How To Use Shell32.FolderItems3.Filter For LNK File Type

Oct 24, 2009

We know that the following statement is TRUEdue to my experienceForgive for my ignorance, I have no Reference for these.

Const IsDirectory = 32 'Is DirectoryConst IsFile = 64 'Is FileConst IsDirectoryAndOrFile = 96 'Is Directory And Or File
<All Libraries>


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Set Up Filter Property To Look For More Than One File Type

Jan 23, 2009

how to set up the filter property to look for more than one file type? msdn says we can set the filter to '*.*' or *.txt' etc, but doesn't say how to specify more than one type.I've tried a pipe delimited string but it didn't seem to work e,g '*.txt |*.log|*.xml'.

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File Filter On More Than ONE File Type?

Aug 2, 2010

I am trying to make a file/drive/folder directory interface with VB. It is all working except the only thing i can't manage to make it do is to filter on more than one file type. I want to be able to filter on BMP and TIF files, i have the following code:

filterList.AddItem "*.TIF; *.BMP"
filterList.SelText = filterList.List(0)

'Apply the file type choosen to the file list displayed

filDialog.Pattern = filterList.Text

The filterList is the list box with the file type extensions and the filDialog is the list box with the files.It only filters on the first file type, so in this case TIF (no BMP), even if you swap them it only filters on the first file type.

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List All Resources In A File Like Shell32.dll?

Jun 20, 2011

1) How can I list all the resources in a file like shell32.dll

2) How can I extract one of the resources listed

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Compress A File Using Shell32 And Wait Until It's Zipped?

May 11, 2009

I would like to ZIP a file with VBA. The following code from Code [URL]..

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Ignoring A Certain File Type In A .net "filter"

Nov 18, 2009

I made a program which uses a filesystemwatcher component, but it seems to record absolutely EVERY change made, and I want to set it to ignore some file types. How can I set the filter to ignore certain types? For example, .LOG files. I don't want it telling me that that file updates, cause it does it every second practically.

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Get An Action's Return Type From Filter?

May 19, 2010

I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 application in which I am creating a custom action filter. This filter sits on the controllers in the application and verifies from the database whether that function is currently available.[code]....

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How To Filter Integer Type Using Query

Jun 26, 2011

Can some please tell me how to filter integer type value for Visual basic using query. for example: [code]

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Generic Function For List Type Filter?

Jan 13, 2011

I would like to write a generic function that would search a List(Of T) for all elements of type TFilter and return a List(Of TFilter) which comprises those elements.

I've tried this:
Public Function FilterList(Of T, TFilter)(ByVal ListToFilter As List(Of T)) As List(Of TFilter)
Return ListToFilter.FindAll(Function(z) z.GetType.Equals(GetType(TFilter))).ConvertAll(New Converter(Of T, TFilter)(Function(z) CType(z, TFilter)))
End Function

But, it gives the following error:
Value of type 'T' cannot be converted to 'TFilter'.

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How To Filter Object With Specified Type In Generic Collections

Jan 3, 2012

given the following class structures:[code]I add the following property to MyList, trying to answer questions like "find out the number of elements with specified type, say Derived1, inside MyList?"[code]

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Linq Inheritance And Subtypes (filter Out Base Type)

Nov 8, 2010

OK I have a base query that is returning a list (ObjectQuery, actually but I don't think it matters) I have about 5 subtypes based on the main type and I need to filter them. Everything works fine until I want the results to be of the main type (not a subclass) Basically I have a query that includes everything, then I filter out the types that are not checked in a checkedbox list. ( Lets say I have an Entity named Task, and SubTask1 and SubTask2 that inherit from Task


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SaveFileDialog Filter Save As Type Asks To Overwrite Old Extension Bug?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a VB.NET program with a SaveFileDialog control with the filter set as ".asx|*.asx|.m3u|*.m3u" (without the quotes). It works fine to save a file, but if I then try to save a file with the same name of an existing file and then change the extension in the save as type box, it still thinks I want to save the file as the existing file and asks to overwrite the file, disregarding the newly selected file extension.

I have tried setting the SaveFileDialog.FileName = Nothing after saving a file, so the Save File Dialog Box the File name box is empty, but then I like to click the existing file to get the file name I want, then select a new extension and try to save, but it still asks to overwrite the file with the other extension.

I hope my situation is clear and sorry if it has been already asked a million times...but can anyone point me in the right direction or tell me how I can save the file with the currently selected extension, not the previous selected extension when the file name was entered?

If SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
If Path.GetExtension(SaveFileDialog.FileName) = ".asx" Then
' Code Here to Prepare the CodeASX ...


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Quickbooks/QBFC 8.0 - Multiple Criteria Of An Identical Request Filter Type?

Aug 18, 2009

I would like to query an Employee by matching First and Last name. Ideally, I'd like to be able to specify that in one EmployeeQueryRq QBFC object.

I think I have a start:

Dim EmployeeQueryRq As IEmployeeQuery
EmployeeQueryRq = requestMsgSet.AppendEmployeeQueryRq()

Is there any way I can add an additional NameFilter to the same request? Or am I stuck walking a response list for the other criteria (albeit a smaller one limited to containing at least one value)?

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How To Call To Shell32.dll In .net?

Dec 28, 2010

i want to use this call to the shell32.dll. But i dont know how to translate this to

[DllImport("shell32.dll", EntryPoint = "#262", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, PreserveSig = false)]static extern void SetUserTile(string username, int whatever, string picpath);

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Use Shell32 As A Reference?

Dec 3, 2009

I want to use Shell32 as a reference but, not that it's place as Interop.Shell32.dll in my folder. So, I want my application to use "C:WindowsSystem32Shell32.dll"

I need it for an unzipper.

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Using Shell32 .dll To Zip Files

Apr 16, 2011

I have been trying to use Shell32.dll to zip files, I have also attempted to create empty zip folders dynamically and have had no success, I was able to create an empty zip folder but when I try to use the zip folder I receive an error message and the zip folder created remains empty. Error: QuoteWindows cannot create the Compressed (zipped) Folder. [Code] If I use the empty zip without creating a new one this is the error message: QuoteFile not found or no read permission. The empty zip it creates is 100% valid with Windows Explorer.

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Create A Dll Like Shell32.dll Which Contains Icons?

Jan 8, 2012

I am working on the Visual studio 2010. want to create a dll which contains icons just like shell32.dll. Can anyone guide me what I need to do.

Purpose : I just want my fav icons bind with one dll and keep in my root drive and customize me all folder icons and I just need it ot contain Dll thats it.I am not sure what detail is need so adding the picture of shell32.dll.

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Embed Interop.shell32.dll ?

Jan 8, 2012

Im doing a VB .net2 program and when building i get file interop.shell32.dll in my bin folder.

Can i embed that in my final .exe file so I only have to destribute 1 file ?

There is a properties on my form where I can choose a "Build Action: Embedded Resources" , is that the option to accomplish me goal?

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Shell32 Place Files In Jar?

Jun 5, 2012

Is there a way with shell 32 or something else to place files in a jar.

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Windows Application With Shell32.dll?

Aug 15, 2011

I am having trouble with my application with shell32.dll. when i debug it in VS it runs well. but when I detach the .exe file and run it to other directory. I get errors.

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Check When Shell32.Folder.CopyHere() Is Finished

Apr 6, 2012

I need to unzip en zip some files in my application using Shell32. Right now, I use srcFolder.CopyHere(destFolder.Items()) to achieve this. However, my next line of code requires the newly made ZIP-file. But since the CopyHere method is Async, how can I check when it in finished? Right now I use a Thread.Sleep for around 500 ms which is enough for my computer to finish creating the ZIP file, but it's not good code imo.

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Want Correct Code For Extracting Icon From Shell32.dll

Jul 27, 2009

or other method of extracting icon from shell32.dll.To personnel of Microsoft,I followed Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, Windows XP, but it shows 7 "Statement is not valid in a namespace" errors when "Press F5 to run the program", and does not let me extract the icons .also, I want to know how to "adjust the size of Picture1 so that a 32*32 icon fits inside the picture box" in url...

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VS 2008 - Unzipping Files From Program (Shell32 Functionality)

Mar 20, 2009

I want to unzip files from my program, so i'm using the Shell32 functionality like so:

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim sc As New Shell32.Shell
Dim srcDir As Shell32.Folder = sc.NameSpace("zippath")
Dim destDir As Shell32.Folder = sc.NameSpace("destinationpath")
Dim items As Shell32.FolderItems = srcDir.Items()
destDir.CopyHere(items, 256)
End Sub
End Module

This theoretically works, but i'm unzipping an 8Gb compressed file and the dialog that pops up says it will be done in 1day, 19hours. This is ridiculous because when I just right click on the file and decompress it from there, it takes only a couple of minutes! I can't imagine what the problem is! I know that the shell process actually spawns its own thread, so I worried at first that my process was exiting before the thread could spawn and added a Thread.Sleep(1000) after destDir.CopyHere() but it had no effect.

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Filter File Formats In Save As Dialog For An Excel File?

Oct 26, 2011

I need to create a dotNet saveAs dialog, but I need to populate the file formats in the dialog. After the person have selected a file, it must connect that to a file format that I populate into the SaveAs command in the Excel Interop. After the Interop SaveAs command, I must check if the file have been saved correctly.

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IFF Is Not Null Query - Filter A Sql Db With Many Filter Criteria Which Inert The User In Textboxes

Feb 15, 2012

I m trying to filter a sql db with many filter criteria which inert the user in textboxes .. i ve tryed this query


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VS 2008 : Filter The Results Of A Datagridviw Using The Bindingsource.filter Method?

Mar 20, 2009

I am trying to filter the results of a datagridviw using the bindingsource.filter method.

Dim filters(2) As String
If Me.txtPartIDFilter.Text = "" Then


The issue is in the last line. ID_Part is an Int64 data type filters(0) is a string so the system returns a "Can't perform 'Like' operation on System.Int64 and System.String" error message.As you can see I tried converting the data type, but that failed since it is encased in String.Format()- it's going to be a string no matter what, I suppose.It's almost 1:00 a.m. so I'm not firing on all cylinders.

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Binding Source.filter - Filter My Access Database

Oct 10, 2011

I'm trying to filter my access database and when I "search" by name, it works, but when I search by policy number it doesn't seem to work.

Here's my code:

If RadioButton3.Checked = True Then


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Databinding.filter - Filter Date And Also Time (shortime)

Sep 20, 2010

i want to filter date and also time (shortime) for example if Datum.hour="8:15" andalso of week "Saturday"or "Monday" now i can only filter date ... this is my filterline objbindingsource.Filter = "Datum > = '" & Dtp1.Value.Date & "'"

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Filter A TXT File Using Program?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a txt file that displays the following information returned by AutoCAD[code]...

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How To Filter A Xml File Using A Dataset

Jan 23, 2011

I'm using the code below to filter a large xml file which causes it to run too slow, how do I convert the code below to filter my large xml file by using a dataset instead, I believe that would help speed up my search results.[code]

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