Unable To Separate Names?

Sep 24, 2010

Im trying to Separate Last name, First Name and Middle Initial. File is csv format, here is an example:

A0001,3,Y,13,CLARK P,
A0001,3,Y,13,SMITH JOHN,


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Separate 2 Names And Birthdays From One Record?

Apr 18, 2010

Each record in a table in my dbase has the husband and wife's name and also their birthdays. I have gotten the report to give me the following results.[code]...

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Separate Names Into First Last And Middle Initial?

Sep 24, 2010

Im trying to Separate Last name, First Name and Middle Initial. File is csv format, here is an example:


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Excel - Choose The Directory To Save, Also Show The Field Names, And Make A Separate Worksheet For Every Gridview?

May 18, 2010

i just got it in the internet and edited it..

Dim xlApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet[code]....

what I want to do is have a column name in the excel worksheet which is not included in the code..i'm getting the data from a datagridview but it only shows the data in the excel.. i also want the field name of these data to be shown..another, as you can see in the code given, the directory is fixed.. what do i have to do to choose a directory to save my work? and also, i have many gridviews and whenever i'm exporting my work to the excel worksheet, it always overwrites my work.. i want to choose the directory to save, also show the field names, and make a separate worksheet for every gridview..

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String Manipulation - Separate Three Fields Of The Phone Number And Display In Three Separate Text Boxes?

Feb 23, 2012

I created a telephone number form where the user enters the telephone number in a text box as (nnn) nnn-nnnn. The first 3 digits in parenthesis are the ISD code, the next three are the area code and the last four are the local number. I need to separate out these three fields of the phone number and display in three separate text boxes labeled appropriately. Now, suppose the user enters the phone number in a text box as a continuous string of 10 digits, where the first three represent the ISD code, the next three represent the area code and the last four represent the local number. I'm lost as how to change this string into the form (nnn) nnn-nnnn. This is what I have


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Create Separate Object Instances For New Objects In Separate TabPages?

Sep 17, 2010

I have a TabControl object on my form with many tabs created in code (TabPages) and my problem is that the same objects that are in the initial TabPage needs to be in the other TabPages created in code, I have this done in code when the user clicks the 'New Tab' menu option, however the same code is used for any new tabs created. The problem created here is that I have an event against one of the objects that appear in the other TabPages, but because the same code is used to create any new tab pages, the event will only work on the newest tab page, if that makes sense? By the way these objects that appear on the other TabPages are properties at the top so events can be handled against them in the respective subroutine.


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Possible To Have Separate Combo Boxes That Will Give Separate ID Values But Using Same Table?

Apr 30, 2010

I'll get straight to my problem - I'm currently coding in Visual Studio.I have a table (countries) with the columns ID | Name. The table is filled with around 28 records.I also have a form with 4 combo boxes (set up as 1,2,3 & 4) that I want the user to select. These combo boxes will display the names from the table countries. I then want to use the selected names in the combo boxes to Insert into their corresponding ID into another table. For example England would have the ID 1, USA the ID 2 etc.So, is it possible to have separate combo boxes that will give separate ID values but using the same table? At the moment I can't seem to find a solution.Eventually the form will have more than 4 combo boxes so I don't want to use separate bindingsources for each combo box.

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Set The Column Names To The Same Values As Table Names Yet The Data Is Not Showing In Form Load?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a DataGridView which populates from an SQL query just fine in default mode

using these table names
[firstName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
[lastName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,


I have edited the column headers and set the column names to the same values as my table names yet the data is not showing in form load I have set datagridview.AutoGenerateColumns = False I know the data is there if I delete datagridview.AutoGenerateColumns = False then the data is shown with the default headings?

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Reload Form Again To Read New Texts Names And Mainmenu Items Names From Resx File?

Nov 9, 2005

I made project using VB.Net 2005 with multi languages, the first form is MDIParent form with MainMenu and toolbars also there is some changes in properties as righttoleft and text of forms.In my Mainmenu (Menustrip) there is opetion to change the UI Culture and I have already done but I need to change all texts in the form as mainmenu items anf form properties.My quetion is: how can I reload my form again to read the new texts names and mainmenu items names from resx file?

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Multi-threading Forms - Open A Separate Form As A Separate UI Thread From The Start Up Form

Oct 27, 2011

I have a few forms that have a lot of really intensive updating along with a great deal of user interface (text boxes, button clicking etc) Is it possible to open a separate form as a separate UI thread from the start up form that called it to "show" or open or whatever the new method might be?

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C# - Decompiling .Net Assembly Produces Code With Invalid Member Variable Names; Names Starting With $STATIC$?

Sep 5, 2011

I am doing work for a client who has lost the source code for one of their VB.Net WinForms applications. The assembly they have is not obfuscated at all. I am trying to recover as much of the source as I can as C# source and have tried several tools for decompiling assemblies, including Reflector, ILSpy and JustDecompile (all the latest versions), but they all produce code with a huge number of errors in them. Because of the large number of errors in the generated code, I am going to ask about the specific errors (in different questions), get more directed answers and in this way try shed some light on why all the tools are having difficulty decompiling this assembly. This question pertains to the fact that the code generated by all these tools always have a large number of invalid member variables (fields) such as the following:

private short $STATIC$Report_Print$20211C1280B1$nHeight;
private ArrayList $STATIC$Report_Print$20211C1280B1$oColumnLefts;
private StaticLocalInitFlag $STATIC$Report_Print$20211C1280B1$oColumnLefts$Init;

why the generated code has these invalid member variables?

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Button Names In Users Language - Get Common Control Names

Oct 31, 2010

Is there any way to get common control names like Save, Copy or Undo Redo in the user's windows language? (I saw this in some programs which weren't made for my windows language. Also the Yes No Massage Boxes will change...)

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Error: "Upgrade Failed: Exception Occurred: Can't Use Character Device Names In File Names"

May 25, 2006

I am experiencing a problem when trying to convert a rather large VB6 application into a .Net 2005 application. Everytime I try to convert the project I get the following error: "Upgrade Failed: Exception occurred: Can't use character device names in file names"The weird thing is i have tried to convert the project using .Net 2003 and I do not get the error, it does convert.

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How To Separate By ;

Jul 25, 2009

i want to separate bellow lines by ; using vb.net


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How To Separate X, Y Line

Aug 15, 2011

i have variable in web page and i want to do:

copy two things X and Y


i have make to file ini one for x and one for y

in the page , the information like this


first line x and next line y >>>

I want to compile a file in the X and Y in another file

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Separate With The Comma

Sep 29, 2009

There are two forms. For the form1, the view is 1 textbox and the button. For the button in the form1, when it is click, it will go to the form2 which consists of the datagridview. After select the numbers from the datagridview, it will go back to form1 and display it in the form1 textbox. But I want to separate it with a comma. Here is the code in form2: Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click


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Compare Tables In Two Separate Mdb's?

Jul 16, 2009

We have an access database that contains Version table. the same file is stored in 2 separate locations, how would i pull the information from both c:db1.mdb and \servernamedb1.mdb's table so i could compare the two?

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Access Each Separate Button?

Oct 19, 2010

At the moment I am trying to generate buttons, where the mouse position is.I have a timer which gets the mouse position as 2 string variables:[code]what I want to know is how do I access each separate button, I mean if I went nodebtn.hide() then all of the buttons will disappear. However I would like to select a button to chose from the present.

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Can't Add Tabpages From A Separate Class

Nov 22, 2009

Good evening folks, I'm building a program that is threaded. While I can get the thread to work no problem, I can not seem to add pages to my tabcontrol from the class I'm using. Any idea's on what I'm doing wrong?frmMain is loaded first. Then the idea is to load the other tabpages using a separate thread as they take awhile.[code]

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Change The Separate From DD:MM:YYYy To Dd-mm-yyy

Oct 4, 2009

i'm working on project that backup SQL daily and archive into ZIP file but i got an error cause i was trying to save the archive with today date and time so i think the problem that i need to change separate from

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DataGridView - Add Separate Gradient To Each Row?

Apr 21, 2010

DataGridView, add unique gradient to each Row I like to add a gradient brush to each row of my datagridview. I like to change the gradient colors for each row independently depending of some cell values in the row. I know how to add a solid background color to each, cell, row, column etc. but I do not know how to add a gradient brush to each row individualy.

I need to fill the datagridview with values, the datagridview is disconnected from any database or other data source. After filling the datagridview, I want to step trough each row, find my key values, decide the gradient colors and then add the gradient to the row.I like to do something similar to what I now do with a background color:

For Each R As DataGridViewRow In DGV.Rows
Dim CS As New DataGridViewCellStyle
Select Case i


I am using VB.NET and VS 2008 and 2010.

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How To Put DLLs In Separate Directory

Oct 16, 2011

DO NOT REDIRECT THIS TO ANOTHER THREAD BECAUSE THERE ISN'T A ONE I'm developing a project in VS2010 - WPF - VB.NET (4.0)The solution contains 11 projects; one executable and others are User Controls, Custom Controls and Classes.Now when I build my solution this happens in the output (Debug) folder:

Images/(images used buy MainProg.exe)


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How To Separate Design And Code

Jun 14, 2011

some advise or links, where I can find, how to seperate Code and Design 100%?

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How To Separate String Of Words

Mar 5, 2010

I need to take this string of words and separate them by each " " encountered. Then I need to place them into my list. How can I accomplish this? here's the code I have so far:

Dim txtLine as string = "Easter never homage entrance"
Dim spaces, subStart As Integer
spaces = txtLine.IndexOf(" ")


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How To Separate TCP Socket Messages

Dec 5, 2010

I've experimented a bit with async TCP socket messages between two programs, for passing data, numbers and/or text. What I've done is to use a keyword in the start of each message,and then seperate the values with the "|" character. So a message may look like this: "DATA|490|40517.9328222222|1|6|11345|11347|11344|11345|106|40517.8494212963"I set the read buffer size to 1024, as most of the messages will be within that lengthHowever sometimes I may send rapidly many short messages where several together are less than 1024 characters, and it seems then it will be read in one go. And if I send a message longer than 1024 characters, it will be split. So I'm looking for some advice on how to handle this. Should I use some special characters to start and/or end each message?

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How To Separate The Time In Biometric

Feb 23, 2010

this is my code on how to get the time from the device but i dont know how to get the time in such a manner that the first log in is the time in and the second log in will be the time out..

Dim _data As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim _errorCode As Integer = 0
Dim _machineNumber As Integer = 0
Dim _enrollNumber As Integer = 0


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How To Start A Separate Process

Jan 20, 2009

ok i figured out how to call a different program but i have like 7 things here and i dont know what one to use.....i want to click a button and another program shows up.

first off is this right.
then my folder path thing is


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Inherite Class From Separate Dll?

Jan 20, 2011

I am having following Projects

Public Class Class1
Public Sub MyMethod()


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Keeping Dll And Exe In Separate Folder

Apr 1, 2012

I want to create SETUP for vb.net window application. My application uses multiple dll.so I want to keep dll in separate folder and exe in separate folder. When I create setup, dll and exe are in same (Application Folder of setup), then it works, but when I create 2 different folder in Application Folder of setup, one for dll and one for exe, then it desn't work. Please suggest how can I ?when I create set up then all goes to applciaton folder. when i installed then all are installed in same folder.but I need all dll goes to sperate and exe goes to sperate folder.

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Load DLL In Separate AppDomain?

Jun 16, 2007

the forum,this is my first message, and I hope that my English is understandable (I'm Italian)....I've developed a WIndows Service using VB.net 2.0; this service executes a routine every 4 hours... I would like load a dll (without entry point) at run time and when the operation is terminated, I would like unload that. I think that I've to create a new AppDomain and to load my DLL into this, but I don't know the good way to do it.

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