Str() Adds A Space To The Number Once Its Finished

Jan 2, 2010

I'm new to VB and trying to convert numbers to a string then add the string together but VB keeps putting a space at the beginning of each number after i convert it to a string.


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VS 2005 Environment.NewLine Adds Space To Multiline Text In Excel Cell?

Jun 3, 2010

To set the text of the excel cell to an multiline text i have used "sometext" & Environment.NewLine & "sometext".but it adds an space at the end of the first line

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Random Number Generator / Finished?

Feb 25, 2012

I would like to know if what I have here is correct? could it be done better? is there something I could add or take away? or is it finished and does what it does? I'm also posting it so that other beginners can maybe look at it and learn from it, just copy and paste the code in to a new Windows Forms Application, hit F5 and then Space bar.[code]

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VS 2010 User Enters Number And Adds That Many Numbers And Totals

Apr 29, 2012

I am wanting to allow a user to enter a number and depending on what number is entered, it will allow that many entries. For example, if 5 is entered, the user has to enter 5 numbers. Those 5 numbers will then be added together.I 6 is entered, 6 total numbers will be added.I was trying to do this with a for next loop but I wasn't getting anywhere.

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Why Datagridview Adds Additional 2 Blank Rows When The Bounded Datatable Only Adds 1 Row

Sep 20, 2011

I am using 2010. I have a datagridview whose data source is a data table. I dynamically add rows to the data table.


After adding the new row, m_table is correct. However, DVGCusClient not only adds this row, but also adds two additional blank rows at the bottom. I have no idea where these two blank rows come from. Why I use above code is as follows: Use a data grid view to display data. When a user clicks a row, another form is opened which allows user to search/input some data.When the user closes the form, all data is saved to a data table and shown on the data grid view.

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User Selects Number Of Products From Datagrid / Adds Them To A Basket Using Array List

Jun 8, 2012

I am making a minor basket system which the user selects a number of products from a datagrid and it adds them to a basket using an array list (arrItemID).However on the ViewBasket form I want another datagrid however a query is formed listing the selected products. Though the datagrid seems to be empty (though the query when outputted to a text box is ideal. [code]

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Replace - Keep The Space Between The Number And The Text

Mar 29, 2012

The original string is like this: sLine = " 1 Screen"

What I want is this: sLine = "000001 Screen" (I do want to keep the space between the number and the text, so that is why its not just a replace) What I see with the following code is this: sLine = "01 Screen" Some how the replace does the first char, but then is not adding the zeros to the rest of the string, its just removing them (somehow I think it must think integer? [Code]

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Get A Numberupdown Text To Show The Value "+" So If The Value Is A Positive Number Then It Adds The Plus Sign In Front Of The Digits?

Sep 29, 2009

is there any way to get a numberupdown text to show the value "+" so if the value is a positive number then it adds the plus sign in front of the digits.


2.00 would become +2.00
3.25 would be +3.25

as when its negative its


It already adds the negative value when its negative of course.

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Board Game - Pixel Movement At Certain Number Of Space

Jan 9, 2010

I'm in the process of making board game created into a pc game. It will be a 2-d basic board game. What I'm looking for, how to move pixels a certain space. I'm not all certain on how the game is played but right now I'm just wondering how to move a picture certain number of spaces. This will most likely be based on a dice roll I'll create later.

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How To Generate A Random Block Of Number Of Cells In Two Dimensional Space

Nov 25, 2009

I am using VS2008. I worked on this problem for a time, but I was not successful doing it. Below is the VS file.I need to produce a grid of cells and have some random features as shown below which is an example of a world of (500 x 500) units (or any other size and grid size). It contains three areas (of 11 cells, Value of each cell = 108), two green areas (of 8 cells, Value of each cell = 137) and one river. The start point of the river should start from one of the world edges and finish to another one. Please note that number of feature could increase or decrease according to user inputs.The question is, how can I produce these features randomly? To clarify the question, I will read the number of areas from a form. I need these features so that the number of cells should be distributed randomly beside (attached to) each other in the world. The rivers occupy one sequential grid line. My problem is how can I randomly generate the features according to number of cells??

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Crystal Reports - Adjusting Space At Runtime Depending On Number Of Lines

Mar 24, 2008

I am trying to design a report where one filed can be multiple lines and the other related field should be located below (See attached)
address may be 1 one or more lines, city state zip should be located just below.
I already have the field set to can grow, however the spacing is the issue. How do I make the spacing adjust at runtime depending on the number of lines in the field. I can space it to say 3 lines, but if the address filed is only 1 line it leaves a 3 line gap.

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Get A Certain Text Inside A Textbox To Equal That Text Space To Space Or Null To Space?

Sep 25, 2011

How would i get a certain text inside a textbox to equal that text space to space or null to space?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Textbox1.Text.StartsWith(Textbox2.Text + " ") And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Textbox2.Text) Then
Textbox1.Text = Textbox1.Text.Remove(0, Textbox2.TextLength)
End If

Btw: after i finish this step my project will be finished!

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Keydown Space/Enter - Use The Space Or Enter Key To Change The Image In It?

Sep 8, 2011

I am using a picture box. I want to be able to use the Space or Enter key to change the image in it. For that, I try to use the keydown function as follow:

Private Sub ChestWindow_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Keys.NumPad1[code]....

is the function which changes the image. It works well when I press '1' on my numeric part of the keyboard as a test.The issue is that when I press Space or Enter, the form containing the picturebox closes. (I've already put the keyPreview property to True)

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Enumeration Already Finished?

Dec 17, 2009

Is there a way to check to see if the enumeration is already finished?

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Know A Process Is Finished?

Mar 9, 2010

I am using the following command to install a driver withing my program: Process.Start(Application.StartupPath & "USBG-232MM_Driver.exe")

This installs a driver for USB cable(not important).

1- I would like to wait untill the driver finishes installing before I go to next step. Is there anyway to know if this process is completed?

2- After I plug the USB cable the computer starts the detection. I like to know when the device is detected and ready.

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Close Excel After Finished

Jun 4, 2011

I have an application that allows the user to upload information from and Excel sheet. Since the user is more familiar with Excel, they prefer to do it this way. My software will close the workbook with Me.exApp.Workbooks.Close() , but if you have the task manager running, you can see the Excel application continues. I know the workbook is closed, b/c it asks if you would like to save changes. One instance of Excel will close when the program is exited, but the user normally builds a folder of Excel files and does them all at once. If 8 instances of Excel exist, only one will close with the program.

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Know When A Web Page Has Finished Loading?

Feb 12, 2011

I've made a tabbed web browser and I'm using

CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).Stop()
instead of WebBrowser1.Stop() for navigating.

but I want to know when a web page has finished loading?

Normally the following works, but not with tabs

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
End Sub

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Play A Second SWF File AFTER The First Has Finished?

Feb 24, 2010

I am having no trouble playing a swf file in VB but how can a play a second SWF file AFTER the first has finished? How do I know when the first file is done playing? Tried 'isplaying' method in a while loop but can't get it to work.

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VS 2008 For Each Loops Finished

Sep 21, 2009

I have a piece of my code that uses a for each to loop a certain amount of times depending on how many saved fields there are in an xml.
'// Write an .html file ready for debugging
If (File.Exists("Working/" & textBoxCampaignName.Text & ".html")) Then
'// Do nothing the file exists


So the for each loops depending on how many nodes it finds in the ("/campaign/secondarySection") this works great, it loops accordingly, what i'm trying to figure out is a way for a messagebox to show once the loops are finished, i can't think of a way to find out once the loops are done.

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VS 2008 Once Finished A Project?

Feb 29, 2012

I'd like to know... well, I have finished a project managing databases and all that stuff... and using ADO.NET, some databases and the main program, I'd like to compile it all to make an installation and use those databases.If I use the exex that is inside the debug folder... in other computers gives error and don't show the content of the databases. What I want is just the exe but with the databases visible in the other cpus, how to install the app in any windows computer and what I need to know or give is:

If I have my installator and I give this to a friend, he can use the databases ? He need the SQL 2005 Management to see that content of the databases ? Or I can just give him the program and work with the databases??

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VS 2008 WebBrowser When Finished?

Jun 20, 2010

I have some code that needs to be executed right after the page has been loaded inwebbrowser controli tried numerous things like if webbrowser.isbusy = false...but that will check it only one time, and when it's executedwebbrowser control doesnt wait for page toload to continue executing program, so it's no use to put my code after webbrowser.navigate

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Webbrowser1 Is Often Not Really Finished Loading?

Aug 18, 2011

how to cause it so that my program will not proceed while a web page is loading. For example, if I use this:


sometimes it will have finished loading the webpage before the program proceeds. Other times, even if it says it is done, it is not done and it causes my program to crash.

how I can cause my program to stop and wait until it is sure the webbrowser has completed loading?

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Button Which Adds Text To My RichTextBox1?

Feb 20, 2009

I'm using Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition and I was just wondering if someone could help me out with a few things? I'm making a Notepad-type program just to clarify things.1. I have a button which adds text to my RichTextBox1 (excuse the name), but when you click it it adds text to the end of the script. I want to make it so the text is added where your "cursor" (the blinking thing which lets you know where you're typing) is, at the current part of RichTextBox1. At the moment I'm using:

RichTextBox1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text + "The text I'm adding" If anyone could tell me the code to make it put "The text I'm adding" at your current cursor that'd be great.

2. I have a Save As button and a Save button. When you click Save As and save the file it works 100%, when you click Save and you haven't saved previously then it works 100%, but after you have saved the file and then click save it doesn't overwrite the file. Here's the code for Save:


So if anyone can tell me the code that's needed so it will overwrite the current file 3. I have a FontDialog but I have no idea what the code is supposed to be to make RichTextBox1's font change after you click Okay in the FontDialog.

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Compiling Adds Cast Operations?

Jun 10, 2011

On compiling a visual basic assembly, int32 variables are cast as int64 for calls to adodb methods that require int32. This results in a method not found exceptions at run time. The unnecessary cast operation can be seen when using reflector to inspect the site of the method call and is not present in the source code.To further muddy the waters when the code is compiled on my 64bit windows 7 machine all is well, but on a 64bit windows 2008 r2 the unnecessary cast is added.

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Creating A Function That Adds Text Box?

Aug 9, 2011

How can I create a separate class that has the function that adds dynamic text box, so that I will just call that function to my main form. I have the code below that does add dynamic text box but it is already inside the button of my main


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Extended Combobox Adds Items Twice?

Jan 7, 2012

i'm working on an extended combobox control that adds it's items in sub new.

it works but for some reason the form's designer.vb file has an addrange line for the combobox, that results in the items being added twice.

does anyone know how to fix this?

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Hex Encrypted String And Adds It To A Listbox1?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a text box that accepts an 8 digit hex encrypted string and adds it to a listbox1. Then I have a button that when clicked takes the string from listbox1 and

1) reverses the string
2) subtracts 235
3) Converts it back to a 9 digit number
4) Adds it to listbox2 using the code:

Private Sub decrypt_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles decrypt.Click


However something seems to be wrong because it get an arithmetic overflow exception. Does anyone know what happens to be wrong with my code?

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IDE :: Add A Row In Datasource, It Adds An Extra Row In The Datagridview?

Jul 11, 2011

To add Row programmatically,

Connected Datagridview with datatable

I like to add Blank Row in the datagridview, So

On the Last Cell, CellLeave Event


It is adding a row in the dataTable, but adding two rows in the datagridview, why...?

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IDE :: Copy/Pasting UserControl Adds The UC

Apr 14, 2009

You can find a feedback report with instructions on how to duplicate the problem I'm having at: [URL]

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Server Explorer Adds A Copy Of The Mdf?

Apr 22, 2011

I have a VB2008 application that uses SQL Server 2005 Exspress Edition. I was modifying my application and then decided to add a table to the mdf (named "Pipe.mdf"), which I have don many times before, but I must have messed something up when I made other changes. After I added the new table I opened the Dada Source Configuration Wizard to add the new table to the dataset and I don't see the new table to select it. However, it added a copy of "Pipe.mdf" and named it "Pipe.mdf1" to the Server Explorer.

If I delete this copy of the mdf, it appears again in the Server Explorer when I open the Data Source Configuratuion Wizard.

If I add a Table to the copy of the mdf ("Pipe.mdf1"), it shows up in Dada Source Configuration Wizard.

what to change so that the new table appears in the Data Source Configuration Wizard for the original mdf (Pipe.mdf) and not add the copy of the mdf?

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