Send A POST Request To Add Some Content To An API Box

Nov 11, 2010

I am trying to send a POST request to add some content to an API box. The rules are that the body format should be XML(values must be XML-escaped), HTTP Method (post), requires authentication(yes), request content(content-type: "application/xml". [code] Best practice is to incrementally add and remove changes to your entry list instead of deleting/recreating the entire list each time a change is necessary.New entries are placed at the top of the queue for polling and are processed in a LIFO manner.

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HTTP Post Request - Content Length Error

Mar 1, 2012

i am trying to build, or better edit, my own HTTP Post Request Source Code. The main purpose if it is working, and i receive the data successfully but when i try to put a progressbar with it, it starts getting sticky, because the ContentLength will always stay -1. [Code]

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Send A POST HTTP Request To A Server?

Oct 12, 2010

How can I send a POST HTTP request to a server (in Visual Basic 2010) and then receive the reply into a string.

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Send POST Body With HTTP Request?

May 3, 2010

I have used the WinHttp.WinHttpRequest object in VB6 to make HTTP POST requests many times. It works great: .Open the URL, then .SetRequestHeader (however many are needed) and then .Send the body. The .Send method makes the actual connection and sends everything to the server at once.How to I emulate this behavior in .NET? The examples I've tried with System.Net.HttpWebRequest open a stream with .GetRequestStream() and then write the body to the stream. Unfortunately, the server is responding immediately to the .GetRequestStream method and therefore never sees the POST body.I am obviously trying to connect up some legacy stuff here, but am having a hard time Googling the problem or finding another approach in .NET.

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Send Post Request And Receive Response

Apr 6, 2011

When you search on google most of the examples are very vague, hopefully this thread can make it to the top and will help someone looking for the same explain the code what it does is create a long string by concatenating all the values together stores it in the variable finalString and then hashes the string using the SHA5 algorithm. Then its supposed to send the string (finalString) as a post request to the url.The server im sending it to reads it this way and sends a response. [code]

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VS 2010 Send An HTTP Request To A Server Using A POST Method

Dec 31, 2010

I am trying to send an HTTP Request to a server using a POST method. The problem comes from the PostData, which needs to be in Bytes form to be used by the UploadData function.


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Send Data From A Windows Form To An Aspx Page And Send Back A Response - Request.Form Vs Request.BinaryRead?

Mar 29, 2012

Im trying to send data from a Windows Form to an aspx page and send back a response. Im running around in circles trying to make this work. The data im trying to send is 4 strings. So fare I have this in my code, using the build-in webclient in visual studio 2010, in the windows form sending to the aspx


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.net - Post And Get Request In

Mar 24, 2011

I want to make two request to submit a form of another web application. How can I create post and get request. And how can I use secure this.PS. I don't want to create ajax request. Just httpwebrequest.

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How To Make A POST Request

Oct 8, 2009

I am using visual studio 8, using I am trying without success to make a post request to a web form as shown below.


I dont think that I am posting the right information. Am i supposed to post just the information or do I post the the tags and the information/

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Use The Web Request Class In .net To Post Some Xml?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm trying to use the web request class in to post some xml. On the reciving end, I keep getting an internal server error with the message: Missing Soap action header". I did some reasearch and saw that a firewall can strip out the soap action header so I tried running it with no firewall and got the same result. I tried adding a soap action header using the header command, and that didn't even get to the server to receive an error message.


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.net - Creating A Sequence In Each GET/POST Request?

Jun 2, 2012

I want to create an integer sequence in each page request.Here is my code:

Public Class Test
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load[code]....

My requirements are just created the sequence using VB.NET code and of no database help. The sequence must be started at 1 and incremented by 1. My attempt to solve this is by using STATIC variable within the Page_Load which can retain the sequence value.But someone told me that my approach is risky because it's not thread safe. Is that true? Or how do I create a sequence for each request that is free from any problems be it thread safe or others?

UPDATE: I attempted to solve the problem another way. But I'm not sure the thread safety of my new solution. Here is my code, the call to Singleton.Instance.Sequence function will generate a new sequence value:

Public NotInheritable Class Singleton
Private Sub New()
End Sub[code]......

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Api - Load Results From A GET/POST Request In .net?

Mar 18, 2009

I want to develop a program that uses an online API, with GET and POST requests, and I want to know how to make the requests within the program (without the user seeing a web page), and then download the results into the program so I can parse them

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VS 2008 How To Make A POST Request

Oct 8, 2009

I am using visual studio 8, using I am trying without success to make a post request to a web form as shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><postBetOrder xmlns="urn:betfair:games:api:v1"marketId="2568540" round="1" currency="GBP"><betPlace><bidType>BACK</bidType><price>2.5</price><size>2.50</size><selectionId>658440</selectionId></betPlace>


I dont think that I am posting the right information. Am i supposed to post just the information or do I post the the tags and the information?

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Download, Edit And Post HTTP Request?

Feb 15, 2012

is have a bot at the moment which basicly uses the browser to get around things and its really slow as the process which i need doing is repetitive. i need a really quick method. Can any1 post a sample script where it

Downloads HTTP source to text file or temp text box edits source strings as needed post to server (submit)

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Http Post Request Through Httpwebrequest To Forum?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm creating an app that edit a post in a ipforum with httpwebrequest and httpwebresponse in use fiddler2 to get the post forms.I successfully create the code to connect to the site the authentication works well and i don't found problems. But to edit a post i don't find how to do it this is the request of the site taken from fiddler:


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Sending POST Request To Login To Website

Aug 20, 2010

I'd like to send a POST request to login to a website with my account. For an example, how would I login to this website using HttpWebRequest.. [URL]. It's for an application I'm building for my clan where you have to have an account on the forum to open the application, so if the login works it opens.

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Doing A POST Request To Server And Getting Specific Cookie From Response

May 24, 2012

I'm trying to port an old VB.NET application to an Android application, but due to my lack of Java experience I am unable to find this one out. I have tried multiple solutions but to no avail.The idea is basically to do a POST request to 'url...' and getting the response cookies.[code]

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C# - My Post Request - Provides A High Bit Rate Quantum Number Generator Web Service

May 18, 2011

the page at [URL] provides a high bit rate quantum number generator web service and I'm trying to access that service.

However I could not manage to do so.

This is my current code:


I'm having 403 forbidden error when I try to do a get request on [URL].

After debugging abit, I've realised that even though I've supplied a valid username and password, the response html that was sent after my POST request indicate that I was actually not logon to the system after my POST request.

Does anyone know why is this the case, and how may I work around it to call the service? Bump. can anyone get this to work or is the site just a scam?

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Send A Cookie Along With GET Request?

Sep 20, 2011

I need to send a cookie along with every GET request in VB.NET? I already searched for codes but I can't find something that works for me. Can someone give me a simple code to do this?

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Send A Request Through API For A Responce?

Aug 25, 2011

I am developing an application in VS2008, SQL SERVER 2005 , VB Script .There is a portion where I need to send a request through API for a responce. It is working , the response is coming as JSON fomat.

I need the simplest way to change the JSON response to an in PHP: json_decode($bad_json)

I have used Newtonsoft.Json but did not help. Throws exception while runtime.

Anything else what to do. Kindly help me. I can explain more if its not clear.

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Send Many Different Request From A Website?

Jun 13, 2010

Inorder ti create a web bot, I wanna to send many different request from a web site.

every request will do somthing and then the result will be shown.

I Just want to send request and not to get the results.

How can i find that when my request is completely sent?

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Send Tcp / Ip Request Over The Net From One Computer To Another

Sep 2, 2009

I'm working on a tcp/ip project for the company i working for, with another company, we are building the server side and they're building the client side. while can send thousands of tcp/ip request over the net from one computer to another and my server can handle them very easily, from some reason when the company we are work with send a single tcp/ip request to my server with their client application, my server do get the request correctly and handle it very well BUT, after one request my server takes 25% of the cpu usage, after 3-4 requests the server takes 100% of the cpu usage,


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C# - Custom "POST" Request To Skip Website Login Screen?

Sep 12, 2011

There's a certain website I need to access multiple times each day that requires me to enter my login name/password first, every time. To save some time, I copied-and-pasted the HTML source code and pre-populated the text fields with my info, then saved that to my desktop. Now I can just open that doc in my browser and click "submit" without having to type anything.


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.net - Can't Return Dictionary(Of String, String) Via GET Ajax Web Request, Works With POST

Jun 23, 2009

I have the following web method:

<WebMethod()> _
<ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat:=ResponseFormat.Json, UseHttpGet:=True, XmlSerializeString:=True)> _


I wanted to use HttpGet here so that the result can be cached.

I tried every variation of calling this, but no luck. Is this possible with GET?

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Make The Http "POST" Request To The Specific Spot?

Mar 18, 2011

I am trying to write this program that logs into this website. Now I figured out how to make the http "POST" request to the specific spot on the page which returns a "Successfully logged in" afterwards but once I make a request to another part of the page, it asks me to login (I look at the source code). I have been messing with Fiddler and I compared the a POST from my webbrowser to a POST from my program. I found the following lines to be in my browser POST and not in my program post:


I am assuming this has something to do with the cookie that I am suppose to get to be able to tell the website that I am logged in. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great. I dont use XMLHTTPREQUEST in my program. I found it earlier on the msdn website but now I cant find a reference to it.I am also not good with term names and I just started learning VB and don't know much about cookies/HTTP requests and such, but that is why I am trying to learn.

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C# - Send POST To Different Website (ASP.NET 3.5)?

Jul 12, 2011

What is the VB.NET (or C#) code to prepare POST data and send to a different website than specified in the current <form ...> section?

EDIT: Every algorithm I've found online using HttpWebRequest gets the returning page from the other site and outputs it with Response.Write. I want to navigate to the new page posting the data and leaving the current page completely.

EDIT2: (more specific description of what I want)The code below displays a line chart. When the user clicks on the label for a data point, the page refreshes (performs a postback) and displaying the x-value of the clicked point.Instead, upon clicking a label, I want to send other_id="#VALX" as the only POST data to other_results.aspx as if the user had typed the corresponding id into the the TextBox on other_search.aspx and clicked Submit.

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="System.Web.DataVisualization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
Namespace="System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting" TagPrefix="asp" %>


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Send POST To A .PHP Page?

Feb 18, 2010

How would I go about sending POST data to a PHP page? For, example, if I used this as a PHP page.

$User = $_POST['User'];


And, a form with a TextBox, and a Button, how would I go about sending the contents of the TextBox to the PHP using a HTTPWebRequest? I don't need to receive any data back, just send it.

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Sep 29, 2009

I need to write a quick function that sends two data items back to the UI thread... with the post/send commands I only see the ability to send one piece of information. Is there a way to do this by overriding these functions?

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Request Server To Send Data Again?

Jun 18, 2010

i hav got a problemo with my client/server application that i created in i want to add a "Refresh button" at the client side such that when it is pressed some specific lines should be executed at the server side.(e.g. when the "refresh button" is pressed at the client side, the server should evaluate some variable "data" and executes this line "winsock.sendData(data)" )

View 3 Replies - Can't Send Post Data To Another Server

May 17, 2011

this is my code right now:


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