Send XML Commands In Vb To Get Data Received Over A Serial Port

May 5, 2011

How do I send XML commands in vb to get data received over a serial Port?

I know the commands I'm just not sure how to send them.

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Serial Port Communications - AT Commands - Send And Receive Data

Apr 12, 2009

I have a USB modem that can detect caller ID and can detect dialled digits when special AT commands activated, How to send and receive data. The sent data will be the AT command such as AT+VCID-1 to activate the caller ID, the received data will be caller ID information and the digits dialed. I'm new to prgramming and using Visual Basic 2008 Express.

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Using The Received Data From Serial Port?

Oct 6, 2011

the problem I am having is probably mainly because of I am very new at, anyway, the thing is, I am able to receive data from microcontroller successfully. The format of the data coming from the Microcontroller is shown below

0,2 1023,1023 1023,1023 1023,1023
1,5 1023,1023 1023,1023 1023,1023
2,8 1023,1023 1023,1023 1023,1023


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Close Serial Port After Data Received?

Feb 22, 2009

I have the following code that listens to a serial port and writes the incoming data to a listview control (the serial data are a delimited string taht arrives once per second that I parse into separate listview subitems). I would like to be able to close/disconnect the serial port once a specific value in the incoming string is detected. For example, in this case one of the columns of data in the incoming string represents depth, I would like to close the serial port when the depth falls below a given number. I have tried the code below, but my program crashes on the SerialPort.CLose method.

dim m_strOBS() as string
Private Sub SerialPort_OBS_DataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) _


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Incorrect Data Is Received From Serial Port?

Nov 10, 2010

I am current using VS2008 to write a little app to transmit hex data via the serial port to the target device and receive back data from it and display that on a text box.

The problem i am facing is receiving "read" data "hex" back from the serial port and displaying it. I am able to send data to the target system without any problem. For example, if i send this command "&H10, &H0, &H1, &H7E, &HFF, &H49" The LEDs on the system blink 10 times and it works every time. If i send this command "&H10, &H0, &H0, &HFF, &HD" i should get 5E back and I use Realterm to verify the communication and it works great. When i use my VB app it fails, instead of getting back 5E.I get "&H35, &H45, &HD, &HA" on the buffer

Private Sub sendbutton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles sendbutton.Click
Dim send_Buffer() As Byte = {&H10, &H0, &H0, &HFF, &HD}


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Serial Port, Data Received Handler?

Oct 1, 2009

I am writing a program to read data from the serial port using the data received event. But, I realised that My data received event run more than 1 time when there is a data received at the com port and this actually makes my reading command reads the wrong data. The correct procedure is whenever I send a "+++" over to my device. It should responses with "OK."message.

Why the DataReceived Event will read more than 1 time?
Below is my coding for your reference.
Public Class ControlProgram


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Serial Port Data Received Event Not Executing?

May 17, 2010

I don't know why this is. I am using VB and I am trying to receive data on the serial port.

For some reason, the following event is not executing. Here is the


Just simple as of right now for debugging purposes. I have a breakpoint at getMe and it doesn't hit it at all. I know for sure that the serial port should be receiving data as I am using RealTerm to monitor serial port input data before I run my program.

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Check Serial Port Data Received Event Status?

Oct 2, 2009

I am trying to write something through serial port to my device. Before that, I added the data received handler to read the data when the device response with some data. The problem now is how can i check the status of the data received event? I need to know when the data received event has started or has ended before I can proceed to do some other task like check if the result is successfully receive.

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Graphical Interface - Need To Filter Data Received From Serial Port?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm doing a project and want to do a graphical interface using V. Studio 2010. I want to use VB.NET as a programming language.
- Do I have to add any software to define
- What is the function that reads the data from the serial port?
- If I want to receive more than one type of data, and I want to put/read them in separate text boxes, what is the function to filter the incoming data?

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Read From Serial Port And Parse Received Data On Event Serialdata.eof?

Nov 2, 2011

I'm having trouble with parsing an XML data from serial port.Actually I need to parse it automatically after all data is received from serial port.I can display all the data in a richtextbox control and all data is received perfectly but my problem isit seems that serialdata.eof function seems like it's not firing.

here's some of my code:

Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'set serial port properties
With COMPort
.BaudRate = 19200


what i need to know is how can i automatically parse the XML data from serial port after all data is received.

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Using Chr$ To Send Data To The Serial Port?

Feb 18, 2011

I used this code in the pass with VB6 to send hex data over the serial port to a microcontroller.

MSComm1.Output = "C"
Send command ID
MSComm1.Output = Chr$("1") Send Command Parameter
MSComm1.Output = Chr$(CStr(240)) Send CR

I need to convert the code using VB2010, but Chr$ is not available, and anything I tried will not send the actual ascii code character......

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Send And Receive Data From A Serial Port?

Jul 8, 2011

I have created a program to send and receive data from a serial port, some of the data needs to be stored in certain strings for a export to excel. However the data takes while to to send be sent back. So in order to get the right information in the right strings I have to put pauses in my code. I have added a timer to my form:

On my timer's tick event I have the following code:

Public Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
iTick = iTick + 1
End Sub

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Send Data : String Through Serial Port?

Mar 11, 2010

i knew Serial ports are a type of computer interface that complies with the RS-232 standard. They are 9-pin connectors that relay information, incoming or outgoing, one byte at a time. Each byte is broken up into a series of eight bits, hence the term serial port.And I want to write a program chatting through Serial Port.

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Send Data On Serial Port And Detecte It In Same Program?

Feb 24, 2011

I am supposed to make a software for data logging via serial port but the hardware is expected to be delayed and iam required to continue with the programming of the software. What i need is that by some mechanism i want to send data on serial port (COM port) and after delay of some mili seconds i want to detect that data. I actually want to do this because i want to create environment like my software i intercepting COM port and on receiving data it captures the data values on port and record them to database. I have done most the work, the only thing left which i want is as above how i will send data on COM port (this was to actually to be done by hardware) and detect it in my program (same program from which data was sent). Please guide from where should i start.

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Use A Textbox To Send Binary Data To Serial Port

Sep 1, 2009

I am currently sending data via a serial port to an AVR microcontroller. I've tried searching the forums here first but haven't found any posts that specifically deal with what I'm trying to do. Here's some additional information that might help before proceeding:

Sendbox = textbox
ReceiveBox = listbox
ReceiveChk = checkbox

I currently have it setup so I enter hex data in Sendbox, click the button, it sends the data to the AVR micro via the serial port, which gets repeated back through the serial port and receives the hex data in the ReceiveBox. I want to be able to setup something similar so I am able to input data into a textbox as binary and have it sent to the AVR that way.

I realize it will send the same data whether I enter it in hex or binary form. I just want the option of being able to send it in either form.

Below is my code.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SendButton.Click


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Count Words Received From A Serial Port?

Oct 25, 2009

I'm looking to write a few lines of code that listen to the COM port and count the number of words (as defined by the presence of a start bit) received during a set period of time.

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[2008] Serial Port Received Bytes Is Zero?

Mar 12, 2009

In my serial port application, I have my code -

Private Sub SerialPort_DataReceived(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort.DataReceived
Dim cnt2 As Byte


For some packets I sent, "Error Data Received" came up. I checked BytesReceived, it was 0. My question is: since SerialPort_DataReceived processes data received, data was supposed to be received. Why the number of bytes I read was zero? BTW, when is this event accessed? it is accessed when any number of bytes received or the whole packet received?

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Splitting String Received From Serial Port And Converting To Double

Apr 26, 2012

I'm new to VB, I'm now want to know how to convert received string to double. I'm receiving string like this 420.8 280.9 140.2 from serial port.. and transferred it into textbox.. I'm using following code to split string and to convert to double


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VS 2010 Converting Strings Received From Serial Port To Double?

Apr 25, 2012

how to convert received string to double.

I'm receiving string as 420.8 280.9 140.2 like this from serial port.. and transferred it into textbox..

I'm using following code to split string and to convert to double

Dim ReceivedText As String
ReceivedText = txtReceived.Text
Dim str_RY_1U, str_RY_1V, str_RY_1W As String


For calculating percentage RY_R is calculating fine.. But when it comes to RY_Y it showing error "string not in a correct format..."

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Serial Port - Initial Communication Not Respond To Any Commands

Jul 9, 2007

I have a VB2005 application that sends and recieves data with another application (3rd party, not vb 2005) via COM port. When I run the apps on different computers they work great, they send all data to eachother and everything is fine. When I run them both on the same computer with either virtual null modem ports or with 2 hardware ports connected together via null modem cable they stop communicating.


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Pass Serial Data From Serial Data Received Event

Dec 13, 2009

I'm trying to pass a data packet from the serial data received event.The code can capture the data without any issues.I'm spinning my wheels on getting the data packet out of the thread for further processing.[code]

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Reading Serial Port Read Data From Serial Port?

Aug 16, 2011

i am a absolute beginner and i want to use vb to receive data from micro controller through serial port using rs232 standards, i found this code to receive the data serially, can any one tell me where should i paste this code, so that the data received will be displayed in message box.Private Sub DataReceived(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) HandlesSerialPort1.DataReceived


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Send AT Commands To Router Network Port?

Aug 9, 2010

How can i send AT commands to my router network port?

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Sorting Received Data From Serial?

Apr 7, 2012

I am constantly receiving 2 lines of data via my serial port, example:

GPRMC, 151243.000 , A, 3723.2475, N, 10354.0208,E,1.26, 290.95, 9.0,,,A*67
GPGGA, 151244.000, 0122.4098, N, 10354.0212, E, 1, 04, 2.1, 71.4, M, 4.3, M,,0000*5F

Apart from the starting 5 alphabets which is the message ID, the other numbers are constantly changing every second. I wish to pick out specific values from these GPRMC and GPGGA and constantly update their respective text boxes, how do I go about doing that?

The 4th, 6th & 8th values of the GPRMC message (in this case '3723.2475' 10354.0208' and '1.26')The 10th value of the GPGGA message (in this case that value is '71.4')

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Send *.Hex File Via Serial Port To A MCU?

Sep 11, 2009

sending a hex file through serial port using and i m not really sure the difference between sending data and sending a file, seems majority of the topics on the forum is about sending data via serial port.

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Send Keystrokes To A Serial Port?

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to send a ctrl-x keystroke to COM2 and I ahve to code to open the port and read and write but when I tried to send Chr(Keys.ControlKey + Keys.X) it did not work

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VS 2008 Serial Data - Make Sure The Correct Data Is Received?

Jun 28, 2009

I am using Visual Basic express to create a serial interface to a multi-room audio controller. I have started by creating a form that can connect to the controller and I can receive data from the Controller and display Zone status, volume etc in corresponding texts box thaks to help from Stanav and Tassa in my previous thread.

My next problem is to do with receiving lots of data from the serial port and my application getting out of sync. This is mainly caused by turning the volum control as each time it is turned a little bit the controller sends out the new status of the Zone being effected

****Turning Volume knob on Zone 1***
Status returned from Controller:


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Read The Data From Barcode Weight Scales By Serial Port And TcpIp Port?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm mohammed from Oman ,I'm visual programmer How I can Read the Data From Barcode Weight scales By Serial port and TcpIp port

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Send A Control String From .NET To A Serial Port?

Aug 5, 2010

I am trying to send a control string from VB.NET to a serial port. I am using a pololu trex jr. on the receiving end of the serial port. I have attached a copy of my current code which compiles without errors, but fails to send data. I can tell that it is not sending data because I have a light on the control board connected to the port and it normally blinks when data is received. The program that came with the board drives it perfectly but does not serve the purpose I need it to. I am open to any suggestions as I eventually plan to write a class to contain the control routines.

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Send String Through Serial Port To Arudino?

Apr 18, 2012

im very new to visual basic. as in i just started 2 days ago. Currently i have a little program written up that has a couple of radio buttons and then a submit button. when you select a radio button and click the submit button, a little message box with pop up and say "you selected such and such"

Well now im trying to make something that will send a string to arduino through the usb cable. Basically it will use the same set up as stated above but instead of a pop up message it will just send the string through the port. for example Radiobutton1 - when selected and submit button pressed will send "1" (no quotes) through the serial port Radiobutton2 - when select and submitted will send "1" and then maybe "3"

and so on and so. Some radio buttons will only send 1 string through them and some may send multiple. Now, i dont need help with arduino, i have that already set up to wait for the strings to come through the com port. just need to figure out how to do it in VB.

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