Trying To Create A Stored Procedure Using The Nodes() Method Getting Syntax Error?

Aug 27, 2010

I am new to nodes() method. I am getting the foloowing syntax when trying to create a stored procedure using the nodes() method.

The syntax error:

Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure spmTestSelect, Line 19

Line 19: Incorrect syntax near '.'.


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Stored Procedure Syntax Structure?

Apr 23, 2009

I have a dataset with a bunch of tables in it. I also have a database with the same tables, but not necessarily the same number of rows. Any table in the dataset will have the same rows as there are in the equivalent table in the database, but there may be a few extra in the dataset. What I'm looking for is a fast way to determine whether there are extra rows, and if so, they need to be inserted into the DB.

View 2 Replies - Stored Procedure Syntax Structure - Catch The Output @messase In Label

Jan 8, 2012

This is my stored procedure


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Refactoring A Method To Call A Stored Procedure?

Nov 17, 2010

I need to refactor the method GetVendorBalanceDue to call stored procedure spVendorBalance in my database. I have created the stored procedure and am not sure how to get the method to call the stored procedure. Here is my code:

Private Function GetVendorBalanceDue(ByVal vendorID As Integer) As Decimal Implements InvoiceService.GetVendorBalanceDue
Dim selectCommand As New SqlCommand


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Method To Execute Stored Procedure And Return Datatable In C#?

Jan 21, 2012

I have some VB code like

Dim data As DataTable = DataAccess.ExecuteDataSet("AuthenticateWebServiceClient" _
, New SqlParameter("@ClientID", ClientId) _
, New SqlParameter("@Password", Password) _[code]....

Except PrepareSPCommand isn't recognized by VS. Does anyone know the correct way to convert this function to C#.

View 2 Replies - .Net Oracle ORA-24338 'statement Handle Not Executed' Error And Some Error In One Stored Procedure

Dec 8, 2009

I have the following Stored Procedures create or replace PROCEDURE WEB_AC


First one: At some point in the application I have the valor parameter (of the visual Basic Function) as a string with spaces that is something like "some string with spaces". When this happens, the stored procedure don't update the table. If I execute the SP directly in the DB (with SQL Developer) all works fine. I know it has something to do with the string missing some quotes(') but I haven't make it work yet. Some ideas on this?

Second problem: Sometimes, when debuging the application, if I interrupt the execution, I start getting the ORA-24338 'statement handle not executed' error for hours every time I try to execute it again. I believe it has something to do with an open transaction. But honestly, as I'm new in working with Oracle, I really have no idea what the problem could be.


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Create Mysql Stored Procedure Using In .NET?

Feb 2, 2010

How do I create a stored procedure for mysql using VB .NET programmatically?

EDIT: I have tried using ExecuteNonQuery provided by MySQL .NET Connector. It prompts me error. Maybe it's because I put "Delimiter $$"? I know I can create using script (batch file) if I want to send it to my client (as commented below). But my objective is to keep MySQL password safe. So script is not the way.

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Create Progess Bar For SQL Stored Procedure?

Apr 15, 2012

how to create a progess bar which discribes the process of a SQL procedure?

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How To Create And Use Stored Procedure On MS Access

Jan 8, 2012

My IDE is Visual studio 2008.I just want to ask how to create Stored Procedures in Microsoft Access Database (.mdb) and pass the values to a VB.NET Windows Application.


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Call A Stored Procedure From Sql Server Which Work With A Stored Procedure

Sep 11, 2009

The store procedure which give me the information I need is:



When I try to add it to my report it gives an error, is it because of the temp table and how should I go about it?

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Create A Button To Call The Stored Procedure?

Nov 30, 2010

I am creating a front-end application for my company to track job details, customer appointments, upcoming appointments, and more. I had a developer create a back-end SQL database, which includes all of the corresponding stored procedures, such as insert, delete, update, detail, list.We are running SBS 2008, which includes Sharepoint for our internal website. So, I would like the final application to be hosted on our internal website.

I've talked to three different developers and all three had conflicting opinions regarding development. Where do I begin in the development of the application? Which template should be used? How are the stored procedures utilized? How can I create a button to call the stored procedure?

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Error In Displaying Stored Procedure

Aug 15, 2011

A network-related or instance specific error occurred while establishing a connection to sql server. The Server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQl server is configured to allow remote connections. (Provider: SQL network Interfaces, error: 26-Error locating Server/instance specified)".

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VB - Database File - Create The New Stored Procedure 'getEmployees'

May 4, 2010

I have completed the coding for this assignment but have a few errors that I cannot figure out. I did create the new stored procedure 'getEmployees'

Error1Type 'PubsDataSetTableAdapters.getEmployeesTableAdapter' is not defined
Error2Type 'PubsDataSetTableAdapters.getEmployeesTableAdapter' is not defined.
Error3'getEmployees' is not a member of 'CIT263Lab5.PubsDataSet'.

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VS 2010 Error Stored Proceduer Syntax

May 15, 2012

trying to writ stored proceduer in but did not accept save it ,, it gave me msgbox error :Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'.ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure2

@para1 varchar(5),
SELECT test1, test2 From Table2
WHERE test3 = @para1

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Sql - Calling Stored Procedure From .net Timeout Error?

Apr 23, 2010

When calling a stored procedure from is there a default SQL timeout time if no timeout is specified in the connection string?I am unsure if there is a CommandTimeout specified in the connection string but am going through all the possibilites.

Example if no results after 30 seconds (or more) throw:

`System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.`SQL Profiler says that the script runs and ends in 30 seconds when the program timesout..Tthe script runs without error in about 1 minute 45 seconds by itself in SQL server.

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Stored Procedure MVC3 Error On Execution

Apr 7, 2011

I got a stored procedure that reads a table and insert those data to antoher table. That's the way how it works because the first table imports data from excel using a package with SSIS.In EF4 I imported the SP and create function import:This SP has 2 IN variables and 2 OUT varibales.The IN varibales are parameters and OUT variables are a message and the number of records created.[code]

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IDE :: Create New Stored Procedure Fails From Table Adapter In DataSet

Oct 9, 2009

In a DataSetIf I right-click on a TablesetAdd QueryCreate New Stored Procedure. The creation will fail for me using a SQL 2008 database. "There was a Problem with the UPDATE stored procedure. The stored procedure was not created."If I "Preview the SQL Script..." copy it and run it manually it fails because it is not putting brackets around my user name. "CREATE PROCEDURE SDSDBLUESKY.UpdateQuery" Fails"CREATE PROCEDURE [SDSDBLUESKY].UpdateQuery" WorksThis is a work around because it links to this if I do manually when it gives me the preview option, and don't rewrite it. But is there some setting change in VS2005 to get this to work correctly in the first place?

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Error While Inserting Record Using SQL Server Stored Procedure

Jul 4, 2009

I am using sql server 2008 as database server. I have created "AddTest" stored Procedure and using it in my app,

Dim cn As new SqlConnection(connStr)
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter("Select * from dbo.Subjects", cn)
Dim ds As DataSet


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Invoke A Stored Procedure With LINQ Results In Error?

Apr 2, 2010

My application produces this error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user..This started after I added a stored proc in my dbml file. It works fine in my local enviroment, but throws that error when deploy to staging sever. the user it displays is foreign to me?

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ODP.NET Query - Error Manipulating Data From Stored Procedure?

Jan 11, 2010

ODP.NET Query - Error manipulating data from Stored Procedure??

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Sql - Getting Parameter For A Stored Procedure Inside Another Stored Procedure

Aug 29, 2011

I have a stored procedure to update a table, but needs a couple of values from another table.

the first two selects get the value from the table and then are used in the update statement.

The select statments:

Select @iStatusDropDownValueID = iDropDownValueID
From DropDownValue
Inner Join DropDownValueType On DropDownValue.iDropDownValueTypeID =


First, the values that are retrieved by the first two select statements are always the same. So they could be passed in by the code itself. I don't know that this will speed things up at all, just make the entire stored procedure better and easier to read.

Second, if the "Value Name" should change this store procedure will break (which is possible, but not often).

I am looking for any insight into the Best Practices for this situation.

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Error When Adding Text In Textbox With A Stored Procedure In Mysql

Mar 3, 2012

i am trying to add the the text in the textbox with a stored procedure in mysql this is the error: [Code]

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Sql Server - Error Handling Of Stored Procedure Having Known Errors Being Called

Aug 7, 2009

I have sql server2000 encypted stored procedure. I can not modify them. Typicaly all the procedures manipulate row by row different tables using cursors etc. When the stored procedure is executed at the Query Analyser screen, I see error being thrown in between but the procedures continues till all the records have been processed. This behavior is acceptable to the client. I now need to automate the process using 2002 windows application. I call the procedure from but the program throws runtime error on the 1st occurance of a error in the stored procedure.

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Update With SQL Generating This Error: Could Not Find Stored Procedure 'False'?

Jan 5, 2012

Update with SQL Generating this Error: Could not find stored procedure 'False'. I'm not using a stored procedure i'm doing a simple update

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim connconnection As New SqlConnection(conn)


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Using IASyncResult To Wait For A Stored Procedure But Missing When An Error Occurs In The SP?

Jan 28, 2012

I have an application where I make calls to multiple SQL Server Stored Procedures,keep the user aware that the program is still running and how long the specific SP has been running so that they can abort it if it's taking too long.

My initial attempt was to wrap up each call to the SPs like this example:

Dim cm As SqlCommand = Nothing
Dim Conn As SqlConnection = Nothing
Dim Tran As SqlTransaction = Nothing
Dim PrevTime As Date = Nothing


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Access 2007 And Stored Procedure Error: Parameter [@MyNumber] Has No Default Value

Jul 27, 2010

Access 2007 and Stored Procedure. I keep getting this error: Parameter [@MyNumber] has no default value.


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Method - Action(Of T) And Lambda - Error: 'Expression Does Not Procedure A Value'

Apr 22, 2009

Imports System.Reflection

Public Class Test


'This line indicates a compile error: 'Expression does not procedure a value':


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Does VB Allow A MS Access Database DataSet Create A Stored Procedure Or Will It Only Allow SQL Database DataSet Create SP

Oct 9, 2009

does VBasic allow a MS Access Database DataSet create a Stored Procedure or will it only allow SQL Database DataSet create SP...

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Selecting XML Nodes Using XPath Syntax

Nov 9, 2011

Given the xml below why does the first selectsinglenode call not work but the second one does? Are the single quotes specifying a string type or something?
Dim dbglvlnode As Xml.XmlNode = doc.SelectSingleNode(String.Format("Config/Scanner[DeviceID = '{0}']/DebugLevel", XMLstuff.DeviceID))
Dim dbglvlnode As Xml.XmlNode = doc.SelectSingleNode(String.Format("Config/Scanner[DeviceID = {0}]/DebugLevel", XMLstuff.DeviceID))
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
[Code] ......

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Syntax Error: Syntax Error: Missing Operand After '14' Operator

Oct 21, 2009

I want to select some rows from a sql express 2005 table. I am using this expression: "Starttime >= " & dtpStart.Value dtpStart is a DateTimePicker But I am getting this error: Syntax error: Missing operand after '14' operator.

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