Write Data To An Excel File?

May 12, 2006

how to write data to an excel file. I've tried using StreamWriter but to no avail. When I write to the file all data ends up in the first column.

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Reading In Data From One Excel File Write That Data To A Different Excel File?

Sep 28, 2011

I am reading in data from an excel file that is only viewed inside the program. This excel file is being populated by data from multiple PLCs (7) through DDE links via RS Linx Gateway. I would like this data to be written to two different excel files and specific sheets within those so that it can be viewed later on.

My program has a form that will allow the user to view the data live, meaning they look at the first excel file from the program so that they are not able to edit the DDE links or change the file in any way. The other excel files (there will be two, one for good parts, one for bad parts) have specific sheets for each part and each tester station. For example, if the part is a ABC part, and it is a good part, and it was tester on tester station 1 then it needs to be saved to the good parts excel file, in the ABC sheet and in the good tester station 1 sheet.

If part XYZ comes along and is a bad part (fails testing) then it needs to be saved to the bad parts file, the XYZ sheet and the bad tester station 1 sheet.I might have added more detail than is needed to solve the problem but I thought I would add it anyways to help you all understand my problem a little better.

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VS 2008 Write Data From A Text File To Excel File?

Oct 7, 2009

I have a text file and I want to take the data from the text file and write each line into the excel file (into the same column). How do I accomplish this? I know how to read data from a text file, but I don't know how to insert the data to a excel file..

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Write Data To Excel?

Sep 9, 2009

I have a simple stop watch application. with start, stop and reset buttons. The timer is displayed in a text box.When I stop the timer I want to be able to write the timer figure to an excel spreadsheet. I need to have the following columns in the spreadsheet, No, Date, Time (Timer figure from app). obviously writing the data onto the next available row each time.


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Generalized Write Of Data To Excel?

Mar 14, 2011

I need to create an excel file from scratch in VB.NET given a DataTable from asp.net. I can do this for a specific file, but I don't know how to do it for a general database. That is, where I use the "CREATE TABLE ..." I don't know how to tell it what types to use for the data in the table.

The DataTable is derived from a FoxPro database. (I don't know if that matters.)

I invoke the table similar to as follows:

return_value = make_excel( sql_table, excel_filename)


What I need to be able to do is run through the values in sqlTable above, check their type and then build the sql to write them.

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Write Data To An Excel Spreadsheet?

Sep 10, 2009

I am trying to write data to an excel spreadsheet. Simply just todays date and the value of textbox1. I can successfully write it to excel, but how do I get it so each time the application runs it writes the data to the next available row?? I know there must be some loop involved but am having trouble with the coding..

this is what I have so far.


Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Imports System.IO
Imports Excel


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Write Data From An Excel Spreadsheet To An Access Database?

Apr 6, 2009

I'm trying to write data from an excel spreadsheet to an Access database. When i run my program a message appears saying that the correct number of records have been saved, however when i check my access database no records have been written to the database table.

The following is a copy of my code (sorry i've just edited it to get rid of the white space that was added when i included it here for some reason.The code for writing to database:

Public Class Form1
Dim connection As OleDbConnection
Dim Command As OleDbCommand


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Write To Excel File?

Sep 27, 2011

Very simple project but i'm getting exception was unhandled after testing code. compiles just fine though.


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Extract Data From Excel Sheets And Write In Database In VB10?

Oct 1, 2011

I want to read data from excel sheets and write into tables in database visual basic 2010. I am usinq Oracle 9i for database.and my objective is that user should select excel file and if button is pressed then I want to extract data from excel sheet and store in a already created tables.

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Visual Studio 2008: Write Data To Excel Spreadsheet

May 27, 2011

I've cracked the reading Outlook emails from a specific folder in a VB 2008 program but now I need to append my parsed data to end of an existing Excel Spreadsheet. where I can look for some code samples of now to do this?

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VS 2010 : Write/import/copy Data From Excel To A Datagridview?

Nov 28, 2011

Using VS2010 - I want to write/import/copy data from excel to a datagridview.in the excel file - it would contain one column, whichI want to read into vb?

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Write Data To Excel Format Without Having Microsoft Office Installed??

Oct 1, 2010

I have a software that writes data to Excel sheet. I'm using Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library for this. Everything is working fine so far, but apparently the drivers require Microsoft Office installed onto the computer.

Is there a way to write data to Excel format without having Microsoft Office installed?

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VS 2010 Read / Write Excel Cell Data To Textbox & Visaversa

Jan 31, 2011

I'm converting older VBA code to VB. I'm using Visual Studio or VB 2010 but am new to this "oop" approach and not a seasoned programmer. Scenario:

1. Open new Excel worksheet (see below - will this work?)


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VB2008 Write To Open Excel File?

Jun 12, 2011

I cannot figure out the declarations to write to an excel file that is already open.

I open the excel file and make it visible with this:

Private Sub Button1_Click
Dim objExcel As New Excel.Application
Dim objWB As Excel.Workbook


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VS 2008 Write Excel File Without Office Automation?

Aug 9, 2010

I have a VB app that exports some data to dbf tabes.I have empty dbf files,I write data and then save them,all works fine,but now I need to export to a .xls file(I have a structure just like dbf),I need to write data to the file without having Excel installed.

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C# - Load A File, Manipulate The Data, And Write A New File?

Mar 6, 2012

I have an issue where I need to load a fixed-length file. Process some of the fields, generate a few others, and finally output a new file. The difficult part is that the file is of part numbers and some of the products are superceded by other products (which can also be superceded). What I need to do is follow the superceded trail to get information I need to replace some of the fields in the row I am looking at. So how can I best handle about 200000 lines from a file and the need to move up and down within the given products? I thought about using a collection to hold the data or a dataset, but I just don't think this is the right way.[code]....

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Write Data Into The File

Feb 23, 2009

I want to write data into the file , but finding difficult in it. I can create the file this is my code. to write data in to the


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Write Data On Zip File?

Mar 12, 2009

Is it possible to write data on zip file...actually my application save lot of eml files in a folder and later I zip that folder through GZip but it takes lot of time if a folder is so big.so i which to write a data on file which is already zipI mean i want to write a eml files into folderName.zip fileSo my question is that is it possible that we open and write data in a zip file and close?

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Write Data To A File?

Sep 8, 2011

I am trying to write some data into a .txt file.

When I click on the button to create the file, it doesn't do anything. There are no errors, though.


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Write Data To File?

Feb 5, 2012

I have to write data from a listbox to a new file that a user can create. I can create and save a file no problem, but for some reason I can't write anything. I followed the textbook provided but when the file saves, I open it up and it is blank. I'm using fileWriter.WriteLine and I'm just test something basic to write to a file first and I can't do it[code]...

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.net - Read Data From One Xls File And Write It Into Another Xls File?

Jun 15, 2011

I have dev.xls file with sheet name as "Electricity". In my vb.net winform application, I want to read all this data and write it into another xls file (Test.xls) with sheet name as "Electricity_Processed". Looking for a way to do this without using other dll's or Interop

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Create A Xml File And Write Data?

Apr 21, 2012

i have to create a xml file and write data

then i want to write things like

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>


How can i create this ? i want trying with data set but getting problem

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Data Errors In File After Write?

Jul 4, 2011

I am having problems writing correct data to a file. I create a string of characters (approx 5000 bytes long). The string is a mixture of text characters and numbers converted to bytes. I then:

a) write the string to a readable text file

b) display the string contents to the console

c) write the string to a file - BDF.bin (I tried both IO.BinaryWriter and IO.StreamWriter but get the same error)

The byte pattern for the text readable file and the data displayed on the console match and for the most part , data bytes in the StreamWriter file are correct (first 4096 bytes are OK) but there are some extra bytes and some wrong bytes.Here is a comparison of byte patterns (hex values character written to the file) starting at byte 4096

Console: 45 44 52 31 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 90 01 00 00

Binary File: 45 44 52 31 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 C2 90 01 00

The byte patterns match, however in the binary file, there is an extra byte (C2).To display the console data, I read one character at a time from the string and display it using hex(asc(mid(string,i,1)))I view the binary data in the BDF.bin file using a hex editor program. I even tried 2 other hex editors and all showed the same byte info.

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How To Write And Read Data From Xml File

Jan 18, 2011

How Can I load data into my datagrideview from xml file

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How To Write Data Into An Existing PDF File

Apr 6, 2011

I Have an existing pdf file with some editable fields like text boxes and text boxes, where i can enter data manually and save the file,

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VS 2010 Write Data To Txt File?

Jun 20, 2010

So i am trying to write 2 txt box's data to a text file in my app.Im just curious on how can i make it so it will write this file within the folder it was installed?alsohow can i then take this data and loop through it to insert it into a listbox?

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Write Various Lines Of Data To A File?

Feb 24, 2012

I have 20 lines of data in a textbox which I need to split up using the following [code]...

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Create & Write Data In The XSLT File?

Mar 4, 2011

I want to create the xslt file programmatically by using vb.net. & i want to write some nodes & subnodes in that file .

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How To Write Listbox Data To Text File

Jun 8, 2010

I need to write data from a list box to an lsv text file. I can do that if I rea an entire line at a time and write it out, but the data in the listbox are columnated.For example:Cey,Ron 50 75 75 66.67would be an entire line from the listbox. It was entered into the listbox by reading an lsv text file and using format string to set up column info, but I don't know how to read it back out by column, only by entire line.

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How To Write String Data To Tiff File

Aug 13, 2010

I need to write some data which is string to tiff file. I am doing in the following way..[code]ControlData is the string which is to be written to the file.I am capturing the signature from the user. This function gets the data in string format and i need to create a tiff file using the string data.When i did in this way, signature.tiff is created but when i opened the image it is giving no preview available.

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