Start A New Form With The PrintPreviewContol On It And A PrintDocument?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a problem with the printpreviewcontrol under windows 7.It only occures under windows 7 not xp.I start a new form with the PrintPreviewContol on it and a PrintDocument.In this case, everything goes perfect.But when i add the PrintDocument to the PrintPreviewControl it goes wrong (PrintPreviewControl1.Document = PrintDocument1)

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VS 2008 PrintDocument Causes Form To Minimize Or Lose Focus

Jan 16, 2012

I have this rather annoying problem when printing in VB.NET. I use the PrintDocument object and after it has done its job, the form gets minimized to the taskbar. I tried to force the focus on the form but to no avail. I was just wondering if someone else has encountered this problem and maybe has a solution for it?

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Load The Sub Main At The Start Rather Than Loading A Form On Start Up?

Feb 24, 2012

How can I get my application to load the Sub Main at the start rather than loading a form on start up.

I have tried declaring 'Public Sub Main' on my forms and in some modules, yet in my project properties, it is not one of the options.

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C# - Detect If Application Start Using A Manual Handling (Pressing An Icon) Or Start When Windows Start?

Feb 28, 2011

I have made my application to start automaticly when windows start (registry ../currentversion/run/appname + path). In this mode the application start minimized and an little icon appear in the notification icon area. With this icon you can maximize the app or exit it.If you exit the app and start it again using the Menu (Start/programs etc) than the application start in minimized mode (and in this case I would like to have it in normal mode) because the setting autostart is still true.Is there a way you can detect when the application start when windows startup using the above registry or when people click on an icon in the programs menu (or desktop)?

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Multiple Forms - Declare And Instantiate Second Form On Program Start - Use Button Simply To Show Form?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a program that uses two forms. The program opens to the Main form, and the user can navigate to the other form from the Main form through use of a button. Here's the way I've currently written it: When the Main form loads, it declares and instantiates the other form during the load procedure. When the user presses a button, the second form is displayed by means of the ShowDialog method. On the second form, there is a Return to Main Screen button which closes the second form, bringing the user back to the Main form.

So, here's the structure of the code:

Public Class frmMainForm

Dim frmSecondForm As New SecondForm

Private Sub btnSecondForm_Click(blah, blah, blah) Handles blah, blah, blah


Here's my reasoning: Originally, I wrote the code so that a new instance of the second form was created every time the button was pressed. The problem was that whatever data was displayed on the second form, previously, was lost when the user returned to it a second time. Since the user would be switching back and forth between these forms, frequently, I needed that data to persist.

What is the best practice for accomplishing this:

1) Declare and instantiate the second form on program start, as I have done, and use the button simply to show the form?

2) Declare and instantiate the second form each time the button is pressed but maintain the variables on the Main form and pass them ByRef to a custom constructor for the second form? Is this even possible?

3) Something else?

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Stopwatch Thing - To Start On The First Form, And Stop On The Last Form?

Oct 16, 2011

I want a stopwatch thing, to start on the forst form, and stop on the last form, and to show the time.

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Child Form Not Refreshing When I Try To Start App From MDI Form

Dec 1, 2010

I have MDI form and child forms in my app.[code]...

now if i try to refresh the items of combo box of Register form from Desig form, then it is not refreshing. i.e. i can't see my new items in that combo box on Register form.

Now when i try to start my app directly from Register form then the same code works perfectly but same code is not running when i try to start the app from MDI form.[code]...

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Printdocument To Pdf Files

Feb 20, 2009

I create some reports or documents in my vb 2008 application using the Printing.printdocument object.I have no problem when i print to a printer but I also need to print directly to a PDF file, and specify the filename in the code. I don't want to have any interaction with the filename dialog box. It must be totally transparent to the user. Does anyone have an idea to help me? I don't find anything on the net?

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Save A Printdocument Out As A Pdf?

Oct 16, 2009

Is it possible to save a printdocument out as a pdf?

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Changing PaperKind Of The PrintDocument?

Apr 7, 2010

I have an A5 paper. I need to set the print document to this paper. But I can't change RawKind property of the print document. Please help. I tried that code, but it didn't work:

PrintDocument1.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.RawKind = 11

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Critical Printdocument Printing?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a program that prints using the printdocument control. How do I check for errors in the program. Sometimes the program prints ok, sometimes the print does not print at all or give any feedback about the status of the print.

Bireirectional printing is enabled on the printer.

The program prints barcoded orders to a barcode label printer. The supplier's only cue to supply is the printed barcode label. I can see in the program that the orders are getting queued, and at certain intervals a timer runs to update each available order's status to "printed".As far as I am aware, there is no "Error" event of the printdocument control, and the printing is an asynchronous operation. So how should I check?

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Custom Pagesize With Printdocument

Jan 16, 2011

I want to print in a custom papersize using printdocument control I am using the following code [code]

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Different Behaviour Between PrintDocument And PageSetupDialog?

Mar 11, 2011

In a program I am using the standard PrintDocument, PageSetupDialog and PrintPreView controls. I am attempting to print a screenful of information which covers three A4 printed sheets. The printed format is OK except that the positioning on the page. Changing the margins in the PageSetupDialog makes it worse.So I wrote the following code in the Form Load event to see what was going on -

MsgStr As


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Generate A Report Using A Printdocument?

Sep 28, 2009

I have written a timeclock application for my employees and am trying to generate a report using a printdocument.The problem I'm having is finishing out the entries on another page. This code is causing the remaining entries to be printed on the same page over top of the original ones.Here is the basics of the code.

Private Sub prtReport_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles prtReport.PrintPage
Dim TitleFont As New Font("Times New Roman", 22)
Dim HeaderFont As New Font("Microsoft San Serif", 14)
Dim FooterFont As New Font("Microsoft San Serif", 6)


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Print Barcodes Using Printdocument?

Dec 1, 2011

I am trying to print a barcode I have successfully made the barcode in a label using a reference .dll file

Imports BarCode
TempLabel = New Label
With TempLabel
.Text = BarcodeConverter128.StringToBarcode(CStr(tblPrintLabels.Rows(intLabelCount)("BARCODE_NO")))
.Font = New Font("Code 128", 28)


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PrintDocument How To Center Text

May 17, 2012

I am having problems trying to center some text. I created a printdocument and it has a company name and title and then other information I have the information fine but I wanted to center the company name [code]I know I have to get the width of the page then divide it by two and after that find out how long my text is then subtract that so it still prints center screen. Pretty much right now it prints out and runs off the right side of the page.But what I would like it to do is print in the Center but have equal margins on the sides of the page still.Just like clicking Center allignment on a word doc.

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PrintDocument Taking Way Too Long?

Dec 13, 2009

The problem I'm facing is that PrintForm has a shoddy quality while getting the printouts and PrintDocument takes way too long to get on receipt printed (Almost 5-10 Seconds!)I'm either looking for an alternative for PrintDocument or somehow make the PrintDocument run faster

printFont As


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Printing Coordinates For RTL Using The PrintDocument?

Sep 20, 2009

I'm sending a rtl text "Arabic" to a receipt printer. My problem is in selecting left and top coordinates for each line. If the paper width changes the whole procedure needs to be written for that specific width, because I'm measuring form the left edge. Is there a way in the printDocument object that flips the starting point from left to right?

p.s. the format string in the args.Graphics.DrawString() only select the direction of the printed string in case it has some numbers and symbols but it doesn't start the string from the right edge of the page.

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Save PrintDocument To Image?

Nov 7, 2008

The project I am working on requires me to printout a form and email the printout to another department within my company. I have the printout exactly the way I need it, but I am not clear on how to save the PrintDocument to an image. The following link has an example of exactly what I am trying to accomplish, but I just can't understand how how the PrintImage() sub works or how to use MyObj to do both.


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Change Boolean After Printdocument Is Rendered?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm using the PrintPreviewDialog and am wondering how I can change a boolean variable after the PrintDocument has been rendered in the dialog window. I found out that using the dialog's Shown event fires before the PrintDocument has been rendered so the boolean gets changed before the document's been rendered. I can't use any of the PrintDocument's events to change the boolean since the preview dialog is not always used unless there's a way I can use the EndPrint event to detect that the PrintDocument's owner is the PrintPreviewDialog or an actual printer or something.

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Convert VB PrintDocument To Word Document

Feb 5, 2010

I have created a module that prints a simple report. I want to be able to email this report to a number of people. What are my options? And, how do I go about it. If I can get it converted to either a Word or PDF document, I can email it.

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Draw String In A PrintDocument Object?

Nov 3, 2011

This is a scratchy rough copy (Published as Version 1.1.0 because there was a huge logic error in 1.0.0), and I was wondering if anyone could give me pointers on how to make the code better. The heart of the program is here. I don't have the code for the SplashScreen, AboutBox, and the InstructionsForm because that is unnecessary. The main issue that I have is with the large EndSalesButton_Click event. The big block there is driving my eyes and brain crazy while trying to test the logic. So, to sum up everything, can anyone make that look nicer and easier on the mind? If you would like to run my program to better understand how it works, feel free to contact me at either of the two emails in the beginning declarations (lines 2 and 3)of the code below.

'Name: Douggie
'Email 1: <removed>
'Email 2: <removed>


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How To Print Multi Pages Using Printdocument

Dec 31, 2011

i am trying to print multiple pages using this peace of code Dim ControlStack3 As New Stack(Of ComboBox) For Each ctrl In Me.TabControl1.TabPages(2).Controls 'To handle issue of taborder'


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PrintDocument / Document Property Is Not Overridable?

Mar 27, 2009

I need to pass a parameter to the event PrintPage of the PrintDocument relative to my PrintPreviewDialog in some way.I tought to inherit PrintDocument class adding to it a property with the parameter I need, creating MyPrintDocument class. Then, I would like to create MyPrintPreviewDialog class, in which I could override the Document property declaring it of MyPrintDocument type.The problem is that the Document property is not overridable and if I declare it Shadows the PrintPageEvent doesn't raise.

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Printing A Text File With PrintDocument

May 4, 2009

I am using PrintDocument to print a text file but the printer is overwriting into the same page instead of using a new page. [Code]

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Setting The Height And Width Of A Printdocument?

Jun 11, 2009

I have tried everything and read everything and I still can't set the height and width of a document? It always boils down to setting the kind to "Custom", however the

Dim psize As Printing.PaperSize
psize.Kind = PaperKind.Custom
always fails on property 'Kind' is read only.

Then of course the line psize.height = 200 always aborts because 'Kind is not set to custom'.

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Take Print Of .txt File Using PrintDocument Class?

Oct 7, 2011

First Look the follwing formats.I have this format as a .txt File.The difference between two formats are.First format is consist of Dot Lines(--------)I want To replace it with Dark Line _____________how can i have it.

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VS 2008 - How To Create Event For PrintDocument

Nov 15, 2010

We have made on run time a printDocument object.
Dim pd As New PrintDocument
How do we get the PrintPage and the BeginPrint events?

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Multi-threading Forms - Open A Separate Form As A Separate UI Thread From The Start Up Form

Oct 27, 2011

I have a few forms that have a lot of really intensive updating along with a great deal of user interface (text boxes, button clicking etc) Is it possible to open a separate form as a separate UI thread from the start up form that called it to "show" or open or whatever the new method might be?

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Make A Form Start Instead Of Another One?

Jun 14, 2009

I need a different form to show itself on startup.And then when i click a button make it show another form.

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