Use The Run As Command To Run Cmd.exe As Admin Account - It Doesnt Work?

Mar 4, 2010

I have an MS access database that has fomrs with buttons to do certain tasks - a "console" or "toolkit". I am trying to run cmd.exe as the local administrator using this command....

Call Shell("C:WINDOWSsystem32
unas.exe /noprofile /user:administrator cmd.exe")

If my domain account is added to the local administrators this works fine (it asks for a password - is there any way round this?)

If i visit another PC in the domain on which i am not a local administrator, it doesnt work and i don't know why In both scenarios i can manually browse to cmd.exe and right click and runas a differnt user without any problems.Also, is there a more efficient way of running this command?

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VS 2010 Way To Make Like 'admin' Form Where New Account Applies Will Pop-up When 'admin' Log In And Then Either Accept / Reject New Users?

Oct 10, 2010

i have a script with a login form that creates a folder per user with username.txt, password.txt, firstname.txt, and lastname.txt. - auto creates when creating new user.after i log in and change form i want an label showing the first and last name of the person logged in,how am i supposed to do that? is there any way to make like an "admin" form where new account applies will pop-up when "admin" log in and then either accept or reject new users?

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Run Windows Explorer With An Admin Account While Logged In With A Non Administrative Account?

Sep 12, 2010

Does anyone know how to run windows explorer with an admin account while logged in with a non admnistrative account? i want to be able to open up an admin share on a remote host with windows explorer instead of iexplorer. I tried some code I found on the net to impersonate but it didn't work.

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Application Exception When I Run It Whitout Admin Account?

May 18, 2009

Im developing an application with Visual Basic 2005 and Oracle Database.It runs perfectly in my developing computer.When I am going to install it in the customer servers, I do it:

1. I install Oracle Database in a dedicated server with Windows 2003.

2. I install the Oracle Client, my application, Oracle Develop Tools for Windows and .NET Framework 2.0 in other dedicated server with Windows 2000.When in this second server, I login in Windows 2000 with "ADMIN" account, the aplication runs 100% perfectly, and oracle database too.

But the problem is : When an user try to connect to the second server without be "ADMIN", (So he's a simple user) the application runs but when it try to connect oracle an exception occurs (in the end of this message I put it).All folders of my application and oracle database have all permisions to all. What can be happen? This is the exception (sorry because its in spanish)[code].....

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VS 2010 Admin Privileges In Guest Account?

Feb 5, 2011

i want to excute this command in a guest account

Shell("net user new2 /ADD")

This needs administrator privelages

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If Command Doesnt Always Get It Right?

Jul 20, 2011

I have used if commands a lot over the years, and one thing i have noticed is that unless you get the logic right, thiings can slip through the net. I think i am having that problem here:

For mm = 0 To 1 'ds.Tables("AddressBook").Columns.Count - 1
If Night = DataGridView1.Columns(mm).HeaderText Then
If DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(mm).Value < 1 Then


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Sendkeys Doesnt Work?

Dec 2, 2010

well i have been looking all over the internet for hours and i just cant sseem to find a working line of code. ok i know this isnt efficent or anything but i just wana know how to use sendkeys to send control c (copy to clipboard) ive tried using this: Sendkeys.send("^C") and many varriations of that but none of them seem to work and i dont understan why. My program is highlighting some text then i want it to copy that to clipboard.

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VB SQL Connection Doesnt Work?

Nov 11, 2009

Dim query As String = "SELECT customer_name FROM tblFixedLine_order_summary WHERE fllog_ref=@fllog_ref"


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Use The Resources As The Directory But It Doesnt Work?

Aug 15, 2009

My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("my.resources.highscore", TextBox2.Text, True)Im trying to use the resources as the directory but it doesnt work

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If Statement - Program Doesnt Work ?

Apr 11, 2012

I'm not quite sure why, but this program doesnt work as intended. It's kind of difficult to explain but if you tried it, it doesn't work properly.

Private Sub btnApply_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnApply.Click
'clears the changes box before going through if statements
Me.txtChange.Text = ""


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Substring Error Doesnt Work?

Mar 17, 2010

i have a problem, from some reason i'm getting an error when "i" and "i+6" value within the str i = 1 To str.Length If i Mod 79 = 0 Then Dim c As Integer = str.Substring(i, i + 6) If c = "" Then str = str.Insert(i, "b") End If End If Next i

View 27 Replies

The DateDiff Function Doesnt Work At All?

Apr 10, 2011

I tested every example I found but it doens't work in vb 2010 express... Do I need to install anything moor to make it work?

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VS 2010 Why Does Code Doesnt Work

Mar 2, 2011

So i made 3 forms in the first i made a simple textbox on form2_load i have this code [code] It SHOULD show in form 3 the input of form 2 but that simply doesnt work while it works with the same code on Form 2 . that when Form2 loads it actually has the Input of form1 but not in form 3..As i said there is NO error message and i dont know what i did wrong . Can anyoone help me out

View 20 Replies

Appactivate Doesnt Work For Non Taskbar Applications?

Mar 14, 2012

Ok, so I have set my form as the parent of a 3rd party application.Appactivate works when the 3rd party application is not a child of my form.It would appear that if the application is not on the taskbar (A non taskbar application) appactivate does not work.

View 10 Replies

C# Code Online Converter Doesnt Work?

Jan 9, 2010

I got this code from a c# post on how to get the location of an open process. What I want to do is beable to snap applications to running processes by finding their location using winapi user32.dll and searching window name then parse the location and set my application on a time to constantly move to what ever location that program is in. I tried the C# to converter doesnt work.

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DB/Reporting :: Select A Field But With SQL It Doesnt Work

Apr 6, 2009

I have a database and I wanna select a field ..I usually do this with access:

dim chosen as string
chosen = textbox1.text
Dim querysql = "select * from table where field = " & chosen & ""

But with SQL it doesnt work =S I really need to make this work .

View 7 Replies

Sendinput In VB 2008 Express Doesnt Work?

May 9, 2009

I got the code from ALLAPI but it gives me errors of declarations that have changed in this version of VB, i tried to update the code but...

Public Class Form1
Const VK_H = 72
Const VK_E = 69


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VS 2008 Debugger Doesnt Work Correctly?

Jan 21, 2010

My debugger doesnt work correctly anymore and I want to let it work correctly cause i've done some changes in my project but when I click on debug then it just shows my old layout.

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VS 2008 Doesnt Work, It Says It Has To Be A Long Or Whatsoever

Jan 13, 2011

if InStr(string1, "text1" or "text2") then
msgbox("it has text1 or text2")
end if

How to make it work?

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Why Program Doesnt Work Without Help Of Visual Studio

Jun 13, 2011

I am really confused! My program doesnt work if I dont have visual studio here in my pc. To test it I have uninstalled visual studio. But my program doesnt work though flash player is present there(I have used flash animation in first form). To be more sure about it I have installed Flash. But its not working! That means flash animation file(.swf) is not making problem! It needs support from visual studio to start. Doesnt it mean that some files are not attached with setup file as a result it needs visual studio to run? Let me tell you how do I create setup file of my program.[code] Application Folder> Create another shortcut & bring it to User`s Programs Menu>Folder(program`s name as folder`s name)

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Autocomplete Collection Doesnt Work With Key Press Event?

Jul 2, 2010

In Key Press Event i have put the logic of search in textbox, when i press enter key it will take the values from textbox and brings the data in DataGrid.In another event of GotFocus there is an logic of autocompletestring collection from Table. If i type a in that textbox it will shows all the suggested string in that.

If i comment the logic of GotFocus Event for textbox for autocomplete suggestion then only then Key Press events work else its not working. I dont know why its happening.


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Doesnt Work For The Forms Which Gets Loaded Into A Mdi Parent Form?

Mar 8, 2009

hey I have a piece of code which gives fade effect to a form at load eventBut it works only with normal forms and doesnt work for the forms which gets loaded into a mdi parent form

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Project Doesnt Work On Mentor's System Due To Error

Jun 20, 2011

i am doing an internship for which i had to make a code in vb. i am using vb 2010 ultimate. the code is ready n bug free. it does what it is supposed to do on my system. how should i transfer it onto my mentor's system because he needs the code for day to day activities. his system has v1.something for .net framework. mine is v4.something.i have tried sending him exe file generated. didnt work due to the difference in versions framework.then i read bout package and deployment wizard. vb 2010 ultimate doesnt have that wizard. i tried publishing it. gives me an error "WindowsApplication1 has stopped working." this is on my system and not my mentor's.

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Thread Safe Method Invoke Doesnt Work?

Jan 2, 2010

I Have a Function on my frmMain Class wich will update my control to something else after an invoke. When i type "?Label1.Text" on the Immediate Window, the text property IS updated, but when i go check the Form, nothing happened. The code is just like this


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VS 2010 Adding Records To Access2007 Doesnt Work?

Sep 12, 2010

i have learned VB 6.0 a few years back, but started out in .NET with this one..Everything went pretty good, until now! I want to write my data from the application to my Access database (Frituur1).i have tried with several methods1:this takes place in my Module1:

Dim newJournaalRow As Frituur1DataSet.JournaalRow
newJournaalRow = frmindex.Frituur1DataSet.Journaal.NewJournaalRow()
newJournaalRow.btw6 = btw6


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Lose Form1 Without Closing Entire Application But It Doesnt Work

Apr 30, 2010

I have 2 forms. I want to close Form1 without closing the entire application but it doesnt work. It closes the whole application even though i say[code]When it reaches the End Sub then it closes the application.

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VS 2008 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep Doesnt Work

Aug 22, 2009

I cant get System.Threading.Thread.Sleep to work..[code]

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VS 2010 Form Load Doesnt Work If I Delete A RadioButton

Oct 16, 2011

This is the strangest thing, I can not figure out why this is happening. When I delete a radio button from my form which is used to filter data in a database Form_Load stops working.My project consists of a database and a web browser. The database has a search filter options.[code]For some reason it didnt load my settings on start up. I made a button which displayed True/False in a text box to check if it was saved in my settings, it was, it just didnt want to load. So I deleted it and everything broke! Nothing in the code is referenced to the RadioButton or its code.

Have I done something wrong or is VB just messing with me? There is obviously a bunch of more code, I just posted what I think is relevant to the issue. If you feel something is missing, tell me and Ill post it. ied to change the RadioButton with a CheckBox, and I changed the code from "Me.ExampleTableAdapter.FilterHide..." to "Me.Example TableAdapter. Fill...", which is the same as in Form_Load. It works if it starts checked. If I remove this code or delete the CheckBox nothing works even though the same code is in Form_Load. If I start off with the CheckBox in an Unchecked state nothing loads, if I check it everything except the Browser works for some reason.

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System.Diagnostics.Process.Start Won't Work In Startup When Supplied User Account

Jan 31, 2011

I have a 2008 application that is supposed to run at startup. After meeting certain conditions, the PC is supposed to restart. Below is the code that is failing:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("shutdown", "-r -t 00 -f", myUsername, myPassword, myDomain)

myUsername and myDomain are both strings while myPassword is a SecureString. The application works properly when execute manually, but give the following error when executed from startup (either by placing in the startup folder or by adding to the registry):

The directory name is invalid

Also, the program executes properly when the last 3 arguments are left out and the user has the necessary rights.

How do I force a restart using an specific, alternate user credentials on startup?

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Mystream.write(t) Doesnt Work - Doesent Write Anything To My H.txt Text File

Dec 27, 2011

I have a trouble making this code work. When executed, it just creates a correct (with the correct name) file with the extension .txt but the the actual text inside .

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1

Public mytext As String


The strange thing is that while debugging, h, t string variables have the correct values, but somehow mystream.write(t) doesnt work (it doesent write anything to my h.txt text file...

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