Turn View State Off But The Fact Of The Matter Is When Data Is Posted?

Jul 14, 2010

I have a grid view with a nested text box in it. I would like to turn view state off but the fact of the matter is when data is posted, the text boxes inside the gridview aren't available (there are no rows in the gridview on postback)I am using ASP.NET 2.0 so would this fall into control state, not view state?

Sample ASPX code of the gridview:


Control's information is not stored in the View State (for things like selected value and .text etc.)Control state, introduced in ASP.NET version 2.0, is similar to view state but functionally independent of view state. A page developer can disable view state for the page or for an individual control for performance. However, control state cannot be disabled. Control state is designed for storing a control's essential data (such as a pager control's page number) that must be available on postback to enable the control to function even when view state has been disabled.[URL]..

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Asp.net - View State After Postback VB?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a label's value that is posted back from a previous page and I want to use this label to do a simple calculation in the current page, but when I do the calculation the page (refreshed) the value of this label and automatically deleted the value (Since there would be no value in postback when it refreshed).

Here is the code behind file:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Label2.Text = Request.Form("Hidden1")
End Sub

and here where I want to use the label

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Stotal As String
Stotal = Val(Label2.Text) * 10
Label3.Text = Stotal
End Sub

How can I save the value in the page via view state or any other method?

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Disable View State In Program?

Oct 15, 2011

How can i disable view state in vb.net,so that i have the properties of labels as i left,when i return to a page.i am developing a windows application.

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Having A Grid Hold Its View State?

May 29, 2009

I have an Obout grid that I have been trying to work with and I put all of their code in my site so that I could have my grid stay expanded when the page does an automatic refresh.How or what is the correct way to code for a If (Page.IsPostBack) code.Next is there an online free convertor, translator, for javascript to VB.NET; if not is there someplace that I can go to where they will explain the different meaning of the javascript in comparision to what it would mean in VB.Net (such as var I think means dim or it could mean something else I am not sure.)Final is there a good source on grids and how they work with a view state or a session? But it needs to be basic as I am still trying to understand all three of those processes.

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Dynamically Created Button Requires 2 Clicks To Return View State?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm trying to create a page dynamically, but I falling at the first herdle. I have create the below after reading may blogs/post/articles. The problem I have is when I click the first buttons I created nothing happend, if I then click it again it works.Can any one tell me where I'm going wrong?

ASP Page:
<%@ Page Title="Create / Amend Quotes" Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Quote.aspx.vb" Inherits="BIS.Quote" %>


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Label Properties - Store The View State Of A Page - Labels To Retain Their Colors

Oct 15, 2011

I am developing a windows application, how can i store the view state of a page in vb.net. i have 12 labels on a page and when i click on each label the color of the label changes to black, what i want is when i come back to the same page, i want the labels to retain their colors....

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Take A Screenshot = Turn It To Byte() - Send Through Tcp Connection Then Turn Back Into Image To Put In A Picture Box On Other Side?

Feb 11, 2012

My current code: Server: Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports System.Threading


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Turn Off And Turn On Background Music In Program

Feb 17, 2012

Right now I can add background music in my program by using this code

My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.Music_3, AudioPlayMode.Background)

I can also turn it off and change the music by using this code

My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.Another_Music, AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop)

Is it possible to pause the music then if I resume the music it will just continue the flow? I mean if I pause the background music in 33 seconds and the music has 50 seconds and I resume it will just continue playing in 33,34,35 etc.. seconds?

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Turn Off Events And Then Turn Them Back On In Program?

Sep 1, 2009

I was wondering if their was a way to for me to turn off events and then turn them back on in my program or just queue them up until i am ready for them to be excuted. Kinda like how a OS turns on and off interupts. Is this one of those general programming no-nos?

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Didn't Select A Forum When Posted

May 2, 2011

I submitted 2 questions but I forgot to assign it to a Forum.... Is there a way that I can find these posts and edit then and attach them to the right forum?

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VS 2008 Reading XML File That Is Posted Online?

Oct 27, 2010

I am trying to read a xml file that is posted online through my windows app. What I am trying to do is get a value of one of the elements and then set that value to a string in my windows app.

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Take Data From A Control And Turn It Into A Variable?

Sep 18, 2010

How do I take data from a control and turn it into a variable? I'm trying to use a textbox and turn the data into a variable so I can do addition.

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Fill In Data Grid View With Columns And Rows To Form Complete View

Nov 11, 2010

i have datagridview populated with stock code, name and description.And i have docked my datagridview to the bottom. so whenever the form is resized, the bottom section will be occupied completely with the datagridview.But i want to display one extra empty column and multiple empty rows to completely fill in the datagridview.The extra empty column width will be adjusted to the right end side of datagridview.And the no of empty rows will be generated based on how many is required to fill up to the bottomSo that i can create datagridview with full column and row even though some columns or rows are empty.

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VS 2008 Program - Automatically Detect If A New Thread Has Been Posted From The Webpage?

Apr 25, 2010

Im trying to create a small program using the "toaster popup effect". I have the working. My problem is , i have a basic webpage here ( http://www.pro-coders.com/latestthreads.php ) that displays all the recent threads thats created on my forum, so i want to make this popup when theres a new thread to alert the users.How could i code it to automatically detect if a new thread has been posted from the webpage ?

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Why Does Constructor ORDER Matter

May 5, 2009

Why does constructor ORDER matter in VB.Net? I am building a .Net type library which is meant to wrap an underlying COM library completely so that the consumers of the API can pretend to use a nice .Net library with .Net collections and whatnot instead of a COM library.Currently most of my classes are just 1 to 1 wrappers built using Reflection and CodeDOM. These classes have an internal constructor which takes the underlying COM type as a parameter. The CodeDOM builds this as the first constructor to the class. Using these classes from C# proves to be no problem. All I need is a reference to the .Net library and all works good.The problems appear when I try using these classes from a VB.Net project. If the first constructor has a COM type as an argument, the VB.Net project requires the COM interop assembly as a reference. If the first constructor has no arguments or has only managed types all works good. My class library is written in C#.[code]

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Key_up To Fire No Matter WHAT Control Has Focus

Apr 23, 2009

I am doing something similar to the calulator in windows. My form has a key_up event that allows the user to type numbers. There is also number buttons they can click. Once a number button is clicked, it gains focus and the key_up no longer works.

I looked at windows caluclator and when you click a button there it does not gain focus and the keyboard keys continue to work. How can I get this behaviour?

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Load Form2 On Top Of Form1 Everytime No Matter Location?

May 25, 2009

How can i get form2 to to load exactly center of form1 or a location within the form when i get form2 to show, no matter the location of form1.[code]...

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Strong The Password Is But The Panel Is Changing To DarkRed No Matter?

Apr 1, 2012

I'm using this code to try and show how strong the password is but the panel is changing to DarkRed no matter what is in the TextBox1.What am I doing wrong?

Wrapped it in PHP tags because I think it makes it easier to read >.>


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Transfer All Records In 1 Data Grid View To Another Data Grid View?

May 9, 2012

I have 1 datagridview and i want to transfer all records to another datagridview, how can i possibly do that. Newbie here. This is my code in transferring 1 record to another datagridview to another one.


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2008 - If > Statement - Does It Matter That Variables Are Marked As Strings Vs Integers

Feb 9, 2009

I have a "if This > That then" statement, that doesn't seem to work, as it triggers regardless that "This" is smaller than "that". Does it matter that these variables are marked as strings vs integers?

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VS 2008 - SQL Server Express - Program To Run No Matter If The User Is Logged In To The PC Or Not

Jan 22, 2010

I am starting design of a program that needs to run no matter if the user is logged in to the PC or not. So I will be writing it as a VB.Net Service.

As I am not overly familiar with SQL Server Express, is it possible to connect to a local SQL Server Express Instance and access the database from a VB.Net Service while the user is not logged in to the PC?

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Transferring Data From Second To First Keeping The State Of First Form?

Dec 19, 2010

I m working with a appliction in VB.net

I have a three forms .Menu form which i have set IsMdiContainer as true

Through this form I m opening a new form named " Query"

This form has two drop down and one textbox and some other controls

When user selects ths first dropdown (States)second gets filled with City

When use selects a city I wat to open a New form named as parameter.parameter

form has two textbox and user will enter the paramater and click the submit button.

I want the text of these two textboxes in My "Query" forms 's text box and I want the drop down as it is(filled with city and states)

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Number Shown On Label Gets Stuck At 1 No Matter How Many Times Press Button

Mar 8, 2010

Why isn't this working? The number shown on the label gets stuck at 1 no matter how many times I press the button. [code]

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[Custom Types] Display Value In State Of Data Type Name?

Oct 15, 2009

In visual studio (VB environment), for exemple, with point structure, while debbuging, in state of displaying {system.drawing.point} at the object value, its display the X and Y value.For exemple :

Dim pt as new point(8,9)
A spy on pt will show "{X = 8 Y = 9}"So i want :
Dim cust1 as cust_type1

to display me something differente than "{namespace.cust_type1}"

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"System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could Not Load File Or Assembly" When The Assembly Does In Fact Exist?

Oct 8, 2009

One of them is giving us trouble in only 1 spot out of the 4 spots we use it at:The trouble spot is a windows form project that uses reflection to dynamically load some DLLs that run long running processes. One of these long running processes is an agent that relies on one of our vender DLLsWe're getting the missing assembly exception at the point where we first enter a function that references the library. I already checked the silly things such as if we had forgotten to move a reference from the old version to the new version, but that's not the case. I also checked the bin directory of the project and the assembly is there.

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E.graphics.DrawSpiral Okay Folks Here Is A Code Update From Code Have Posted Yesterday Using An Extension Method?

May 1, 2012

This code is for 2008, 2010 and later versions of VB.Net as it uses an extension method.Please note: If you are using an earlier version ( or you do not like extension methods ) please see the next post.Here is the code I posted on Monday April 30th, 2012.>>Now you can specify the startRadius to be

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Sql Server - Winforms Dropdownbox Data Load : Allow The User To Select The State First?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a VB2005 winforms application that will loads city data from my database table. This is to ensure that the user enters the correct city spelling, in order to receive an accurate quote. Currently, there are about 150K cities that are being loaded to the dropdown listbox on page load. It takes about 30-40 seconds for that page to load. My initial thought was to allow the user to select the state first. Then load the city values. But the user has the option of going back and requesting a quote for a different city / state.

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Concurrency - Restore A Dataset To The Previous State Before Updating The Database With A Data Adapter?

Dec 10, 2009

How do you restore a dataset to the previous state before updating the database with a data adapter? I have a concurrency update problem that I believe to be caused by this. The update fails during the update and a rollback command is issued using a SQLTransaction object. However, now the rowstates of the rows that did not have errors have been changed to unchanged. So this record is no longer availible to be inserted into the database. When I updated the value that could not be null and then test the second update which runs just as the first does then I get a concurrency error. The update code is below:


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Combine 2 Data Grid View Into 1 Data Grid View?

Jul 15, 2009

how to cambine 2 data grid view into 1 data grid view

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VB - Simply Link A Data Grid View To Display Data That Was Selected From A ComboBox?

Oct 14, 2010

I just want to display data in a DataGridView (from SQL - already made the connection) based on what is selected in a ComboBox (data that is also coming from SQL). The 2 are separete on the form. I am using VB 2010.

This doesn't work for me:
objCommand2.CommandText = "SELECT ProductID, Name, Color, Size, ListPrice FROM SalesLT.Product WHERE ProductCategoryID = " & cbCategory.SelectedValue


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