Sign Every End Of A String With Binary NULL?

Jul 20, 2009

In my project i need to sign every end of a string with Binary NULL, how do I write Binary NULL?

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FileGet Stops Reading Binary File At First Null (0) Byte?

Dec 18, 2011

I must search a binary string for a pattern. This worked fine in VB6 using Get to read a file into a string and using InStr to search for the pattern. The conversion from VB6 to VB.NET changed Get to FileGet and warned of new behavior, but I don't see anything in the FileGet documentation about not being able to read 0 value bytes.

I don't mind at all changing to a new method, but ultimately I must get the data into a string rather than an array.


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Replacing Plus Sign In String?

Apr 6, 2011

I am trimming some strings but I am unable to do anything about the strings containing plus signs. For example if I have this string with a telephone number

Dim str As String = "+46765124246"
And try
str.replace("+46", "0")
Nothing changes in the string.

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Sign Converted To [] (square Sign) When Importing

Dec 1, 2010

Im importing text from a .txt file using streamreader and when it reads in a � sign it converts it to the square symbol for a unknown character! If i put in a $ sign it imports it correctly!

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Formatting A String - Dollar Sign, No Decimals?

Jun 3, 2012

I'm having some difficulty formatting some of my strings, I can't see what's wrong unfortunately. I have various numbers, e.g. 100.023, 13488.323, etc in a datagridview column that I would like to be formatted so it looks like this: $123,456

Here's what I've tried so far (that isn't working):

row.Cells(1).Value = Format(row.Cells(1).Value, "{0:D0}") 'I've also tried using {0:C0}
row.Cells(1).Value = row.Cells(1).Value.ToString("$#,#")

'This one (above) comes up with an error saying it can't put an "##" in an Integer column, something like that anyway.

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Convert String To Integer With Variable Decimal Sign?

Nov 22, 2011

I am currently looking into the conversion of a string value to an integer. Obviously I will need to do some validation as to whether the passed value is in fact convertible to an integer.

At the heart of my question is this: the users' local is nl-BE (dutch (Belgium)), which means that we use a comma as decimal sign (and points as thousands separator); e.g. 123.456,78 would be a valid nl-BE number. Now, when using the numeric keypad, the
decimal key will yield a point, not a comma (weird huh!). So many user will enter 123456.12 and when converted to an Int, this should yield 123456.

The thing is that I want to cover all possible angles; both points and commas may be used as decimal sign by the users. So I wondering if anyone has written some code that deals with such a situation. I was thinking of an extension method that makes the
conversion based on whether a point or a comma is last used in the passed string (since no thousands separators should occur after the decimal sign).

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C# - Write Binary Data "as Is" To Registry (visible Binary Data As String From Regedit Only)

Feb 23, 2011

I have been googling this and have not come along a working solution for an entire day. I don't know anything about binary data types (as I've never knowingly used them) and I'm trying to write a binary value that I see in the registry, to the registry. Now, all I see is the following [shown below]... and if I try to pass that as a string to the RegSetValueEx in the WinAPI and of course it errors out...

I do not know what 'numbers' I need to pass into the lpData As Any, argument of RegSetValueEx (i tried a bit array) in order for it to come out as the following [shown below] in the regedit. I really have no idea, and my tests to place random numbers in the bit array just produce corresponding random "figures" as visible in regedit that I do not understand how to 'tie' them together logically. here is the culprit!


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Convert A String Containing A Binary, Octal And Hex Number Into A Decimal String?

Jun 7, 2009

I'd like to convert a string which contains a decimal number into string that contains the binary value, the octal and the hexadecimal value of that decimal number.Afterwards I also like to convert a string containing a binary, octal and hexd. number into a decimal string.Basically I'm looking for the functions:


I'd not prefer to rewrite a function, I'm sure the framework must have these functions already.

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Convert Null Terminated String To Normal String?

Dec 16, 2009

Is there any way to convert null terminated string to normal string.I mean I can easily make a program to find the location of vbnull but there has to be a built in function for that.

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Converting A String Of Binary To Hex

Feb 3, 2011

I am trying to convert a string of binary into hex. I have tried several ways and none have worked. This is my latest try. The code runs but doesn't appear to do anything.


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Converting Binary To String?

Jan 1, 2012

I'm using AxVLC to try to play a video from my.resources and I can't seem to convert the binary to a string for it to work...This is what I have so far - produces no errors, or results (nothing happens).

sender As


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Convert String That Has "+" Sign Into Double?

Aug 29, 2007

I can convert a string with no sign or with negative sign ("-" minus sign) into a double, but I cannot convert a string with positive sybmol/sign ("+" plus sign) into double. Considering the following samples:

Convert to string that has negative sign to double
Dim realnumber As Double
Sample 1. realnumber = Double.Parse("1.2345E05", NumberStyles.Any)


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Convert Binary String To Integer?

Jul 26, 2009

I got to a snag recently in the program. I know exactly what is going wrong, and I know exactly what will fix it. However, I do not know how to code what I need.

'a function to determine whether the pokemon is shiny
Function SHINY(ByVal data() As Byte, ByVal IDnumber As Integer, ByVal SIDnumber As Integer)


So as you can see, I need to convert a binary string into an integer so it will work properly. Everything else is fine, I've tested it out a lot and done a lot of debugging, even manually, and I'm sure everything will work. All I need is the code to convert it.

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Convert Integer To Binary String?

Jan 26, 2009

Is there an easy way to do this in .NET.I see the Convert.ToXXXX, but no Convert.ToBinaryString.

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Write A String Into A Binary File?

Dec 2, 2011

I want to write a string into a binary file.The length of the string is 22 position 1036

Write name in that chain, the length of the name varies but is always between a length of 22.

As I can fill the remaining length of the string with blank spaces?

The empty spaces in hex is "00"

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[2008] Binary To Hexadecimal (String)?

May 25, 2009

So the server I am running has a database of players equipment, I am trying to write a program to see if they are hacking by comparing the item requirement with the stats the player has, to do this I need to convert the varbinary(512) column from the SQL Database too a Hexadecimal string, then from that string remove certain parts of it.

Example:This is the hexadecimal code for an item:


the part I need is "4400" numbers (Position 3,4,5,6 from start) I then need to flip these backwards so it reads "0044". I then will compare this itemIDX with a list of items I have set aside that people mainly use this hack for.

So the main things I need help with, are converting varbinary(512) to hexadecimal and then making my program bring a list of accountID's up who are using the hack, here is how the databases are set out:

Contains account data ONLY
Contains the Character and Equipment DB

i need to compare the equipmentDB, then return the CharacterID from the equipmentID, compare that ID with the CharacterID in CharacterDB, then extract the accountID then return the account name from the accountDB I don't know how the binary is split up from item too item, although I would imagine, it isn't, i would have thought it just goes onto the next item when the item ends.Although, all the items start with hex string "0x" so this may be the separator!

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Error:String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated

Apr 5, 2012

I am trying to insert some data from my windows application to sqlserver 2008 R2 Express.But i am seeing this error..please see my code below:i am not able to find what is error

creditfunction(invoice, datetoday, totalamount, duedate.ToShortDateString, paidamount)
Public Sub creditfunction(ByVal invoiceno1 As Integer, ByVal datetoday1 As Date, ByVal totalamount1 As Single, ByVal duedate1 As Date, ByVal paidamount1 As Single)


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Finding The Offset Of A Binary From A String Or Bytes?

May 8, 2011

I need to basically search for either a string such as "I-AM-RIGHT-OVER-HERE" or search for a sequence of bytes and return the offset of where that string or byte sequence is at.

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Save Both String And Images To The Same Binary File?

Jan 20, 2011

I'm wounder if it's possible to save both string and images to the same binary file? I know that you can save them independently with one file for strings and one for images. But i would like to save both in to the same file.

If it's not possible with binary files, when what's my options?

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Search For A String Pattern In A Binary File?

Oct 26, 2010

I want to search for a String Pattern in a Binary File (Binary File is not 100% plain text). Here is the pattern:


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VS 2010 : Convert The String In One Textbox To Binary?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm supposed to convert the string in one textbox to binary, and display it as binary, in another textbox. I can make this part work, but when I want to convert it from binary and back to text, it all goes bananas.Here's the code I'm using for the conversion:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs
) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2010 Get String/Binary Code/Encoder?

May 22, 2010

I need to know how to crypt that:

Const FileSplit = "@vorfin@"

Cause its appearing on HEX Source.

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VS 2010 Read A String Into A Binary File?

Sep 18, 2011

I want to read a string into a binary file. This string is repeated every certain length ... example:

Start Offset: 694
End Offset: 2248591
Long of string: 25
Sequence Length: 110

I want to read the file and add the strings in a listbox.

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Convert A String To Binary Code For Build A File?

Oct 13, 2011

well in a database is saved a binary code (this is a *.jar) i need to download this code (with a select query) and Rebuild this file

What are the setps for convert since a String to a File?

someone told me i need convert it to array byte, but i dont know how to convert a String to a array byte... what are the best steps?

this code return me a table

Public Function ConseguirCatalogo() As DataTable
Return conn.RegresarTabla("select archivo from catalogo where id= (select id from periodos where actual=1)")
End Function


now what are the next setp for convert it finally to a file? ( it is a *.jar)

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Convert String To Raw Binary And Display Save It In Variable?

Sep 15, 2009

How do i convert string to raw binary and display save it in variable?

i can do it when i write the string to file :

Dim data As Byte() = Encoding.GetEncoding(862).GetBytes("שלום")
Using writer As New StreamWriter("C:lasttest.txt", False, Encoding.GetEncoding(862))


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Finding And Replacing Data In A Binary String (or File)?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a binary file. If I look at it with a hex editor, the first values are:208, 207, 17, 224, 161, 177, 26, 225, 0, 0, 0, ... etc.It has a length of 330240 bytes I have tried to open it and read it into a string so I can manipulate it and write it back. No matter what I use, I either don't get the correct number of bytes or the values in the string are incorrect. The most common error results in the first values being: 63, 63, 17, 63, 63, 26, 0, 0, 0 .... etc.It is interesting that it appears that any value > 63 becomes 63.

I get the 2nd values by a simple loop:

For lnx = 0 To 99
Debug.Write(Asc(line.Substring(lnx, 1)))

I have tried a whole number of ways to read in the file, including filestream, My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText,, etc.All either give me a string length of about 324000 (not sure why) or, if they do, don't have the correct values. Yes, I have tried various encoding options.

I need to find a string (sort of like: "D" & Chr(0) + "L" & Chr(0) + "S" & Chr(0)... ) so I can then replace that portion of the string with a new value, then write out the file.I use the ".indexOf" to find the data in the string.Why can't I load the file into a string? Or, do you know of an easy way to find some text (similar to above) in a file and then replace the next x number of bytes with a new value and close the file?

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Obtain A String From A Byte() Without Mangling Its Binary Contents?

Mar 14, 2012

I have a language that generally contains serialised data messages in a human-readable format, but some productions within the language contain verbatim raw, binary data.My parser uses String for its buffer since that seems to be the easiest thing to work with. However the data is read from a network socket into an array of Byte.

Now, I'm trying to connect the dots between Byte() and String:


But my data is still mangled. I haven't actually been able to deduce yet precisely how the data is being mangled, but I do know that the length of the data is changing, indicating that the bytes are not being left verbatim.

So how can I obtain a String whose contents are just a verbatim copy of the bytes from my Bytes() input?

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Read A String Into A Binary File Encoding.UTF8?

Jan 24, 2012

How could i read a string into a binary file Encoding.UTF8.(the string has a length of 25 bytes)

Using fs As New FileStream (OpenFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.Open)
fs.Position = 2096
Using br As New BinaryReader (fs)
For x As Int16 = 2 To 25


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Sql :: String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated. The Statement Has Been Terminated?

Jan 2, 2012

String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminatedAs I've looked back on my backend or code. It looks like there's a conflict adding a TWO LABEL DATA in one column because I would like to join the (Year)-(StudentNumber)Here's the code of my INSERT INTO Statement

[Student_Information] (StudentID, LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, Gender,
ContactNumber, Citizenship, Religion, Birthday, Address)


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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated - Statement Terminated

Mar 8, 2012

This gets data from Excel and puts it into a table. The first 2 rows of data are placed into the table. All the fields columns are the same type and nothing is larger than it should be name is varchar(30) team is varchar(3) pos is varchar(2) rest are int or double. I place an i in front of integers s in front of string and so on. The 3rd row crashes with the following message at Command.ExecuteNonQuery() String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated.

Option Strict Off
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
[Code] .....

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