Send Loging And Password Matching Program In .net?

Mar 11, 2010

i need string matching windows app. program.

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.NET Socket Send & Receive Not Matching?

Feb 29, 2012

I have these following lines to send bytes using socket

Dim server As New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)
Dim myIp As IPAddress = IPAddress.Parse("myIP")
Dim ip As New IPEndPoint(myIp, Int32.Parse("myPort"))


As in the code, I am supposed to retrieved "Halo". Instead I keep receiving sth like "[]".

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Password Implementation - Program To Start With A Prompt That Asks For A Password

Apr 21, 2010

I'm currently working on a CRM project in I want the program to start with a prompt that asks for a password and if the user enters the correct password then the main form loads.Im having some problems wrapping my mind around this...

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Loging Into Site And Getting Source

Mar 25, 2009

okay is there anyway i can login to a site and get the site's source without using a webbrowser ? i want to do this cause i do rewards1 and i want to check my ballence every 5 sec to see when an offer credit's.

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Audit Option In Loging Form

Apr 30, 2011


above the sql statment, I want to use in my login form. When a user loging in software then it will set up all above option in sql end but how to set in code

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Losing Session Variables When Loging In With IE?

Jun 10, 2009

I am trying to fix an ASP.NET application that is also written is VB and uses session variables to store the information from the logging page. In Firefox, the application runs just fine, but in IE (I am using IE 8), when I summit the logging credentials, the session variables become empty (takes me back to the logging pageThe weird thing is that when I move the privacy settings in IE (doesn't matter if high to low, or low to high) and enter the logging information again, the runs great. Also if I restart IIS 6.0 the application runs great. What's going on?

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Send Emails With Password And Username?

Jun 11, 2009

How can i send an email from a application? What do I have to do with emails password and username?

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Send Email Without Knowing Ender's Password?

Mar 19, 2009

I'm working on a program that will send emails from a user to another user. I'm looking to be able to send an email that looks like it's from someone other than me. (I'm not going to abuse the program :D)The only reason i need to send emails from a random email adress is that i need to send attachments that are .exe files. You can't send exe files with gmail, yahoo, etc. Maybe if i send the email from [url]... then the exe file will go through.if the attachment doesn't go through, ill still have a cool program that i can stun my friends with.As i said before, my intentions aren't bad so don't think I'm some hacker wannabe.t bad so don

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Send Username And Password To External Popup Window

Jun 2, 2010

I have an interesting issue, I'm trying to automate a data retrieval process.Currently the user goes out to a secure web site and inputs his/her username and password and then selects the ok button, they then proceed to the location where the data is located at and do a copy and paste. I have thought about using the SendKey method from VBA but everything I see says it's not reliable.I believe I have the section after the sending of the login/password completed. For the life of me I can't figure out how to automatically input the username and password and then select the "OK" button. Before anyone asks, no can't view the source code so I can't get the ID field, there is no way for me to view the source code at all I have tried multiple different options all with no luck.

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Let The User Choose An Assignment Then The Program Should Look For The Matching Text File In A Folder?

May 7, 2010

i created a form with a combobox that lists out Assignments ( assignment 1, assignment 2, etc...)......what i need to do is let the user choose an assignment, then the program should look for the matching text file in a folder, ex: user picks assignment 1, and the program will read from assignment1.txt and display the result in a listbox. I have everything except the coding to match what the user chooses and the text file to streamread.

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Use The Send Keys Function To Send Text To Another Program?

Apr 29, 2009

I am trying to use the send keys function to send text to another program.I ahve gotten it al working well, except for using () as I know sendkeys doesnt like these.I have tried using the Replace function in several places in my code to replace the ( with {(} and {+0} etc, with various other options tried.But when I run the program, it seems to skip this out completly and leaves them in the string as (, and therefore it errors and wont run.When I step through it, it goes through the function but doesnt alter the strng as it should. This is the code to send the string and my attempt at making it replace the () in the module

Module TextReplacement
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal vKey As Int32) As Short
Dim counter As Integer
Dim sData() As String


The error I get when i try send "Test :)" is: ArgumentExcveption was unhandled "SendKeys string 'Test :)' is not valid"

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If Wrong Password X2 Than Close Program And Block User From Opening Program For 180 Seconds?

Sep 2, 2011

I am making a program that NEEDS to be password protected, so i made a textbox with a code so that when the user enters the right password it lets you in. But if the user/person enters a wrong password 2X it will kick you out. So is there a way to keep the

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How VB Can Focus A Specific Program And Then Send Commands To The Program Only

Aug 3, 2011

I am trying to figure out how VB can focus a specific program and then send commands to the program only. The focus would only be for the commands and would not make the program you are currently in lose focus. Simply, what it is controlling is a Windows Application called GOM Player. I use it to study my material for school. I plays movies in it and don�t have to click out of the application I am working in to pause, play or rewind. The keypad and the company who make it actually have it built into iTunes and it does exactly what I want GOM Player to do.

The reason I dont just use iTunes is because I can�t get my video files to play in iTunes. After pulling teeth with the manufacture I finally to tell me that the iTunes functionality is accessible via plugins built into iTunes. So trying to mimic what is being done there does not help. I believe that a knowledgeable VB programmer could answer my question in seconds, but having some experience with coding and programing I know it also could be a lot more than what I think. [URL]

The question is: What is way that VB can send the key for the macro only to the GOM Player Application even if it is not focused or even If it is minimized.

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Decrypt Password From Database In Program?

Dec 16, 2011

Could someone please help me to decrypt password from database.[code]....

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How To Design Password Recovery Program

Jun 12, 2010

I want to Design a password recovery program, but I don't know how to go about it and do the code?

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Let The User Select A Password For A Program?

Nov 2, 2011

i want to know how to let the user select a password for a program that i made and would like to know where the password is storedNever Fear Spartucus49 is here

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Making A ZIP Password Recovery Program?

Jun 27, 2011

I am trying to make a program that recovers lost passwords from ZIP files. I know what to do but what i don't know is how to make sure that the file is a ZIP file, and using that file a looking for the password.

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VS 2008 Put A Password Protection On A Program?

Apr 10, 2010

how can i put a password protection on my program

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Make A Program That Password Locks Any Folder?

Nov 23, 2010

I use VB 2008 express edition and i have this problem.I want to make a program that password locks any folder you want.(Using Icacls from command promt).My problem is that when i run the program

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(TextBox1.Text) Then


All this is done becouse i can't save the listbox contents in My.Mysettins.If anyone would be able to show me how to do it i would be helpfull.But please don't give me 50 lines of ununderstandable content.I want something that i will be able to understand becouse there no reason if i use it without knowing what it does.

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Open A Pdf File With User Password In Program?

Nov 6, 2009

Open a pdf file with user password in vb 2008

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Program That Sends Their User And Password On Email

Apr 26, 2011

i made a program that sends their user and password on my email and post in a site a link.But some email me using my gmail that i used in my program. How can i hide my codes on my VB program. im using VB 2010. [code]

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Storing Usernames And Password After The Program Closes?

Feb 6, 2012

storing usernames and password after the program closes. I do not want them to be stored in a .txt file, as this is insecure. How do I store it?

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VS 2008 - Program To Recover Password If Lost

Apr 5, 2012

I've made a program. The program does what it's supposed to do, for a while. The program is meant to recover my password if I loose it, but when I test it, it fails. It works fine until it comes to the number of my password. Then this error shows: object reference not set to an instance of an object. And this section of code is highlighted:
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("ctl03$Login$username$input").SetAttribute("value", TextBox1.Text)

Here is complete Code:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
[Code] .....

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[2008] Make A Password Changing Program?

Jan 12, 2009

make a password changing program?

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Authenticate Code And Password Login Program For VB 2008?

Sep 17, 2009

I have the Application program but I need an authentication program and password login program in VB 2008 , before starting my program.[URL]

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Make A Program That Makes User Type In A Password

Aug 28, 2009

Im trying to make a program that makes a user type in a password, then open a folder where the user can put files. but once they close out of the file browser. the program needs to save the files and remove the directory. for example think of a file cabinet being the program, and the drawer being the temp folder. when the user closes the drawer, it goes back into the cabinet, or in this case the program.

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Open Protected Password Access Database With Program?

Jun 1, 2010

Open a Access database (protected with a password) in my application in Visual Basic 2008. I use Oledb connection to link my Application to the database. When my Access database is not protected with password my connection goes well, but I don't know how to set my password of my database in my application. I have "googled", but I can't find something that works for me. [code]----

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Add Username And Password To SOAP Header In Program Web Service Client?

May 13, 2011

I need to query a web service that basic authentication, putting the username and password in the request header. My client is written in VB.NET Visual Basic Express Edition 2010. I've added the web service to the Service References. It has auto-generated the appropriate classes for me. [code]...

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Develop A Program That Will Allow A User To Automatically Log Into A Website With A Username And Password?

Feb 21, 2011

I am trying to develop a program that will allow a user to automatically log into a website with a username and password and click login, which works fine, However after clicking login i am trying to have the pragram click another button to submit a file. This is where the program bombs. This secondclick will work in a separate event but not in the same event as the login.

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Program Use An Online SQL Database To Check A Username And Password To Login?

Mar 10, 2009

How can I have my program use an online SQL database to check a username and password to login someone to a different part of the program?

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