Using A Listview WITHOUT A Data Control?

Jul 9, 2010

I am currently using a listview WITHOUT a data control.When i click on the edit button the listview will not enter edit mode.

<asp:ListView ID="Lv_Test" runat="server" InsertItemPosition="FirstItem"
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="345px">


Protected Sub Lv_TestItemEditing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ListViewEditEventArgs)

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VS 2008 - How To Access Listview Data - Program That Contains A (listview) Control

Sep 22, 2009

I have a vb-2008 program that contains a (listview) control.

View = details
AllowColumnReorder = true

Lets say the table has 3 columns (a,b,c) and 1 row of data.

a b c
1 2 3

I want the user to be able to re-arrange the columns (by dragging the column headers) before printing the contents of the table.

c a b
3 1 2

Statements like:

.. ListViewX.Columns(2).Text
.. ListViewX.Columns.Item(2).Text
.. ListViewX.Items(0).SubItems(2).ToString

Give the column-name (c) and cell-contents (3) of the origional table .. not the (3rd) column (b) of the re-arranged table.

How can i get the column-name and cell-contents of the (3rd) column of the re-arranged table?

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How To Add Data To ListView Control

Nov 27, 2009

I have a form with a listview object and a button.I have a function that returns a Datalist.When the exception from the thread is throw in is supposed to run the Apps_Add Procedure, which it does.But on one line lstApps.Items.Add(l_apps) I am getting the following error."Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'lstApps' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."The data is being returned from the threaded procedure but I can't understand how to add the data to the ListView control without getting this error. This code works perfectly fine if I don't use threading.[code]

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Getting Data From WinForms ListView Control?

Mar 24, 2010

I need to retrieve my data from a ListView control set up in Details mode with 5 columns.

I tried using this code: MessageBox.Show(ManageList.SelectedItems(0).Text)

And it works, but only for the first selected item (item 0). If I try this:


I get this error: InvalidArgument=Value of '2' is not valid for 'index'. Parameter name: index

I have no clue how I can fix this, any help?

Edit: Sorry, should have said, I'm using Windows.Forms :)

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Database - Retrieving Data From ListView Control

Apr 12, 2010

I have a ListView setup in details mode that looks like this: When the user presses the delete button, I need to go ahead and delete their record from the database. This I can do fine, but I'm stuck on how I retrieve the data that is highlighted in the ListView control. I've tried using Google but all the examples I found have failed to work.

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Database :: Retrieving Data From ListView Control?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a ListView control set up in details mode with 5 columns. It is populated by code using the following subroutine:

For j = 0 To 14
cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT TeacherName, ClassSubject, BookingDate, BookingPeriod FROM " & SchemaTable.Rows(i)!TABLE_NAME.ToString() & " WHERE (((BookingDate)=" & Chr(34) &


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Make A Listview Custom Control Based On The Standard Listview Control?

Sep 2, 2011

I am trying to make a listview custom control based on the standard listview control that will allow me to drag a column header outside the standard listview control and drop it on a panel. I plan to use the drop event to determine which column I should group by view on.

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Transfer Data From A Table In Access To A Listview Control In Excel?

Feb 9, 2010

I am currently building a tool which uses access as the backend and excel as the user interface (I am unable to change the applications).I would like to be able to use the listview option, howver I haven't a clue and searching on the internet is causing me a headache.

Basically what I would like to do is get the heading names from the table in access and populate the listview, later on I will what it to look at specifc data to populate the list view.

My connections is already open, I think I'm ok witht he sql, its just the other bits.

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Html - Grab Webpage Table Data (using Span Class Element) Into Listview Control In App?

Feb 20, 2012

I need to grab some data from a webpage but for me the main problem is I can't grab the data the way I want. I want to grab the data in a listview control but my code is fetching all data within any span tag (span class "inputFieldLabel" which is not required) in a single column of a listview control. I am giving the format (source) of the webpage below and my coding in (2008),

<span class="inputFieldLabel">Following Are ...</span>
<span class="inputFieldLabel">01/02/2011</span>
<span class="inputFieldLabel">And</span>


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Listview In Child Form - Listview Will Not Access With My Add Button Control In FrmCreateUserType

Jul 29, 2010

I have 3 forms, one frmMain - main form, second is frmUserType- childform, and the last frmCreateUserType. In the main form I have a menu item to open my frmUserType, In this form I have a button to open another form which is my frmCreateUserType, In this form I have a button to add records then update the listview in frmUserType. The problem is the listview will not access with my add button control in frmCreateUserType. I tried not to used mdiparent declaration for my frmMain and frmUserType as children and it works, so meaning that the problem is showing my frmUserType as childform?I am using 2008

Code to open my second form (frmUserType)


Code for my add button to update the listview in frmUserType


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ListView Rowheight Varies - Using ListView Control, With SmallIcons Style ?

Mar 15, 2012

I'm using ListView control, with SmallIcons style in VB.NET. Icons are loaded fine, but when I start to scroll ListView down or up from scrollbar (clicking from arrows), rowheight drops to about half from normal in next 20-30 rows below/above upper/bottom row (depends from the scrolling position). After 1-2 seconds, ListView is "refreshed" and scrolling continues normally. When focus in on the ListView and I'm moving up/down with arrow keys or PageUp/PageDown, everything is normal. Any suggestions, what is happening? SmallIcons size is 16 * 16. Is it compulsory to set "Blank icon" with SmallIcon size to all rows, when adding them or what? Wasn't like that in VB6, how is it in VB.NET?

View 4 Replies

VS 2008 Use Current Listview To Generate MsAccess Data In 2nd Listview?

Mar 20, 2010

i am developing a point of sales system. currently i have my product code scanned and displayed in a listview. lets say that i have 5 product codes displayed in my first listview. By clicking on a button, how can i use these codes to call upon the details (prices, product name, etc.) of the corresponding codes and display in another listview?

i am using Visual Basic 2008 and MsAccess as my database. who have the idea on solving my question. (As my last thread has not been answered at all..

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VS 2010 Associate A Listview Control With An Imageview Control To Display Images?

Feb 15, 2010

I have been able to associate a listview control with an imageview control to display images. There are a couple of things, I would like to do.

1> How do I display the image in the second column? 2> How do I increase the size of the image getting displayed? My images are all 48 x 48 (pixels), but they keep shrinking.

Option Explicit On
Imports System.IO


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Use Current Listview To Generate MsAccess Data In 2nd Listview

Mar 20, 2010

i am developing a point of sales system. currently i have my product code scanned and displayed in a listview. lets say that i have 5 product codes displayed in my first listview.

By clicking on a button, how can i use these codes to call upon the details (prices, product name, etc.) of the corresponding codes and display in another listview?

i am using Visual Basic 2008 and MsAccess as my database.

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Data From Listview To Be Loaded To Another Listview But Different Forms?

Apr 21, 2009

I am having a problem regarding to pass all the data on the listview from one form to another and add another columns. The purpose of my columns is that I want to put text from there because I am sending a mail but I want to get the status of my message if it failed or send and write it at every end of the rows.

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VS 2008 Enter The Data In A One Control Then The Related Data Display In Other Control

Mar 17, 2011

I created Dataentry forms. In the form there are so many controls like DropDowns and textboxes. I am using Access database. Now I enterd the few records into the controls, and these records are saved into the Database. But now if i enter the any data which i recently saved in the database to the textbox or any other control then the remaining controls should be display the related data.

For example i have 4 controls in my form one is dropdown and 3 are textboxes. If i select the data in the dropdown then the remaining 3 textboxes shows the related data. How can i dispaly the corresponding data to the other controls?

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Listview Data Transferring To Other Listview

Mar 16, 2012

im using 2008 and i would like to ask if is it possible that if i click a data in my listview then it would go to another listview and using a db

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C# - Modifying Data With ListView EditItemTemplate By Settings Its Data Source Property

Feb 22, 2011

Modifying data with the ListView's EditItemTemplate by programmatically settings its DataSource property and calling its DataBind method. I don't have option to use data source control for ListView. All ListViews are bound with data from code-behind. So, I have to handle the Edit/Update mode of ListView manually. [Code]

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Add An Image To A ListView Control?

May 25, 2009

How do I add an image to a ListView control in code from an imageArray?

I'm new to .Net, OPP and this forum but love it!

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Get Value Of A Control That's Inside A ListView?

Jul 26, 2011

Getting value of a PasswordBox that's inside a ListView [code]...

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ListView Control Grouping?

Feb 17, 2010

I did attempt searching but it just gave me a "505 bad gateway error".So my issues is the grouping header isn't working lol.

ListView1 - name of the ListView control
3 columns added to lv
3 items added to lv


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Populate A Row Into A Listview Control?

Jul 11, 2009

I am trying to populate a row into a listview control and only the first items shows up (the ProductID). the product name, cost, and quantity don't show up.

I guess the control's properties must be set for this. I went and added 4 columns appropriately named, but those column headings don't appear either.


'* Add new row to the Order details grid if the currently selected product
'* in the products grid is not already in the Order Details list view
If Not bItemFound Then


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Use Listview Control Using 2008?

Jul 22, 2009

I would like my program to list files from a specific directory using the listview control. For an example, listing .temp files from (C:Documents and SettingsDefault UserLocal SettingsTemp) and (C:Documents and SettingsDefault UserRecent), how would I list all the files within the listview control?

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Using The ListView Control From A New Thread?

Apr 19, 2010

Would someone mind explaining to me how visual basic treats a ListView object? It seems that if I create a new ListView and make it equal to the old ListView it's like filling the new ListView "ByRef" so to speak.

I'm running into problems because of this when I try to do some processing with the selected items in a new thread. Does anyone have a better solution to this than using a delegate to call a fucntion which populates an ArrayList with the ListView.SelectedItems and then returns the ArrayList?

Edit: Seems no-one is answering well let me ask a "hopefully" easier sub-question.

If i'm trying to pass a ListView into my BackgroundWorker as an argument, how do I successfully do that? I've heard someone say "make a copy". Yet I still get cross thread exceptions on my e.Argument. Tips, tricks, musings, all very welcome.

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Add Records From An Access DB To A ListView Control In .Net?

Nov 18, 2009

I am developing a Windows application that reads from a database and creates a total and subtotals for the records in the database. I am supposed to include a Try...Catch statement that reads the records in an Access db table and adds an item to the ListView control for each record. Each field in the record should be added as a column in the ListView control.

I have already gone through and created my Form_Load event that creates the columns needed in the ListView. I have created the beginning of the Try...Catch statement that opens the database connection. I do not know the syntax I should be using to add the record to a ListView control.Normally I would use something along the lines of to read the data:


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Adding Items To A ListView Control?

Jun 3, 2011

I need to be able to add items to a ListView Control and to additionally add a label as well. I have included an image to serve as a reference. This is for an application I am building for a handheld device.

View 2 Replies - ItemDataBound - Filling The Listview Control?

May 24, 2010

In my webpage i use the following in order filling the listview control


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Assistance Related To Listview Control

May 6, 2012

I;m trying to make a program that automatically detects files in a folder and display them in my listview control with an checkbox, an image and the name of that certain file located in my directory folder.I've manage so far to make my app to populate my listview from a folder, show the checkbox, and also the image. What i cannot achieve is the following:

1. To show the path in my second Column of the listview;

2. And to run the checked files via a Command Button. [code]

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C# :: Disable An Item In Listview Control In 3.5?

Mar 29, 2011

In .net 3.5 windows forms I have a listview with "CheckBoxes" = true. Is it possible to dim out or disable some items to prevent the user from checking the box?

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Create A ListView Control At Run-time ?

Aug 27, 2010

I am trying to create a ListView control at run-time and populate it with data from a SQL Query, I can create and execute the SQL query returning my desired data, I can create the listview control, but I can not get the list view to Populate data from the ListviewGroup I am creating from the SQL query. Code Snippet Follows.

Dim ItemGroupSQL As New ListViewGroup
' Create three items and three sets of subitems for each item.
a = 0


This will create a ListView Box and populate the data in a very odd way, every row will have 5 columns with the same data repeated in each column. I have verified (using the commented out msgbox statements you see) that the ItemGroupSQL variable is being populated correctly. but Listview1.items.addrange(itemgroupSQL.items()) does no add the data to the listview correctly

Am I using incorrect syntax for Items.Addrange?

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