VS 2010 Admin Privileges In Guest Account?

Feb 5, 2011

i want to excute this command in a guest account

Shell("net user new2 /ADD")

This needs administrator privelages

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VS 2010 Way To Make Like 'admin' Form Where New Account Applies Will Pop-up When 'admin' Log In And Then Either Accept / Reject New Users?

Oct 10, 2010

i have a script with a login form that creates a folder per user with username.txt, password.txt, firstname.txt, and lastname.txt. - auto creates when creating new user.after i log in and change form i want an label showing the first and last name of the person logged in,how am i supposed to do that? is there any way to make like an "admin" form where new account applies will pop-up when "admin" log in and then either accept or reject new users?

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Run Windows Explorer With An Admin Account While Logged In With A Non Administrative Account?

Sep 12, 2010

Does anyone know how to run windows explorer with an admin account while logged in with a non admnistrative account? i want to be able to open up an admin share on a remote host with windows explorer instead of iexplorer. I tried some code I found on the net to impersonate but it didn't work.

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Detect If User Has Admin Privileges?

Jan 31, 2010

I found that snippet, edited it a little bit and now im trying to use it...the problem that ocurres, is that its never going into the first IF... so already there seems to be an error.Im working on XP SP3 with admin privileges..

Private Shared Function GetCurrentPrivileges() As Privileges
If My.User.IsAuthenticated() Then
If My.User.IsInRole(ApplicationServices.BuiltInRole.Administrator) Then


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C# - Retrieve The Database Password With Admin Privileges Via Code?

Apr 3, 2011

How can one obtain his/her database password with code while the admin privileges are proved to be sufficient by windows authentication?

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VS 2008 WPF Registry Edit Auto-Start // Check Admin Privileges?

Apr 29, 2011

I'm having trouble getting my app to auto-start by adding a registry key. The problem it is having is checking if the user has admin privileges. I tried setting the thread principal, because before it would always return false when I tried My.User.IsAuthenticated, but when I check if My.User.IsInRole("Administrators"), it still returns false, even when it should return true.Here's my current code. This worked fine without even setting the thread principal when I was just creating a regular Windows Form.

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetThreadPrincipal(New Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal(New Security.Principal.GenericIdentity("UserName"), Nothing))
If My.User.IsAuthenticated Then


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Application Exception When I Run It Whitout Admin Account?

May 18, 2009

Im developing an application with Visual Basic 2005 and Oracle Database.It runs perfectly in my developing computer.When I am going to install it in the customer servers, I do it:

1. I install Oracle Database in a dedicated server with Windows 2003.

2. I install the Oracle Client, my application, Oracle Develop Tools for Windows and .NET Framework 2.0 in other dedicated server with Windows 2000.When in this second server, I login in Windows 2000 with "ADMIN" account, the aplication runs 100% perfectly, and oracle database too.

But the problem is : When an user try to connect to the second server without be "ADMIN", (So he's a simple user) the application runs but when it try to connect oracle an exception occurs (in the end of this message I put it).All folders of my application and oracle database have all permisions to all. What can be happen? This is the exception (sorry because its in spanish)[code].....

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Use The Run As Command To Run Cmd.exe As Admin Account - It Doesnt Work?

Mar 4, 2010

I have an MS access database that has fomrs with buttons to do certain tasks - a "console" or "toolkit". I am trying to run cmd.exe as the local administrator using this command....

Call Shell("C:WINDOWSsystem32
unas.exe /noprofile /user:administrator cmd.exe")

If my domain account is added to the local administrators this works fine (it asks for a password - is there any way round this?)

If i visit another PC in the domain on which i am not a local administrator, it doesnt work and i don't know why In both scenarios i can manually browse to cmd.exe and right click and runas a differnt user without any problems.Also, is there a more efficient way of running this command?

View 9 Replies

Admin On Vista Doesn't Show As Admin Class?

Jun 9, 2009

on XP Pro, IsUserRole(eUserType.Administrator) returns true, if the class is administrator, and false if it's limited...

On Vista, it returns true, if it's the first administrator account, and false for anything else... I created a second administrator account on Vista, and it shows in code as "Standard" (or limited) user, the same as if I made a "Managed Account" on Vista...

#Region " [IsUserRole] "
Public Enum eUserType
Administrator = 0


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Unable To Use 2 Different Login Authorities Which Are Admin And Non-Admin

Mar 11, 2010

I'm designing a system, whereby am unable to use 2 different login authorities, which are Admin and Non-Admin. I am using VB.NET and Ms. Access and need help for the codes.I want something like, if i click on admin/non admin (with different passwords) a dialog box pops onto the screen and asks for the password. If the password is correct it should take me to the form i want. Something of this sort please.

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VS 2010 - Database Has Been Placed In A State By User (Admin)

May 23, 2012

Error: The database has been placed in a state by user 'UserName' on machine 'ComputerName' that prevents it from being opened or locked.

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VS 2010 Giving Shortcut Admin Rights

Feb 8, 2011

I've written a service in VB and a config app for the service which has a service start/stop button. In order to start and stop the service you need admin rights, under Windows 7 you right click on the exe and "run as administrator". This works ok, I've used the Visual Studio Installer to also create a desktop shortcut, but if you right click on the shortcut there is no way to run as administrator.

The question therefore is, how to run the shortcut as an admin user? Edit, if you hold shift down whilst right clicking you get the "Run as administrator" option, but you still can't change the advanced property to tick the box as its grayed out.

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VS 2010 Running Applications Using Local Admin?

May 12, 2012

I am wondering if it is possible to run an application from a domain account that has restrictions on running .exe files by coding in the local administrator details (username / password).

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Guest Reservation System Assistance

Mar 17, 2009

if someone could help about my Guest Reservation SystemI not intending anyone to do it for me,just need some advice want to know what is better or what should I do to make the project better.

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Can't Write Data In Registry Via Guest User

Jul 23, 2009

I crated a VB.NET program to write some data to registry. Its working proprely the user loged on Administrator user. But its not working when loged on guest user. Its shows error like

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Loop A Form To Ask For Multiple Guest The Same Information

Mar 15, 2012

someone give an idea or guide to do this: i have two forms. First form is used to ask from, to, departure time and how many people we want to book for. Second form is used to ask for each person that we book what is their name, age, title, phone number. i planned to use a loop to loop form 2 to ask for their info. However i woner how we can do this?? can a form be an array to loop??

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Creation Of A New Account (sort Of A Personal Account)

May 17, 2012

I am currently working on a stock market monitoring application. how to create a new portfolio(sort of a personal account) for each user that accesses the system such that 2 different users do not have the same portfolio. I am making use of SQL server for my database.

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Guest User - Disable Delete Button In Other Forms

Feb 10, 2009

I have a login screen (frmLoginScreen) which links to a main menu (frmMainMenu) then to another form (frmUserDetails). Their are two possible usernames. The first one the user logs in as Admin and the password is 4321, then the second one is Guest and no password. This is the code I have so far:
Dim G As New frmUserDetails
If txtUsername.Text = "Guest" Then
G.btnDelete.Enabled = False
End If
There are no errors.

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VS 2010 : Unable To Change AD Account's Password?

Jun 14, 2011

I'm trying to change the password of an AD account in our domain. The program is supposed to locate the sAMAccountName property in AD through an LDAP connection, and then do two things. 1) unlock the user's account by setting the "LockOutTime" property to zero and 2) change the password to a pre-defined password in the code. I've got the program unlocking accounts, but I can't get it to change passwords.

I've tried the line "DirectoryEntry.Properties("userPassword").Value = "xxxxx". I've also tried the DirectoryEntry.Invoke("SetPassword", New Object() {"xxxxx"}) but neither of them work. The first one throws no exceptions but doesn't change the password, and the second one will give me the message "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation".

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VS 2010 : Make A Program That Registers And Account On A Website

Jan 2, 2010

i am trying to make a program that registers and account on a website?

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("date_month").InnerText = ComboBox1.Text
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("date_day").InnerText = ComboBox2.Text
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("date_year").InnerText = TextBox1.Text


1. When i inpute the month, it doesnt input it, it just makes the combobox on the website smaller for some reason

2. I cant get the email working because you must put your birhtday before it shows where to put your email, obviously fixing the first problem should fix this.

3. There are 2 radiobuttons on the website, for a boy and a girl and I have 2 radiobuttons in my form, however I have exactly no idea how to program it to change.

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Windows Service Running Under A Network Account Is Calling An EXE And Running It Under System Account?

Aug 27, 2010

We have a windows service running under a network account that calls and runs an ActiveX exe. The exe is running under the local system account, not the network account of the service.

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Know That If The Current User Is An Administrator Or Normal User Or Guest?

Nov 27, 2009

How to know that if the current user is an administrator or normal user or guest?
And how to make the exe can just only run in administrator?

I have tried to set the .manifest to "<requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />", but no use. Although I am not logged in as admin, I can still run the exe.

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Run CMD With Elevated Privileges?

Jul 18, 2011

I'm working on a server and i added a new function, to create a firewall rule for the connections. The problem is that when executed, it returns "The requested operation requires elevation (Run as administrator)."

How can i run the CMD at elevated privileges?

Here's the code.

Function ShellExec(ByVal command As String, Optional ByVal Elevated As Boolean = False)
Dim psi As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", "/C " & command)


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Add Each Account Number To List1 So Now The Account Number Is Associated With The ListBox?

Apr 26, 2009

Ok this is what I'm stuck on:I have 2 ListBoxes and 2 Lists, let's call them ListBox1, ListBox2, List1 and List2.List1 needs to be associated with ListBox 1, and List2 with ListBox2 I loop through a bunch of accounts, add them to LixBox1 at run-time.During that loop I add each account number to List1 so now the account number is associated with the ListBox index number which is right.Now when I double click one of the accounts in ListBox1 it is added to ListBox2 (but it still remains in ListBox1), and the same index of List1 added to List 2, now the account in ListBox2 is associated with the account number at the same index in List2 you see where I'm going with this?The issue wtarts here.When I double click an account (let's say the account at the first index) in ListBox2 it should be removed from the list, so now I remove the index from List2 since it's no longer needed, but now you know what's happened right? ListBox2's List indexes have all decremented by 1 because I just removed an item from the beginning of the list, but List2's indexes have stayed the same (at least that's how it appeared when I tested it).

So basically whats the best method for keeping things in reference? I was told about list boxes in another thread of mine, but is it really the best way to go about this, I can't seem to keep everything linked together reliably.

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Getting Administrator Privileges Error

Sep 1, 2010

I am using following code to get a directory of files with a particular extension. It throws an error that you donot have administrator privileges.[code]...

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Run App With System Level Privileges?

Oct 15, 2011

I don't know how to run my application with system level privilleges, so that it does not encounter any UNAUTHORISED ACCESS in any case and when in seen in TASK MANAGER the user shown will be SYSTEM.

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Set Administrator Privileges Selectively?

May 15, 2010

how can i set administrator privileges selectively in my application depending on whether it needs to write a registry value or not?my app needs the elevated privileges once, then each subsequent execution needs standard permission.

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.net - Run Scheduled Task With Highest Privileges?

Aug 20, 2010

Im am currently coding an application for auto updating ccleaner. Everything worked well until I enabled UAC.. I am using this project: [URL] to schedule the updating process, but when uac is enabled I get every time a message if I would let ccleaner installer make changes to my computer. The auto updating process must be done silently without bugging the user with prompts of uac.

When i manually check the "run with highest priviliges" box in task scheduler it does run without a prompt. But I can't seem to do this programmatically. Or I havent found it yet.

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Access To File Requires Privileges?

Nov 23, 2010

My app needs to delete and rewrite a text file called events.txt

now it used to work but now when i run the app it shows an error due not being to access the file in the "Program FIles (x86)/MyApp/" folder?

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Can't Use Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.EnableStatic() Without Escalated Privileges

Mar 16, 2011

I wrote the code below to switch a user from DHCP to static networking (taking their DHCP assigned address and making it static). However on Vista and Windows 7 machines it does not work unless executed from within an escalated private command shell, even if the user executing it is a member of the local administrator group. I need to be able to email this script to users to execute on their computers (i.e. I have no remote access to them).

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\"& strComputer & "


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