Gets One Column Called Length With Size Of FullName In It?

Mar 11, 2009

[code]Gets me one column called Length with the size of FullName in it?

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Current User's FullName - Exception - ADEntry.Properties("FullName").Value

Sep 4, 2008

Well, when you pull down the start menu in XP it Usually prints your name right at the top of the menu. I believe it's the same name that is in the "Full Name" field of the Add User dialog. However, of course, on my current work computer there is no "local" account, as I'm logged onto a full network, etc, and so I'm going through a domain of some sort. (Don't know too much about that stuff, and frankly don't really care.) However, I did look up and found some information about requesting the full user name. (not just your login user name). For example:

Thomas Thumb logs in as : tthumb
Start menu it says: Thumb, Thomas
Email Account: 99thutho

So in effect to do certain things in my application it is rather imperative to retrieve the current users "Full Name". This is how I am currently doing it:

Dim DomainUser As String = My.User.Name.Replace("", "/")
Dim ADEntry As New System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" & DomainUser)
_userfull = New NameStruct(ADEntry.Properties("FullName").Value)

Don't both with the NameStruct, it is simply a parser to determine First Name and Last Name. Now the problem with this is that when My computer is not connected to the network I get an Exception at the line: ADEntry.Properties("FullName").Value

Which makes some sense, but also is somewhat amusing, because when I disconnect from the network (and my laptop goes into standby with the lid down so i can take it home), I later open the lid and log back in and everything is the same, so It still has the information of "Thumb, Thomas" on the start bar, even though I'm no longer connected to the current network. So how can i ask this computer, (not some network service) for the current users Full Name.

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Have A Column In The Datatable Called Amount And A Textbox Acting As The Filter Called Say Maxamount To Set It?

Feb 9, 2011

i was wondering if it possible to have a condition where lets say you have a column in the datatable called amount and a textbox acting as the filter called say maxamount to set it so the rowfilter when filtering the table will sum the number in the amount column until the number in maxamount is met, then stop and only return the rows where the total sum of the amount column is equal or less than the maxamount value, so i guess if the next row takes us over the maxamount it discards this row and returns the rows previous to it. is this possible using datagridview rowfilter or should i be loooking elsewhere to achieve this?

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Can Auto-size Font Size Follow By Length Of String

Jul 4, 2010

I had set a print format to print some word in a Text box, when I input the text in text box is an normal size from system,but I want it print out to printer follow the Rectangle size that is was set to print out on paper.actuary i want it can auto size the font size follow by the length of string.

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Substring Size - "Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length"

Jul 21, 2010

If using the following in an if statement I get an error: If trg.Name.Substring(4, 6).ToUpper <> ("ABCDEF") Then I get the error: "Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length"

I assume this is because the string ( is too small for the 4, 6 substring. What would be the correct method of working around this problem? Studio 2008.

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Project Design Form Grid Column Size Is Small When Form Load And Want To Be Large Grid Column Size

Feb 20, 2012

In my project, form_double Click and Form_Maximize is not working when i do break point. Its not Button_Click, Form_Load. I want to do like this. "My project design form grid column size is small when form load and want to be large grid column size when the form is maximize."

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How To Determine Size/length Of Array

Jul 30, 2009

I want to determine size/length of an array that is, how many elements are in my 1 dimen array, can't seem to find the right method that works.

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Size Of DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Based On Length Of String

Oct 20, 2011

does anyone know how I can format the width of a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn based on the size of the string which the user selects?

my code is the following, Im way off!

Private Sub colwidth_SelectionChangeCommitted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If (comboTest.SelectionLength > 0) Then


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Size Of The Length Field For A VB String Data Type?

Feb 10, 2010

A string can contain from 0 to approximately 2 billion (2 ^ 31) Unicode characters. Does this mean the length field for the string is a 4 byte unsigned binary field, or is it a 4 byte signed binary ?

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What The Column Is Called In The Database

Oct 18, 2009

Where am i going wrong with this line of code? I think its with the (REO/Bank_Owned_Desc)



There is no column REO is REO/Bank Owned Desc, I would think it doesnt like the /between REO and Bank.But that is what the column is called in the database.

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Add Value To Column Called [DateDifference]

Oct 13, 2010

I want to add value to column called [DateDifference] ,the values equal the diference between other column called [date of consumed] I want to subtract all the values in this column from the minimum date in the column exe: the values will insert in [Date differnce] column 0 1 10 15

The code I wrote but it doesnt work

[Dim sql As String
Dim b As Integer
Dim thisdate, mindate As Date


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Column Length Of Datagridview

Feb 28, 2009

I have a datagridviee with 8 columns. all the columns are generated programmingly. What i want is that, i want to fix the length as 6 of the 4 cells of the datagridview, remaining 4 will be readonly.

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Updated DataSet With A New String Column Called WorkingEmployee?

Feb 18, 2010

I updated my DataSet with a new string column called WorkingEmployee. I dragged the WorkingEmployee onto my form and it seems to work ok, except when I change a value it does not save to the database like everything else. Any ideas on whats going on?

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Sort Listview Column By String Length?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a Listview with two columns. The second column contain strings and I want to sort the listview rows by the string length of the second column.


The problem is that I can only find examples of sorting in alphabetic order (with IComparer). Does anybody have an example?

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VS 2010 Chaging Table Column Length & Comboboxs

Nov 27, 2011

Is there a problem with changing the column length in table and using comboboxes that display a partial list of the records from that table.I had a column(Name) that was 18 chars long. I would then display only a subset of those names in a combobox by not listing records where a column called privileges was set to X. This and other uses of combobox worked fine till I increased the column length to 24. The combobox no longer filters on the privileges field though when I select the column priviliges after my selection it will display the value X.

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DataGridView: Only Display Specific Length Of String In Column Cell?

Apr 24, 2012

I am using a list<of T> as a data source for a datagridview and would like to handle the draw event of the datagridview to evaluate the string length of the column cell. If larger than a particular number then I would just do something like

cell.value = string.substring(0,(whatever number I need it to be)).

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Open ID Display Email And Fullname Of User On Webpage?

Dec 21, 2011

I am using dotnetopenid in my 2.0 and VS 2005.I have done only this work and a succeful authentication is done by me.I have a login page and after authentication it goes to food.aspx.I only want to display the email address of user on food.aspx after authentication from google.I have done only following work for the openid nothing else please tell me which code i have to write in login.aspx or food.aspx to display the email address of user.

<%@ Register Assembly="DotNetOpenAuth" Namespace="DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.RelyingParty" TagPrefix="rp" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral,


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Set Size Of Each Column's Width In Code?

Mar 13, 2012

Is there a way to set the size of each column's width in code?

*i have used this code to view my databse into my datagrid [code]...

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Combo - Sql Table Called Stock With Two Fields Called StockID And StockCode

Jun 5, 2011

I have an sql table called Stock with two fields called StockID and StockCode. I want the user to select the stockcode from a combo which in turn populates the stockid for that item into a lable on my form. I have already populated the stockcode into the combo but dont know how to compelte the rest.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class cbo2
Private Sub cbo2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Form Called FrmPracDetails Which Is Built Up With A List View Called LvwColProc

Aug 11, 2009

I have a form called FrmPracDetails which is built up with a List view called LvwColProc. Therefore when you click a field on the LvwColProc it takes you to another form called FrmColProcessing, here you can make changes to certain fields which are also present on FrmPracDetails. What I want to do is when you make changes on FrmColProcesing and Click the Save Button (which calls the Save function)the changes appear instantly on FrmPracDetails. Please note, FrmColProcessing will always be open next to FrmPracDetails. I have tried to put this code in the Save function present in FrmCol Processing as shown below, but it doesnt Refresh FrmPracDetails form. [code]

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How To Set The Fixed Column Size Of A Grid View

Apr 14, 2010

I have a gridview which automatically adjusts with the dataset but i want to adjust he size a bit

can any one tell me how to set the column size to a fixed size

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Set Column Size In DataGridView When Importing From A Database?

Jul 23, 2009

I'm using a datagridview to display data from an Access database. Is there a way to have the columns that are imported be set to fill up the entire datagridview? depending on what data I'm displaying the columns are either too narrow or too long for the datagridview. I'd like them to always just fill up the entire space in the datagridview without having scroll bars or empty space.

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Properties - Default Property Set Being Called Mysteriously Called?

Apr 2, 2012

I have the following line of code in my program:


This JCL_History object is basically a Generic.List encapsulated in a wrapper and has the following method:

Public Sub Enqueue(ByRef value As String)
If Members.Contains(value) Then


In my testing I have 2 items in this JCL_History list. When I call that first line of code I posted (the one that invokes Enqueue) with I = 1 I expect the first item to be shuffled to the bottom and the second item to be shuffled to the top.

After the thread returns from Enqueue I notice that this is exactly what happens to my list, HOWEVER if I hit the "step_in" button after the execution of Enqueue I go into the Default Property's set method where Index = 1 and value = and it screws everything up, because the item that got shuffled to the end (index 1) gets overwritten by the item value shuffled to the top.

So basically the set method on the default property is getting called at what I think to be a completely ridiculous time. What gives? By the way I'm running VS2005 on XP.

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Auto-size Listview Columns To Fit The Column Names

Jun 30, 2009

I'd like to autosize listview columns to fit the column names. From what I saw this should do it but it doesn't work for me. Can someone see what I'm doing wrong or know of a way to do it? The listview is designed to dynamically build the coulmns based on the number of coumns in a recordset.


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Substring - Error: Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length

Apr 17, 2009

this is not working?


End WhileI am trying to read from the ": " to the end of the line. I keep getting this error: Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length

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Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String. Parameter Name: Length Exception

Feb 17, 2011

am getting the above exception while swaping Items in the list(lstRoutePriority).PFB my code

if (lstRoutePriority.SelectedIndex > 0)
//Swap the two items


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Get FullName From Available Serial Port (Com Port) From Device Manager In Windows Form With .net?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a Windows windows form have a combo box that give me a list of available port serial with it code (Dim ports As String() =SerialPort.GetPortNames())for example( Com1,Com8,Com15,...).but I want to give me fullname of serial port in device manager for example in dvice manager is these (Comunication Port(COM1) - Printer Port(LPT1) And USB Serial Port(COM8)).how to Get it?

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Property Of A Grid View Control That Can Set Text Size Of A Column Header?

Sep 21, 2011

Is there a property of a grid view control that can set the text size of a column header?

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Convert Character Length To Pixel Length?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a field displaying on a datagrid that the user has asked to be variable length based on the data that is returned. Is there an easy way to determine how many characters are returned for a field and then converting that to a pixel length so that I can change the length of the field in the code.

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.net - SSRS Report Called From ReportViewer Control Displays No Data In The Report When Called With A Parameter

Apr 11, 2012

Can you look at my coding and let me know what I'm missing or doing wrong?I have a SSRS report that is called from a ReportViewer control and the ProcessingMode for this control is Remote. The report also has 1 parameter in it's DataSet.In the code I placed a MsgBox to make sure the code is finding the parameter and returning the parameter name. I am trying to stick the value of 10 into the parameter for playerID 10. Data for this player does exist.

I believe I need to add some more code to make this work but I'm not sure what else to add.

When the code executes the report is displayed but no data is shown in the report.


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