Store Password, Even The Developer Can't See It?

Jul 8, 2009

I went for an interview last week, and the interviewer asked me a question that i failed to answer.

He asked me, how did i store the password in the database. Then i answered that i would encrypt it then store it in database.

Then he said after encryption, developer or admin still able to view the encrypted password. But he didn't want developer or admin to be able to view the encrypted password.

I thought of cookies, but if user clear their cookies file, everything will be gone.

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Concurrency Handle Is Part Of The Software Developer Or Database Developer?

Jul 23, 2009

In CRUD application development we have to face the issues with concurencies in Ids such as Generate and display UNique EmployeeIDs on forms. Currently i'm writting .DLL file that has a class that will handle concurrencies.

But i'm puzziled with the Question, is this concurrency handle is part of the software developer or Database developer?

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Encrypt The Password Store In The Database?

Jun 21, 2010

how to encrypt the password store in the database so that if the database found by pupil it cannot take password from the table .how to encrypt password .I m using microsoft acess as the databese.

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Store An Encrypted Password Into A Database?

Oct 17, 2010

I need to be able to accept a password from a user in a WPF app, encrypt it then store this in a database and be able to decrypt later on. However I'm not sure how to implement this.

This is completely trivial so whether it's safe or not doesn't matter. All I need is for it to get working only I'm unsure exactly how to do it. I've tried playing around with the DESCryptoServiceProvider() but haven't gotten anywhere.

To be clear, how exactly do I go about converting a simple password into something that's been encrypted and storing it in the database (and what fields would I store it in). At this point, I'm happy if there's only one key and that key is being defined in the source code.

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Generates A Random Password And Store The Value To A Label

Apr 18, 2012

I have the following code which extracts the contactcode from a table in a database;


Code: lblUniqueID.Value() = (RandomPassword.Generate(4, 6)) Now, I want to compare the contactcode values extracted from the database and the value stored in lblUniqueID.Value(). If the random password is similar to one of the contactcode then generate another RandomPassword IF NOT then place the value to another label called lbltransfer.text.

I'll insert that value to the database.. The idea is extract all the contactcodes(these are the random passwords already generated and stored) from the database. Compare with the new generated password if it exists then create another one if not then store it in a label called lbltransfer.text.

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Store Multiple Account / Password Values?

May 26, 2009

Currently I am trying to receive input from a user for up to five usernames and passwords. I can not figure out the best way to do so. I have tried textboxes but that makes forms look dirty and redundant.[code]...

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Store User And Password Information Into The Application

Jan 8, 2011

I'm trying to make a application with a login system. I want to store user and password information, into the application. So I can access it from my administrator account. I have tried to make a textbox for every username and password,And then save it into my.settings And then I run the finished application, it works fine to store the information. but if I copy the application after I had entered some user/pass information. All textboxes I blank on the other computer.

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Encrypt Login Password And Store It Inside A Text File

Apr 2, 2010

I would like to encrypt login password and store it inside a text file. But I have no idea how to encrypt it. Can someone show me an example of code so that i can get an idea of how to go about it ?

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Database - Where To Store Users' Information(personal Details - Username And Password) In Vb

Feb 16, 2011

I'm a newbie in visual basic. I'm doing a login system. I'm done with the GUI. but for the programming part, I want to know where to store new user's information along with the username and password. I've done research. seems like it has something to do with database. p/s: I'm looking for high security in storing data to prevent hacking.

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InputBox Function - Program - Allow User To Input 5 Payrolls For Store 1, Store 2, And Store 3

Mar 22, 2012

I am coding a program that will allow the user to input 5 payrolls for Store 1, Store 2, and Store 3. The total of the 5 payrolls are then added together and shown in the respective Store's labels. A total label is also there to add up all the totals into one number. The numbers in the label must be in currency form. My problem is the numbers don't add correctly when I hit calculate. The first two numbers add together, but then after that the number just seems to subtract a random amount.

So far I have this --

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub


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What's The Best Way For A C# Developer To Learn VB?

Mar 26, 2009

I'm a C# programmer who needs to pick up some VB. The syntax differences are easy enough to figure out, but there are other things I'll need more of a tutorial on. For example, VB's "strict" mode in Visual Studio is something essential to me, but something I wouldn't have learned just by comparing language syntax. Any recommendations on how to pick up VB quickly, yet thoroughly? I can't stand to work through a 1000 page book introducing VB to novices.

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Checking AD Password - Create A Password Change Form For My Company's Vendors

Jan 15, 2012

I'm trying to create a password change form for my company's vendors. There are a couple of scenarios I could encounter doing this:

1 - User enters invalid current password
2 - New passwords do not match
3 - User's account is locked
4 - User cannot authenticate because password is expired

It's case 4 that I'm struggling with, because their is no way for me to take the password the user entered and verify it against active directory without getting an error.

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Membership ChangePassword (hashed) Match Current Password Against Old Password Field

Jun 1, 2011

I am implementing a system where the user can Reset their password if they have forgotten it.Once it is reset I want to give them the option of changing the password so that it will be something more memorable to them.The password is hashed and if i enter in the correct old password and new password the password does change.If I enter in the wrong old password and new password the password doesnt change.Is there a way to match the old password with the old password field in code behind so I can throw up an error to the user to tell them what is wrong? [code]

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Password Characters - Get A Textbox Being Using For Password Entry To Display The Black Circle

Feb 10, 2009

How do you get a textbox being using for password entry to display the black circle that you often see in web forms, on the iphone etc etc?

I can change the PasswordChar property to an asterisk no problem and even copying and pasting symbols inserted into Word seemed to work - just couldn't find a symbol that looked like a bullet point!

Can this actually be achieved for a standalone exe, or is it something unique to web forms? Surely copying and pasting symbols from Word isn't actually the answer?

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Pass Password If Excell Sheet Have Password And Enable Macro?

Jul 25, 2011

I read and write the cells from excell sheet sucessfully. now please i need a advise on the following

1. Where i save the file? at the time of project publishing it include also with the project?

2. how i check file exits or not?

3. How i pass the password if excell sheet have password and enable macro?

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Password Implementation - Program To Start With A Prompt That Asks For A Password

Apr 21, 2010

I'm currently working on a CRM project in I want the program to start with a prompt that asks for a password and if the user enters the correct password then the main form loads.Im having some problems wrapping my mind around this...

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Cannot Execute Exe On Machines Other Than The Developer?

Jul 19, 2011

I updated a VB.NET application from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010 and made a few changes to it. Now it works fine on my development workstation but when the user tries to run it, it fails. The error detail is below. I've searched for System.InvalidOperationException and found several suggestions but none of them have helped. There isn't any static initialization code in the application. I changed the compilation to x86 instead of AnyCpu. None of these has helped. The project is compiled for .NET 3.5 and that hasn't changed. Both environments are Windows 7 64-bit.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I might determine what is causing this?


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Creating New Application With VB Web Developer?

Apr 20, 2009

I'm creating new application with visual basic web developer i have 3 textbox on web form ajax this is code inside event load

Dim Connection As SqlConnection
Dim Command As SqlCommand
Dim dr As SqlDataReader


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Download The Developer Tools?

Nov 9, 2011

I have been trying to download the Visual Basic and it took me 3 days now to download because my network is not always good, so when the net is off, I have to start it over and over again. My question is: How can I download the Visual Basic just once and for all so that I start learning how to build my first Windows Applications?

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VB Web Developer Wanting To Learn C#

Jul 28, 2011

I've been an ASP.NET VB.NET Web Developer for the past 4 years, but its been mainly self-taught so I think theres a fair few basics I have probably not learnt along the way.I'm interested in switching to C#, and was wondering what book would be best to buy to learn this.Is Jon Skeet's 'C# in depth' book a good place to start learning, or would this be too difficult for me to start with?

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Create A Simple Password Box That Will Ask The User For A Username And Password?

Jul 15, 2009

I am looking to create a simple password box that will ask the user for a username and pass, if the user is validated against the usernames and passwords in an .ini file the login box will close and launch a program also stated in the .ini file. I would also like to be able to launch different programs for different users.

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Cannot Install Visual Web Developer 2008 On Win 7 64 Bit?

Jan 10, 2010

I get an error that says Setup Stopped working when installing Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition with SP1 . Everything else installed fine. I am using the Offline ISO.

EDIT: This happens with the new 2010 Beta 2 also.. same exact error message.

Here are the details:

Description:Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition with SP1 - ENU has encountered a problem during setup. Setup did not complete correctly.


Google search does not help. What is really funny about this is that from my search I see there are multiple solutions for this problem that have worked for different people, none of which apply to my situation.Why do I get the feeling that God does not want me to learn VB programming? (Grin)

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Close Button In Visual Web Developer?

Aug 20, 2009

I want to put a button on my Visual Web developer 2005 Express edition page (one single web page) that will close the internet web browser (IE 7 being used), when my users click on the closed button. I need to write visual basic code to closer the browser but haven't found an example that explains how to do this in code. Can someone give me an exmaple of how to accomplish this in Visual Basic Code.Paul Mayer

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Compiled Code Not Responding Same As Developer?

Oct 27, 2010

I have completed a small VB console app to read data from a BT card scanner. From within the VS2010 developer the app runs as desired, capturing the data and displaying it on screen with console.writeline().When I compile and execute the code either from the debug bin version or the release bin version, the app only captures the first few bytes then closes. All the code is within the Module1 Sub Main. Is there a compile setting or other property that I need to adjust?

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Create A Website With Program Developer?

Sep 26, 2009

My home page contains three Dropdownlist controls, the lists are populated from my database i created ie. (From three tables)- Courses, Grades and Schools.

I want a situation whereby a user clicks on any of the Courses, or the Grades, or any of the Schools from my dropdownlist controls, and selects the search button, the names of the students that took the course, their grades in that course, and their schools should appear in a table form. if its a Grade that is selected, the names of the students with the grade, their courses and their schools should also appear in a table form. And likewise the School.

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Display Selected Properties To The Developer?

Sep 15, 2010

I have class containing 10 properties. It has constructor which accepts one string parameter say "Param1". This is actually a liabrary which will be exposed to the developer.

Now when developer writes a code for creating instance of this class and pass the param1, then depending on the value of param1 developer should be able to see limited properties.

If Param1 has value1 then developer should be able to see 4 properties.

if Param1 has value2 then developer should be able to see another 3 properties etc.

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Exit Button In Visual Web Developer?

Oct 6, 2010

Me.Close() doesn't work.

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Forums For Quotations For Developer Work?

Sep 17, 2009

I've done a google and bing and am obviously not entering the right words. I'm looking for a forum where I can get developers to bid for some (net) development work I'd like to subcontract out. It wont necessarily be VB net

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Get Unhandled Exception Information To Developer

Jan 26, 2010

I am wondering how I would get the information on what errors get processed by the application.unhandledexception. I already handle the event and gather the information, but I am unsure how or what the best way to get that information to me (the developer).

So far I have vdialog that asks the user if he/she wants to send the error to me, kind of like when an error occurs in Windows XP and a dialog asks the user if they would like to send information about the error to microsoft. I am unsure what to do when the user clicks "Send".

I have thought about emailing to me, but I don't really want to put my email address as the from, because I might change it or its password in the future, thus breaking its usability.

I cannot yet do an anonymous FTP upload, because my website only allows one FTP user, and that is used only to update the website.

I also have thought about using the user's default email program, but that will not work in most cases of people who rely on web mail.

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Options Are Available For A Developer When Using Fluent NHibernate?

Jul 9, 2010

I've been using c# for the past year and I enjoy the power you get with Fluent NHibernate. One question that I get from friends is "nice but how can programmers use this?"So for example- the below is a c# mapping class. How would someone do this with

public class PostMap : ClassMap<post>
public PostMap()


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