Set A Verification That Something Is Checked In A Set Of Radio Buttons Within A Group Box?

May 11, 2009

How can I set a verification that something is checked in a set of radio buttons within a group box? So... groupbox1 has rad1, rad2, rad3. I want to verify that at least one of them is checked. I was going to do a select case, but I can't figure the syntax for the cases... Visual Studio 2008, btw

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Checking If Radio Buttons Checked?

Apr 5, 2010

Is there a way to check whether or not the radio buttons within a group box have been checked? I have been able to check if one radio button is checked, but I would like to know if I can check for both within the same if statement, or if I would have to write a new one for the second radio button. Or can I just use the groupbox and check for selected radio buttons from that?

If Not rbMale.Checked Or Not rbFemale.Checked Then
ErrorProvider1.SetError(gbGender, "You must select your gender.")
ErrorProvider1.SetError(gbGender, "")
End If

Not it still displays the error message if the female button is checked.

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Disable All Other Radio Buttons While One Is Checked

Mar 9, 2010

So i'm working on this web application which is pizza order application form in which user selects size of the pizza and toppings.I've 4 sizes pizza but I can check more than one radio buttons at a time.and the other problem is that I've like 6 choices of toppings which worth 99C each. But If I select more than one checkbox, then total adds up 99C only once.[code]

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Create A Group Of Radio Buttons?

Jul 23, 2009

How do i create a group of Radio Buttons? so they all act as one group and i'll be able to get the selected value of the group and not by checking them one by one.

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Get 2 Group Boxes With Radio Buttons

Feb 24, 2010

I am trying to get 2 group boxes with radio buttons. I would like to check a radio button in group box 1 and have a corresponding radio button in group set 2 get automatically checked based on what I check in group box1. I am trying to do this in VB.

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Group Radio Buttons Across Different Panels?

Feb 29, 2012

So I have 2 panels and the same number of radio buttons added programatically in each panel. For ex.

RB1 -> Panel1
RB2 -> Panel1
RBo1 -> Panel2
RBo2 -> Panel2

I want to group RB1 and RBo1 and RB2 and RBo2, but when I add the radio buttons to the different panels they group each other. I tried adding RB1 and RBo2 to the same GroupBox but could not achieve the goal either. Is it possible to manually link the radio buttons?

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VS 2008 Checked ListView And Radio Buttons?

Dec 1, 2009

I have an idea on how I want to proceed, but thought to get some ideas from you all first. I asked a similar question a while ago, but that involved different controls.I have 7 items in a ListView. If the user checks one of the items, I want a panel with three radio buttons to appear just for that item.I originally thought to make 7 panels, hide all of them, and then show and hide them when appropriate. I know this will work, but I really don't want to just overlap 7 panels and an overall 21 radio buttons.Is there a way I could use only three radio buttons with one panel? Or maybe create the controls during runtime?

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A Single Event For A Group Of Radio Buttons?

Jul 4, 2010

I would like to have a single subroutine to service a group of radio buttons. I am interested in .CheckedChanged event. Right now, if I bunch them all into one routine, it gets called twice. One for the button that is checked and one for the button that is unchecked.

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Radio Buttons And Group Boxes VS10?

Mar 28, 2011

I am having trouble coming up with a way to add a selected radio button in a selected group box together.I have 3 group boxes each accessed by a checkbox within each group box there is 3 to 4 radio buttons. I would like to know how to add the selected radio buttons in each group box together and display them in a textbox by clicking a button "calculate". I believe I would have to make a global variable but I dont know where to start.

Private Sub Calculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Calculatebtn.Click
Dim answer As String


I know this code is wrong but I was just trying to remember the calculate function.Is there a command that uses the selected radio button from the group boxes then I would be able to input that into my calculate button sub?

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Switch Between Radio Buttons And Group Boxes

Jun 21, 2012

I understand because it has to be ON/OFF it won't go through to any other radio buttons in the group box. Would the best way is to use a hidden radio button that would switch control between the two? There's only two radio buttons i need to tab through, what's the best way to tackle this?

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VS10 - Event For Radio Buttons In Group Box?

Jan 17, 2012

I am attempting to make the transition from VB6 to .net

I have a group box with 6 radio buttons. I want to perform a function when 1 of those buttons are clicked.

In VB6, I would have set up a control array and ran the routine when the array was clicked....but I am struggling with .net here, since there appears to not be control arrays at design time.

Is there 1 even I can use, or do I have to go into each radio button and code the individual event?

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While Loop To Go Through Different Group Boxes With Radio Buttons

Nov 15, 2011

I am trying to write a program that will have different group boxes,

each representing a question, and each one has radio button choices

I am trying to write the program so that a while loop will go through each group box and check answers of radio button choices

the codes I want to know is the command to access different group boxes

and also how to keep each group box "seperate" enough that i can use same radio button names for all the group boxes...

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How Many Radio Buttons Can Be Checked At Any One Time In Specific Form

Jun 11, 2009

If a Form contains 2 Group Boxes each containing 3 Radio Buttons and the Form itself contains 5 Radio Buttons not in either of the Group Boxes how many Radio Buttons can be checked at any one time?

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Get Checked Status Of Radio Buttons In A Data Repeater Program?

Jan 2, 2012

I have a Data Repeater in a Windows Form, within the data repeater I have a label and either a radio button or combo box, the amount of radio buttons and the text for them is brought in from my database as is the label and combo box.

The label is a question and the radio buttons or combo box allows the user to answer the question.

What I want to do is get the checked status of the radio buttons so I can then reveal the next question if it is needed. e.g. only show question 2 if question 1 is answered No.

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Forms :: Radio Button Checked And Not Checked At Same Time

May 15, 2010

im making dynamic sql statement rmode is a radio button and tmode is a combo box


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Check Boxes And Radio Buttons - Value Is Not Being Updated Until I Select A Different Radio Button?

Oct 10, 2011

trying to write a simple form for calculating professor's salaries depending on their degree and problem is that the when i select a check box, the value is not being updated until i select a different radio button. it probably doesn't make much sense here,

Public Class frmMain
Private Sub optLecturer_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles optLecturer.CheckedChanged[code]....

the values being assigned to my salary label are correct, but are not being updated until i select a new radio button. im not entirely sure how to get around this so that the value is updated as soon as i select the check's when the program looks like:

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Using A Dialog Form With Two Buttons And Two Radio Buttons?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm using a dialog form with two buttons and two Radio buttons.I'm oppening this Dialog when a button is clicked on the parent form.My situattion is when the Dialog opens the code in the button event continues to execute, but I only want it to continue to execute only after a button from the dialog form have been clicked

Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
If multipleEXT = 2 Then


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VB - Form With Fairly Large Number Of Controls - After Curtain Number Of Buttons - Stops Responding To More Radio Buttons

Jan 17, 2011

My VB application is behaving strangley. I have form with fairly large number of controls. I am using case against radio buttons. after curtain number of buttons, it stops responding to more radio buttons.

Then I tried to split controls in to 2 form but now my form.showdialog() too now working properly. It takes new from names but show the old form when running.

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Only Select The Checked Radio Box?

Jun 5, 2011

Im making a very simple application that will open remote folders on different pc's across our network.

Heres the code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


so that code will only run whats in textbox1 and radiobox1, my question is how do i make it so it chooses only the radiobox thats checked?

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How To Get A Checked Radio Button In A Groupbox

Jun 24, 2011

I have a lot of radio buttons in a groupbox. Normally I will check each radio button individually using If radiobutton1.Checked = True Then.

But I think maybe there is smart way to check which radio button being checked in a groupbox.

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Prevent Changes On Radio Button Checked?

Oct 13, 2011

When i change the checked into another radio button, i wanna show a message and when user answers no, i want there will be any changing in my form but in my case i do get any changes.

In a word., is there any way to prevent checked changes on radio button with message box?[code]...

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Radio Button: Initial Value Of Checked?

Jul 4, 2011

I have an application with three panels, each containing radio buttons. At design time, all are set to Checked = False

When I build & debug the project, one radio button on one of the panels is set to checked = true.

For the other two panelsl, none is set to Checked = True.

I want no radio button set to checked = True when the project starts. How do I engorce this?

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Saving Radio Button Checked To Xml

Sep 2, 2009

I have got a group box with 5 radio buttons in it and I've been trying to save this data (the

checked radio button within that group box) to a xml file once my button Save is clicked but I

can't manage to do so. Any ideas? I am able to save all the data from the text boxes its just the

radio buttons I am not sure about?

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VS 2008 Nly 1 Radio Button Can Be Checked At Once?

Oct 21, 2009

I'm making a program but I want it so only 1 radio button can be checked at once?

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Way To Check If Any Of The Radio Button Is Checked ?

May 6, 2011

I have a groupbox with two radio buttons on it, is there a way to check if any of the radio button is checked without having to go to individual radio control but from the Groupbox control.

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Forms :: Group Radio Button?

Jul 28, 2009

I have a Form which has several questions - each question is answered (bythe user) by choosing between 2 options - each option represented by a Radio Button. I have six questions and hence 12 radio buttons on my page but all of them seem to belong to the same group - i.e., the user can select only one of the 12 buttons whereas I want the user to be able to select one from every pair of radio buttons.

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Radio Button Group With Name Of EmpStatus

Nov 15, 2011

I have a radio button group with the name of EmpStatus.I inserted the result of the radio button selection to the sql table with this code:[code]If any body knows what would be the code to be able to update the table on profile edit save button click

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.net - Check If A Radiobutton Is Checked In A Group?

Aug 11, 2010

I have group of radio buttons, each group ranges from 5 - 27 radiobuttons. And if any radio button in a group is checked I store 1 in db else I store 0. Now I'm checking each radiobutton using if loop to see if they are checked and set database value. I'm also trying to use the code below. Is there a good/better approach to check if they are checked or not?

Current code:

'rname is radiobutton prefix for a given group
'cnt is number of radiobuttons in the group

Private Function RadioIsChecked(ByVal rname As String, ByVal cnt As Integer) As Integer[code]....

Note: I cannot use radio button list. I know this can be achieved easily using this but i want to get solution for radiobutton

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Radio Button In Grid View Not Getting Checked?

Jun 10, 2011

I have added a template field in a gridview. In that i have added a radio button. I have written a code which will get row Id of GridView of a row which is having a radiobutton on it checked. Through code i am getting even name of that radio button, but it is showing me that radio button is not checked, even when it is already checked. Here is the code.

Dim row As GridViewRow
Dim rd As RadioButton
Dim rowId As Integer = -1


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Select Class And Checked Radio Button?

Oct 16, 2010

I created this. This is a lesson in a class I'm takingWhat the program is trying to do is this; If the radio button for member is selected and they are under 65 they pay $10. If they are a member and 65 or over, they pay $5. If they are not a member the fee is then $20. There are 4 radio buttons: Member, Non Member, Under 65 and 65 and Over. The code below is what I had in there. VS shows no errors and the thing runs, but it produces incorrect results every time (e.g. Non Member radio with Over 65 radio answers $10).

Dim blnFee As Boolean Const decNonMem As Decimal = 20 Const decMemUnder As Decimal = 10 Const decMemOver As Decimal = 5 Select Case blnFee Case radNonMember.Checked, radOver65.Checked lblFeeAmt.Text =


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