Sorting A Dataview Object Based On A Column Number?

May 10, 2011

I have a dataview object that is being populated by database fields - so I can sort on these partulular columns by specifying the actual column names without any difficulty. However, I have been asked to add a few more columns to the dataview, and these columns will be calculated columns, not directly derived from an underlying database column.The users want to be able to sort on these new columns as well - even though there is no actual column name I can use to sort.

I have not been able to see where I can sort a dataview based on the actual column integer value used when the user clicks the appropriate heading to sort.

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Sorting With DataView - Dataview Always Sort The Highest Number Is The Buttom

Jan 5, 2012

I got a problem with dataview that get data from datatabel (Col1 : ID,Col2: Time) and I'm sorting by Time in desc ... when the values for example {40.21,80.21,70.25,25.2} the dataview sorting them as I need but when one of values goes above 100 for example {40.21,80.21,100.25,25.2} the dataview always sort the highest number is the buttom, I don't know why ..

This is a sample code

Dim dt As New DataTable

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Sorting Text File Based On Column?

Oct 5, 2009

I have lines like this

1.0 30 Blue (2 15.50 27.0) [2 15.48 24.1] 96111 19775 100493 19608
1.0 30 Blue (2 16.00 25.0) [2 15.26 23.7] 99111 23275 101123 18112
1.0 30 Blue (2 15.12 22.0) [2 14.97 17.9] 103611 17087 109706 16065
1.0 30 Blue (2 15.50 21.0) [2 15.15 21.4] 105111 19775 104509 17325
1.0 30 Blue (2 15.00 23.0) [2 15.23 17.9] 102111 16275 109706 17876

I want to sort the column that i higlighted in accending order.This is my code so far:

Dim FileContents() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(wirebot50)
For Y As Integer = 0 To FileContents.GetUpperBound(0)
If Not FileContents(Y).Trim = "" Then


But this does not sorting anything. What is the wrong in the above code. And if i want to sort in decending order how to modify the code?

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Sorting A List Based On An ArrayList Within A Custom Object

May 24, 2010

I am using a list to keep track of a number of custom Row objects as follows:

Public Rows As List(Of Row)()
Row has 2 properties, Key (a String) and Cells (an ArrayList).

I need to be able to sort each Row within Rows based on a developer defined index of the Cells ArrayList.

So for example based on the following Rows

Row1.Cells = ("b", "12")
Row2.Cells = ("a", "23")

Rows.Sort(0) would result in Row2 being first in the Rows list. What would be the best way of going about implementing this?

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DataView.Sort - DataView.Find On A DataTable That Is Already 'ORDERED' By The Column

Nov 20, 2010

If want to do a DataView.Find on a DataTable that is already 'ORDERED' by the Column I am seaching, so a DataView.SORT should not be necessary, but it throws an Exception if I don't give a .sort command before the .find command. Is there any way to avoid this apparant duplication ? and speed up the search time. Its a very large table - 1 million rows. I am using VB 2010

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Sql - Sorting In Text And Number Column?

May 22, 2012

I have a text and numeric data in a column of excel. data is 1,2,3,A,B,C,D,10,11,12. I want to do sort these by SQL. and i want get data in below order 1,2,3,10,11,12,A,B,C,D.

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Sorting A DataView?

Mar 9, 2011

I have an XML that looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="library.xslt"?>


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Sorting By Date With Dataview In VB?

May 31, 2012

I'm trying to pull a table from an SQL database and sort it on the "Date From" (DtFr) column, which represents the start of a lease. I thought it would be as easy as this:[code]......You were right about the string value. I added a data column called sortDtFr to the datatable and gave it System.DateTime as a datatype and iterated through the rows setting the new column's value equal to the old one casted as a Date. Here's the code for those interested:listing all drives with GetLogicalDrives()..I am getting ( A:. C:, K: )

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Sorting With Dataview And Datagrid?

Feb 3, 2012

This is my data stored in table1,


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Sorting A DataView - Pull Primary Author Up To Book Level So Can Be Displayed In Grid?

Jul 21, 2009

I have an XML that looks like this:


This allows me to sort by the primary Author, Series, Episode, and Title.

In my application I house the data in a DataSet and then use a DataView to reference it in a Grid.

I'm using VS2005, VB.NET, and I have two questions:

1) How do I replicate the Sort I'm using in my XSLT?

2) How do I pull the primary Author up to the Book level so that it can be displayed in the Grid?

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Excel Sorting Is Only Sorting One Column Not Multiple?

Mar 12, 2012

I'm having my program sort an excel sheet by a few columns. However, it is only sorting by the first column not the rest that I specify.ere is my sort code below:

myRange.Sort(Key1:=myRange.Range("A:A"), Order1:=XlSortOrder.xlAscending, Key2:=myRange.Range("G:G"), Order2:=XlSortOrder.xlAscending, Header:=XlYesNoGuess.xlYes, Orientation:=XlSortOrientation.xlSortColumns)


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Reading 'object-attribute-attribute Value' Triples From Column-based CSV Files

Nov 27, 2011

here any algorithms/pseudocode for reading/parsing 3-column csv data and determining unique objects/attributes/values?

example data:



i have already implemented a solution of my own but it's too slow and i can't find any relevant literature on the internet.

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.net - Sort Datatable / Dataview / Gridview Of Files Based On File Modified Date

Aug 2, 2010

I have a page which lists all the files in a particular folder (all PDFs), using a data-table and gridview. I'm currently sorting this table by the filename (by using a dataview), which isn't that helpful, and I want the gridview of files sorted by the file created or file modified date (as recorded in Windows). If that's not possible, a second option would be to extract the date from the file name string (no problem doing that), and sort the dataview/datatable or gridview based on that.


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Padding A Column When Using DataView.RowFilter

Aug 5, 2011

Does anyone know if it's possible to pad a column to the left using the RowFilter property in a DataView? My data comes from a third party via XML which I've converted to a DataSet. I'm inferring the XML schema to set the column datatype. I've converted the column in question to string in order to properly compare any text entered by the user. At the time I populate the data grid I format the column by padding it with zeros on the left side so that it is always 11 characters (Ex: 123456789 becomes 00123456789). This is for legal reasons and not optional. However when using the RowFilter property the zeros in front are obviously not accounted for because they don't exist in the DataSet.

This is what I'm doing currently:


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Sort Numbering Column In Dataview?

Mar 2, 2012

I want create a datatable .In this datatable 2 coloums are percentage and marks .I want to show the maximum percentage record display on first and simultaneosly another racord ?Thats why i take a dataview but dataview could not sort the datatable exam.

Dim view As DataView = dt.DefaultView
view.Sort = "clm_percentage DESC"
dgvStudInfo.DataSource = view

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Change Dataview Column Width And Names?

Jun 13, 2007

I have filled a datagridview with a dataset using the following code.

Code Snippet

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Get A Subset Of Unique Values In Column(1) Of A DataView?

Dec 16, 2009

Is there a way to get a subset of Unique values in column(1) of a DataView?

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Copying A Dataview To A New Non Referenced Object?

Jun 8, 2009

I have a dataview which I want to copy to another object that is not referenced by the original one.

What is the syntax to do this? The code below creates a new reference to the same object so I cannot modify one without modifying the other:

Dim filteredCategory As DataView
filteredCategory =

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Filtering DataGridView With DataView Object

Jan 9, 2010

I am grabbing a DataTable from a database and am displaying it in a DataGridView. One of the columns in the DataTable is a Boolean, which is properly displayed as a check box column. This part is working fine. Now I want to put an optional filter on the DataGridView which does not show any of the rows that are checked. So I now have a DataView object that can filter the DataTable and have bound that to the DataGridView. Great!

Now the problem is when the user clicks the Check Box and then focuses another row (or anything else), the row that was just checked immediatly gets filtered. However I would like the row to remain visible until the user commits the changes to the data. Is there any way to get the a DataView to not filter rows that have been modified?

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2010 DataView.Find() Query - Search On A Index / Row Number

Nov 15, 2011

I am trying to do a search on a index/row number taken from a dataview i.e. I enter 379437 in the input box which I know has a index/row number of 6. Now when I replace the Rows(index) with a Rows(6) I get the results that I want. When I run the code below the index comes out as 75 which displays the first row from the dataset which is a completely different set of results.


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VS 2005 Sorting A List (Of Point) Based On Distance

Mar 26, 2010

I have a list of collection of points on the screen. I want to order them based on their distance from a seperate, independent point. What's working is I have a function GetDistance which does the dirty pythagorian work of returning the distance between two points.

'Create the set point from which to start all measurements from (startpoint)
dim SetPoint as new Point(200,200)
'Create a list to hold arbitrary points to test (endpoints)
dim ListOfPoints as new list(of point)


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Include Value From Column In Sum If It Meets Criteria Based On Value From Other Column?

Mar 13, 2009

table named mytablei have columns like this


i would like is to include amount1 and amount 2 values into sum only if amount1paidstatus="yes" for amount1 and amount2paidstatus="yes" for amount2, something like for selected day and selected customer.query "should" look something like this:select amount1(if amount1paidstatus=1)+amount2(if amount2paidstatus="yes")from my tablewhere (day=1) and (customer=1)

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VS 2010 : Select A Column From A Dataset Based On The Value In Another Column?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm writing a help application for the Customer support team at my company to help agents ask better questions when customers report problems. In it, I've got a SQL database that contains all the products, topics, and questions. The layout is similar to the following:

Products Table:
Product_ID Product Name:
Topics Table:
Topic_ID Product_ID Topic


I don't know if I'm making myself clear, but I basically need to do the equivalent to the following SQL statement: "SELECT PRODUCT_ID FROM Products WHERE PRODUCT_Name = LstProducts.SelectedValue"

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Identify A Datagridview Column Based On Column Name?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a data gridview on my windows form with 4 columns. Now I identify a column as followed:

Dim item1 as String = DataGridView1.Item(1, index).Value

So now I use a number ( In this case: 1 ) for the column index, but I want to make it a bit more readable so now I want to obtain the column index based on the datagridview column name.[code]...

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DataGrid Sorting By One Column Then Another

Mar 13, 2012

Is there a way to sort a datagrid by one coloumn and then by another? For example by column 1 then by column 2. I have managed to sort it by a single column, however this doesnt give consistent results.

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DataGridView Multiple Column Sorting

Jun 9, 2009

I'm trying to sort multple colums in the DataGridView which is unbound. I would prefer to sort by using a DataTable/DataView but for some reason another developer in my team experienced other problems relating to sorting so he abandoned using the DataTable to fill the grid :(

Here is the senario: I want the user to be able to choose which columns they want sort on. The way I envisaged was to show a form with a listbox, a grid and 3 buttons (Add to sort, Remove from sort and Apply Sort).

The list box would be populated from the parent form grid column headings.
The grid will show the columns and sort direction.
Button 1 would add the selected item of the list box to the grid.
Button 2 would remove from the grid the selected row.
Button 3 would Apply the Sort in the order of the grid and the columns SortDirection.

Now I looked at How to: Customize Sorting in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control using the IComparer [URL]

how I can use the IComparer to sort on multiple columns that a user has specified or another way to sort on multiple columns using unbound data.

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Sorting A DataGridView Image Column?

Feb 27, 2009

I need to be able to sort a DGV image column by clicking on its header. I set the sort mode to automatic in the designer, but when I click on the header nothing happens. Are these columns sortable? If so, what do I need to do?

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Sorting A Unbound Datagridview Column

Sep 8, 2011

I have an unbound datagridview that I populate with data. When the user clicks on the column head the datagridview is sorted - which is fine for alphabetic fields but I have a column that contains numeric fields and goes from -100 to +100. This is sorted incorrectly by the number (all the 1s first then all the 2s and so on, ignoring the minus sign). How do I get it to sort my column numerically?

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Sorting DataGridView Column With Numbers

Nov 9, 2009

I have a datagridview with a column called "Total Price". This is set to a string value type because I need to always show 2 decimals. For example:
must be in the datagridviewcolumn:

So I use string.format for this. However, now I have a problem with sorting because the column is a string value type and numbers get sorted like this:
How to override the sort method or something that is called when a user clicks on the column header and the most effective way to sort it programmatically?

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Sorting Text File By Column?

Dec 9, 2011

how to sort .txt file by first column and the second column the first row is the header



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