Write Id3v2 Album Artist Using Taglib?

May 2, 2011

how to make taglib save certain tags that use arrays. For example when I save the album i can just type ID31.Album = txtalubm1.text. But if I want to save albumartist since its an array I cant seem to do it the same way.

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TagLib Can't Change Artist Tag?

Mar 4, 2010

I am using Taglib# from http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/TagLib_Sharp I can read all the tags and edit the title and album but not the artist.

On the site they say

file.Tag.Title = title
file.Tag.Track = track
file.Tag.Album = album
file.Tag.Artists = artists

but then I get an error that file.tag.artists is obsolete and I need to use albumArtists or performers. When I do this I cant change the value. Even not when I change it in the watch view.

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Correctly Get A .mp3's Album/Artist Data With A Media Player?

Dec 27, 2010

Recently I have started a personal project to make a media player in Visual Basic .NET I am trying to get the Album data and Artist data from a .mp3 file, and in many different ways, it has failed. Here is my code I am trying to use but always returns blank: miniMusic.currentMedia.getItemInfo("Artist") When I use that property for my application in the way of:


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Winforms - Correctly Get A .mp3's Album / Artist Data With A Media Player?

Dec 15, 2010

Recently I have started a personal project to make a media player in Visual Basic .NET
I am trying to get the Album data and Artist data from a .mp3 file, and in many different ways, it has failed. Here is my code I am trying to use but always returns blank:


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Erase Or Write ID3v2 Tags To MP3s?

Jan 14, 2011

I already have code to read ID3v1 and v2 tags. That's not the problem. I open an IOStream, locate the ID3v2 header and pull the bytes out. Handling unicode was a bit of a sod, but I got it working.

What I don't understand is how to remove an ID3v2 tag or write one out. ID3v1 is easy - just truncate the file, then append some bytes. Simple. But ID3v2 tags don't have to be at the start of the file, do they? It's conventional, but by no means mandatory. If I just crop the entire ID3 out of the file, and close the gap, will that work? And then, to write my own tags, should I just write the bytes to the front of the file? Or do I need to update other bits of the file so the player will know where the audio data has moved to?

Also, do I need to use unsynchronisation? How can I tell if I need to?

I've looked on CodeProject; I've googled; and I've read the specification on id3.org - which, by the way, is less than clear! For example, it says that the "Extended header size" can be 6 or 10 bytes in length. So um....how am I supposed to know which one? Is there some magic way of determining how many bytes this value is being stored as?

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How To Erase Or Write ID3v2 Tags To MP3s

Jan 15, 2011

What I don't understand is how to remove an ID3v2 tag or write one out. ID3v1 is easy - just truncate the file, then append some bytes. Simple. But ID3v2 tags don't have to be at the start of the file, do they? It's conventional, but by no means mandatory. If I just crop the entire ID3 out of the file, and close the gap, will that work? And then, to write my own tags, should I just write the bytes to the front of the file? Or do I need to update other bits of the file so the player will know where the audio data has moved to?Also, do I need to use unsynchronisation? How can I tell if I need to?I've looked on CodeProject; I've googled; and I've read the specification on id3.org - which, by the way, is less than clear! For example, it says that the "Extended header size" can be 6 or 10 bytes in length. So um....how am I supposed to know which one? Is there some magic way of determining how many bytes this value is being stored as?

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Set Up Taglib To Use?

Jan 11, 2011

How do I set up taglib to use? (imports etc.)

I downloaded taglib-1.6.3 and have it in a folder in my website

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TagLib# - MP3 Files, Tagging And Images.?

Nov 28, 2009

im using this MP3 tagging library called TagLib# or TagLibSharp.

Unfortunately the documentation is a bit patchy to say the least and their (Official) website, which contains all the documentation seems to have closed down, leaving me to download this MP3 tagging library from the link below.

Everything so far works, including tagging the 'Artist, Title, Album' etc. but I want to include an image in my MP3 files, like album art.I have found some sample code to read the image back from the tag using their library, I just can't work out what it would look like the other way around.

If filetotag.Tag.Pictures.Length >= 1 Then
Dim bin = DirectCast(filetotag.Tag.Pictures(0).Data.Data, Byte())
AlbumArt.Image = Image.FromStream(New MemoryStream(bin)).GetThumbnailImage(115, 115, Nothing, System.IntPtr.Zero)
End If

This code above will read an existing tag and load the image into a picture box called 'Album Art'.how to 'flip' it so that it would look something like ...

filetotag.Tag.Pictures = AlbumArt.Image

Obviously using the memory stream functions etc.

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TagLib# Windows Distribution Or Another Good ID3 Reader?

Feb 2, 2010

i wanted to write a quick program to get the file organization of my MP3 files back into sync with the info in my ID3 tags... I had tried to get the Windows Media Format SDK, but when i go to install it says it can only run on WinXP. Problem is it seems the official site is gone, and the other links i've found to a hosting on Novell's servers is also down. Anyone know where i can still get a distro of TagLib# for C#/VB.NET for Windows? Or another good ID3 tag reader?

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Get Artist Info From File?

Sep 18, 2009

I have an .mp3 file and I would like to get the artist information from that file and list it.. Problem Solved...Here's the code:

Public Class Form1
Private MyID3 As New CLS_ID3
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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How To Read Id3v2 Tags

Feb 15, 2012

I am using VB2008 and I am working on a project to read id3v2 tags. It can already read id3v1 tags, but the track name and artist are for maximum 30 characters. I want making it to read id3v2 tags?

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Working With ID3v2 Tags?

May 5, 2010

I've been reading up on ID3 tags and was wondering had any suggestions on where exactly to start. I'm hoping to code an application to view, edit and save ID3 tags to and from mp3's. However I've found that there isn't a hell of a lot of information geared towards beginners on the internet. Am I correct in assuming that I would have to create a binary reader and read a certain amount of bytes from the beginning of the file? I'm just trying to get an idea of where to start.

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Get Music And Video's Name , Images , Artist?

Mar 26, 2011

I currently making simple media player...but how can i get music and video information from .mp3 .wma .avi and other?

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Reading Lyrics From Mp3 ID3v2 Tags?

May 13, 2010

I have been making a media player in vb.net. I need to get information from the Mp3 Tags. First I used ID3v1 tag reading class which I downloaded from somewhere I don't Know. Well it was working fine. it retrieved information like Album, Artist etc. but i need to get the lyrics as well. So I got news that ID3v1 tags do not have lyrics in them as a field. So I tried ID3v2 tag reading class but that too did not help. Can't find any class that can get me the lyrics.

I tried to fiddle with the classes but only ended up messing the whole thing.

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Reading ID3v2 Text Identifier Tags When They Are Encoded In Unicode

Jun 13, 2007

I have a problem reading ID3v2 text identifier tags when they are encoded in unicode. If i update the tags using winamp the tags are encoded in UTF-16 with BOM. When i try to read the tag i step through each byte and use chr(byte) to get the character that that byte represents. But when the bytes are unicode i get some characters (shown below) as the first two characters:

The remaining characters are correct, it's just these 2 first ones.

What are these for? and how can i get rid of them or read the bytes as unicode characters? i've tried reading the ID3 website and many other sites too but i don't know what to do. i can check the text-encoding byte in that tag frame to determine whether or not the tag is encoded in unicode or ISO-8859-1 but i don't know what to do next.

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Internet Radio Listener - Display Live Artist / Song Info From Several Stations On A Windows Form?

Jan 22, 2010

but is there some way to create a program that would be able to listen to internet radio and possibly display live artist/song info from several stations on a windows form? Has anybody done anything like this or have any ideas as to how to tackle this?

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Get Album Art Of Songs?

Jul 1, 2009

How can I get the album art of a song file in visual basic.net?I use the Windows Media Player control if that helps anything.You can get album art with the SDK for creating skins, so it might be a similar way here.

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How To Go About Showing Album Art

Nov 23, 2009

How would I go about showing Album Art in visual basic.I use the windows media component and I would like to show the art in a picture box.

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Photo Album Controlled By Button?

May 17, 2011

"Create a "photo album" of your favorite musical band, favorite vacation, favorite sports team, etc. Include at least five pictures or images. Your photo album should include a button that advances the program to the next photo, as well as a label that describes the picture."The code i currently have is...

Public Class frmPhotos
Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ExitToolStripMenuItem.Click


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Unable To Download Album Cover

Jun 11, 2009

I've made some changes to code in order to add rows to a database and now am unable to download the cover image from Amazon.

Here's the code:

'---get the book cover image as a byte array---
Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream()
picCover.Image.Save(ms, picCover.Image.RawFormat)


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Uploading Photos To Album Via Facebook

Mar 13, 2012

I am trying to upload photos to facebook album with the aid of Facebook C# SDK ver., but keep failing with the following error: "OAuthException) (#200) Application does not have the capability to make this API call."

What I'm trying to achieve is:
Get Facebook PageID for a certain page, whose Admin I am
Create an image album on that page
Upload photos to that album

So far I managed to get Access Token for the page, and create an album inside that page. The code is:
Protected Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim fb As New Facebook.FacebookClient("MyAccessToken")
Dim dic As IDictionary(Of String, Object) = DirectCast(fb.Get("/me/accounts"), IDictionary(Of String, Object)) 'List of all my pages
[Code] .....

My App has the following permissions:create_note manage_pages offline_access photo_upload publish_stream read_stream share_item status_update user_photo_video_tags user_photos user_videos video_upload.

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Album Photos Not Displaying In Colorbox Using JQuery?

Feb 2, 2011

I am trying to use ColorBox to display photos from an album using the example fromEverything works fine like the photos for the selected album display in the DataList, the problem is that when I click on a photo, instead of using coloBox to display the photo, it opens the actual photo e.g. localhost:3478/FPOS_v2/uploads/08012011080.JPG

Below is the .aspx code:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">


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Click The Button To Make It Do Anything Album Just Disappears?

Feb 23, 2010

Okay I'm making a song organizer and I have a program that will load the files in a folder into a box and display the songs info into a list view. That part works fine but when you click the button to make it do anything it will get the variables that it need from the tags on the cells for each song but for some reason the one for the Album just disappears... I tried having it just show the value in a message box and it works fine. Just when I try to combine it with another variable then it wont show at all. Heres my code[code]...

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Display Information Like Song Title, Album?

Sep 27, 2010

i'm using a label to display information like song title, album, etc... in my visual basic program, some of those includes the & symbol & such, labels seem to dis-regard this character, is there any way to make label show this character or a similar thing that's meant for un-editable text?I don't want to use textbox/richeditbox just to make & symbol to appear, unless is there is a way to make it so you can't edit them & so they don't even look like they were ever editable, meaning get rid of the box around text & background, or something..that is only way i'd like using those controls

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Get Files Title & Album Name & Track Number?

Sep 26, 2010

Well I have some music files I want to load up from my program, it is meant to list out all the files album name, song title, track number, etc... it's meant to be a custom player which can load up mp3 files & play them.I can get files to play & everything fine, list out directory it's stored in, full file path & file name & such & extension but stuff like album name, song title, track number, song length I am unable to find out how to get this info.

Previous stuff has showed a way to retrieve them from the file by reading certain bytes & stuff but doesn't work because apparentally the album art is inside the file & at the beginning instead of the other information tags, since such pictures are bigger or smaller at times, I can't simply determine with my current knowledge how to read out the album art either or determine how long of text it would be to skip over, then at that point that the tags are in the place ..maybe there is a way from managed code to do this or API? Reading bytes to determin the info & re-create the album art, and piece together the album name, song title, etc... isn't what I want to do, I want something that's easier to do, I thought it would be simple to make a program just to play some music.

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How To Programmatically Change File Description Album Name

Aug 23, 2010

I know album name is usually to music files & stuff probably but I guess album is what I need to categorize my video files correctly in Windows Media Player as it does organize my music files correctly when using album name & title. Anyways, these files I just want to change album name at the least & the description is something else I'd like to change on them as well. These files when I right click & go to properties then over to the details tab will show all the things like it usually does, but it will not let me change them. I am guessing this has to do because they are protected type files but I just want to change some things so they display correctly in Windows Media Player.

It already lets me change attributes inside Windows Media Player & at the bottom pane of the screen in explorer when the file is selected of attributes the file already had, but it won't let me add in the album name & description since it didn't start with one. I don't want to get rid of the protection on the files to be able to add these attributes either as I thought that was illegal or something, plus I don't want to download another program I don't have just to do this, whether it be a protection remover (which I said above, I think is illegal, even if it wasn't or isn't, I still wouldn't want to do that anyways) or even a thing that can change the attributes for me I wouldn't want to download since I just don't like downloading things that I won't use often, even if it's easy to remove & everything.

Since I already have VIsual Basic 2010 Express Edition installed I would just like to code something to change these attributes programmatically. It can be a simple textbox which is the location of the file and a button which changes the album name and description to "Just Text" that way I can put in each file I want to change & then click a button and it will be good from there. I will be able to change the variables after they are there to what I want after that from explorer or windows media player so I don't care for having textbox to change album name & description per file as I can just do this in explorer afterwords to what I want. By the way, files are in .wmv file format.

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Storyboard To Mimic The Way IPhone Flips Album Art?

Jun 12, 2009

Trying to mimic the way the IPhone flips the album art to the songs list. I want to pass in two generic objects and have the storyboard flip them. I can get the slide effect, but have not figured out how to scale the object so it appears to be rotating and not just sliding.

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VS 2010 - ITunes Album Artwork Display

Apr 29, 2010

The current application that I'm working on requires showing the album artwork of the current song playing in iTunes. I have the itunes reference and all of that. I can control iTunes fine. But I can't seem to find a way to display the album artwork of the current song play.

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VS 2010 FACEBOOK: Create A Photo Album?

Apr 26, 2011

According to the facebook documentation To create a new, empty photo album, POST the album name and optional description to [url] I'm using the Facebook Graph Toolkit. For the most part, I'm able to do most everything I want to do. This tool makes uploading images very easy but unfortunately, it does not currently have the capability to create a photo album before uploading. I contacted the author of the toolkit and he said that the source code was available. This was a huge help but unfortunately, even after seeing how he post photos, I was unable to to succesfully create an album. Here is my


I get the following error message: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. at Dim WR As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()

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Asp.net - Create A Small Photo Album Layout In .net Using A Listview?

Jun 16, 2011

I am trying to create a small photo album layout in vb.net using a listview that when a new album has been created it shows it in the listview as a 3 x 2 grid. But when it gets more than a 3 x 2, I want it to just show a link listing all albums.

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