web browser control to a RTB and the xml/html to rtf database scripts, no real issue there until I did my proof of concept which showed the loss of formatting.

Searching all over for a good html to rtf converter showed little promise and most do a worse job then copy/paste.

Anyone have any links or code for converting a table's cell background to rtf?

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Command Prompt Won't Show The Result

Nov 28, 2011

I'm working on some coding katas and managed to finish the algorithms and am now coding it?However, I can't seem to get Command Prompt to display the result.

Here's the code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;


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Show Only 1 Number In The Result Of A Division?

Mar 11, 2010

i have a division of 2 integer that give me a result as2,3944534 i can give e result as

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VS 2010 Wont Show First Result?

Jun 22, 2011

i've been working on a project that works with a MySQL DB, and every time the SQL executes and adds the listbox items it wont show the first result i have no idea what i am doing wrong here.
Dim NwConn As MySqlConnection NwConn = New MySqlConnection NwConn.ConnectionString = "server=XX.XXX.XX.XX; user id=XXXXX; password=******; database=*****;" Try NwConn.Open()


hope someone can give me a solution or if someone can tell me what i have been doing wrong.

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Make A RichTextBox Transparent In Order To Display A Background For It?

May 16, 2010

I need to make a RichTextBox transparent in order to display a background for it.
So far I've managed to find a custom control for it, but when I scroll the text gets all messed up (the scrollbars are bugged too). how to fix this or how to make a standard RichTextBox transparent?

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Finding The Right Control To Show Result For Print?

May 18, 2009

I have a situation to show response coming back from host in some control of a Form and want to print it.The response is coming from Host mainframe system in text based format. I want to show the response in a graphical format. I am looking for suitable control that help me to print and should look like word document. I looked PrintPreview and PrintDocument controls but my requirement is there should be some control on Form where my formatted output should be placed (like Rich Textbox). Which control I should use.

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Forms :: End Result To Show In Decimal Form?

Oct 21, 2009

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


The end result is baffling me here are 2 examples when I debug

Mine: 640.1 * 49 = 31364.9
Debugger: 640.1 * 49 = 31360 ( not right needs to show the correct decimal )

Mine: .775 * 3 = 2.325
Debugger: .775 * 3 = 2.325 ( shows it perfectly???)

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Show Message Box If There Are No Result Of Database Search

Feb 10, 2010

How do i code so my program will give me a message box if there are no result of my database search?
there is the code for the search. [Code]

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Show SQL Query Result In Textbox Using LINQ 2 SQL?

Nov 15, 2011

I have a question regarding LINQ 2 SQL and data integration with textbox:I have one textbox and button on my form, one stored procedure and LINQ 2 SQL class file in my project,I want that when I hit button, my store procedure run the SQL query and show me the result in textbox.I am using VB 2008 and Visual Basic for programing.

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Show The Top Number Of Result On A Crystal Report?

Sep 22, 2009

When logging into my system, I select the number of result that needs to appear on the report. In my stored procedure it selects count of all the data for a period. It returns all in the information, but I only want the number of records to appear on the report that I selected at the beginning.

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Show Result Of A Table List When Still Retrieving Data?

Aug 3, 2010

I need to pupulate a Grid, but i like to do like Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, when you make a Select to a table with bounch of rows, it start show the result but in the botton still retriving data.So you can start looking the data, not like you get the data and after you get the last row you can asing to the Grid.

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TextBox1.Text : Show The Result Is X When Click The Button?

Aug 10, 2009

Today I installed VB 2008 express and having some older experience with VB at school I tried to translate some algorithm functions to VB. I came across these lines which are very simple.I had one textbox and wanted to show The result is x when i click the button. so, here is the part of the program.

Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim w As Integer


Because I write on paper in pseudo, "The result is", x would be correct and would show The result is x but instead, VB finds error. Does , indicate space here or does it recognise it as something else?

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Show Background Image For Picturebox?

Apr 15, 2011

I have a form that contain an big image and an small image.The small image will be showed on top of the big image. Both images are in .gif format and the small image background is transparent.I set the picturebox's backcolor for small image to transparent, but I only get the backcolor of the form in stead of the big image.Is there anyway to see the big image at the transparent area of small image?

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Show The System Info Over The Background?

Jun 11, 2011

I've noticed running in a PE environment and seeing the "Nerd Herd" MRI software, I was wondering if anyone can tell me now to recreate this using VB.NET. I want to show the system info over the background if possible.

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Show ToolTip On Background Thread?

Mar 2, 2010

I am running sum of my code in a background worker and I need to show sum tooltip text on a label, but nothing shows up.[code]...

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How To Use The Background Workers - While My Web Cam Is Trying To Start I Want To Show A Progress Bar

Oct 30, 2009

How to use the background workers in my case. while my web cam is trying to start i want to show a progress bar.

Private Sub strcam_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles strcam.Click
End Sub

I tried many methods to achieve that without any luck. I tried also application.doevents().

I have a gif image that shows a circle go round like the one on vista. However when i use the application.doevents() the circle is shown BUT it start go round only when the web cam starts....I don`t know what to do.....I need somehow to perform two tasks at the same time. Can bagroundworkers used in this case or i need to do something else?

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Show A Form While A Background Process Is Running?

Feb 18, 2009

What I'm trying to do is show a form while a background process is running. Similar to a progress bar but not a progress bar. We have a form that has an animated gif (customer request) and that's it. no other controls. They want this form to show while the processing in the background is running.

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VS 2008 Button Background-Image Does Not Show?

Sep 3, 2010

I have a funny one. I have create a form and placed some buttons on it. I placed a background image on some of them. They show perfectly. NOW.. i tried to add a new button with a background image on it. The button shows and works fine, but the image is not display. I even tried coping one of the exsisting buttons.. the same.I placed a pictureBox on with a background image..

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RichTextBox - How To Show Folder Items

May 31, 2009

I made a textbox1, button1 and richtextbox1. When I press button1, folder dialog pops up, I choose folder I need and textbox1.text changes to .selectedpath. How to make richtextbox1.text show the folder items I got?

(Example: folder - My Music, items - song1.mp3, song2.mp3, song3.mp3,
so richtextbox looks like
How I make like this?

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Show Whitespace In A Textbox / Richtextbox?

Jun 27, 2011

There is an option in Visual Studio (since as far back as I can remember) that allows you to see "Whitespace" in your code. This is often seen in file differential viewers as well.

I'm wondering if anyone knows how this can be accomplished in (or any other way) so that i could use a similar type of display option in my software.

I have not yet tried to do this but my only first thoughts would be to override the "paint" of the textbox to actually add the little tab "arrows" and space "dots" manually via GDI, or create a texbox control from scratch. Seems to me there could be an easier way to do this.

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Forms :: Background Thread Doesn't Show Progress?

Mar 15, 2010

I was looking for a solution to run a lengthy job (looking for files on the fixed drives) withouth freezing the UI, and saw that using a BackGroundWorker control is the recommended solution.

Problem is, I don't see its ProgressChange event being triggered:

Imports System.IO Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Button1.Enabled = False


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Show A SplashScreen While The Main Form Loads In The Background?

Aug 14, 2011

I have created a project that shows a splash screen first and then shows the main form once the main form has been fully loaded. I only want to show my splash screen once the main form has completely loaded in the background. My main form by itself takes like 3 seconds to load, so I would like to display the splash screen for about 3 seconds and then show the main form because the main form will then be fully loaded, but instead it shows the splash screen for 3 seconds and then the main form still has to load anyway.How can I load the main form in the background and then show it when it is fully loaded?

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.net - Coding Not Working And Trying To Show Data In Richtextbox

May 25, 2012

I have spent hours trying to fix this problem I have, basically I want to only display column 1 from my text file in my rich text box. Each column is seperated by a space (" ") When I run the following coding it shows all columns.


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