Working With Remote Database?

Aug 23, 2011

I am a long time VB.NET developer but all my work has been on local databases. My employer now wants me to send data to a remote MSSQL Database without exposing the database. So, I think the answer is webservices. Except - I have no diea how to use this? I only know the word from my basic Google searches about this need.What we are trying to do is have a button in Outlook that allows the user to send the email to our CRM database.

I have been able to parse the email fields I need. How do I go about sending this to the database now? I also need to be able to read data from the database, so the user can select which customer to tag the email to.

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Working Into A Remote Computer?

Jun 27, 2011

I can make users to my own computer.....but i don't know how can i do this to a remote computer same way Here is my code:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim proc As New Process
proc.StartInfo.FileName = "net.exe"


1.A User is created in users account(control-panel>users account).......but i want to create only the users account in incoming connection(vpn incoming connection)

2.I want to do it in a remote pc>>for example a pc ,which ip is,user: administrator,password: 12345

can i do it same way that i followed to create user in my local PC?

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Add A Remote SQLServer Database To My Database Explorer Window In 2010 Express?

Feb 14, 2011

I'm trying to use LINQ to SQL in Visual Basic 2010 Express.

It allows me to create the .dbml file, but in order to drag items from the Database Explorer window to the design surface, I first have to get my database listed in the Database Explorer!(this is a remote SQL Server database - not a local .mdf)

I already have a good, working connection string to the remote SQL Server database, but that doesn't help me when I'm trying to generate the DBML at design time.

Can anyone tell me how to get my remote SQL Server database identified in the Database Explorere window? When I try the "Add Connection", I am limited to Access, SQL Server Compact, or SQL Server Database File. If I try to enter the IP address & port of my DB Host I get a 'database file does not exist' message. Doesn't seem to want to let me point to a remote DB server...

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DB/Reporting :: Using Service-based Database As Remote Database?

Sep 20, 2011

Recently working in vb 2010 express. I'm using service-based database which is based on SQL Server. This database will be deployed at the server. Is it possible that multiple programs, which are installed in remote computers or client computers in the same network, connect to this database simultaneously? Does the service-based database support multiple connections?

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Connect To Remote Database?

Apr 6, 2009

how to enable remote database

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Connecting To The Remote Database Using VB6?

Jun 27, 2009

provide with necessary code for connecting the remote database.. the remote database is in access. i am facing problem at defining the connection string. And i am using ado control for connecting the database.

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How To Connect To Remote Database

Nov 14, 2009

I am having a small problem with my VB.NET and programs. I am creating a spider program in VB.NET which parses a URL and stores data in my database. The list of URL to be parsed are included in my database. Right now the program is working fine as I am using a local database lying on my hard drive, but I want to use database lying on a remote server (ex. [URL]). How do I do that in VB.NET application?

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Use MS ACCESS As A Remote Database?

Oct 6, 2010

My client keep on insisting that they want there database to be ms access and not sql server. But they also what to be remotely accessible in there network.

Is it possible to use ms access as a remote database? would the database locked up once a connection is made?

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Want To Access A Remote Database

Jun 13, 2011

i have written an application in 2008 that i want to access a remote database.when it tries to connect, this is the error message:[code]

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Connect To A Remote Database(mySQL) On LAN?

Jun 21, 2010

I have connected and mySQL on a the same PC before, but I have no Idea how to connect to a remote PC(LAN)[code]...

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Connect To A Remote Mysql Database?

Jul 22, 2009

Im trying to connect to a remote mysql database, and im having alot of crazy issues, i have checked for information, im used to doing this in vb6, but times are changing and im trying to rewrite my apps for anyone able to help with the new connection string to get it setup so i can connect to a remote database? i already installed and added MSI isntaller on there and its version 6.0.4 i beleive, how can i make this thing connect to the database now?

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Connection To A Remote MySQL Database?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm trying to make a rather simple Visual Basic app with which I can update some tables within my MySQL databases.I've been following this tutorial from page 3 on, as the first 2 pages where on how to initialize a local MySQL database.My MySQL database is on my website, so I thought I had to use the website's name instead of "localhost". Anyways, I now use this code:

Dim connection As MySqlConnection
connection = New MySqlConnection()
connection.ConnectionString = "; Uid=***; Pwd=***; Database=***;"


But it popups (don't now whether that's a real word :p) with the message:Error Connecting to Database: Access denied for user '***'@'my ipaddress' (using password: YES)?

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DB/Reporting :: Connection To A Remote Database

Feb 17, 2009

I have a problem with the connection to my database. It's on a remote server, and this is my code:


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Error In Connecting In A Remote Database

Jul 12, 2011

good mornign here again =D having a problem with connecting to a remote database via adhoc we are using a windows 7 ultimate 32bit OS platform =D

here is the connection message im encountering

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.)

i have already enable the the Remote Connection enabling the both TCP/IP and name Pipes and its server authentication of our both msSQL server 2005 is SQL SERVER AND WINDOWS AUTHENTICATION MODE

and also i put a check in Allow Remote Connections to this Server...both our laptops...

but still encountering the problem... the default gateway of our adhoc is

sample code how i connect to the database

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


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Local And Remote Database Sync

Dec 5, 2009

I'm posting this in the as I will be using visual studio to perform the task. So here is what I am trying to achieve or at least achieve it more efficiently than what I am doing now.

So I have two identical database setups, both with a table , let call it table tblUsers. The local database is edited through and is a Access database. The second database is hosted on a remote server and is a MySQL databse.

Currently I have no problem connecting and editing either database through I'm using OLE DB to connect and handle the Access database and ODBC 5.1 to connect and handle the MySQL database.

Here is what I would like to do:

User opens the program Presses the "update local" button

The program updates the local database to whatever the remote database is The user uses the program to edit fields in the local database

When done, the user presses the "Update remote" button and the remote database fields that have been edited with the program in the local database will be updated to the remote database.

Currently, the only way for me to do this is to go line by line in a for next and use a command builder to compare each field and update that way.

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Querying A Remote Access Database

Jun 13, 2012

querying a remote Access database! We are currently using this because thus far we have failed at hooking up a sp_linkedserver. I feel like it's a terrible hack and want to be done with this whole network mapping business once and for all!


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Reading Data From A Remote Database

Jan 22, 2012

How to read data, submit queries from vb application to a remote machine running sql server. note: I have created a complete functional version of a stock control system with the database residing in the local machine. I just need the basic concept of interacting with remote databases that's all. Do we have to use sockets to read/send data ?

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Remote Database - SQL Login Error

Sep 14, 2009

I am trying to make a remote database in VB 2008 I have SQL Server 2005 it works great. What I am trying to make is a login but its not working so great I am trying to make a Online Login type thing like ok if a user just made a account I'll add it to the database the online database so when my app. Connects to the Database or what ever. I want it to let the user on to the next form if the username and password is correct cause I have to forms and the first is login the second is like VIP or Members type thing but whenIi try to log on from another computer it give's me an Error Message.

Here's My Code
Dim Connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim command As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim adapter As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
Dim dataset As New DataSet
Dim oSQLConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection()
[Code] .....

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Update Remote Database Via Web Service?

Aug 13, 2011

I am writing a client application that uses a web service to connect to the remote database.So far I am able to connect to the web service and read, add new and delete data from the database. I am having a hard time updating data.

I have a datagridview control that is bound to a dataset retrieved from the remote database using the web service.When a record is edited in the datagridview control, I need the dataset that is bound to that control to be updated and then that updated dataset to be sent to the webservice to update the remote database.

My client code in the btnUpdate_Click event

dim new_ds as new dataset = datagridview1.datasource
Dim es As New testwebservice.equipmenttracker 'the web service reference
dim msg as string = es.updateequipment(new_ds)

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Populate Local Database Table With Remote Server Database Table ?

Aug 11, 2012

I am having a remote server it has INVENTORY DATABSE , and also iam having same databse in my local system. I want to populate by local database table with my Remote database table through code by click a button. How to do this .

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Backing Up Database From Remote Server To Local

Mar 25, 2010

I am making a VB.NET application that can download/backup the database that is currently on a remote server. I have Remote Server IP,Username,Password and Database name. I am also able to connect to it. But I don't know what to do after connecting to it. I don't know what all files are need to be backed up. (I think database and log file both must be backed up, I am not sure).

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Connect Remote SQLServer Database Programmatically Using VPN?

Jul 28, 2009

I can connect to VPN and I can access Sql Server using RDP. Now, I want to access the Sql Server programmatically.

I connected to the VPN and then have the following connection string set up[code]...

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Connect VB 2010 To Remote Database MS Access?

Jan 11, 2011

Client form need an access to the ms access database located at the Server. I've just created a database in MS Access in the format .mdb, 2000 version. Forms created in the platform Visual Basic 2010. Kindly post procedure or source code to do it. I preferred to use OleDB connection since i used it on a stand-alone access to database.

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Difficulty Connecting To Remote MS Access Database On LAN?

Jun 6, 2011

I am currently developing in Visual Studio 2008 (Visual Basic) and I have no problem reading, editing, saving, etc. to a 2007 Access database that is stored locally using the following code:

Dim NotifyDS As New DataSet()
Dim NotifyCon As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
NotifyCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|DataSettings.accdb"

Ultimately I am going to be installing this program in my office on multiple computers, but would only like to have one "server" program where the database is installed. All of the other computers will have access to this one database over the LAN. For some reason I am unable to access this remote database file over my LAN. I have tried all sorts of things (including a username and password for the server computer),


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Downloading Data From Remote Mysql Database

Dec 21, 2009

I'm looking into creating a program which will on program opening connect to a remote mysql database, download the data and store the data into a local file (keeping both in sync is the idea).

Getting a connection to the remote database is my first hurdle, and i'm not suceeding, i know i need to read through more info but if i could get this working it would help me tremendously.

I have attempted to connect using the mysql connector, using the server IP and port number ie. 199.002.999.000:3306 but it doesnt connect, it does connect locally ie. localhost but for some reason it won't connect to the remote server.

My other problem is that i cannot control the mysql server, i.e connections allowed remote etc, i think they're just enabled to accept connections from the server.

Is there a way to run a hidden browser script behind the scenes, download and run the file? I've tried looking for possible ways to acheive this, but have come up trumps so far.

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Get A MySQL Database Stored On A Remote Server?

Jan 23, 2009

I have got a MySQL database stored on a remote server. I can user PHPMyAdmin to access the database and make changes to the table, i can also use a third party piece of software to do the same however when i try and access the database through my program it says that "Access denied for user 'lukefrost'@'%' to database 'PHCAdminSystem'". However it will allow me with the same logon credentials the other ways explained above. Can anyone help me with what the problem might be?

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Get Data From A Remote Server / Mysql Database

Feb 13, 2009

i have a site that is running in php with a mysql db and i want creat a app wiht .net 2008 to return/send values to that database what is the best way to do that? i have think in this options:


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How To Access MySQL Database From A Remote Computer

Feb 14, 2012

I'm trying to access server database from a remote computer in lan-based network using this connection string "Server=; user id=user; password=pass; database=sample_db" .. but it can't open a connection.. I don't know what to do, I tried searching for this but no luck.

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Remote Connection To A Sql2005 Database Through Hamachi/VPN?

Oct 20, 2010

I would like to test a remote connection to a local Sql 2005 Database first thru Hamachi using a small exe that would be set on the client machine to let me know if the connection was successful or not, in the close future the connection would change to be set thru a VPN but for now i would like to accomplish this by using Hamachi software.i want to code the client .NET exe file to connect to the server, Hamachi gives an IP address and hostname once installed on the "server" machine so i wonder how should i include both in the connection string of the client exe file.

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Retrieve / Update Data From Remote Database

Jul 22, 2011

I'm currently working on an application written in using Visual Studio. The app retrieves and updates data from a remote database. While debugging, I updated a particular row in the database and after messing around a bit managed to crash the app. Since then, whenever I fetch that particular row, the data that was previously updated continues to be retreived - regardless of what is actually in the database.

All other rows properly reflect the data in the database and are capable of being updated through the application as they should. However with this one particular row it continues to retrieve outdated data and locks up the application when I attempt to perform an update. Does Visual Studio create some sort of local copy of the database which was perhaps corrupted?

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