Use The Enter Key On Keyboard As An Event?
Jun 3, 2010how I can use the Enter key on my keyboard as an event. So when the user click the enter key then it will do some code like an event handler.
View 2 Replieshow I can use the Enter key on my keyboard as an event. So when the user click the enter key then it will do some code like an event handler.
View 2 RepliesHow Do I Make Event Perform both the enter and period(del) keys on the numeric keypad? [Code] Case Keys.Enter and Case Keys.Separator do not work. Nor does anything like Keys.OEMPeriod for the period(del) key. I've also tried calling the enter key in a KeyPress event etc. But to no avail. Any ideas? I'm trying to mimic Windows calc.exe for a school project and thought I'd try throwing in a few extras such as numeric keypad functionality.
View 1 RepliesWhat did I do wrong below? When I pass the enter key but for somehow the enter key event doesn't get triggered.
Ok i have used
My.Computer.Keyboard.SendKeys(TextBox1.Text)to send the letters i want my program to send but i need it to press enter after i think it will use something like this
My.Computer.Keyboard.SendKeys(TextBox1.Text & Send.Enter) or something.
How do I handle the event of pressing the keyboard's Enter Key in a VS2008 Visual Basic application?I have a Textbox control (Textbox1) and a label control (Label1) as the only items on my form, I want the Text in textbox1 to be copied to label1 when I press the keyboard's Enter Key . I used the following code:
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
I am using VB.NET for Windows applications. What is the difference between Load event,Activate event and Enter event in the Form and in which order the above event is executed.
View 2 Repliesi developing my stock management the welcome screen i want to put a enter button with a symbol as in computer can i get that symbol in button Text.
View 5 RepliesI want to format my textboxes in such a way that when someone fills in the details in the textbox if they press enter button on the keybord the focus is given to the next textbox that they should fill in .I tried the code below that we used in vb6 but its not working.
View 3 Replieshow to do enter key from keyboard to do the same function when the user clicks a button from the mouse...For example, istead of clicking the button with mouse click, i would like to make enter key from keyboard to do that function for shortcut purposes..Its like when login form button..
View 2 RepliesIs there anyway to suspend a for next loop until a textbox has been filled in and the keyboard enter has been press
Dim playersname(7) As String
Dim players As Integer = 7
I am using i am having datagrid on my form. Now i want that when i enter datagrid and i press insert key from keyboard, new form should get open.
View 1 Repliesin my problems, i want to use event keyboard press 'Enter' on textbox, i'm very confuse because in event property from textbox there was Enter, but after I double click and read statement in that, after i test my program, there was nothing ,
View 2 RepliesPrivate Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown If e.Modifiers = Keys.Control AndAlso e.KeyCode = Keys.A Then
And whenever I click control-b (on keyboard) it inserts the bold tag twice.why does it do that? i use to have that code in a button, and the keyboard event would lead to button1.performclick but now when putting the button code in the keyboard it adds the tags twice
Im trying to send keys to cod4, Jump (space) works perfectly after i added the keyup after keydown, Before i added Keyup for W (move forward) it would jsut spam and keep running forward, but after i added keyup it doesnt move forward at all, not even a little bit
note: it does send W and space to regular windows,
ElseIf command.Contains("keyboard=space") Then
Call keybd_event(System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Space, 0, 0, 0)
Call keybd_event(System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Space, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0)
which event is for cell or row selection via keyboard in the datagridview?
View 6 RepliesHow can i link my Enter key on my keyboard to the "Send" button on my form so i dont have to click it i can just push enter when i type in txt?
View 8 RepliesPrivate Declare Sub Keyboard_Event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) [Code] I know the KeyCode when i call this function. Example 13 is the keycode for "Enter". But it says that theres an error on syntax cause KeyCode is an integer not Byte. What kind of variable does it need there? I mean does it need the keycode (which is a number) or a character e.g. "a"? [Code]
View 2 RepliesI have the following code which I use in another Form and it works perfectly. I copied the same code to another form, changed the controls, keys combinations, etc., but the keyboard shortcuts do nothing at runtime. None of the key combinations work, it throws no Exceptions,I put a MessageBox in the F1 KeyDown conditional, but it doesn't show. That tells me that it's not Handling the KeyDown Event.[code]
View 5 RepliesMaybe my questin was too impossible to unerstand, so I figured out how to ask it in more simple way. I suppose it can be best done in Visual Basic simplified code.
So question is how to describe in Visual Basic [Escape_key_was_pressed] function? When user don't hit Escape key, then program must NOT STOP for asking user keypress[Escape_key_press], it must go on with clicking on desktop to the end of program. SteelAce
I've adapted the code from this link to use the WinXP on-screen keyboard (osk) for a touch-screen application written in VB.NET v3.5. The osk fills the bottom half of screen etc. and behaves fine except for one little quirk. If the user clicks or taps anywhere on the 'background' area behind/between the virtual keys (within the main osk window), the color of the area changes to that of the keys when any further key subsequently gets focus. The outline of all keys is then lost because they are visually merged into the osk window background. The osk must then be terminated and re-launched to remove the confusing appearance.
This behaviour only occurs when the osk window is set to the child style (i.e. when the menu is hidden), using the SetWindowLong P/Invoke function - e.g.
SetWindowLong(OskProcess.MainWindowHandle, GWL_STYLE, WS_CHILD)
It's as if the entire area behind the keys is being treated as another key when tapped/clicked, whereupon its color is 'restored' after losing focus.Is there any way to intercept and somehow override the focus event of this osk background area?
I'm looking for a way of detecting a key press event by user when the focuse is not on the form of my program but on some other application
View 2 RepliesOk, so this is VERY simple to do IF I was working with a regular Textbox control. But of course, Microsoft does not have an "AcceptsReturn" property for a MaskedTextbox Control.
So, if the user finishes typing in the MaskedTextbox control and hits the [Enter] key.... How do I capture that key stroke with this type of control? Also, what if this MaskedTextbox is on a UserControl, not a regular WindowsForm?
create an Enter event.
Private Sub txtField_KeyPress(ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal KeyAscii As Integer)
Dim vbkeyreturn As ValidationConstraints
If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then
End If
When the enter key is pressed, I would like to have <br /> added to the end of a each line in multiline textbox then allow me to type next line. Then repeat for each line.
Private Sub TextBox_Body_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox_Body.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
Works ok for single line. Does however insert a blank line above current text and cursor is at start of second line containing text.
i am trying to allow a user to press enter in a text box to trigger a text change of an object...
1. say u put 2 in a text box called "Number" and
2. when you press enter,
3. another object named "penbutton" to change it's text, that u can see on the picture to "write"..
4. originally the book will have the text "Start" on it
do i changed the "number text box" enter event ? how do i do this? This is what i have so far
Private Sub xNumberTextBox_Enter(ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xNumberTextBox.Enter
Me.NumbertextBox.AcceptsReturn = True
I am trying to add to items to a combobox by using the "enter" key. It does work when I add the first item, but if I manually clear the box and add another items it does not get added to the list.
(1) I click in the combobox and type "hello" and press the "enter" key
(2) I click on the dropdown arrow and see that "hello" is in the list
(3) I select "hello" in the box and erase it, item is still in the list
(4) I type "goodbye" in the box and press the "enter" key
(5) "hello" is still in the list but "goodbye" is not
Here is the code:
Private Sub CopyrightCombo_Keypress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles CopyrightCombo.KeyPress
If e.KeyChar = Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(Keys.Return) Then
if I comment the if/end if line and type "hello" the items added to the combobox list are: "h", "he", "hel", "hell", "hello" wich makes sens since the add items is run on every keypress? I know that my commands for adding items is good, I know that my keypress event is handled properly but not when I specify using the "enter" key.
I am using the Event Handler below for the Enter Key Press Event, it is running when ever any of the keys is pressed. This is not so much a problem when the app. is running, unnecessary yes. It is giving me problems when ever I am Debugging using Breakpoints. How can I change the Handler so it only runs when the Enter Key is Pressed, doing away with the If statement?
Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyPress
If e.KeyChar = Chr(Keys.Enter) Then
'Different code blocks will run here depending on what
'TextBox or Label is selected.
End If
End Sub
How to restrict the textbox input to be a-z, A-Z, 0-9?How to make the enter key event in the textbox?
View 6 RepliesThe image below shows a part of my Login form . The program works fine and I am able to login when I press the Enter Button. But I want to Login when I press My Enter Button (Return Button) on my Keyboard. How can I do this ?
View 3 RepliesI have two functios to catch enter key:
Protected Overrides Function ProcessCmdKey(ByRef msg As System.Windows.Forms.Message, _
ByVal keyData As System.Windows.Forms.Keys) As Boolean
Dim handled As Boolean
If keyData.Equals(Keys.Enter) Then
handled = TypeOf Me.ActiveControl Is ComboBox
Me.SelectNextControl(Me.ActiveControl, True, True, True, True)