Use The SetAttribute/GetAttribute In Web Browser ?

May 24, 2009

<select id="field_reference_video" name="field_reference_video">
<option value="">Moderator</option>
<option value="">Guest</option>[code]....

i have an option box, i want to read whats inside that option box, how can i do that.As you can see ,, how can i read the values and whats next to it ... i mean those "Moderator, guest, admin as so on. i want it to be displayed on list box.ALso how can i use the SetAttribute, for exmple if i want to set the value(option) to the forth user.

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GetAttribute While Parsing HTML

Apr 15, 2010

so here's the code I'm using right now.

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Clear Textarea Then Setattribute?

Aug 9, 2011

Clear Textarea Then Setattribute? I have a text area like so[code]...

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Setattribute - How To Set Class Attributes In .net

Oct 7, 2011

Python has a setattr to set public attributes for any class on the fly.

So, how to do that with ?


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Why Won't HtmlElement.SetAttribute Work

Dec 29, 2011

I'm trying to post to my blog programatically using VB .NET. So far, I've been using this to set the title:

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("entry_title").InnerText = "title"

It works fine. However, when I try to set the body text:

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("entryBody").SetAttribute("value", "body")

It won't work. It worked for me before, but now I can't get it to work again. I used the .OuterHtml command to view the line of code, and it assigned the value perfectly. However, it still won't display in the webbrowser. This is the code from the webpage I'm working with:

<textarea style="width: 95%; height: 350px;" name="entry[body]" id="entryBody">text inserted here

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SetAttribute (Value) To A TextBox In A WebPage Document In VB?

Feb 3, 2011

how to SetAttribute (a Value) for a textbox in a webpage document that don't have an ID .I already knows that to SetAttribute to a textbox you just need the ID of the element.

I.E : WebBrowser1.document.GetElementByID(THE ELEMENT ID).SetAttribute("Value",TextBox1.text)

So as you see in the example, to set attribute to an Element I need an ID and in my case I don't know what is the ID of the Specific Element.

This is the ViewSource of the Textbox :

<input name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder$ccEnterCode" type="text" size="5" maxlength="5" value="">

I don't see where's the ID !

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Webbrowser1.setattribute Is Changing The Button Name?

May 10, 2011

but i want it to change the password textbox text

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("username").SetAttribute("value", test)
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("password").SetAttribute("value", test)
For Each Element As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input")
If Element.GetAttribute("value") = login Then
End If

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C# - Selecting Multiple Items In A Listbox Using Htmldocument's SetAttribute?

Jan 27, 2012

I know that I can select an option in a listbox within my HTMLDocument (which refers to a webbrowser control's HTMLDocument) using SetAttribute. For example:

htDoc.GetElementById("lstCountries").SetAttribute("value", "88")

However, I can't figure out how I can select multiple items within the listbox. When I call SetAttribute repeatedly, it always unselects the old one first.

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Error - Access Is Denied - 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) In This CurElement.SetAttribute("value", X)

Jan 27, 2010

I have written this code as follows:

Private Sub Button11_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button11.Click
Dim i As Integer


when i run it .it gives the error as Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT:

0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) in this curElement.SetAttribute("value", x)

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.net - XmlWriter Throws Exception By XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString (SetAttribute Token -> Invalid XML Doc)

Jun 27, 2011

I try to create a XML file


I get an exception? How do I get the XML-output as above ?

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C# - Element.getAttribute("style") Ignore Colon ":" Character

Mar 8, 2012

c# - Why does element.getAttribute("style") ignore everything after the colon ":" character? Returning part of the value only. Basically, I have my DOM objects set up and am calling the .getAttribute method on an IMG element that is defined as below: [Code] I get the following returned: "WIDTH" only, ie: part including and after the : character is ignored. To add to this, if I do a hElement.getAttribute("width") on the IMG element, it returns the actual width as "134" even though I don't explicitely have a width="..." attribute defined. So, basically, I am asking, how can I ensure I get back things as they are written, and not as they are reconstructed and stored by IE, as that is what it seems to be doing with the inferred WIDTH attribute. Also, not sure why it is ignoring everything including and after the : character right next to the WIDTH - how can I make this work properly? Odd thing is, if I do the following, it shows everything as it should be: hElement.outerHTML.

The style attribute's value is shown as defined above. If I have to parse .outerHTML in order to get correct readings, that is just going to be depressing - I'm really disappointed in MS's half baked efforts. If you're looking for something extra to read, feel free to refer to another issue I noted about attributes returning odd behaviour when using capitals and when not (solved through a hack).

I'm using VB6, but it is all just the same, mshtml.dll, I gather, I am using IHTMLElement to define the hElement, not sure if I should be using something else but I think IHTMLElement is good for IE6+...?

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Using Html.GetAttribute - Getting The Value 263,614 Out Of The Above HTML?

Jun 12, 2012


<div id="VisitorsSummary"> <div class="statistic"> <span class="primary_value"> <ul> <li class="item_value"> 263,614 </li>

getting the value 263,614 out of the above HTML.

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VB 2005 Express Make The Web Browser Control Connect Through A Different Ip Address And Port From Default Web Browser?

Apr 29, 2007

Im using VB2005 express and the app im creating uses the web browser control.Basically I want to know if its possible to make the web browser control connect through a different ip address and port from your default web browser.

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Opening A New Window In Browser Instead Of Default Web Browser (I.E. Internet Explorer)?

Sep 29, 2010

I am creating a webbrowser with Visual Basic, and I have finished everything but this: When I click on an external link, (I.E. On a photo, or on youtube) it opens up in a new IE window. I want it to open in my browser, not Internet Explorer.I have read everything I have found on this subject, but it is all for normal web browsers. I want to do this for a tabbed web browser, not one without tabs. Basicly, I want to use this code with my tabbed web browser that uses tab control.

Private Sub WebBrowser1_NewWindow(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs)
Handles WebBrowser1.NewWindow


convert the code to be used in a browser with tabcontrol? I tried, and it works with one that DOESN'T use it, but I want to use it with my browser with tabcontrol. And, I have read ALL of the ones previously given to other people.

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VS 2008 Setting Custom Internet Browser To Default Browser?

Oct 20, 2009

I've just finished making a web browser suited for my personal use, but when I click on a new link or something it opens a new window in Internet Explorer - which gets extremely anoying.. Is there a way to make all links open up in a custom browser?

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Browser Properties -Supressing Javascript Errors In The Browser

Jul 4, 2011

Okay sorry to post another simple question but I was browsing through the web trying to learn how to stop a javascript error dialog from appearing on my program and I came across this code on the MSDN website. Me being the idiot, posted the code straight into my code which did not work.


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Make A Custom Made Browser Default Browser

Feb 12, 2012

I coded a web browser over the course of a year called Nova - very advanced with tabbed browsing, bookmarks, homepage, history, etc etc etc etc. I could go on all day about how advanced it is. But.. there is one flaw. You cannot make it the default browser; I don't know the code!I already know the CommandLineArgs stuff so it actually opens the HTML file rather than just opening the program; in fact, I already can make files open with Nova completely. It's just the other stuff - you know, when a website is to be opened from a help file or something, it opens with Nova, Windows recognises it as the default browser, stuff like that.

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Make A Custom Made Browser The Default Browser

Feb 11, 2012

Other topics around the Internet are all unfinished topics, so I'll ask this myself. How do I set a self-made browser as the default browser? I know it has something to do with accessing the registry and checking what the value is in some places, but I'm not quite sure. Now, I've made this browser called Nova;

very well coded and advanced, tabbed browsing, bookmarks, homepage, history, can change default search provider, uses Gecko as its engine so it's not just an IE shell, etc. It's been developed over the past year and will still continue to be developed. I'm almost ready to release the first version - but I just need this annoyance solved.


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Make Web Browser Made In VB The Systems Default Web Browser?

Nov 14, 2009

How do I make my web browser made in visual basic the systems deafult web browser, as well how do I make a feature that checks that the program is the deafult browser.

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Web Browser - Textbox For My Address Bar - Expand When Set My Browser To Fullscreen

May 14, 2011

I am trying to make a web browser for a school project... and I have a few questions...

The first being that I have a textbox for my address bar and I want it to do a few things, I want it to expand when i set my browser to fullscreen , be able to press enter when typing in it and it will take me to that webpage and for it to show recent history... (i know it seems like a ton of expectations mainly i would like the first 2 the third is not as important) So i dont know how to do any of that...

I also would like to know how to go about making new tabs on demand and not have a bunch of tabs just sitting there...

last question how do i go about making new windows not just for browser windows but, making something like firefoxes options window.. not necisarily to do that but just to make i guess another form pop up...

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Web Browser Component ~ How To Click This Link In The Browser -onclick

Mar 4, 2012

I have link that uses a pop up window that I need to click. I can click the link to get the pop up window to be visible but in this pop-up window there is a link that I cannot figure out how to click automatically.This is what I get when I inspect the element in Firefox using the Firebug plug-in

<span id="modal-show-picture-trigger">
or your
<a onclick="$('#modal-show-picture').removeClass('hidden').hide().slideDown(); $('#modal-


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Windows - Opening A Local Folder Browser From Web Browser

Nov 8, 2011

But now I have a need to allow the user to choose a folder path without selecting a file. Basically a folder location, on the local hard drive where my code will read the files located in the choosen folder and process against them.

I am drawing a total blank and my web searches are not giving me what I am looking for.

I initially developed this with a Windows FolderDialogBrowser control, but it will not run on the web server, likely a security issue, and I can not change it.

Public Class FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm
Inherits Form
Private folderBrowserDialog1 As FolderBrowserDialog


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Opening A Local Folder Browser From Web Browser?

Nov 8, 2011

I know this shouldn't be as hard as I have found it to be, but I could use some help on a problem. I have used, and am familiar with the FileUpload control, But now I have a need to allow the user to choose a folder path without selecting a file. Basically a folder location, on the local hard drive where my code will read the files located in the choosen folder and process against them.

I am drawing a total blank and my web searches are not giving me what I am looking for.I initiallially developed this with a Windows FolderDialogBrowser control, but it will not run on the web server, likely a security issue, and I can not change it.


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Browser Is Made In VB And Get Rid Of Message Whenever Refresh " To Display The Webpage Again, The Web Browser To Resend The Information Previously Submitted"

May 27, 2011

I have been searching a lot online but couldn't find a solution for my problem. I want it to refresh every certain interval of time without this message to display. Now Ican't minimize my program because I'm putting an automatic Sendkeys.send("{Enter}") after the refresh to get rid of that message by clicking on "Retry".And If I minimize it the Enter will be executed on the active Window, which might be any other Window.

I hope that you understand what I mean, If not, I will clarify more.

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Creating Web Browser Without Using The Web Browser Control?

Sep 23, 2009

i just want to ask to all how to create web browser without using the web browser control in visual basic 2008 express edition.

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Q1: Web Browser Default - Web Browser Links?

Aug 9, 2009

Q1: If I'm making a Web Browser with Visual Basics how would I make windows detect it so I can set it to my default browser?

Q2: How do I make it so when you click a link in your custom web browser that it opens a new window in your web browser, say I click a button on the internet and it opens in IE and I wanted it to open it in my custom web browser that I made with VB.

PS: I'm using Visual Basics 2008 Express Edition.

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Xtreme Browser The Ultimate VB Web Browser

Mar 11, 2010

I have made an advanced vb webbrowser and I'm hoping for you comments its in beta stage I didn't list:


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Web Browser Automation / Automate Button Click Automate Web Browser / Web Browser Automate Text / Button Click Html Elements

Aug 14, 2009

I am new to vb 2008, but I know how to automate some html elements. The issuse that I running into is that I cannot get my webbrowser1 to auto-click the "Gmail" button at the top left of the page or the "Show me my account" button on the righthand side of the webpage. Here is the webpage that I'm trying to auto click: url...Can someone please view the html source and give a code sample to click either button so that the page can then go on to the following page?

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Forms :: Web Browser Images - Save All Images Only Displaying On Any Web Page In My Browser?

Jul 5, 2011

i am creating a web browser using microsoft 2008 and i want to save all images only displaying on any web page in my browser. i have added check box to save images. browser.PNG when i click on check box , the browser will prompt to save only images files on web page.

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VS 2008 - Tabbed Browser Automation - Send Commands To A Tabbed Browser?

Dec 7, 2009

I was just wondering how I could send commands to a tabbed browser. Such as navigation. I know of webbrowser1.navigate, but that will not work with the tabbed browser. I would also like to use an commands to automatically login. But I am not sure how I could do that in a tabbed browser either. Webbrowser1.document.getelementbyid does not work for this.

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