Subsonic Can't Find By String

Jul 17, 2009

[code] will both give the error "The method 'CompareString' is not supported". If I make the same call searching for an integer (ID field) it works fine. .SingleOrDefault (Function(x As Account) x.Id = 12)So interger matching is fine but strings don't work Is this a problem with the templates?

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Using Subsonic With .net?

Oct 4, 2010

I'm quite comfortable with VB and have a very large project i need to do. I've come across SubSonic and it looks awesome. I am not clear if i can use it in VB. I've seen a a couple of posts that suggest they did but on the site it specifically shows C#.Can I use SubSonic with VB.NET?

View 1 Replies - Subsonic With Webservice?

May 6, 2009

I am trying to get subsonic to run work in a webservice I am not sure how to return the data. I only get the word Object in my results when It return anything instead of values. What am I missing?

<WebMethod(Description:="Method to retrieveCptCode subsonic List")> _
Public Function GetSubCptCodes() As CPTCodeCollection
Dim coll As CPTCodeCollection = New CPTCodeCollection()
Dim qry As Query = New Query(CPTCode.Schema)
Return coll
End Function

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C# - Subsonic 3 - Namespace Hidden

Apr 17, 2009

Followed Rob's webcast, did as he did, watched T4 generate the code, went to use the new namespace and oh. No namespace. I can see the namespace Test.Data in each of the generated .cs files, the tt files are included in the project as is subsonic.dll, there are no errors (I managed to get rid of a warning for the duplicate directives) but I just can't see the namespace. To test it out I am building a simple console application so wondering if there is a conflict there. Using v2.2 against the same db works fine.

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SubSonic Save() Changes Not Working?

May 3, 2011

I am trying to save changes to a record, however I am getting the error


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Use SubSonic In Program Web Application?

May 18, 2009

I am using Subonic in a application for the first time (I have used it succesfully in a WebSite project plenty of times). I followed the 2nd part of the 'Getting Started' video to actually generate the DAL source files as opposed to the build provider method and everything APPEARS to have gone like expected. However, nothing I do will get my generated namespace to appear. I feel that it has to with the fact that I am running my Web Application in VB.Net and Subsonic generates in C#.

Here is the process I followed:

1) I created a blank Web Application Project in Visual Studio

2) I configured the web.config to have the necessary parts, connection strings, etc.

3) I ran subcommander and it generated all the classes I needed into a folder called DAL.

4) I built the Web Application Project

5) I opened up a code behind, typed 'Imports' and I do not see the namespace that was generated.

I have even opened the actual Subsonic Source files and seen that there is a namespace statement for the generated namespace I configured. I tried briefly to move the subsonic files to a separate class library project, compile the .dll and use that in my project, but it still did not work.

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Subsonic And The .net 2005 Interop Toolkit?

Nov 10, 2009

I have an application I am converting over from vb6 to 2.0/3.5. Using Subsonic 2.2 and the Interop Toolkit 2005. Cannot seem to get the .net form using subsonic to work inside the interop environment.It keeps saying it cannot find the subsonic service provider in the app.config. But I know it is there. Has anyone used these two toolkits together successfully? Will subsonic even work inside the interop environment in that way?

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Transactionscope Not Working On SQLite In Subsonic?

Jul 24, 2009

I have trouble using the transactionscope on SQLite, i am using the following code. Changes are still commited to the database while i don't call the ts.Complete() function.

Using ts As New System.Transactions.TransactionScope()
Using sharedConnectionScope As New SubSonic.SharedDbConnectionScope()
' Do your individual saves here'


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.net - Subsonic 3.0 - Separate Generated Code From ActiveRecord.vb?

May 18, 2010

I moved from SubSonic 2.x to 3.0 and noticed that all my classes are combined into the ActiveRecord.vb(cs) file. Is there a way to have my classes generated individually in a separate folder (DAL) as I was doing with 2.x?

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C# - Use SubSonic Or Dynamic Data For A New CRUD Application?

Mar 3, 2009

I need to throw together a quick CRUD site, but this may become a bigger application down the road. I have some experience with SubSonic, but it has been so long since I did a project with it I have to relearn it. I am also considering using Dynamic Data.

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InvalidCastException When Generate Code Via Subsonic With A Web Site?

Dec 10, 2009

I'm trying to use Subsonic with an existing web site created in I've added a reference to SubSonic.Core.dll and added the ActiveRecord tt/ttinclude files. I also added a contextmenu entry to run the t4 templates using instructions I found here.Whenever I try to run any of the tt files, I receive the following exception. Does this have something to do with me using a web site as opposed to a web application?

f:Documents and SettingsdbollardLocal SettingsTempSQLServer.ttinclude(85,15) : warning CS0219: Compiling transformation: The variable 'parameters' is assigned but its value is never used,0) : error : Running transformation: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.CommandLine.CommandLineHost' to type 'System.IServiceProvider'.


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Subsonic 3 Work Virtual Basic .net Project?

Sep 15, 2009

i download subsonic 3 today (subsonic 3 preview 2) but this don't work in vb project.i think because .tt file (for generation) is C# template so this don't generate vb code.

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Using RegEx To Find String Inside Nested String?

Sep 10, 2011

Using VB.NET, Is there a way to do this RegEx call in 1 step... instead of 2-3? I'm trying to find the word "bingo", or whatever is between the START and END words, but then also inside the inner FISH and CAKES words. My final results should be just "bingo".

Dim s1 As String = "START (random string) FISH bingo CAKES (random string) END"


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VS 2010 Find String Within String = Cant Be Found?

Apr 28, 2011

I was trying to do a simiple, fine a string start position, or a string, and it always returns 0

Dim My_Search_String As String
Dim My_Text As String
My_Search_String = "fsl fwb fcb"


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Find Part Of A String Within A String?

Feb 11, 2011

I am trying to find the best way to extract parts of a string within a string. Take the following line:


How can I say extract just "16" for the height field?

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Subsonic Invalid Cast From System.Int32 To System.Byte[]

Feb 22, 2010

Subsonic 2.2 is throwing the error

subsonic Invalid cast from System.Int32 to System.Byte[]

When I do the following

If template.Content Is Nothing Then
MsgBox("Blank Document")
MsgBox("Document Present")
End If

"template" is a SubSonic object of which it's "content" field is of type Byte()

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Find String Using C#?

Oct 12, 2011

I am trying find a string in below string. using url... How can I get Team Discussion word from it?

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SubSonic 3 Step By Step WinForm App .Net Generating And Setup?

Aug 27, 2009

write SubSonic 3 Step By Step WinForm App VB.Net: Installation,Setup And Generating.

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Find A Certain String Within Listbox?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a list box with groups of people and is displayed as such:

Paul Mary John
Frank Steve Bill
Jacob Dan Spongebob
and so on...

If i use the code below i can find and auto highlight Paul, Frank, Jacob but never finds anyone after the first like Mary, or Bill.

Dim findperson As String
findperson = CStr(TextBox1.Text)
ListBox1.SelectedIndex = ListBox1.FindString(findperson)

Essentially it is for quick reference for people to find who will be in their groups.

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Find A Character In A String?

Apr 20, 2010

I have an array like this:

Dim t1 as string=Textbox1.Text
Dim invalid as string()={";",".","""," ","'"}

I want to check that if a character in my array is in the text box then a message appear.

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Find A String Between Two Known Strings?

Mar 6, 2010

How can I find a string between two known strings like:

name=login value=12345 />

Now I need to get the string/the numbers between name=login value= and />
It's from a webpage so it has multiple lines.

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Find A Text In String?

Jan 21, 2009

I want to find a string in a collection of string i used this code..

Dim str As String = "Failed to Post Somment Sorry"
Dim fnd As String = "Sorry"
If InStr(fnd, str) = 1 Then


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Find Last But One Character In String?

Feb 24, 2010

How do I find last but one character in a vbstring

for e.g. In the string V1245-12V0 I want to return V

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Find Some Characters In A String?

Sep 16, 2008

I need to return everything between the 2 dashes:


Here's my conditions:

Sometimes the middle part may contain more than 5 characters, so it could look like this: "xxx-12345AB-xxx" Sometimes there's no second dash, so a string could look like this: "xxx-12345"

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Find String Between 2 Strings?

Feb 15, 2010

I have a string in which if the string "<error" appears (as part of a larger string which would look something like this

" <error code="200">Current security level not high enough.</error>"), it finds what the code equals (in this case 200) and the message which appears between the pointy brackets (in this case "Current security level not high enough.").[code]...

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Find String Between Two Other Strings?

Jul 9, 2009

I am trying to take a value from an html file. I know what code will be around the value. So I want to split the html doc with these values so I can get the value between them.

For example:

<b>Availability</b>: VALUE IS HERE <br />


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Find String In An Array?

Jun 12, 2009

I'm working in VB.Net. I have a textbox in which the user enters a number of strings seperated by comma. I store this value in a string array like this

Dim Src() As String
Src = txtVals.Text.Split(",".ToCharArray)

I want to search a dynamic string in this array. How could I do it in the fastest way?

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Find String In Array

May 26, 2009

I'm working in VB.Net. I have a textbox in which the user enters a number of strings seperated by comma. I store this value in a string array like this Dim Src() As String Src = txtVals.Text.Split(",".ToCharArray) I want to search a dynamic string in this array. How could I do it in the fastest way?

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Find String In Array?

May 26, 2009

I'm working in VB.Net. I have a textbox in which the user enters a number of strings seperated by comma. I store this value in a string array like this

Dim Src() As String
Src = txtVals.Text.Split(",".ToCharArray)

I want to search a dynamic string in this array. How could I do it in the fastest way?

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Find String In Html?

Feb 24, 2009

I am using an httpwebrequest to get a website, then i parse the sites html, within the html code i am trying to retireve:[url]...

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