Winforms - Sending A Fax From A Program?

Mar 2, 2012

I noticed that in Windows 7 there is a Program called Windows Fax and Scan that enables you to send a fax from a computer that has a fax modem.I would like to do this from within my VB.Net WinForm application. Has anyone done this?

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Sending Email In C# WinForms VS ASP.NET C#

Jul 25, 2010

I am trying to send emails from a simple form using ASP.NET (VB/C# I don't really care), and what does my head in severely is the fact that it seems so much harder to send an email using ASP.NET than it is in WinForms!

In WinForms, I can write some code to send an email in 2 minutes. But after reading tutorial after tutorial on ASP.NET I cannot figure out how to do it! It's so weird.

One thing that I don't get is that NONE of the examples demonstrate the use of mail.Username = ""; or mail.Password = ""; (For Example). They don't seem to use usernames or passwords when connecting to the server.

How can I send an email in just like I do in C# WinForms, or atleast if not the same way, is there a simple way?

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Sending Mail From .net Winforms?

Sep 26, 2007

i get error in the code as sending mail failed

Dim toaddress As String = ""
Dim fromaddress As String = ""
Dim oMail As New MailMessage
With oMail


i get error send mail failed?

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Winforms - While Sending Mail Got One Error That Is Time Out

Mar 17, 2011

I have developed one application for sending mail using for that i'm using namespace; but while sending mail i got one error that is time out. & for avoiding this error i used try catch block but i'm failed to resolve this problem. Is there any solution on this error?

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VS 2005 Opening A Program From A Link Or Sending Arguments To A Program?

Sep 14, 2009

I want to have a link in an email with an ID number. Then, when the user clicks on the link in the email, it either launches my program, or brings the program to top, depending on whether it is opened or not, and then loads the record for that ID number from the link (the software is a record lookup tool).If I can figure out how to "send" the program the ID, I can figure the rest out.

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Error While Sending FAX Using Program

Jun 1, 2009

While Sending Fax i am getting "The specified procedure could not be found" Error . I Used Document Print Method to Send a Fax . here are the Details .[code]...

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Why Doesn't My WinForms WebBrowser Program Work

Feb 7, 2010

[code]I have web programming background and trying to learn windows programming....any guide or tutorial to make the transition smoother ?

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Winforms: Closing A Program To System Tray

Oct 1, 2011

'This is the event that is fired as the application is closing, whether it 'be from a close button in the application or from the user 'clicking the X in the upper right hand corner


Im trying to make an application that when you press X, the program gets put in system tray. But i have like no idea how i'm suppost to do that, so did a search on google and found this code. Only VB2010 (what i use) doesn't like the fourth line. Can anybody give me a quick tutorial on this, and make this work in VB 2010?

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Program No Longer Sending Mail?

May 26, 2011

Myself and a colleague have a program called SwiftScreen, its been out for a month now but since May 25th our program is returning an error when they fill out a form that sends us an email (through our application). My best guess is windows recently had an update of somesort but i don't know. Does anyone know a way to send mail, perferably to a gmail account, that still works using

Here is the email code i'm using"

Dim message As System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
Dim smtp As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient("")
Dim fromMailAddress As System.Net.Mail.MailAddress


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Sending Data From A VB Program To USB Port?

Apr 23, 2009

I'm working on a project that involves sending information through a GSM module, this module is connected to the system through a USB port. the information to be sent is gathered from a database using VB, now I need to send the information from my VB program to the USB port for onward delivery to the GSM module.

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Sending Multiple Words To Another Program?

Jul 7, 2010

How would I output a sentence with VB.NET?

Example: Your program and Internet Explorer are open, your program outputs [URL] and presses "{ENTER}", and it will go to the page.

Example: An auto-talking bot for MSN.

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Sending Program To System Tray

May 1, 2010

Okay I have written a code to send my program to the system tray when I minimize it. But I am on Windows 7 and I check, and its not there.


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Winforms - Report Design Editor When Program Is Running

Jan 25, 2012

I'm trying to do a Report Designer for end user. Like the one that adds when u add to proyect a .rpt file. But i wanted to do it on the run, so the end user can change the desing of the report as they want.

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Add A Progress Bar In Program While Sending An Email Message?

Dec 26, 2009

How can I add a progress bar in while sending an email message?

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Attach A File In Email Sending Program?

Dec 26, 2009

I'm making a windows form.Here is my current code:I don't have any idea on how to link the open file dialog with the file that I am going to attach.

With OpenFileDialog1


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Program Is Freezing While Sending Webrequest And Getting Webresponse?

Sep 16, 2009

i am trying to read website content and selecting some sites from list which contains keyword.But my program is freezing while sending webrequest and getting webresponse.Here is my code:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim j As Integer = 0
Dim stream As System.IO.Stream[code]......

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Program Sending The Textbox Information As An Email?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a win form with three textboxes that lets the user input information using 2008. I am wanting the program to send me the information entered (when they hit the send button) as an email and also drop the information entered into an access database.I have the program sending the textbox information as an email.What I am having trouble with is saving the three textboxes to access database. I have an access database set up with a table and three fields for the three textboxes.

All I need to do is each time a user uses the program, it adds the information they enter into the three textboxes to the three different fields in the database. I don't need to let the user view or edit the database in any way.

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Winforms - Making A Form Halt Other Program Activity Like A Messagebox

Feb 29, 2012

I want to create a custom form (in visual basic .NET) that will stop other process responsiveness until the form is acknowledged. It would be a nice bonus if I can add a beep when trying to access the main program UI while this form is displayed as well (like how a messagebox does).


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Correctly Encoding ByteArray And Sending To Host Program

Jul 17, 2009

I am transmitting data over an IP socket and receiving the data via a second program I have written. The server was in VB6 and am now creating a new one in to run as a service. The major issue I am having is related to the encoding features.

Issue 1 to be able to correctly encode a bytearray so that when it is received by a VB6 program via winsock that the data will be in the proper ANSI format for the pc to read it correctly. So far this works on some files and not on others depending on the content of the file.

Issue 2 to be able to correctly encode a bytearray, send it to a host program and correctly [decode?] write it to disk.

To make things a little more complicated I must also be able to do this where the client resides on a Windows Mobile, Windows CE, or Windows PC. I have been running some tests and have gotten mixed results.

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Sending Information Back To Original Creator Of Program?

Jun 15, 2009

Is there anyway you can send information back to the original creator of the program? Here is a quick example- I made a little program that gives you general information about your computer, when you click a button it sets the text box to specific information. One of the text boxes gives you the Version of your OS. I would like to know if there is a way to send the information in that text box back to me when someone clicks it and they are connected to the internet. FYI I would tell the person who clicks it before so that I am not stealing information, plus what is there to steal from a simple program I made.

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Program Is Not Issuing A MAIL / EXPN / VRFY / ETRN When Sending An Email

Aug 5, 2010

I was told that my program was not issuing a MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN when sending an email by the web hosting company we are connecting to. Anyone know what this means and how I do it? I am sending an email with SmtpClient and I have no problems with other clients. Here is what I was told:


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Mobile Phone To App - Remotely Disable Email Sending Feature Of Program By User ?

Feb 7, 2010

Ok, I haven't started this yet, but I'm just thinking out loud for a project I have coming up.

One approach I am thinking about pursuing involves "messaging" my application (windows form in VS 2008 pro) from a mobile device, whether it be a laptop, phone, pda, etc.

is this possible? (1st question) and what is the "correct" implementation to do this? (2nd question)

The idea is to remotely disable the email sending feature of my program by the user (owner of the application) to kill email alerts if they are not at their computer.

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Sending Email - Operation Timed Out / Not Sending Error

May 27, 2012

I am trying to Send an Email with an attachment (using Gmail) but I keep getting errors like "Operation Timed out" or Failure Sending Email". It was working earlier today but I found out that i needed to add Using statement because the email was having a file open that had to be deleted after it was sent but afterwards it doesn't work.

Here's what I have (Portion of it):
Private Sub SendMailOneAttachment(ByVal un As String, ByVal pass As String, Optional ByVal smtp As String = "")
Using oAttach As Net.Mail.Attachment = New Net.Mail.Attachment((Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) & "\" & My.Computer.Name & "_" & fName & " .zip"))
Dim client As SmtpClient = New SmtpClient(smtp)
[Code] .....

The ports are correct I believe, no firewall up on my PC...

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Sending Files/Sending Images/Msg For P2P Chat?

Mar 4, 2010

Which is better for Sending Files/Sending Images/Msg for P2P Chat?

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IDE :: Set Project Default For Winforms Projects S/ Default Modifier For Controls Added To Winforms Is Private

May 28, 2010

Is it possible to set a project default for VB.NET winforms projects so that the default Modifier for controls added to winforms is Private (not Friend)?I know there's a "modifiers" property in the properties window so I can set it for each individual control however I would like to change the project so from now on myself and other developers have to specifically decide to change from friend to private. (Which I would strongly discourage them from doing).I believe there is no way of doing this, but on another forum a while ago someone mentioned it would be possible with an add-in (but didn't name the add-in or where to get it).

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Sending E-mail - Getting Error Message "5 Failure sending Mail At System?

Jul 13, 2010

I am tring to send e-mail used VB 2008. Below is my code. The error message I am getting is "5 Failure sending mail at System.Net.mail.client.send(MailMessage message).I have two questions. 1.) What am I doing wrong? & 2.) Is there a way the get a more description error message.

message As
New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
Dim mySmtpsvr[code].....

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Programmatically Sending Email - Throws An Exception "Failure Sending Email"

May 28, 2010

I was trying to follow a code example I came across the net for programmatically sending email:


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ASP.NET Vs Winforms App ?

May 11, 2009

I have a proto-type winform app designed by a colleague. My original plan was to create it using, but I'm not sure if I should just 're-create' it using or continue forward using the winforms. Either way, I'd use as the code-behind.

It's going to be a data collection app; originally it was going to allow the collection screens to by dynamically built, based on options selected by the end-users. However, that has changed to a one-size fits all approach.

I've never written anything using, so what I'd really like is some advice about what should I be looking for/at in this new app, in order to decide which way to finish it... OR winforms... Would there be any design/programming advantages to using over the winforms (other than the fact that my colleague already have about a dozen forms designed, but with NO code-behind)? Might there be end-user advantages to using vs winforms?

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WPF App Vs WinForms App

Aug 10, 2009

I'm currently studying for one of Microsoft's MCPD 3.5 certifications (VB 2008) and one of the things it makes use of is WPF applications. Based on what I've seen of them so far, they are basically like Windows Forms Applications. So my question about them is why was WPF created? What was Microsoft looking to accomplish with WPF since outside of the "web feel" in a windows environment, it basically looks like a WinForms application. What is the difference between the two and when sould I use one over the other?

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Access ASP.NET From Winforms?

Jul 24, 2011

Can i access ASP.NET Database From Withing Winforms Application ? If i expect it requires web server can i have any example, any online sites that can show me the pattern of simple web server?

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