Send A Time Sheet To Work Each Week

Jan 17, 2010

i have to send a time sheet to my work each week. which i do in word. what i want to do is be able to open my word document keeping the exact same format, tables must be the same, allowing me fill out the timesheet in my vb app, i could make life so much easier doing this. because i have alot of functions i could add using vb to make my life so much easier.

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Day Of Week And Time To Actual Date

May 12, 2011

lets say i have a string that holds "Monday" and another string that holds "9:45:00 PM". would it be possible to look at the Date.Now() function and see when the next Monday is, and then convert those two strings into a date? lets say the next monday was 05/20/2011. I would want the date variable to hold "05/20/2011 9:45:00 PM". any ideas guys?

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IDE :: Integrate A Day Or Week View To A Time Recording Application?

Jun 14, 2010

I would like to integrate a day or week view to a time recording application. This would enable users to add preset activities to their calendar and edit those actiivities to reflect the time they've spent on them.A perfect example would be the excellent work from April16 here . Unfortunately, my company will not pay the price April16 is asking for this component. No need to post comments on that...The time recording application already exists but was recording activities in a different manner, which enabled me to use DataGridView with activities and percentage of time spent on them. I would like to make it more user-firendly.

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Store Availability Of Practitioner (day Of Week And Time Of Day) In SQL Server?

Jul 21, 2011

I am developing an application which will keep track of various information about medical practitioners that are affiliated with my place of work. One thing that we are tracking, is their availability by time of day (morning, afternoon, and evening) for each day of the week (monday - sunday). Additionally we will store an optional comment about the practitioners availability, something like "Does not work during full moon."

The input/display form for this information will be table with days of the week as column headers, and times of the day as row headers. Check boxes will indicate whether the practitioner is available during the specified time.

I am having a hard time figuring out how to store this information in the database. The most obvious solution to create a table with 24 columns (21 for 7 days * 3 times, 1 as the primary key, and 1 for the foreign key referring to the practitioner, and 1 for the comment). Which is a crappy table, but at least it's easy to select and update.[code]....

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Calculate The Start And End Date Of A Week Given The Week Number And Year In C# (based On The ISO Specification)?

Aug 4, 2009

I need to generate a report that shows the 52 weeks of a year (or 53 weeks as some years have) and their start and end dates. There is an ISO spec to do this but seems awfully complicated! Im hoping someone knows of a way to do it in C# or Visual Basic (its actually for Visual Basic 6 but I will try port it across)

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C# - Group By Week Of Year (Week Number) In Linq To SQL

Aug 6, 2010

In regular SQL i could do something like


How can i do that in Linq to SQL ?

The following don't work

From F In DB.T Group R By DatePart(DateInterval.WeekOfYear, F.Date)

Also don't work:

From F In DB.T Group R By (F.Date.DayOfYear / 7)

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VS 2008 SendKeys.Send() Method Does Not Send The Keys Fully Correct All The Time

Nov 9, 2009


Now as you can see it is sending the textbox1 text and then pressing enter then sending textbox2 text! Theres quite a few problems in that but before i discuss note: This code is in a Timer. Problem #1: It does not send the keys fully correct all the time because its trying to send them all at once! So i want it to send them 1 letter after the other with 200 ms sleep in them! Problem #2: The sleep is not working: The reason i know is because even after it did the first textbox1 text it didnt wait that 2000 ms!

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Sendkeys.send - Time Out Between Every Key Send

Jul 4, 2010

How can I have a time out between every key I send ?


I don't want to use the sleep method, or to put each code under a timer ... Anything else that I could use?

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Import Excel Data From Anothe Sheet To New Sheet ?

Mar 22, 2011

im looking for the method how can i copy from original sheet to my new sheet.

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While Copying From One Excel Sheet To Other Formatting Of Sheet Get Lost

Dec 23, 2009

[code] objExcelAppDataSheet is the excel application's object and strTemplatePath is the path of the excel file.This excel file is like a template that i am using in my application. In this file some cells are merged. After copying to the new sheet the formatting of the sheet does not remain same. Columns sizes are changing. Why this problems occurs? Is this MS office versions issue??

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How To Work With Usb (send Char To Usb)

Mar 10, 2011

i work with applicator(this device send label on product Pallet in warehouse)so i insert my record in database then must send "O1" to this devise for print label how can i do?

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Send A Key To A Game - Dosent Work

Mar 11, 2010

Im trying to send a key to a game but it dosent work. i have tryed this


It works in Windows but not in a game

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Send Keys Doesn't Work?

Dec 13, 2009

Dim Keys As String
Dim Wait As Boolean
Public Shared Sub SendKeys( _


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Use AT Commands To Send An SMS Not Work With Windows 7

Mar 3, 2011

I'm running Visual Studio 2010, and i'm trying to use AT commands to send an SMS. My question is will it not work with windows 7 due the exclusion of hyperterminal in windows 7. (I was able to dowload a version of Hyperterminal and can use AT commands in that.. but my code itself does not work.) My code is below.


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Read A Omr Sheet Without Using A Specific Omr Sheet Reader?

Mar 23, 2010

I need a code to read a omr sheet without using a specific omr sheet reader. i want to use normal scanner for this.

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Sedkeys.Send - Binds To Work In Chatbox?

Sep 6, 2009

If i have small keybinds program, then i dont want binds to work in chatbox. Binds are numbers 0-9 Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "User32" (ByVal vkey As Long) As Integer.Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim hotkey As Boolean


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.NET ToolTip Not Work A Second Time

Dec 24, 2010

Using VB.NET 2008 desktop project, I created a simple tooltip on Form_Load event and attached it to a button on the form. Looks great when user hovers over button but times out after 30 seconds (which I set using popup delay etc.). But once it fades out, the second time user hovers over the button, the tooltip never shows up. Almost like it dies a natural death!

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Work With Many Controls At The Same Time?

May 12, 2009

I have a form which has many textboxes on it, some are dynamically generated and some are not. They structure is something like this:


Is there a way to create a collection of all of the textboxes so that I can access all at any time? Like when I need to clear them, or when I need to compare them. Right now I either access them one by one, like textbox1.text or I run a loop starting from the main flowlayoutcontrol, going inside, testing if control is another flowlayout, then going deeper and so on. Seems like there should be another simpler way to do this though, is there?

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Set The Program So That It Only Work For A Period Of Time

Mar 12, 2011

I want my program to work for a certain period of time, may be one month.. two month..

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VS 2008 How Can More Than One Programmer Work On Same Project At One Time

Feb 23, 2010

How can more than one programmer work on the same project at one time? is this possible? it surely must be possible??

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How To Send Mail At Specific Time

Nov 7, 2009

How to send mail at Specify time automatically in 2003

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How To Send Real-time Data Over UDP

Sep 19, 2010

I have to send a sequence of video frames over UDP as fast and real-time as possible and while I got the basics working, I am running into all sorts of difficulties. Some of my goals:Data will normally be sent over dial-up (hence UDP instead of TCP), but also needs to support fast Ethernet.It's OK to occasionally drop frames (hence UDP instead of TCP).Need low latency. The frame the remote receives should be one that was recently sent (no more than a few frames waiting in buffers).I need to be able to detect the effective bandwidth so that I can compress the frames more or less to keep frame rate up.I break up frame data into one or more datagrams of about 500 bytes and each has a sequence number and other info. The receiver reassembles the entire frame and detects if any datagrams are missing.If the receiver detects more than a certain percentage of dropped frames (e.g. 50% over the last 10 frames), I send a TCP message to the sender to slow down by 50%. Sender than slowly increases speed by 5% each subsequent frame.Using System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient to send and receive the data.I have a separate TCP channel used for control messages back to sender.My main difficulty right now is detecting the effective bandwidth and dealing with latency, especially over dial-up (max ~4,000 bytes/sec). For example, if I try to send 100,000 bytes/second using TcpClient.Send() they ALL seem to arrive (no dropped datagrams) but with large latency by the time last datagram arrives. I think the TcpClient.Send() function is blocking until the buffer is able to send which messes up my current algorithm.

Can anybody point me to any sources of information for how to:Detect actual bandwidth over UDP.A better algorithm for dynamically adjusting bandwidth to suit the available pipe.Send data smoothly at the desired bandwidth.A way to detect and keep latency down to a minimum.I have been spinning my wheels over the last week and every time I solve one problem it seems another rears up is head.

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Only Send Two Emails At A Time Via GMail?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a database that holds email addresses, and I want to send each one an email via a GMail account. My code works fine - the first email is sent and I receive it. I then navigate to the second email address, click the button, and, again, the email is sent just fine. Then I encounter problems. After sending two, if I try to send any more, I get an error telling me the operation has timed out? I have no choice then but to quit my application and try again - and it will then send two, before giving me the error.

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Use The Same Email To Send The Message Every Time?

Apr 8, 2009

I have spent at least 6 hours trying to write a program that will send emails to a constant list of email addresses. I was trying to make it so all that I need to type is the subject, body, and "nickname". I wanted to use the same email to send the message every time (yahoo or gmail address), and the recipients to be a constant list of emails.

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VS 2008 How To Send Time To A Variable

Jul 2, 2011

Im trying to get hour to a variabel, and also minute to a variabel.I have build this code but it dosen't work.

dtCurrent = dtCurrent.Now()
tdCurrent = tdCurrent.Now()
iMin = tdCurrent.Minutee function does not work.


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WP7 Schedule To Send Sms At Specific Time?

May 16, 2012

I have read on methods to set alarm and reminder. Any suggestion how to set a reminder to send an sms automatically?

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Idea To Time System For That Period After Which It Should Cease To Work

Jun 8, 2011

I have developed a system which i want my client to use for trial purpose for 1 month. i want a software or an idea to time the system for that period after which it should cease to work.

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Simple Math - How To Work Out Hours Within Time Frames

Feb 9, 2012

So i know this is more Math related but it would make life so much easier. What i want to do is enter 2 times into 2 text boxes and then subtract them from eachother to find out the hours inbetween as a decimal.

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C# - Upload Image And Send Text At The Same Time?

Mar 5, 2012

I'm attempting to send an image and some text to a server at the same time.

I'm using WebRequest like the following to send text:

Dim ba As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(query)
Dim wr As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(Me.server_url)
wr.Method = "POST"


But I cannot figure out how to do both at the same time.

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TCP Communication - Send Data From The Client A Second Time

Oct 29, 2009

I've been playing around with the TCP client/server sample code I found on [URL] but I can't seem to get it to function correctly. The problem I am having is that if I try to send data from the client a second time I get nothing back, not even an error that it couldn't send data. Every time I run the project it works the first time but that's it. When I was running the code line by line it seems to get to 'networkStream.Read(bytes, 0, CInt(tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize))' and then it jumps over the rest of the routine.


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