Updating A Form From A Background Thread, Started In The MyApplication_Startup Sub?

Nov 17, 2008

I'm having some problems with updating a form from a background thread, started in the MyApplication_Startup sub.As far as I know updating forms or controls on forms have to be done threadsafely.

When the application starts up, some threads are being created which create an object in which a download for a zipfile will be started. The object has some delegates to let the GUI know what the status of the download is, for example 'started' or 'finished'. Also the mainform will be shown on which a datagrid has been placed to show the user which files will be downloaded and in which phase the download is.

All this works amazingly fine but when I want to update the datagrid's cells p�r thread the datagrid aint updated. I know the problem is that the thread in which the Form is created isn't the same as the thread which wants to update the grid?

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Call A Method That Started On A Background Thread On The UI Thread Calling BeginInvoke And Passing In A Delegate?

Aug 27, 2011

I am trying to call a method that started on a background thread on the UI thread calling BeginInvoke and passing in a delegate as follows:

Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(Function() UpdateApplicationDataUI())

to call this method:

Private Sub UpdateApplicationDataUI()
End Sub

However, I get an error in the call to BeginInvoke (the UpdateApplicationDataUI portion of the delegate is stating "Expression does not produce a value").

Me.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(Function() New Action(AddressOf UpdateApplicationDataUI))

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Updating A Form From Different Thread?

Jun 13, 2010

I have a VB.NET 2010 app I am writing that does a lot of work on a RS485 bus in 2 seperate threads. These threads are started as soon as the app is opened and run as long the app is open. I would like to have the threads update labels on the main (and only) form every so often based on what's happening on the serial bus. I know it involves invokes and delegates but I haven't found a straight forward answer on how to implement it.

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Avoiding Updating A Form From A Thread?

Sep 8, 2009

I've seen a good bit written on avoiding updating a form from a thread.However,I was wondering if that was a problem if the thread exists in an object that programatically builds the form?Thus the form and associated logic exist within the same "thread space." Seems on the face of it like it would work since everything in the form should be in a single dispatch queue.

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Updating Background Color (Default) Of Form

Mar 16, 2009

I can change the backcolour on a form but I want to be able to change the colour making the change the new default color. The book I am using shows this as an example so far:
'show the color dialog and if the user clicks the ok button,
'update the background color of the form
if colordialog1.showdialog = windows.forms.dialogresult.ok then
me.backcolor = colordialog1.color
end if
end sub

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[2008] Updating Form Variables During Thread?

Sep 1, 2009

I'm not sure exactly how to describe this. In VB6, there was a Timer command. I could create a variable of type Timer and loop until the current value for Timer exceeded the initial plus a given amount of time. This allowed me to update form variables while the timing loop was executing. How can I do something similar in .NET?

Here is a sample of the VB6 code:

Dim StartTimer As Double
StartTimer = Timer


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C# - Abort A Thread Started With Delegate.BeginInvoke?

Feb 1, 2010

Disclaimer: I know that Thread.Abort is evil. I'm using it as a last resort since some I/O functions (e.g., File.Exists when used on a non-existing network share) block for a large amout of time and do not allow you to specify a timeout.

Question: Is it possible to Abort (as in Thread.Abort) a worker thread started using Delegate.BeginInvoke or do I have to do the Thread handling myself?

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Forms :: Thread Cannot Access Another Thread's Member Directly And UI Updating

Oct 18, 2011

I have a small problem that I am sure is due mostly to my inexperience with threading. I have used simple entirely self-contained threads before, but not to a great extent. I understand the basic laws that surround them, such as how a thread cannot access another thread's member directly, and must use delegates.


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Function Returns UI Thread Value To Background Thread?

Dec 4, 2008

A non-UI thread in my prog needs to obtain data from a UI listview control. To prevent cross-thread errors I use the following, but it freezes the prog (probably because the "Else" part is never called).What am I doing wrong?


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MyApplication_Startup And Module Variable Declarations?

Dec 15, 2009

It is my understanding that all modules are initialized and that all their variables are set up prior to MyApplication_Startup. I have code that has worked well for quite some time (XP and Vista).The Myapplication_Startup code references variables and code located in a Module.However, with Windows 7 this does not work.Anny reference to a module (Data, SUB or FUNCTION) throws a Type Initialization error at runtime. How can I correct this behavior in Windows 7?

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Updating UI From Another Thread

Dec 14, 2011

We have an issue with an application where we are making a call to an asynchronous process on LostFocus of a TextBox, the asyncronous process then needs to be able to update the main form UI (or display a dialog from the main form UI) while running asynchronously.We have thought about call backs and having it truely asynchronous but we need everything to execute in the correct order and this is for a data entry system where speed and accuracy of data entry is important.Example code shows what we are trying to do and if you switch to Begin Invoke the order of processing is not correct.[code]Does anyone know how we can invoke something else on the main form thread while is is still busy processing the LostFocus event?

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Updating & Getting Values From UI From Another Thread?

Aug 25, 2011

The program i am writing has 5 features, all of which i want to run in their own threads. On the main for I have a listView which contains all the accounts (user password etc). The thread is defined as:

Public fbaThread As New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf fba_Start))

In cmdAdderStart i begin the new thread by:
fbaRun = True


I have managed to write the UpdateDebug() to update my txtDebug on the main form. But now I am having trouble being able to pull the values from lvAccounts.items().subitems I can accomplish this with global variables but i'm sure this is not the best way to do this.

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Updating A ListView From A Second Thread?

Aug 5, 2010

I am writing a basic application to provide remote support to multiple computers over a TCP Stream. For example, if my brother/dad has an issue with their computer, rather than going over to help them I can just use remote support (Yes, I know Windows has Remove Desktop, and their is TeamViewer, ect. But where is the fun in using those =P)Anyway, it basically works by taking a PrintScreen of their computer, sending it to mine and displaying it in a PictureBox, then when I click the image, it records the coordinates of my mouse, sends it to theirs (Little Maths for resolutions and positions ofc) and clicks, then sends a new image.

My problem is, I want a ListView displaying the PC Info, like:

PCName - RAM - Free HDD Space - 32/64Bit - Processor Speed

Now, my problem is, I have a Class which does the TCP Server, and in that class when it Receives a Message, it calls the Sub "RunCommand(ByVal Command As String)", which then splits the String and works with it.So, for example, their PC would send the String "Info|DadPC|2GB|235GB|32Bit|2.2GhZ|" And mine would split it, and add that data accordingly.However, what happens is, nothing. If I put in "MsgBox()" anywhere in the Code, it shows it is all Split, and received correctly and everything is fine, but no matter what happens, it wont add to the ListView (Or anywhere else on the form, for example "GUI.Text = Info(1)" Wont work either)?

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Updating A Textbox From Another Thread?

Feb 7, 2010

I have been trying to update a textbox on the main form of my program using a different thread, however the changes are not relected in the textbox.I am using MS Dev studio 2010 beta 2.0 .NET 4.0. Here's my code....

The main form

Public Class frmMain
Private Engine As New clsEngine
Private txtMessage As String


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Updating Controls In A Thread?

Dec 28, 2011

I've got a bunch of labels that I update regularly in the program, resulting in lagg, which is bad, so how can I update the labels in a thread?

When I try

Thread = New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf ShowInfo)


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Updating UI From Worker Thread

Oct 27, 2009

This is slightly different to just updating a UI from a worker thread. The object which calls the thread, calls another object, and it is this object which is is trying to update the UI. It doesn't however work.

Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1
Public Delegate Sub GetText(ByVal sText As String)
Public GetSomeText As GetText
Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
[Code] .....

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Background Thread Not Terminating

Jan 26, 2010

I have a program that if user presses a key(while the program isn't focused),it presses some keys(some kind of macro to aid gamers).The program works,but I cannot stop the background thread.I use "t.abort()" (t is the name of background thread) but it keeps working(even when I close all forms) and at TaskManager "keypresser.exe" is still there.[code]

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VS 2008 BackgroundWorker Thread An Updating UI?

Apr 3, 2010

I'm running some tasks on a BackgroundWorker thread and needed to display the current tasks in a label.Before adding the label, the tasks were completing just fine and the UI was responsive.Once I added the labels, the UI has become unresponsive. The issue, I believe, is the Invoke property.I've declared all my tasks, including the updating, in a sub and am getting the Invoke property of the label each time, in order to set the information.The following is an example of what I'm doing:

Private Sub Test()If lblTask.InvokeRequired = True Then Dim mi As New MethodInvoker(AddressOf Test) lblTask.Invoke(mi)


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Access Data From A Background Thread?

Oct 4, 2010

I have an application that I need to load data in a background thread and make available to a combobox or list box on my main form or UI Thread. I am really new to threading in VB and how to best accomplish this. Here is some code from a test project:


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Background Thread Suspend/resume?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a a main thread and another background thread that does some work (see below).I want to do something within my worker thread and then wait until some other event happens in the main thread before continuing. How do I do this? I thought I could use ManualResetEvent but I can't get it to work properly. I'm a bit confused about the Set, Reset, WaitOne methods and where exactly I should call them from.When the worker thread is suspended it shouldn't affect the main thread.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System. EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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C# - IO Operation Is Blocking UI And Background Thread

Jun 29, 2011

I am a novice in Threads, but I want to know how to order thread execution in my scenario, and is the following :

UI Thread : Windows Form Background
Thread : Kind of print daemon
implemented with recursive methods
IO Operation : a StreamWriter that do
the job of File.AppendText()

When I execute my main app.exe, sometimes it launches the Windows Forms and the execution process in the task manager (app.exe), in some opportunities its just launches the execution process in background. How can I determine the behavior of launching UI, I have to establish a priority or somewhat else? Code: I'm using framework 2.0 and any answers could be writted in C# or Vb.Net.

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Have Background Thread Handle Events?

Apr 7, 2011

I am in the planning stages for developing a VB.Net class (let's call it OpDAq) that is to obtain data via an API provided by a COM object (AxInterop.TWSLib) that makes requests to an Internet server. The API provides data via events. Class OpDAq should do its work on a separate thread; it takes several seconds (sometimes up to ~10) to collect the desired data. One should be able to create several instances of OpDAq in order to collect data in parallel. The class would be given a reference to the TWSLib object when its constructor is called, as well as several parameters. There needs to be a way for the class to provide results, preferably in the form of a generic list.

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How To Optionally Run Some Code On Background Thread

Aug 28, 2011

I'm looking for a configurable way to run some code on a background thread and I'm not too sure what the "best practice" would be. Currently I have something along the lines of:

Dim sendEmails = Sub()
Dim emailToSend As New SendEmailRequest()
TransferCommonValuesTo(emailToSend, request, sendingUser)
[Code] .....

Is this a good way of implementing my requirement? This will be called from an ASP.NET front-end (although others are possible) and I am using Framework 3.5.

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Iterate Over A Listview In A Background Thread?

Aug 16, 2011

I've got an application with a ListView and I want to loop through each item in the ListView. But I want to do this in a separate thread.

This is a very simple version of the code - but its error is the same:

Private Sub StartToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles StartToolStripMenuItem.Click
pingThread = New Thread(AddressOf loopingRoutine)


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Serial Use Of A Background Worker Thread?

Apr 6, 2012

I have a BackgroundWorkerThread which I want to use serially.So some of the code in the UI thread will look like this [code]But of course I can't do the second RunWorkerAsync until the UI thread has seen the RunWorkerCompleted event indicating that the "Sequences" work has been completed (or somehow knows that the "Sequences" work has been completed).So I need some sort of synchronization between the two RunWorkerAsync calls, but whatever I use cannot hang up the UI thread because it has to be able to handle ProgressChanged events.Maybe the RunWorkerCompleted event could make the second call but I really don't like that structure.So how do I delay the second call to RunWorkerAsync (for the "Templates" work) until the background thread has completed the "Sequences" work?

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Show ToolTip On Background Thread?

Mar 2, 2010

I am running sum of my code in a background worker and I need to show sum tooltip text on a label, but nothing shows up.[code]...

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VS 2008 Running A Thread In The Background?

Jun 9, 2009

Im trying to run a thread in the background. The sub would take a string as as input and the text to speech object would read the string.

1st problem is: How do I pass my value strIn to my sub SpeekEventWorker when im calling it like this


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VB Image - Transparent Parts Dont See Form As Background But Marioland As Background?

Feb 18, 2011

Background of form: black

background of char, bombs and shrooms: transparent

picbox behind char, bombs and shrooms is regular (marioland)

How can i fix it so the transparent parts dont see form as background but marioland as background?

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Control Not Updating From Cross Thread Call

Oct 10, 2010

I have a few classes. One of the classes handles everything to do with updating controls (Such as adding items to a listview, etc.) and another is handling loops. I'm trying to add something to a richtextbox from another thread.[code]..

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Copy Directory In Thread & Updating Progressbar / UI?

Mar 24, 2010

I have got this module which copies a specific folder and all files inside it.[code]...

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