Save And Show Next Number In Succession On Form Load?

Aug 26, 2011

I need to know how create a number that increases every time my main form is loaded. This would go in succession. So the first time after putting this code in it would show the number 1. The second time I open my main form it would show a number 2, and so on.

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Load Txt And Display Pictures In Succession For Each Letter?

Aug 4, 2009

I'm not sure where to start. I've made an app consisting of a textbox and picture box that changes the picture every time you press a key. But what I need is to load a txt file and have pictures display one after another for each letter at a user defined rate. Including breaking this down into smaller steps. This is for an application simular to a RSVP(rapid serial visual presentation) program.

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How To Show All Controls After Form Load

Nov 13, 2010

I have an app that before it loads the form it uses Location to place the controls in the wright place.When it loads up I can see their original outline before they are displayed in their new location.So I have moved the the sub before the form load event but the result was the same.I also tried me.control.clear at the beginning of the formload.But I cant seam to find contrl property that allows to show all

Private Sub control_location()


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MsgBox To Show At Form.Load?

Apr 21, 2009

I want a MsgBox to popup right after Form.Load. I can't seem to get my program to accomplish this with the program code I have tried so far.How do I tell my program to load a MsgBox right after it loads the Form??? Here is the code I have after several attempts:[code]....

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Show A Form After Application Load?

May 21, 2010

I want to show a dialog box or form immediately after my application loads. If I place a .showdialog in the main form load event the dialog shows before the application shows.

I'm trying to give some user tips when they load my application.

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Show A Form After Parent Load?

Mar 11, 2010

I am just a beginner in vb .net. I am now developing a window-based software.This is the problem:

1. After the user log-in, the system must show the parent form and automatically show the main transaction form base on the user role or user accessibility in my system manager. Is it possible to do this?

2. In my menulist, I need to recognize which menulist.item is selected. So, I need to bold the letter of the selected menulist.item or underline the word.

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Show Form After Load / Place Everything?

Dec 27, 2011

I have a little problem, nothing very serious, but something that anoys me and i can�t solve.

I have a VB.NET windows form project, with a main MDI form containing a menu.

I load all forms with:

Private Sub MostrarFormulario(ByRef formulario As Form)
formulario.MdiParent = Me
formulario.BackgroundImage = Me.BackgroundImage
formulario.BackgroundImageLayout = Me.BackgroundImageLayout


When show the form, i can see all combos / grids / objects being placed and feeded. Its a fraction of second (in fast machines). All my objects placing and loading are made in the Activated event.(because some combos data may have been added/deleted and the app can have multiples form oppened at the same time).

Is there a method for loading everything first (not showing) and then display all at the same time?

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VS 2008 : First Item Show On Form Load?

Jan 25, 2012

How do i get my first item to show in combo box when form has loaded?

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Show A Msgbox White Motherboard Id When Form 1 Load

Aug 14, 2010

i made a project in vb , i want to make serial protect for my project..i want to get the mother board id then make serial for it.i want to show a msgbox whit the motherboard id when the form 1 load then the user send the id to me and i gave him a serial..i find a thread to do this thing , but it is not VB code (i think it is c++) url....

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Show A Number In One Form And Making It Appear In Another?

Feb 5, 2009

I have form 1 (User Details) and form 2 (Transport Usage). Now in form 1 there is a textbox which shows the user's ID and when i click a button that links form 1 (user details) to form 2 (transport usage) i want another textbox in form 2 to have the same user ID as in form 1. (the user ID always changes)

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DB/Reporting :: Adding New Record On Form Load - Show Correct Row ID

May 5, 2008

In an attempt to learn VB I'm trying to build a database project for a friend's business. This db will be used to track customer information, predominantly for targeted marketing purposes. So far, the development has been slow (I'm still trying to adapt from VBA to VB), but its all starting to make sense now. I'm using two different forms for adding new customers and reviewing the information of existing customers, mainly because the database will grow by about 2,500 customers per year and we wanted to be able to search the records without returning every record when the forms load. Most of this works so far, but I'm having trouble with two issues.

When I open the new customer entry form, I want the form to automatically begin entering data without clicking the "Add New" button. The second problem involves the row ID from the database. It keep showing up as "-1", "-2" etc. The row ID records properly in the table, so no big deal. I have read that this problem is a bug in VB and that its nothing to worry about. However, down the road I will need to access the correct row ID from this same form in order to print out a report for the customer (as needed).

For what its worth here is the code I have so far:
'Update current record when the form closes
Private Sub frmNewCustomer_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
[Code] .....

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Load Form When Label Values Reaches Specified Number?

Mar 29, 2010

how I can load another form when a condition is met? I want to load form Result.vb when the lblQuestionCount reaches 5. Can anyone tell me how to do this?

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Slow Form Load (has Large Number Of Controls)

Nov 9, 2010

I wrote last week about a problem with an MDI program that had a large number of forms (each with a large number of controls on it) that was "sluggish" in loading and in switching between the child forms.I've attached an example program in VS2008 (though the actual app is VB2010)Rather than show the hardware control application with all of the text fields, and picture boxes acting as indicators, I made a simple program to show the point. This is exaggerated as this just loads 2000 or so text boxes on a form. In the real app I have ~ 200 assorted controls per form of picture boxes, scroll bars, text boxes, labels etc. Also, there is a large full screen .jpeg as the back ground of each form. All are generated at run time and are placed on the form in the New call of each form. (as in the sample attached)main issue seems to be the methodology I use to switch between child forms. I make the current form .visible = false, and the next.visible = true. I have used this as it "keeps the place" on each page if the user has scrolled or is looking at one section of the form. When the next form .visible = true happens I see the controls added in a "machine gun" fashion instead of all at once.

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How To Load / Save Attachment To Unbound Form

Dec 16, 2010

I have an Access 2007 (w/ Vista O/S) project where I use an unbound form, to populate the form I use a DAO recordset to pull the data from the backend table. I want to have the ability to load a project and return the attachments that are only for that particular record. Subsequently, I need to be able to save any attachments to that project record when the 'Save' button is clicked (the files to be saved to the record are user-defined, and therefore not in a particular/ constant folder).

I would like to avoid using OLE objects and streams if possible, but not sure if that's doable. I know how to navigate to the given record, but how do I return the attachments? Also, I've read this article [URL] and a bunch more, including other MSDN articles [URL] and their related links and still not sure how to achieve the desired end result. I've also tried changing the attachment object's (located on the unbound form) controlsource, but to no success.

Related Info/ Object names:

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Save & Load All Object Property Within A Form?

Oct 23, 2009

Save & Load all object property within a form??

I have been working on thread [URL], but it only limitation is it cannot save and load control that is child control (within groupbox, tabcontrol)..

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Get Drive Letter On Form Load And Save That To A Variable

Jun 7, 2011

1.I want my program to get the drive letter (like c:,d:) on form load and save that to a variable.What should i do to get the drive letter? 2.I want my application to fire this command (shutdown -s -p) on button click. But if i use this path (process.start("F:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe -s -p")) to do the work it doesn't work.
The path is correct. What to do?

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VS 2008 Form Layout And Control Save And Load?

Aug 26, 2009

I been have some research to this forum about the layout setting save & of the method I found is store it to XML...but it only allow to store textbox value, other like textbox location, size is not work.... it can store every control like textbox, button, label, listview and etc in my form include size and layout and allow to load it?

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How To Show And Save Latest Record On Form With Label

Dec 5, 2010

How to Show and Save latest record on 2008 form with Label? I have a form to insert database to file *.mdb (Ms Access). But after I inserted database I want it save and show record that I just added on form. It's mean that current save without database...Show and Save Direct on Form's Label.

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Working With Arrays - Make It Global And On Form Load I Wanna Show It's First Position And On A Button' S Click

Apr 8, 2012

Dim LabelArray(12) As Integer
LabelArray(0) = Label3.BackColor = Color.White
LabelArray(1) = Label4.BackColor = Color.White


i have made an array. first of all i want to make it global and on form load i wanna show it's first position and on a button' s click i want to increase it's position by one how can i do that

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MS ACCESS/ Save And Load Database From Main Form To Child Forms' Datagridview

Jun 10, 2010

I build my project and i got some problems. First i want to print barcode for books(toolstripmenu item). but i cant. here's the code that i found:


second problem is printing again. i want to print my MS ACCESS .mdb from child datagridview's records.

third one i want to save and load(with dialogs) my database from main form to child forms' datagridview.and the last one is help provider. i prepare my own .htm help file, when press F1 it opens. but i dont know how to call provider to toolstripmenuitem and help provider keep my computer's path so when i call provider another computer, the programme cant find the path.

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VS 2008 Testing Key Presses In Succession

May 29, 2010

I need to determine if a set of keys have been pressed in succession. For example, if I'm looking for this combination: Up, Up, Left, Space, then any key that inteferes with the order would start it over.

I tried doing a basic test to see if it would be as straight forward as I was hoping:


Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then


For some reason, it doesn't let me continue the sequence. I put a MessageBox on the second "Up" and it triggered when I pressed it just once.

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Show An Explanation And For The Addition And Subtraction - Show It On A Number Line

Mar 7, 2010

I'm writing a program for my algebra students to practice integers.Stuff like....

-4 + (-5)
-15 � 3

I want to show an explanation and for the addition and subtraction, I want to show it on a number line. For example, if the problem is 3 - 7, the number line should show and arrow to that goes right to 3, and then left 7 units (starting from 3). Then the student can see that the answer is -4.I could probably do this with some string manipulation, but what would be the easiest way to do it in a picture format? Maybe a bitmap.

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Get A Text Box To Show The Word The Same Number Of Time As The Number Selected Using Loops?

Nov 2, 2011

In VB if you prompt the user for a number between 1-20, then a word, how do you get a text box to show the word the same number of time as the number selected using loops?... Ex: please select a number: 4 / select a word: cat....the text box should display ::: catcatcatcat ........

I am doing this for a class and my brain has locked up. Prob. just over thinking it though. Thanks in advance for any help!

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VS 2005 - Form Load - Retains The Previous Values During The Form Load

Jul 27, 2009

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim con As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand


The insertion part of the form works great. But my problem is in the form load part......If i leave a field blank(Null),then perform Save operation,close the form after successful insertion and then reopen the form,then it retains the previous values during the form load......This is only in case where i leave a field blank in the previous data entry in the database.......But if i enter values in all fields then form load is working great.

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VS 2005 : Load A Form And Allow It To Run It's Code In The Form Load But Keep It Not Visible?

Dec 14, 2009

How can I load a form and allow it to run it's code in the form load but keep it not visible. I want it to do what it needs to but but not display.

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Show Information From A Datagrid Cell To Show Up In A Text Box In Another Form

Jun 8, 2011

how do you show information from a datagrid cell to show up in a text box in another form, this is for a college project.

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Load Creategraphic Into Picturebox On Form Load

Aug 24, 2009

I would like to load a default created image at start. But seems to not be working on form load any ideas.[code]

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Save File Extensions - Save/open Dialog Wont Show .GDL Files Unless Select "all Files"?

Mar 22, 2011

im used to C programming.

Private Sub SaveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveAsToolStripMenuItem.Click

The problem is that if I save a file I get "myfile.GDL" if I overwrite that I get a new file "myfile.GDL.GDL" ect.the other problem being that the filtering in the windows save/open dialog wont show .GDL files unless I select "all files".

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Format A Number To Show As 10.00?

Oct 29, 2010

All I try to do is to display 10 as 10.00

Dim amount As Double = 10
lblAmount.Text = Format(amount, "##,##0.00")

And what I am getting is this


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How To Show The Automatic Number

Sep 28, 2010

i want a automatic packet number in text box if there is no data in database...if there is a data i want to add 1 in packet number to next packet in text box'packet no= JA0001

q = "select max(mid(pack_no,3,4))as max_pck_no from mef_info where mid(pack_no,1,2)='"JA "'"
cn = New OleDbConnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=Database Path ;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=*********;")


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