Updated DataSet With A New String Column Called WorkingEmployee?

Feb 18, 2010

I updated my DataSet with a new string column called WorkingEmployee. I dragged the WorkingEmployee onto my form and it seems to work ok, except when I change a value it does not save to the database like everything else. Any ideas on whats going on?

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Have A Column In The Datatable Called Amount And A Textbox Acting As The Filter Called Say Maxamount To Set It?

Feb 9, 2011

i was wondering if it possible to have a condition where lets say you have a column in the datatable called amount and a textbox acting as the filter called say maxamount to set it so the rowfilter when filtering the table will sum the number in the amount column until the number in maxamount is met, then stop and only return the rows where the total sum of the amount column is equal or less than the maxamount value, so i guess if the next row takes us over the maxamount it discards this row and returns the rows previous to it. is this possible using datagridview rowfilter or should i be loooking elsewhere to achieve this?

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Dataset Reflect The Updated Rows Count After An Insert In .net?

Aug 25, 2009

i have a sql database, and have created a dataset for a sample table in it.The dataset is HotelDataSet2 and data table adapter to insert to it is Various_itemsTableAdapter.

Various_itemsTableAdapter.Insert(Item_nameTextBox.Text, itemcode, PackingTextBox.Text, UomTextBox.Text, PriceTextBox.Text, RemarksTextBox.Text, TaxTextBox.Text, StatusCheckBox.Checked, Rate_inclusiveCheckBox.Checked)

This always reflects the same count, before and after inserting..But if i execute this


it shows the new count to be +1 of the old one. So i concluded that everytime i change some data to the table via table adapter, i have to always refill the dataset?? How is that useful then??

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What The Column Is Called In The Database

Oct 18, 2009

Where am i going wrong with this line of code? I think its with the (REO/Bank_Owned_Desc)



There is no column REO is REO/Bank Owned Desc, I would think it doesnt like the /between REO and Bank.But that is what the column is called in the database.

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Add Value To Column Called [DateDifference]

Oct 13, 2010

I want to add value to column called [DateDifference] ,the values equal the diference between other column called [date of consumed] I want to subtract all the values in this column from the minimum date in the column exe: the values will insert in [Date differnce] column 0 1 10 15

The code I wrote but it doesnt work

[Dim sql As String
Dim b As Integer
Dim thisdate, mindate As Date


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VS 2010 : Select A Column From A Dataset Based On The Value In Another Column?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm writing a help application for the Customer support team at my company to help agents ask better questions when customers report problems. In it, I've got a SQL database that contains all the products, topics, and questions. The layout is similar to the following:

Products Table:
Product_ID Product Name:
Topics Table:
Topic_ID Product_ID Topic


I don't know if I'm making myself clear, but I basically need to do the equivalent to the following SQL statement: "SELECT PRODUCT_ID FROM Products WHERE PRODUCT_Name = LstProducts.SelectedValue"

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Gets One Column Called Length With Size Of FullName In It?

Mar 11, 2009

[code]Gets me one column called Length with the size of FullName in it?

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Xml - Save Updated XMLDocument As A String (.net Or Other .net Lang.)?

Mar 28, 2011

I have an XMl string in a Field of a mySQL Table. I load an XMLdocument (xmlDoc) from that string
I then Search for a node and change an attribute. All good in here.Then I want to save changes that i made to the XMLDocument in string format so i can update my table in the DB.
How can I do this.?

If I execute xmldoc.save(), well, it will save a XML file. How can I save the changes that I have made but instead of savig the file, save it as a string so I can save it in my table.I really do not want to parse the XML string as a normal string to search my parameters and save it.

I am working on vb.net, but if you have code in other .net lang, no problem.The DB is in MySQL

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Data Source Updated As Well When The Variable Is Updated?

Jul 1, 2009

part of my code is in below


I would expect to see the path.Path include the new record, however, I also notice that tempnextgen also include the new record. Can anyone help me out on this issue? Why the tempnextgen got updated as well, how to prevent this unexpected operation?

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Can A String Be Called Into A Web Browser

Jan 20, 2012

I have a string that contains a slew of text that I'm returning from the server.

I wanted to know if that string can be called on the client-side?

What I did was reader a text file to a string Placed the string into a rich text box created a sub routine and declared a variable "X" to equal the rich textbox and finally called the sub into the web browser but I don't get anything called when I call the sub.

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Public Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


Here is exactly what I am trying to do... I am trying to code my application to navigate to a website (my own) and fill a web form.

The only way that I know to do this using the web browser is to have the information in the document_completed section of the browser. This works great but once I compile the code and setup my application I don't have any way to update my application with new websites.

What I was trying to do is go ahead and code my web browser document_completed with about 5 of my websites. I would need to have the ability to update my application with new sites and the only way I could do this was to create an update and patch my current .exe of the application.

My work around was to try to create a generic sub routine, in the sub routine I would tell the application to navigate to a folder, read each text file in a folder (which would contain the document_completed code for the webbrowser) and then put the code into a string...finally I would call the sub into the webbrowser.

The thinking behind this would that I could add/remove website by just adding/removing the txt files in the folder.

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VS 2008 Glass To Get Added To A String Or Something So It Can Be Called In MyAddNew?

Mar 24, 2010

If GlassRadioButton.Checked = True Then

well here's where im stuck, I need Glass to get added to a string or something, so it can be called in myAddNew

"VALUES"Dim myValue As Integer ' Base value of frames Dim myValue1 As Integer ' Glass or plastic value Dim myValue2 As Integer ' Scratch Coating value Dim myValue3 As Integer ' UV value Dim totalCost As Integer ' Total value Dim deposit As Integer ' Deposit value, 20% of total myValue = 50 'Base value of frames, always 50 If GlassRadioButton.Checked


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Combo - Sql Table Called Stock With Two Fields Called StockID And StockCode

Jun 5, 2011

I have an sql table called Stock with two fields called StockID and StockCode. I want the user to select the stockcode from a combo which in turn populates the stockid for that item into a lable on my form. I have already populated the stockcode into the combo but dont know how to compelte the rest.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class cbo2
Private Sub cbo2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Form Called FrmPracDetails Which Is Built Up With A List View Called LvwColProc

Aug 11, 2009

I have a form called FrmPracDetails which is built up with a List view called LvwColProc. Therefore when you click a field on the LvwColProc it takes you to another form called FrmColProcessing, here you can make changes to certain fields which are also present on FrmPracDetails. What I want to do is when you make changes on FrmColProcesing and Click the Save Button (which calls the Save function)the changes appear instantly on FrmPracDetails. Please note, FrmColProcessing will always be open next to FrmPracDetails. I have tried to put this code in the Save function present in FrmCol Processing as shown below, but it doesnt Refresh FrmPracDetails form. [code]

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VB - Excel: Finding If A String From One Column Correspond To Strings In Another Column?

May 20, 2009

i need to do a macro. this is what my excel looks like

1 2 3 4
seq1 name name seq2
abcde vv1 abcdddd
abcxy vv2 abcdlmn


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Find A Match For A String In Column 1, Return A Value From Column 2 On The Same Row?

Sep 25, 2009

i'm trying to get my program to look up a string and find a match in an access database in column "PhoneNumber" and return the value from column "FullName" on the same row to a different string

so it would go like this: (i really don't know much about accessing databases)

Dim PhoneNumber As String
Dim FullName As String
PhoneNumber = TextBox1.Text
FullName =

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Properties - Default Property Set Being Called Mysteriously Called?

Apr 2, 2012

I have the following line of code in my program:


This JCL_History object is basically a Generic.List encapsulated in a wrapper and has the following method:

Public Sub Enqueue(ByRef value As String)
If Members.Contains(value) Then


In my testing I have 2 items in this JCL_History list. When I call that first line of code I posted (the one that invokes Enqueue) with I = 1 I expect the first item to be shuffled to the bottom and the second item to be shuffled to the top.

After the thread returns from Enqueue I notice that this is exactly what happens to my list, HOWEVER if I hit the "step_in" button after the execution of Enqueue I go into the Default Property's set method where Index = 1 and value = and it screws everything up, because the item that got shuffled to the end (index 1) gets overwritten by the item value shuffled to the top.

So basically the set method on the default property is getting called at what I think to be a completely ridiculous time. What gives? By the way I'm running VS2005 on XP.

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Get Value Of Last Record In A Dataset Column?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a dataset column which is "newsID".I want to get the value of it's last record so that I can use it as a default value or starting point to auto increment when I add a new record using the BindingNavigator.

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How To Count Column In Dataset

Mar 23, 2012

my application read excel file into dataset.The excel file is actually look like a report. the total column for each row is different. how to count total column for a particular row?

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Retrieve Column From Dataset?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a Customerdataset as follows[code]...

I want to sort it out on Route sequence and put it in the Listbox in order.may represents other numbers.So in the list box..[code]...

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Game Programming :: Have An String Array Called ArrMap (0 To 19) That Holds The 20 Rows Of Each Map For Display?

Sep 30, 2009

Im working on a roguelike console RPG. For those of you that dont know, just google search it.What I need help with is that I have an string array called ArrMap(0 to 19) that holds the 20 rows of each map for display. I also have an array of the same size called VisibleMap that needs to hold which portions of the map are visible and which arent so that when the player switches screens [IE goes from map, to inventory] they can go back to the map and it will look the same. I was thinking of using an array, but if you can think of another way to do it, that's fine.Here are the subs that deal with the map reading and display, so you know how I have things set up at the moment.

Public Sub ReadMap(ByVal location As String)
Dim ioFile As New StreamReader(location)
Dim ioLine As String
Dim intX As Integer


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Datagridview - Dataset Display Different Column?

Apr 5, 2010

I am making a combobox from my data source. Basically, This is a projects form and the user needs to select the the primary contact which is contrained by the customer id (GETbyCustomerID) set in another field. I have it working... mostly except the combobox only displays the contact ID which is completely useless to the user. I need to know how to display the First and Last name (both are seperate columns in the table).

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Dataset With Wizard Could Not Get Column Information

Jun 5, 2011

i tried creating a dataset using the myodbc driver 5.1 (which im sure is correctly typed in because that is the exact same connection string i used for data manipulation within my app.now, im stuck. i cannot generate any reports because the dataset i created can not return any field information w/c is confusing because it displays the names of the tables from the database. is there any way i can import all the data i need to my reports programatically??

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Entering Data Into A Column Of A Dataset?

Jan 6, 2010

I want to insert/edit date automatically in the DateCreated column and the SystemUser column to track the date and user who entered ther details into a dataset. I am using data bindingsource to bind controls to the dataset

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Get Current Column Data In Dataset?

Aug 7, 2010

I am a beginner to VB.net. Still learning and have a lot to learn.I am confuse on dataset and binding source.I want to update the columns in the current dataset.

I have a listbox to reorder the sequence.Once those are reordered, the sequence number should be wrote back to the "Sequence" column in the dataset.

After pointing to the current row in the binding source, I don't know how to write back to the column.[code]...

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VS 2010 Max Number In Dataset Column

Jun 17, 2011

I'm making my own ID field (highest number + 1) and using it when I insert a row into my tableadapter, and I've tried two ways...

Ordering my dataset by ID descending and picking the first row does nothing for me.

I've tried building a datatable and ordering it descending and choosing the first row. This works great until you get to 10... Then it counts 1, 10, 2, 3, 4...

How can I make a textbox, label, etc be the next ascending number in my column Highest Number + 1?

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Bind The Values In A Combobox To A Column In A Dataset?

Aug 21, 2011

it's possibly to bind the values in a combobox to a column in a dataset? If so, how would I go about doing it? For example, If I have a column named 'Names' in a DataSet, each comboBox item would be a name from that column.(There will only me at maximum, 10 entries)

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Can't Get Column With Format Date In Dataset To Database

Mar 28, 2012

I've googled but can't find a awnser to a problem. I've made a vb.net application in VS2008 with a dataset in it. I want to store a column with format date in the sqlite database.[code]...

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Change Column Width In A Combobox Associated With A Dataset In Net?

Sep 30, 2011

I have a ComboBox with its datasource being a dataset from a SQL Server database.

The width of its columns are relative to the width of the name of the columns. I would like to increase that width in order to see the content properly and not cuted.[code]...

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ComboBox - Obtain Value From DataSet Based On Other Column Value

Jun 9, 2011

I have a combobox which is populated from a dataset (pulling values from the column Actuator_ID). When an item is selected from the combobox, I need to return another value from the dataset (column Gateway_Channel). In the 'selectedindexchanged' sub, I have the following line which should return the value from the second field (gateway_channel) but whatever item is selected in the combobox, only the value from the first row is returned.
errBox.AppendText((ds.Tables("Actuators").Rows("Actuator_ID" = ComboBox3.SelectedItem.substring(0, 2)).Item("Gateway_Channel")).ToString

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Determine A Dataset Column Data Type?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a dataset and want to know the data type of a specific column. The GetType returns datacolumn not string or integer etc.iggy!

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