Set Up Filter Property To Look For More Than One File Type

Jan 23, 2009

how to set up the filter property to look for more than one file type? msdn says we can set the filter to '*.*' or *.txt' etc, but doesn't say how to specify more than one type.I've tried a pipe delimited string but it didn't seem to work e,g '*.txt |*.log|*.xml'.

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How To Use Shell32.FolderItems3.Filter For LNK File Type

Oct 24, 2009

We know that the following statement is TRUEdue to my experienceForgive for my ignorance, I have no Reference for these.

Const IsDirectory = 32 'Is DirectoryConst IsFile = 64 'Is FileConst IsDirectoryAndOrFile = 96 'Is Directory And Or File
<All Libraries>


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File Filter On More Than ONE File Type?

Aug 2, 2010

I am trying to make a file/drive/folder directory interface with VB. It is all working except the only thing i can't manage to make it do is to filter on more than one file type. I want to be able to filter on BMP and TIF files, i have the following code:

filterList.AddItem "*.TIF; *.BMP"
filterList.SelText = filterList.List(0)

'Apply the file type choosen to the file list displayed

filDialog.Pattern = filterList.Text

The filterList is the list box with the file type extensions and the filDialog is the list box with the files.It only filters on the first file type, so in this case TIF (no BMP), even if you swap them it only filters on the first file type.

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Ignoring A Certain File Type In A .net "filter"

Nov 18, 2009

I made a program which uses a filesystemwatcher component, but it seems to record absolutely EVERY change made, and I want to set it to ignore some file types. How can I set the filter to ignore certain types? For example, .LOG files. I don't want it telling me that that file updates, cause it does it every second practically.

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Pass Property To Create Filter Like LINQ?

Jan 6, 2011

I`m looking for a way to parse a parameter name like linq does.I want to filter before i download the date from the database.With LINQ the data is already red into a dataset. I only want to select data from the database witch i need. how i can send a property name to a function without using the property name as string and without to use to mutch code inside the function and without creating an instance of the object, etc.

Dim user
As user =


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Get A Property Name For A Type Without The Need To Instantiate An Object Of That Type?

May 15, 2012

I have a requirement where I need to have a "type safe" way of accessing property names, without actually instantiating an object to get to the property. To give an example, consider a method that takes as arguments a list of IMyObject and a string that represents a property name (a property that exists in IMyObject).

The methods implementation will take the list and access all the objects in the list using the property name passed... for some reason or another, we won't dwell on that!!

Now, I know that you can do this using an instantiated object, something like ...

Dim x as MyObject = nothing
Dim prop As PropertyInfo = PropHelper.GetProperty(Of MyObject)(Function() x.MyProperty)

Where my helper method uses reflection to get the name of the property as a string - there are numerous examples of this flying around on the web!

But I don't want to have to create this pointless object, I just want to do something like MyObject.MyProperty! Reflection allows you to iterate through a types properties and methods without declaring an object of that type... but I want to access a specific property and retrieve the string version of its name without iteration and without declaring an object of that type!

The main point here is that although I am trying to get the property name as a string... this is done at run time... at compile time, I want this to be type safe so if someone changes the property name, the compilation will break.

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Get An Action's Return Type From Filter?

May 19, 2010

I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 application in which I am creating a custom action filter. This filter sits on the controllers in the application and verifies from the database whether that function is currently available.[code]....

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How To Filter Integer Type Using Query

Jun 26, 2011

Can some please tell me how to filter integer type value for Visual basic using query. for example: [code]

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Generic Function For List Type Filter?

Jan 13, 2011

I would like to write a generic function that would search a List(Of T) for all elements of type TFilter and return a List(Of TFilter) which comprises those elements.

I've tried this:
Public Function FilterList(Of T, TFilter)(ByVal ListToFilter As List(Of T)) As List(Of TFilter)
Return ListToFilter.FindAll(Function(z) z.GetType.Equals(GetType(TFilter))).ConvertAll(New Converter(Of T, TFilter)(Function(z) CType(z, TFilter)))
End Function

But, it gives the following error:
Value of type 'T' cannot be converted to 'TFilter'.

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How To Filter Object With Specified Type In Generic Collections

Jan 3, 2012

given the following class structures:[code]I add the following property to MyList, trying to answer questions like "find out the number of elements with specified type, say Derived1, inside MyList?"[code]

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Linq Inheritance And Subtypes (filter Out Base Type)

Nov 8, 2010

OK I have a base query that is returning a list (ObjectQuery, actually but I don't think it matters) I have about 5 subtypes based on the main type and I need to filter them. Everything works fine until I want the results to be of the main type (not a subclass) Basically I have a query that includes everything, then I filter out the types that are not checked in a checkedbox list. ( Lets say I have an Entity named Task, and SubTask1 and SubTask2 that inherit from Task


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SaveFileDialog Filter Save As Type Asks To Overwrite Old Extension Bug?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a VB.NET program with a SaveFileDialog control with the filter set as ".asx|*.asx|.m3u|*.m3u" (without the quotes). It works fine to save a file, but if I then try to save a file with the same name of an existing file and then change the extension in the save as type box, it still thinks I want to save the file as the existing file and asks to overwrite the file, disregarding the newly selected file extension.

I have tried setting the SaveFileDialog.FileName = Nothing after saving a file, so the Save File Dialog Box the File name box is empty, but then I like to click the existing file to get the file name I want, then select a new extension and try to save, but it still asks to overwrite the file with the other extension.

I hope my situation is clear and sorry if it has been already asked a million times...but can anyone point me in the right direction or tell me how I can save the file with the currently selected extension, not the previous selected extension when the file name was entered?

If SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
If Path.GetExtension(SaveFileDialog.FileName) = ".asx" Then
' Code Here to Prepare the CodeASX ...


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Quickbooks/QBFC 8.0 - Multiple Criteria Of An Identical Request Filter Type?

Aug 18, 2009

I would like to query an Employee by matching First and Last name. Ideally, I'd like to be able to specify that in one EmployeeQueryRq QBFC object.

I think I have a start:

Dim EmployeeQueryRq As IEmployeeQuery
EmployeeQueryRq = requestMsgSet.AppendEmployeeQueryRq()

Is there any way I can add an additional NameFilter to the same request? Or am I stuck walking a response list for the other criteria (albeit a smaller one limited to containing at least one value)?

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VS 2005 Datatable Vs Dataview - Apply A Filter To The Defaultview.rowfilter Property Of That Datatable

Mar 15, 2010

I have a datatable and I apply a filter to the defaultview.rowfilter property of that datatable. If I then loop through the rows collection of the datatable, will I only be able to see those rows that the filter applies to, or will it loop through all the rows?

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Get A Property Value If Don't Know The Type Of A Control?

Feb 8, 2010

I have inherited a vb6 app that I am trying to upgrade to VB2008.

If I can find out that a control has a ToolTipText property as below, how can I get the value?

Each ctl In frm.Controls
If Not (ctl.GetType().GetProperty("ToolTipText") Is Nothing) Then


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Use Property Type In Expression?

Feb 16, 2010

I have a function which creates a different type of expression depending on the value of the variable passed in.[code]...

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Data Type As A Class Property?

Dec 16, 2011

I have a "generic" Tag class which holds an ItemValue, which at this time is declared as Object. The ItemValue could be one of several datatypes; String, Boolean, Integer, etc. Is there a way to create a class property to identify which data type the Tag is?

I've tried this but it's not working;

Public Property DataType As Type
Return m_DataType


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How To Check If A Property Type Is An Interface

Feb 12, 2009

I would like to check if a property's type is an interface (not a specific interface, but any interface).

dim __PropertyInfo As PropertyInfo
dim b as boolean = isinterface(__PropertyInfo)


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Implementing An Interface With A Different Property Type?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm currently trying to create a class that is a composition of the SqlDataAdapter class (as unfortunately you can't inherit from it). In order to try and make it as similar as possible I'm using all the same inherits and interfaces as is documented on MSDN.The problem that I am having is that there are some properties where the interface specifies that the type of the property is IDbCommand. But in the SqlDataAdapter the property type is SqlCommand.

View 3 Replies - MissingMethodException Using Classic ADO's Recordset.Type Property?

Apr 17, 2011

In my ASP.NET app, I'm using classic ADO 2.8 to save some data into an Access database. (Or a Jet database, for those who insist that Access is just the front-end.) So I have a RecordSet containing some data, and I want to set the value for some fields, but first I need to know the field type. So I use the Recordset.Type property:

Dim fieldType = rs("MyField").Type

And that unexpectedly results in an error: MissingMethodException was unhandled by user code -- Error: Missing method 'instance valuetype ADODB.DataTypeEnum [MyProjectName] ADODB.Field::get_Type()' from class 'ADODB.InternalField'.

Considering that it is .NET itself that has created the .NET/COM interop assembly, any idea why?And here's the strangest thing: When the debugger stops and reports the error and takes me to the spot in my code where it happened, and it has that great feature by which you can hover the mouse over any variable etc. and it will show its value -- so I hover over the rs("MyField").Type part, and, lo and behold, it shows the correct value!So if it could evaluate it at debug-time, why did it throw an error at run-time?

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Converting A String Variable To A Property Type

Aug 28, 2009

I have in my My.Settings four settings [code] now I want to get the value of the current setting from the My.Settings.SettingName. [code]

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Get A Property To Access Its Own Name And Type At Runtime Using Reflection?

Mar 12, 2010

Is there a way for a property to access its own name and type at runtime using reflection? I want to access this info without hard coding the name or index of the property in the class.

Simple Example Code:

Private ReadOnly Property MyProperyName() As String
Console.WriteLine((Get Current Property Info).Type.ToString)
Console.WriteLine((Get Current Property Info).Name)


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Set Property Values At Runtime By Control Type?

Feb 21, 2010

I thought I saw how to do this but can't seem to find it now.Is there a way to set the properties of all controls on a Form by Control Type?Meaning, if I have 5 textboxes on a form can I write code like .If page.contol is TextBox then

textbox.forecolor = Blue

Then when the page loads is sets all the textboxes forecolor on the form to Blue.

View 8 Replies

Use Property Grid In A Form To Edit Any Type?

Jul 22, 2009

I have an App where I'd like to be able to edit any type (font, colour, point etc.) at run time and use any of the .Net default type editors. (e.g., font/ colour picker).

Rather than re-invent the wheel, I decided to use the property grid control.

If I pass an object of, say font, to the grid, it lists all the fields separately, with no option to open the font picker.[code]...

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Filter File Formats In Save As Dialog For An Excel File?

Oct 26, 2011

I need to create a dotNet saveAs dialog, but I need to populate the file formats in the dialog. After the person have selected a file, it must connect that to a file format that I populate into the SaveAs command in the Excel Interop. After the Interop SaveAs command, I must check if the file have been saved correctly.

View 1 Replies - Reference Property Of An Unknown Type In Lambda Function

May 18, 2011

I'm trying to create a generic function to build a Linq expression from a list of Telerik grid filters. I'm trying to stay clear of dynamic Linq. Because I don't know the type that I'm building the expression for, I'm attempting to use reflection in the lambda functions to refer to a property, but after applying the fix suggested by @JaredPar I get the error, "The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not supported in LINQ to Entities." Is there any way around this? here is my code:

Public Shared Function buildRadFilter(Of T)(ByVal filterExpression As List(Of GridFilterExpression)) As Expressions.Expression(Of Func(Of T, Boolean))
Dim returnPred = PredicateBuilder.True(Of T)()


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C# - Add A Service To The Type Descriptor Context Of A Property Grid In .Net?

Apr 13, 2010

I have an app that allows the user to choose an image, at design time, either as a straight image, or from an image list.

All cool so far, except that this is not happening from the visual studio property browser, its happening from a property grid that is a part of a type editor.

My problem is, both the image picker (actually resource picker), and the imagelist type converter rely on some design-time services to get the job done. In the case of imagelist, its the IReferenceService and in the case of the resource picker its a service called _DTE.

In the first instance of an edit from the visual studio property browser, I could get a reference to these services but (1) how can I add them to the type descriptor context of my property grid?

It would be better, for future proofing, if I could just copy a reference to all of the services in the type descriptor context. (2) Where does the property browser get these services from in the first place?

ETA: I still don't know how to do it, but I now know it is possible.

(1) Sub-class control and add a property whose type is an array of buttons.

(2) Add it to a form.

(3) Select the new control on the design service and edit the new property in the property browser.

(4) The collection editor dialog pops-up

(5) Add a button

(6) Edit image and image list - the type editor and type converter, respectively, behave as they should.

ETA2: Ok, I'm getting warm. It looks like you do it through the Site property of the property grid. I can create a new site, and pass it the type descriptor context I have a reference to and then it should have all the service. I'll give it a go ...

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Get Notified When List Of Custom Type Property Changed?

Mar 2, 2011

I have a class and one of the properties is a list of a custom class. The caller gets the list and is adding instances of class to the list. How do I get notified that the list has been updated?

Private _list as List(of MyType)
Private _totalField1 as Integer
Public Property MyTypeList As List(Of MyType)
Return _list
End Get
Set(ByVal value As List(Of MyType))
_list= value
_totalField1 = _list.Sum(Function(x) x.Field1)
End Set
End Property

What I'm trying to do is every time a MyType object is added to the list keep a running total of Field1, but adding to the list doesn't use the setter. How can I know when the list has been added or changed?

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.net - Getting Base Field Type When Databinding To A Decimal (or Object) Property?

May 28, 2012

I've got a custom NumericEditor control that has a nullable Decimal property called Value. When I bind a data field to Value, I'd like to retrieve the underlying Type of the data that's bound, so that I can restrict the use of decimal places if the source field is an integral data type.I figure I'd have to do this in the BindingContextChanged event, but how do I get the Type of the data field from the binding itself? My Google-Fu is failing me at the moment.

In short, I'm looking for something like the GetValueType method mentioned in the following question: Simple databinding - How to handle bound field/property change. Winforms, .Net I imagine this method would also be handy if the Value property was an Object.

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.net - Test If Property Of Type System.Collections.Generic.List(of T)?

Apr 10, 2012

I need to be able to tell if a property is of type List(of T)but am currently unable to. if i do

TypeOf (UpdateTo.GetType.GetProperty(node.Name)) Is System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Object)

I get the following error

TypeOf (UpdateTo.GetType.GetProperty(node.Name)) Is
System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Object) Expression of type
'System.Reflection.PropertyInfo' can never be of type[code]......

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