Use A PASSWORD Protected ACCESS Database As A Backend?

Nov 16, 2010

I has a Access database ...that is password protected.... i am connecting in this manner given as follow .......(Without password protection)

cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=D:My Documentsdb2.mdb")

how can i edit that can use for access those password protected Access database

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Link To A Password Protected Database (MS Access)

Mar 16, 2009

First of all, no i am not trying to hack a database , i am trying to link to a database, created in MS Access, and have the user log into it, but i still get an error sayingQuotean unhandled expression of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in here is the code i'm using to input the password and username from a text box


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Open A Password Protected Ms Access Database?

Sep 8, 2009

I am using ms access 2003 as my database in,i want to secure it with a password. what should i add to my code to open my DB?

Public con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\jada\Database\jadaDB.mdb")

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VS 2008 - How To Access Database Password Protected

Dec 29, 2011

How do I get it so my program reads the database when its password protected? This is the code I have at the moment?.
myConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;
Data Source=|DataDirectory|db1.mrk;"

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App Wont Open Password Protected Access Database?

Nov 29, 2009

I have an app with a password protected MS access database connected to it. lets say the password is "123".
when I run my app i get an error saying that the password is incorrect even thought its not.i have been readig around but am strugling to find a solution.

this is the line that causes the error:


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Open Protected Password Access Database With Program?

Jun 1, 2010

Open a Access database (protected with a password) in my application in Visual Basic 2008. I use Oledb connection to link my Application to the database. When my Access database is not protected with password my connection goes well, but I don't know how to set my password of my database in my application. I have "googled", but I can't find something that works for me. [code]----

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VS 2003 Requirements To Access Password Protected Database?

Apr 15, 2009

instrruct me how to access a password protected mdb from VS 2003

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Open Password Protected MS Access Database In Environment From 2005?

Oct 31, 2009

How open password protected MS access database in MS access environment from vb 2005 code

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Open Password Protected MS Access Database Using Windows Application?

Jul 11, 2009

how to open password protected MS Access database using windows application?

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Connecting Password Protected MS Access Database From Visual Studio 2008

Feb 15, 2012

I'm using an MS Access database which has password (database password, not a workgroup or smth). I'm using 13 characters - with no special signs- only letters. When I try to open the DB from access it works fine, but when I try to run my Windows Form application from Visual Studio Connection String, I get a message that "Not a valid password".


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Error Connecting Password Protected Access Database To Crystal Reports

Apr 10, 2012

How do I open my Crystal Report in VB code (RPT files) on password-protected Access 2007 database? Ever since I protected my database with password, my Crystal Report generates an error.

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Connecting To A Password Protected MS Access 2007 Database Stored In The Project Directory

Dec 30, 2010

i am trying to connect to a password-protected MS Access 2007 database. I don't have any problems connecting to the database when the database is stored on the C drive, the following command works for me:

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Open A Password Protected Access From Control Button?

Jul 17, 2009

I am trying to open a password protected access data base. I want to provide the password with in process.start to avoid the first password and security dialog box. so far i have done this

dim path as string="c:\temp\db1.mdb"
dim password as string="temp"
process.start(Path, password)


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Database Application Does Not Work On User Machine If Database Is Password Protected?

Jan 20, 2011

In I am using password protected database with following connection stringconnetionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:vaivaiDB.mdb;JetOLEDB:Database Password=secret;"Database access works fine on the development machine.

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Open Password Protected Database?

Apr 24, 2010

I am using this code to open an access database but it is password protected where to add the password?[code]...

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DB/Reporting :: Open Password Protected Access DB With Process.Start

Jan 7, 2009

I need to open a password protected Access database from VB and I'm trying to use the Process.Start method and have had no luck. I have tried this seversal different ways and can't seem to get it to work. Here is an example of my closes attempt:


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Make Project Password Protected Without Any Database

Jul 8, 2009

I just want to make my project password protected without any database. And also i want to make my program trialware and with registration key facility.

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VS 2005 Inserting Data Into A Password Protected Database

Jan 16, 2010

i created a password protected access database and did this code to insert data into it:


but still i am getting the same exception..... how to solve this problem?

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VS 2005 Inserting Data Into A Password Protected Database?

Apr 25, 2009

i created a password protected access database and did this code to insert data into it:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim con As New OleDbConnection


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Locking Tables In A Backend Access Database?

Dec 14, 2011

My problem is that I need to use a access database as a backend for my visual program.

The database will be accessed by a maximum of 10 users but I want to lock tables when a user is updating a record.

I am unable to use the SQL server at the company due to it storing sensitive information.

I have some basic knowledge of

I have read many articles but I can't find any articles that say how to lock a access .mdb file using Visual

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Data Management - Changing Current Database System, MS Access 2007 Front End And MS SQL Server 2005 Backend

May 8, 2012

We are thinking about changing our current database system, MS Access 2007 front end and MS SQL Server 2005 backend to using a higher level language such as Visual Basic .Net. I wonder if this is the BEST solution for data management? Currently, among others, we have two big database programs that handle more than two hundred users and it's crashed often. That's the reason we think about changing to something that can handle these database programs effectively preferably using MS technology such as .Net.

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Launch A Pdf That Is Password Protected

Aug 19, 2009

is it possible to launch a pdf that is password protected. I want to be able to somehow enter the password for the user, so they dont have too, so when they launch a password protected PDF, it opens as normal for the user without any intervention?

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Test If PDF Is Password Protected?

Dec 17, 2011

I have a project that needs to test if a PDF file are password protected. I don't want to open it, just test if it is protected, so I can tag it in my project.

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Open Password Protected Files

May 1, 2009

I have several files that are linked to other files but due to certain information in each file they are password proected. I wrote the program to open each file and than close in a particular order so that all files are updated and than closed. Here is the problem: I can not get the program to auto enter the password.

The code is simple so far

Workbooks.Open Filename:= "S:EveryoneBudgetBus Dev Ex.xlsx"
Windows("DirecPath Budget - Bus Dev Non-Ex.xlsx").Activate

The problem is that I have to enter the password in for all files. Which of course the average user will not have. Can somebody please help with the code for the password. If you post a code use the password "team" so that I know exactly how to do the code.

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Opening Password Protected Files?

Jun 18, 2009

I am programming using VB-2005 on a Vista Based machine. I am trying programmatically to open a PDF file that is Password Protected. I have worked out the steps required to open a non-protected PDF. Adobe tells me that it is not possible to pass a password to the PDF using the objects that come with the PDF Control. My question is can this be done in some other way, e.g. with WinExist etc.? Is WinExist and other such commands even available in Visual Basic?

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Password Protected Word Documents?

Mar 3, 2012

i have a button and a text box so far, ooh ahh, when i push the button the text boxs text is set to the contents of a word document via the directory as string) method, because i dont want other people screwing with the document i have password protected the word document with the password eragon, so for those who are slow thinkers, not that you are that means i know the password to the doc. the problem is that because the doc. is password protected my program just shows four odd symbols, what code do i need to add to make my program auto unlock the file.

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Printers Name In Password Protected Server

Sep 9, 2009

I need to check all the printers of my faculty by sending a test page to everyone of them. And I want to do that with a little program in VB... All the printers are in the same server. I've found this piece of code : It should get the names and put them in a list box (the following code) and them send the print request


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.net - Download File From Password Protected Directory?

Apr 30, 2012

I'm using and need to download a file (from a given URL). The problem is that the directory is password protected. (Using standard .htpasswd)?

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Directing Link To Password Protected Page?

Apr 3, 2009

My office is developing a password-protected based site with thousands of pages. I'd like to be able to send an email to a client directing them to a particular page within the site. Assuming they are not already logged in, what happens is that they are directed to the login page, then, regardless of what link I put in the email, they end up at the default start page after the login.Is there a way that, when clicking on a link to an internal page on a password protected site

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Download A File From Password Protected Web Directory?

Mar 8, 2010

Using vb 2005 how would I download a file from a password protected web directory?

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