Obtain A String From A Byte() Without Mangling Its Binary Contents?

Mar 14, 2012

I have a language that generally contains serialised data messages in a human-readable format, but some productions within the language contain verbatim raw, binary data.My parser uses String for its buffer since that seems to be the easiest thing to work with. However the data is read from a network socket into an array of Byte.

Now, I'm trying to connect the dots between Byte() and String:


But my data is still mangled. I haven't actually been able to deduce yet precisely how the data is being mangled, but I do know that the length of the data is changing, indicating that the bytes are not being left verbatim.

So how can I obtain a String whose contents are just a verbatim copy of the bytes from my Bytes() input?

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Read From Binary File And Convert Byte Array Into String?

Jun 22, 2012

I'm trying to read the binary data from a binary file with the code below but the it's return the value in the byte array. How can i read the binary data from the binary file and then convert the data into string?This is how i create the binary file.

Dim fs As New FileStream(Application.StartupPath & "Agency.dat", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
Dim bf As New BinaryFormatter()
Call bf.Serialize(fs, GAgency)[code]....

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Byte() (System.Byte[]) Versus Binary (System.Data.Linq.Binary)?

May 1, 2009

i have a table in sql server with some fields set as Byte() (System.Byte[]) when i import them in my application to be used with linq they are converted in Binary (System.Data.Linq.Binary)why is that?is there a way to prevent this wrong translaton???if i update the database how can i update the classes that has been craeted in visual studio2008?

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DateTime Binary Coded Decimal Byte() Equivalent Of String Format?

Sep 30, 2010

I realize the code listed below, whose serial port using string formatting which I inherited is complicated. It formats a Date obtained from a DatePicker control into a "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" string format to send to a hardware device to be stored via Serial Port retrieves the date from the device and displays to user What I'm trying to do is port the code for use in a Socket rather than Serial Port which wants a Byte Arrray of the same Date Time string variable. I can't figure out how to encode and convert to Bytes the string value used in the Serial Port version. The evolution of the process is listed from top to bottom.


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How To Obtain The Value Store In A Byte

Sep 27, 2011

my problem is that is have to create a program in which I enter some text in a text box and then in an other text box it will display the value store in a selected byte. I really don't know where to start. I have a form with three text box and a button. One of the text box to copy o write whatever I want, the other text box to write the number the byte I want to get the value and the last text box to display the value stored in the byte I choose. With the button I will start the function that will get me the value in the byte.

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VS 2008 : Converting A "binary String" Into A Byte Or Char?

May 23, 2010

I've been trying to figure this out for hours now, and I've given up on trying to solve it myself. Basically what I need to do, is convert a "double octet" binary string, such as "11010011 01011101", into a byte or char type if possible.I use the following code to convert my Unicode text into binary:

Private Function ByteToStr(ByVal bt() As Byte) As String
Dim st As New StringBuilder
For Each byt As Byte In bt


But that gives me weird results. The "Convert.FromBase64String" obviously isn't what I'm after. Any help would be great. If I can convert the "binary string" into a bytes or chars I can get it into a string.

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Converting A "binary String" Into A Byte Or Char?

May 23, 2010

I've been trying to figure this out for hours now, and I've given up on trying to solve it myself. Basically what I need to do, is convert a "double octet" binary string, such as "11010011 01011101", into a byte or char type if possible. I use the following code to convert my Unicode text into binary:


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VS 2008 Converting A Byte To Binary

May 25, 2009

Is there a way to convert byte values to binary so i can read the values from the bits themselves? I have some byte whose values are 00 09 and I'd like to convert the values to bits to be like this : 0000 0000 0000 1001. Then I'd like to read the value of first 2 bits and the remaining 14 bits separately.

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Binary File - Read A Byte[] Array To EOF

Mar 7, 2010

Some binary files have application variables at the end if you open it with a text editor you can see these variables. Now when I read these files into the processor memory the program does not work properly, however if I read a file without this it works fine. So how can I read a byte[] array to EOF so that when I pass that byte array into win32 api create-process it will create the process without corrupting the program?

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Saving Binary Data To Byte Array

Aug 24, 2009

I'm trying to save binary data ( convert from image) to byte array in mifare card with acr 120 reader.
image : 687 byte
mifare : 1 k
My problem its can't save but I am trying to save char data its work.

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Split Binary File Into Smaller Byte Blocks Like 1MB?

Jul 3, 2009

Im working on a FTP Server (File Transfer Protocol) where i can download files.The problem occoured when i was about to download a 4BG large file from the server when i only had 3GB RAM on the server computer and the function to read the binary files was " data = File. ReadAllBytes("Files File001.7z") "... so how do i split the binary file into smaller byte blocks like 1MB?I've been trying this which seems to have been a total failure.[code]

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Swap Bytes - (Byte Ordering In Binary Files MSB-First Vs LSB-First)

May 18, 2010

I need to read a binary file. The Byte-Ordering in this file is different from the Intel-Standard. In good old FORTRAN I've used Equivalence-Statement in such cases (For example Defining a 4-Byte-Integer-variable and 4 Bytes at the same memory location / read the file as bytes / store them in the neccessary order / access the memory using the Integer-Variable). In VB dotnet I programmed a solution using shift-operators:


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Convert And Saving A Byte Array HEX Values To Binary File?

Jan 16, 2010

I have a device with upon serial communication , it send the data as HEX values , (eg, C020042ABD0F91A103E400F929EBC) . I use the following code to get data from the serial port.

Dim fStream As New FileStream(sFileName, FileMode.CreateNew) ' creates new file
Dim bw As New BinaryWriter(fStream)
ComTd.Read(data, 1, bCount)


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Convert And Save Byte Array HEX Values To Binary File

Jun 5, 2011

I have a device with upon serial communication, it send the data as HEX values, (e.g., C020042ABD0F91A103E400F929EBC). I use the following code to get data from the serial port.

Dim fStream As New FileStream(sFileName, FileMode.CreateNew) ' creates new file
Dim bw As New BinaryWriter(fStream)
ComTd.Read(data, 1, bCount)
Dim bCount As Integer = 4119 ' it is the size of the chunk not block size
Dim data(bCount) As Byte
[Code] .....

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FileGet Stops Reading Binary File At First Null (0) Byte?

Dec 18, 2011

I must search a binary string for a pattern. This worked fine in VB6 using Get to read a file into a string and using InStr to search for the pattern. The conversion from VB6 to VB.NET changed Get to FileGet and warned of new behavior, but I don't see anything in the FileGet documentation about not being able to read 0 value bytes.

I don't mind at all changing to a new method, but ultimately I must get the data into a string rather than an array.


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Convert Byte Array Into A String Like So Dim Byt As Byte()?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a byte array that I convert into a string like so Dim byt As Byte() = New Byte(255) {} s = New String(Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(byte))My question is when I look at the string in a debuger its clearly a normal string but when I compare it to what I know its supposed to be it doesnt equal. So i did a quick check and for some reason its return a string thats the length of 256 characters. So i did a s.trim and it still is 256 characters long.

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Loop Through An Array Of Byte And Copy The Contents To A New List?

Oct 3, 2011

I'm trying to loop through an array of byte and copy the contents to a new list of bytes, and display them back. see the code below.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myByte() As Byte = New Byte() {65, 66, 67}


I want to see str1 as "ABC" but the out put i get is "A B C" (ie with spaces between letters) note: I have to copy(chunks) within a loop and get the result at the end, this is just a sample to reproduce my real issue.

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VS 2010 - Pasting Text Box Contents To Byte Array?

Jan 14, 2012

I have a text box that I will paste into a byte array, for example:
02 01 05 BF DD 03
All I need to do is when I click on a button, for the program to take the length of the array and store it in RCVDMSG_Length() and then take the contents of the text box and put it into a byte array RCVDMSG(). From there I think I can figure out how to manipulate the array... but it's this first step that I'm stuck on....

So far I have this in my Form:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim RCVDMSG() As Byte
Dim RCVDMSG_Length() As Integer
RCVDMSG_Length = Len(TextBox1.Text)

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Obtain First Word From A String?

Apr 9, 2012


Is there any trick that could give me the first word of the str [code]...

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Read The Latitude And Longitude Byte Values From The DEM File (retrieving Binary Values)?

Mar 23, 2009

I have a DEM file(Digital Elevattion Model File) and I am trying to open the file,where we have Latitude and Longitude values inside the DEM file.And, Now I have opened the file using Filestream and Read the file using BinaryReader.But, I am having a trobule in getting the values of Latitude and Longitude.I am getting Byte values randomly as 1,202,31,271 etc.But, we dont have latitude and longitude values more than 180,and also I am not getting 16 bit UInt values.For example, the values should be like Latitude 20.00416666666667 and Longitude 39.99583333333333.So,read the correct Byte values of the DEM file.The code I have used till now is:

Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream("C:UsersadminDesktopHeader and DEM fileE020N40.DEM", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim rd As New BinaryReader(fs)
Dim convertDB As UInt16
For i = 0 To rd.BaseStream.Length


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C# - Write Binary Data "as Is" To Registry (visible Binary Data As String From Regedit Only)

Feb 23, 2011

I have been googling this and have not come along a working solution for an entire day. I don't know anything about binary data types (as I've never knowingly used them) and I'm trying to write a binary value that I see in the registry, to the registry. Now, all I see is the following [shown below]... and if I try to pass that as a string to the RegSetValueEx in the WinAPI and of course it errors out...

I do not know what 'numbers' I need to pass into the lpData As Any, argument of RegSetValueEx (i tried a bit array) in order for it to come out as the following [shown below] in the regedit. I really have no idea, and my tests to place random numbers in the bit array just produce corresponding random "figures" as visible in regedit that I do not understand how to 'tie' them together logically. here is the culprit!


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Convert A String Containing A Binary, Octal And Hex Number Into A Decimal String?

Jun 7, 2009

I'd like to convert a string which contains a decimal number into string that contains the binary value, the octal and the hexadecimal value of that decimal number.Afterwards I also like to convert a string containing a binary, octal and hexd. number into a decimal string.Basically I'm looking for the functions:


I'd not prefer to rewrite a function, I'm sure the framework must have these functions already.

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Why Does C# Define Byte+Byte=Int32 Instead Of Byte+Byte=Byte Like VB?

Aug 7, 2010

Why does C# define Byte+Byte=Int32 instead of Byte+Byte=Byte like VB?

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Byte Array To String - Comparing To Another String

Apr 28, 2012

I try to read the ID3 Info from a .mp3 file by reading bytes, and then i convert it to a string, and try to compare it to a string (that contains the same word(s)) but wasnt a byte stream beforehand anyhow ALL of my converted strings have a length of 31, regardless of if its a string that says "John" or a string that says "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" how can i make my converted string have the correct length? John = 4 NOT 31!!??


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Converting A String Of Binary To Hex

Feb 3, 2011

I am trying to convert a string of binary into hex. I have tried several ways and none have worked. This is my latest try. The code runs but doesn't appear to do anything.


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Converting Binary To String?

Jan 1, 2012

I'm using AxVLC to try to play a video from my.resources and I can't seem to convert the binary to a string for it to work...This is what I have so far - produces no errors, or results (nothing happens).

sender As


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Convert Hex String To Byte?

Jun 10, 2009

I've tried CByte(hex) and Convert.ToByte(hex) neither work :/

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Converting A String To A Byte?

Mar 10, 2010

I am using the .NET Framework 2.0, and I am trying to code a client bot for a game called Minecraft, Originally written in Java, there have been quite a few people who have made custom multi-player servers for this game, Primarily in C#, or in a language that i've never heard of, such as Pascal.I'm looking right now at sending this:

Packet ID: 0x00 (0) As Byte
Protocol Version: 0x07(7) As byte
Username: "umby25" As String


"Byte cannot be converted to 1-Dimensional array of byte"

I don't understand why this whole thing would work in all of the other programming languages, but not Visual basic.I have tried converting the string using the same method that one of the open source C# servers used, and it failed, telling me that the dictionary does not contain that or something.

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How To Reverse Byte() To String

Apr 21, 2010

i got byte() value as


i want it to reverse back to string,i don't know how to input back this string into byte() as it is

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VS 2010 Get Byte From Given String?

Apr 19, 2012

how to get byte from given string it should be something like this

'' input data
Dim str As String = "2D"
'' output data
Dim byte As Byte() = {&H2D}

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