Setting CurrentCell After RowValidated?

Jun 11, 2011

i have a datagridview (Dg) with 7 columns.i have a RowValidated event which tests if the validated cell is the first (index = 0) then sets the focus on the third cell with columnIndex = 2 BUT the cell that's getting focus after the row is validated is on the next row not the row that's has been validated !!

Private Sub Dg_RowValidated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles Dg.RowValidated
Dim colIndex = e.ColumnIndex
Dim RowIndex = e.RowIndex


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Setting Currentcell In A Datagridview?

Oct 2, 2011

I am writing an program with multiple tabs. I have a class that reads a database and offers that data and other calculated data as a collection (the class is cEngines containing engine rows). I have another class which is a row (item from the list) of the collection (the class is RowData which is an engine). One of the tabs in the program contains a datagridview which is bound to the cEngines class and another tab contains controls bound to the RowData class. Both tabs have a mechanism for selecting/changing the RowData so that both tabs are syncronised. All of this works.

The RowData class has validation - both simple value checking, or more complicated checking based on other items in the class. A validation failure raises an event.


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Select The CurrentCell Programmatically?

Aug 13, 2009

Is there a way to select the CurrentCell programmatically? I want to cycle through the list of SelectedCells and if they don't have a specific ColumnIndex then deselect the column. An error though is thrown when it reaches the CurrentCell though.

For i As Integer = 0 To (dgvStaffHoursNotes.SelectedCells.Count - 1)
If dgvStaffHoursNotes.SelectedCells(i).ColumnIndex = _
dgvStaffHoursNotes.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex Then


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CurrentCell To Remain The Same If Validation Fail - CellEndEdit Event

Apr 29, 2011

I have a datagridview for user's input. For example, the columns are "Name", "Date of Birth"... For the "Date of Birth" part, i have implemented validaion... i want to make it that user have to enter a valid "Date of birth" before they are allowed to leave the Cell. Meaning once them entered the Cell, they have to provide a valid "Date of birth" then they can move on.


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Setting Short Function By Setting Poker Game Points?

Aug 23, 2010

I need help and wondering if you can help me to get my first's a hobby and wondering if you can get me code for this so i can see how it does it* Evaluate( ) Prints the evaluation of the hand to the evaluation Label.

o If IsFlush( ), prints "flush; "
o calls SetPipArray( )
o Uses a For Loop to go through pipArray. For each element, uses a Select Case statement to


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Setting Variables To Store User Setting For Applications

Feb 13, 2012

In our projects we use setting variables to store user setting for the applications. Moreover, with every latest version of the applications, we upgrade these variables to retain user settings.Normally, this works fine, but recently one of my end user reported an error i.e.Configuration System failed to initialize". The error is related to user.config file. Therefore we requested the user to send us his file.After received the folder, we noticed that it contains 3 files (3begfjb.newcfg,3begfjb.tmp and user. config). 3begfjb.tmp is an empty file, while 3begfjb.newcfg and user.config are identical files. We tried to open these files but the data in user.config isn't proper xml rather its unreadable formatted file.Do any you guys had experienced this sort of issue or any ideas how and what may have created these files and corrupted user.config file.

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.net - Setting Objects To Nothing?

Feb 24, 2009

If you have a sqlClient.sqlconnection object, in the cleanup code (finally block etc) do you dispose of the object or do you set it to nothing, or both?

I've always just called the dispose, and allowed the garbage collector to do its thing...

View 8 Replies

App Are Not Save Setting

May 4, 2010

My.Setting is working ! But when I add form to project then my app are not save Setting ! Now , how can fix it !

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EventHandler Setting Value Of -1?

Jul 1, 2009

AddHandler zip.SaveProgress, New EventHandler(Of SaveProgressEventArgs)(AddressOf Me.zip_SaveProgress)

Took some snippets from a MSDN page and molded it into my project ... problem is on every run its setting a value of -1 to something and i cant for the life of me figure out what to!

Private Sub zip_SaveProgress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SaveProgressEventArgs)
Select Case e.EventType
Case ZipProgressEventType.Saving_AfterWriteEntry


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How To Setting The SQL Server

Dec 8, 2011

how to setting the SQL Server

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Loop Through All My.setting?

Dec 7, 2009

I kinda found a way to get the name.. but not the value.. anyone have some sample code to just run thought the settings and spit out the name and value ?

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Setting A BIT In A BYTE

Feb 1, 2010

I think the way to do this in VBnet involves binary math? -- no "easy" way I don't think (like picbasic mybyte.0 = 1 mybyte.1 = 0 etc).I know you can read a bit by using convert.toint32 (2^0) (2^1) etc. and comparing to an integer value but my head is going in circles on how to set (write) a bit value. I need bytes because I intend on writing to the serial port.If bit0 is 1 then mybyte bit 0 = 1.

View 33 Replies

Setting Focus On A Tab In .net?

Jul 12, 2011

I have a tab in a windows form called Wafer Map that has three sub-tabs. The First sub-tab is the called Map and has a Load and Skip button. I am trying to set the focus on the Wafer sub-tab on the Load button click. This is the following code I have tried to use.


The Wafer_Info.Enabled = True is used to enabled all of the controls on the Wafer tab and works properly when the button is clicked. I have tried using .Focus() and .Show() to bring focus to the next tab but I am not have any luck getting to switch.

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Setting Focus On Next Row?

Sep 4, 2009

How to set focus on next row or how to find next row index. My first row is inserted but on second loop it overwrites the first row cell...

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Setting Min And Max Input?

Oct 13, 2010

So I am working on a small program to take a given password and mess with it etc. I have coded everything to make it work the way I want except I can't figure out what I am missing to limit the input from 5 to 7 characters only. I have attached the entire solution in case anyone wants that.

Dim oldPassword As String = String.Empty
Dim newPassword As String = String.Empty


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Setting New Mailmessage From Name?

Dec 17, 2009

i am sending an email message from outlook using this method:

dim message as new mailmessage(from,to, subject, body)
mailclient.send(message)' mailclient is defined as an smtpclient

my from is "" (the mail is fiction for the purpose of demonstrating what i am doing)and this method works but I don't want the reciever to see that the mail is from, I want him to see that its from "Blacknight". In yahoo you can simply write [URL] <Blacknight> and this will work. how do i add a name to the mail in mailmessage?

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Setting The X And Y Of A Point?

Apr 6, 2012

I have this code for placing food in my snake game, but it is not working. It says the structure 'system.drawing.point' has no default property.

Public Sub PlaceNewFood(Optional ByVal EmptyCell As Boolean = False)
Dim rng As New Random
Dim fx, fy As Integer


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Setting Up A Connection To The DB?

Jul 16, 2009

I'm having trouble setting up a connection to the DB.... When I go into VS 2008 on the left hand side (Server Explorer), I right click on the "Data Connections" option and select Add Connection and get the following error:

"The Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Interop.IVsDataProviderManager service could not be found."

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Setting Up A Program In VB?

Jun 18, 2012

I have a little problem with setting up a program in visual basic, could you help me out ? This is what i want to do.. I have no ideea on how to make the form in form thing..

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Setting Variable On .NET From A VB6?

Feb 23, 2011

i am developing this program in .NET (2010) and i connect on a form in VB6 using this code;

Dim P As New Process
P.StartInfo.FileName = "PathAndNameofVB6App"

now, how can i set a global variable that is accessible from my VB6 form to .NET(2010)?A little detail:VB.NET calls VB6 frmLogin then if Access Grant, x = 1, Exit() then VB.NET stores the value of x into database.

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Reading / Setting Archive Bit

Mar 12, 2010

I just need to set the archive bit on a file. I see the archive attribute in the FileInfo object which I would think allows me to read the state of the bit, but I'm not sure how I would actually set it.

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Restore Setting To Default?

Nov 27, 2009

i want to restore VB setting to 1st-time-use setting. i spend a long long time looking for default button in VB.But i cannot find anything .

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Where Is Setting To Use Un-docked Forms

Apr 4, 2012

Just opened the VS2010 pack I've been meaning to get round to for ages. Where is the setting to use un-docked forms in the de?I know I can un-dock each for manually but thats pants.

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.net - Setting Focus On The Parent?

Jan 6, 2010

I want to unfocus(leave) the texbox when I click on the usercontrol/form(focus the usercontrol/form instead): I do the following on the UC/form:

Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseClick _
(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
End Sub

Why does it not work on the child textbox, but works very well on the non-child one(focus on textBox2 then click on the panel removes the focus from the textBox2)?

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.net - Setting The Hyperlink Value To A Datagrid In

Oct 8, 2011

I have a datagrid that is being populated by DirectoryInfo. The columns are Name, Date & Size. The Name value is a hyperlink.


View 1 Replies - Boolean Not Setting Properly?

Mar 3, 2011

I have the following code in an Asp.Net user control:

Me.pnlAddComment.Visible = MyBase.Associate.IsAgent()
Me.lblRating.Visible = Me.pnlAddComment.Visible
Me.Rating1.Visible = Me.pnlAddComment.Visible

Now when I run this code, the value of MyBase.Associate.IsAgent() is true. Yet at no point is Me.pnlAddComment.Visible evaluating to true. When I output the results as Response.Write statements, it shows IsAgent = True, pnlAddComment.Visible = False. When I run it in debug mode, placing the line break on the second line above to allow the set to occur: I put the mouse over IsAgent and it displays "True"; I put the mouse over pnlAddComment.Visible and it displays "False".

A Co-worker suggested that it's possible that it's Panel.Visible black box code in the getter that allows the assignment to occur but returns false because some parent object is set (at that point in the code execution) to False. I've reviewed the parent objects and at no time do any of them appear to be set to not visible.

If this were a reference type I might be convinced that some other process is modifying the reference between this assignment and when it is actually used (at Render), but this is happening right at this line of code.What would cause this boolean assignment to behave this way without throwing an exception?

Solution:The answer turned out to be a parent object in the control hierarchy located outside of the user control itself. Since nothing was explicitly set to false, and I agreed with @Shadow Wizard, @Damien_The_Unbeliever and @CodeMonkey1 that it had to be some outside control influencing the panel at that point, I decided to put a recursive while loop to test the parent of each user control in the hierarchy at that point:

Dim o as Object = Me.pnlAddComment.Parent
While o IsNot Nothing
Me.lblMessage.Text &= "<br />" & o.ID & ": " & o.Visible.ToString()
o = o.Parent
End While

Then I just ran this on the server and the output came back with the full visibility of each control in the chain. What ended up occurring is that this control was contained within a view control within a MultiView. This view control is expected to be visible as it is supposed to be the ActiveView for this particular call, but at the point in the life cycle when my code is run, the view has not been identified as the active view. Since it's not officially active, the view is implicitly false, and all child controls return a value of false when Visible is queried.

The rest of the assignments behave as expected from that point. The lblRating control is set to false (permanently) because at that moment the proper visibility setting for pnlAddComment is false. The lesson I've learned here is not to make control visibilities dependent on each other in this fashion when there is an alternative (and just as simple) method.

View 3 Replies - Setting Up A Custom Pre-processor In IIS?

Apr 23, 2012

I am looking at developing a pre-processor and wanted to know how to configure IIS to pass the requesting page to it before it is returned. For example, the user would navigate to a page with a ".app" extension and IIS would send the file to a console program I wrote to be interpreted, before sending the page back to the user.

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ASP.NET Setting A Path For File With VB?

May 30, 2011

So this is a pretty dumb question, and one I am clearly misunderstanding for whatever the reason. I have an project and the default aspx page loads a file. I made a class to deal with file handling, in it I hard coded the local directory to where that file is. I want to make that path relative to the default.aspx page. I can't figure out how to do that. I have read a lot of stuff on MSDN, and it makes simple sense, but when I put it to code I can't seem to get it right.

I feel my answer is here, I understand what it is saying but I can't translate that to my program.[URL] Code such as

Dim rootPath As String = Server.MapPath("~")

makes sense to me but I can't use 'Server' for some reason.

I have used this spot of code to supplement my problem for now.


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ASP.NET Setting Culture With InitializeCulture?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a website with three domains .com, .de and .it

Each domain needs to default to the local language/culture of the country.
I have created a base page and added an InitializeCulture

Protected Overrides Sub InitializeCulture()
Dim url As System.Uri = Request.Url
Dim hostname As String = url.Host.ToString()


But of course the InititalizeCulture then overrides whatever button selection has been made. Is there any way that the InitialCulture can check whether a button click has occurred and if so skip the routine?

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C# - Setting Call With An Index?

Oct 24, 2011

I can assign my user settings this way:

MySolution.Properties.Settings.Default.settingname1 = "mystring1";
MySolution.Properties.Settings.Default.settingname2 = "mystring2";
MySolution.Properties.Settings.Default.settingname300 = "mystring300";


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