Find String In Html?
Feb 24, 2009I am using an httpwebrequest to get a website, then i parse the sites html, within the html code i am trying to retireve:[url]...
View 9 RepliesI am using an httpwebrequest to get a website, then i parse the sites html, within the html code i am trying to retireve:[url]...
View 9 Replies#@$#^@ regex have i don't know to use it yet so something like
<img src="find this" alt="Click if
<img src="/validator/11917876/1268416778.gif" alt="Click if
I'm trying to get this src and have PictureBox1.Load[URL] & "regex code" for the captcha to see if over picturebox1
I have this code attached to a button
If htmlText.Contains("<frame src='demo.html'/>") Then
htmlText = htmlText.Text.Replace("<frame src="demo.html/>", "<frame src='" &
I want to dynamically convert html file or html string to PDF in Windows Forms application.
View 3 RepliesI have the HTML string:
So I need to get from that string, a string that has:
"Variable1: {VARIABLE1}
Variable2: {VARIABLE2}
Variable3: {VARIABLE3}
Variable4: {VARIABLE4}"
I just went from Visual Basic 6 to Visual Basic .NET 2008 Express Edition.
And now I am planning to make a program, using the Web Browser function, but there it stops The program is supposed to navigate to an site, then check for some text from the site.
In Visual Basic 6 I used this code:
If InStr(1, WebBrowser1.document.body.parentelement.InnerHtml, "texthere") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Found the text"
What would be the easyest way to get the item for this html?
<input type="text" style="width: 315px;" size="32" value="" name="users_tli" class="box_new">
I tried
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("users_tli").Item("TEXT").SetAttribute("value", Textbox1.Text)
and got nothing.
I was looking at a previous post and the poster was talking about htmlelement, so what I want to know is if you can use this function to find a html element on a wb page.I'm trying to make a program that will find the img src url for an image on a website and then return that url to the imagelocation of a picturebox.
View 5 RepliesI'm still learning the ropes in VB.NET and I'm currently up to a point in a current project where I would need to parse links on an html website once the information has been downloaded to the document completed section of my web browser.
View 3 RepliesHow can you find a specific HTML element in a webbrowser.document? I'm making a program that will go to a specified address on the internet and find a html element and get the src link from the element then return the src to the imagelocation of a picturebox. Is this at least possible?
View 8 RepliesI need to find out if the TextBox control contains a HTML comment but without closing tag. e.g. <!-- content here notice that it's possible that they can enter more than one comments so all of the comments have their closing tag except one (or even more).
I just need to find if there is ONE or more html comments without closing tag.
so I had an idea today while modding a game I play. I decided to make a mod-manager.In order to start the game with mods, you have to go to the website, log in, click playnow and view the source of the html file. From there you get the sessionID variable and add it to a shortcut on your desktop. I wanted to be able to automate this process by doing the following:
on somehow parse the source of the html file to locate the line that looks like chis:
var sessionId = 'random26charSessionID'; and take what is inside of the ' ' and add it to textbox1.text
Any ideas? Not sure if it will be in the same line every time with add banners and I wanted to parse the doccument.
The sad truth about this post is that I have poor regex skills. I recently came across some code in an old project that I seriously want to do something about. [code]...
View 5 RepliesI need to know how to find the HTML element the mouse if hovering over such as a link so that I can open the link in a new tab, what would be an easy way of doing this?
View 3 RepliesUsing VB.NET, Is there a way to do this RegEx call in 1 step... instead of 2-3? I'm trying to find the word "bingo", or whatever is between the START and END words, but then also inside the inner FISH and CAKES words. My final results should be just "bingo".
Dim s1 As String = "START (random string) FISH bingo CAKES (random string) END"
This may sound really stupid but I have to ask cause I'm not finding this answer anywhere.I have an application where the user will need to sign up for a new user account on the website [URL]..However when I am using Firefox's plug-in Firebug to view html I am getting something totally different than when I just right click on the site and view the page source.
What I am trying to do is to get the captcha from the website and display it in a picturebox on the application so the user can view the captcha, solve the captcha and then the app post is back to the service for a response.
Here is the source that I am getting using Firefox's Firebug to inspect the element:
<input type="hidden" value="Oo3Jo1I8bgzK68agMqo3s79ZZib2OkbK" name="iden">
<img class="capimage" src="/captcha/Oo3Jo1I8bgzK68agMqo3s79ZZib2OkbK.png" alt="i wonder if these things even work">
Why would the two be showing me two different versions of the HTML?
And how would you be able to grab that source to view in a picturebox using webclient?
I was trying to do a simiple, fine a string start position, or a string, and it always returns 0
Dim My_Search_String As String
Dim My_Text As String
My_Search_String = "fsl fwb fcb"
Usage: Users create pretty HTML news letters in another app. They post the newsletter to the web, but they also want to set the contents of the HTML news letter file as the body of an email and send it using Application In Question. The users understand to use absolute link and image references when sending an E Newsletter. Environment:
AIQ is a VB.Net app deployed via ClickOnce. It is an intranet app; one can be sure MS Office 2003 and the interop 11 dlls are on the target machines.
Restrictions: MAPI is out. It mangles the HTML. Since it is a ClickOnce deployment, we can't register dlls (I think, correct me if I am wrong). Therefore CDO and COM is out (again, I may be wrong.... I would be happy to be proven so).
How do I get the value from a HTML string using VB.NET?
<p style="text-align: center; margin: 0px">
<span style="font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold">
This is the text I want to catch!!!
I'm trying to assign the following HTML as a value to variable type string
'here's the tag
'$("#close").click(function(){$.notifyBar({ html: "Click 'close' to hide notify bar", close: true, delay: 1000000 });});
Dim htmltag = "$("#close").click(function(){$.notifyBar({ html: "Click 'close' to hide notify bar", close: true, delay: 1000000 });});"
I got a lot error message about the quotation in the string.
How do I get information from a string html?
I am working on a megaupload downloader and I can not take information from a string, that is this: <span class="down_txt2"> UltraMU.rar </ span> It would be the name of the file that I want to download. I tried with this
Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEv entArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
When I go to try it gives me the error and I can not fix it You could write the code to be able to take the name of the file, in this case "UltraMU.rar?
I am able to get ALL id's on the page but I wanted to be able to get this particular string of html
<input autocomplete="off" type="password" tabindex="3" size="25" name="password" id="password" value="" onfocus="_helpOn('help__password')"
Here is my current Regex: id=.*". This get ALL the freaking Id's on the page. I've tried using regexr but it's not giving me any results. How I can get this to only show me:
I'm building an application that exports a list of strings to an html file. The strings are stored in an array, and I'm not sure how to get them into the html code. [code]....
View 8 RepliesI need this, so let's say I have this html
<td class="alL">21,442</td>
<td class="alL">99</td>
<td class="alL">13,444,999</td>
All those numbers always change. But they're in the same line always
Now I wanna get "99" which is at <td class="alL">99</td>
I am trying to find the best way to extract parts of a string within a string. Take the following line:
How can I say extract just "16" for the height field?
I am trying to take a string that I have marked up through code and cross-check it with the text file it came from originally. This is for proofreading the html output.To do this, I need to parse an HTML snippet that does not come from a URL.The examples of HTMLAgilityPack I have seen get their input from a URL. Is there a way to parse a string of marked-up text that does not include a header or similar parts of a well-formed webpage?
View 1 RepliesHow can I prevent an a string variable which contains a few xml tags not to be html encoded in vb.
View 1 RepliesI have a long string of HTML code that contains several quotes around objects in the string. I have a Regex.Replace() function to change the "img src" tag, due to the way its stored in a database.
Here is my string: <p><strong><u><font color="#cc0099">RICH TEXT BOLD UNDERLINE. PICTURE TO APPEAR BELOW</font></u></strong></p><p><strong><u><font color="#cc0099"/></u></strong></p><p><img src="/inlineimages/WorkOrder/6/1245981403232.jpg"/> </p><p /><p>W00T!</p>
Notice how the "<font color=" has single quotes around its value, and "<img src=" has single quotes, with a double quote jammed in between?
Also, is there an automated way to go from my initial string, to the "Dim input As String" I created? I had to manually type that out, editing the quotes just to try and make it work.
I am looking for a way to replace keywords within a html string with a variable. At the moment i am using the following example.
returnString = Replace(message, "[CustomerName]", customerName, CompareMethod.Text)
The above will work fine if the html block is spread fully across the
However if the formatting of the keyword is split throughout the word, the string is not found and thus not replaced.e.g.
The formatting of the string is out of my control and isn't foolproof. With this in mind what is the best approach to find a keyword within a html string?
i am building a web crawler.i need to be able to get emails from some local html files
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