Writing Command Into Cmd?

Apr 2, 2010

my problem is how i can write this code

SCHTASKS /Create /S system /U domainuser /P password /SC MINUTE /MO 5 /TN rtest2 /TR calc.exe /ST 12:00:00 /SD 15/09/2001 /ED 15/09/2001 /RU runasuser /RP *

in .bat flle using vb.net2003?

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Writing Commands To Command Prompt ?

Apr 28, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 2010, VB to compile my program. My program include having to open a command prompt and writing a command to it.and display the output/errors in a textbox. But i can't seems to make it display it in a textbox and it opens ALOT of command prompts windows.

Private Sub btnStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStart.Click
Dim P As New Process[code].....

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Send A Command To A Command Line And Then Submit The Command?

Apr 30, 2010

First let me say that I am not sure whether or not this should go in this section or the API section, and if it needs to be moved I apologize. My issue is fairly straight forward, but for some reason I cannot get it to work.

I am trying to send a command to a command line and then submit the command. I have been trying without success to get this to work in v2008 Express and v2010 Express, Here is the code I am trying to us:

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" ( _
ByVal lpClassName As String, _
ByVal lpWindowName As String _


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Using Psexec.exe From PsTools To Send A Command To A Remote System To Fire A Command

Mar 17, 2010

I am currently using psexec.exe from PsTools to send a command to a remote system to fire a command through a command prompt however I am finding that the shell I am doing does not seem to like the spaces in the path.


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ExecuteReader Requires Command To Have Transaction When Connection Assigned To Command Is In Pending Local Trans?

Nov 8, 2007

Any ideas on how I handle the following error thrown in the SqlDataAdapter.Fill as a result of the BeginTrans in the callee?

System.InvalidOperationException = {"ExecuteReader requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction.The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized."}


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IDE :: ExecuteReader Requires Command To Have Transaction When Connection Assigned To Command Is In Pending Local Trans?

Jun 30, 2010

Public Sub ExecuteTransaction(ByVal connectionString As String) Using connection As New OleDbConnection(connectionString)

Dim command
As New OleDbCommand()
Dim transaction
As OleDbTransaction


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Command Line Switches - Keeping Command Window Open?

Feb 24, 2010

I am using the following code to run defrag and to analyze if the C: drive requires defragmentation:

Dim analyze As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:WindowsSystem32defrag.exe", "C: /a /h /u /v")

This process runs through analyzing, runs it in normal mode & prints the progress to the command window.

My problem is that as soon as the process is complete the command window closes. I need it to stay open so that I can read the results.

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Send Command To Command Line From Windows Form Application?

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to send a command to the external command line (cmd.exe) from the Windows form application that I'm writing in VB.NET (using VS2008).

I can only access the external program thru the command line (its not my program) and I must do so from a form app.

I am trying to use the following code. I am able to call a cmd.exe window, but I can't pass the command line my command.

Using mp As New Process
With mp.StartInfo
.FileName = "cmd.exe"


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Add New Sql Command To DataSet's Command Collection And Fill DataTable?

Jan 16, 2010

I want to add a new select command to my dataset. To do that, I have added a new partial class to my project. Because we have to use partial class if we want to extend generated dataset codes. [code]...

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Command Line Program To End Before Moving Onto The Next Command In Loop?

Feb 4, 2011

I am using a CheckedListBox that is populated with Filenames (full path, i.e. C:TestTest.jpg)When I have the files that I want in the CheckedListBox I wish to click a Start Button which will process the list one at a time using an exe program that runs on the Command Line. There are arguments that need to pass to the command line as well as the file location in order for the program to process.I currently have it working but the issue is the loop finishes quickly and it is left up to the CMD.exe to finish the process. What I would like is for the LOOP to wait until each file completes processing before passing the command for the next file in the CheckedListBox.There some reasons I wish for it to work this way.

1) I would like to have a button that can Pause/Restart the Loop.

2) I would like to have a button that can Stop the Loop so the whole process can end.

3) I would like to have the Loop remove each file one by one from the CheckedListBox after it has been processed.

4) I would like to display a Message once all the files have been processed.

5) And if it were possible I would like to report the status either by text or a progress bar showing where it is at in the process.

6) And the ability to add some error handling if possible.

Since the Loop finishes so quickly as it just passes the command to the command line using the & as a seperator it is the command line that is handling the rest of the process. Because of this there is not control over it in the GUI.The code I am using allows the Command Line text to display in the Form so it won't open up a seperate window to run CMD.exe. This is the desired affect as I would like everything to appear to run from within the Form itself.


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Insert Command Not Functional After Clear Command In Vb Report

Aug 21, 2011

User need to select their prefferable data to show in report. What i did is i have a clear command first to delete the temporary table. The temporary table is basically a table to stored user selection parameter data. After the clear command, i have
a insert command to insert user selection data into the temporary table. What happened now is when i run the program exe, first run of the report is work fined, but not the second and the following times of execution. It will return null or blank report. The weird thing is when i execute it from development environment, it seem like the report is able to pick up user selection parameter and run the report for the first times and the subsequent execution.

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Preset A Command And Have The Command Called On Different Option Clicks?

May 18, 2009

i have seen this in many codes, just not sure where to start and how to call the command. what i'm talking about is having code as such (this is for save file dialog):


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Command Prompt 'Copy' Command Equivalent

Apr 24, 2011

In the Windows Shell, there is a command that looks like this: copy /b fileA.zip + fileB.jpg fileC.jpg..Is there any equivalent function in VB.NET? I already know this works: [code] But I would much rather have a built-in function to work with. Here is what I am trying to do: url...Also, this doesn't just work for pictures. It works for any binary file. Is there any way in VB.NET to tell if a file is binary or text?

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Hide Characters In SET Command On Command Prompt?

Feb 6, 2011

Is there a way to hide the characters of a "set /p password=Enter Password:" command? Or any new strand not using the SET command i could use instead?

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.NET - Pass Command On Command Line?

May 29, 2012

I am struggling to pass a parameter to a VB.NET application via a Windows scheduled task. It works perfectly in Visual Studio (passing a command line arguement via project properties).If I am calling a VB6 application, then I will supply the following parameters and it works:

Run: c:progra~1TestTest.exe TestParameter Start In: c:progra~1Test However, if I supply the same parameters in VB.NET, the program throws an exception when it tries to create an instance of a class in the Form.Load: System.NullReferenceException cannot create instance of object.

I have also tried the following:Run: c:program filesTestTest.exe TestParameter Start In: "c:program filesTest" This time the status of the scheduled task changes to "cannot start".What is the correct way to specify command line parameters in a scheduled task for a VB.NET program?UPDATE I found the solution on this web page:[URL}.. I am still confused as to why the program would not create an instance of an object when I used the 8 bit paths (i.e. progra~1)

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Command Text Was Not Set For Command Object

Apr 23, 2011

I'm running into the following error message when I click the button event: Command text was not set for the command object. [code]

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Command Text Was Not Set For The Command Object

Dec 21, 2009

If I comment out MdiUpdate() this run fine. When I run it with MdiUpdate I get the following Error...

"Mdi") Command text was not set for the command object.

I have also taken the code from the select statement and put it into the other 2 (replace the CliendGroupID = 3) and it works fine
Here is the code:

Class NewFileInput
Dim inc As Integer


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Command Line Argument: Check If Correct Command Line Or Exit App?

Jun 6, 2012

I have beginner skills using VB (am using the Express edition to learn). I would like to know how to set up a conditional statement in a Windows Form (WF) app that would check if a specific command line has been passed by another separate app that launchesthe Windows Form app using command lines, and if not passed, then the Windows Form app would shut down (exit, close).So far, I can use:

For Each s As String In My.Application.CommandLineArgs
If s <> "xyz" Then


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Command Prompt "Copy" Command Equivalent?

Feb 10, 2012

In the Windows Shell, there is a command that looks like this:copy /b fileA.zip + fileB.jpg fileC.jpgIs there any equivalent function in VB.NET? I already know this works:Shell("cmd copy /b fileA.zip + fileB.jpg fileC.jpg")

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Open Command Prompt And Run The Command "netstat -a"

Oct 2, 2011

I'm starting to make a program that will run some commands, so i need some code that will open command prompt and run the command "netstat -a".

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C# - .NET Equivalent Of The Command Prompt "where" Command?

Nov 8, 2011

In .NET, is there an equivalent of the "where" command that is present on Windows Vista and Windows 7 machines? I need to resolve the hard path to an executable that is defined in the system path at install time, and not everyone installs everything using the default installation path.

Currently I call the "where" command as an external process, but this only works on Vista and Windows 7 machines, this does not work on XP out of the box.

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Writing Into Cmd

Apr 3, 2010

How write folllowing into cmd schtasks /create /tn "savita"

Here savita is value in the textbox1, i dnt knw how to write " into cmd

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Writing One 2D Array Onto Another?

Sep 7, 2009

It would be easy enough to make my own system for this, but I'm figuring that the .NET library, being as massive as it is, probably already has a class made for this very purpose.For hit detection, my VB.NET game uses two 2D arrays that store the state of each pixel in the level. Each element in these arrays is a Byte (or, more accurately, a value of a flag enumeration type based on Byte).

Public TiHD(,) As HitDT ''//State of each pixel in the level based on
''// its underlying tile.
Public SpHD(,) As HitDT ''//State of each pixel in the level based on[code].....

I would enjoy being able to just give each sprite & tile its own 2D array of hit detection data (defining which pixels of the object are solid, dangerous, etc) that can be directly written to TiHD or SpHD at a specified offset.I'm willing to bet that .NET has a class that can do this for me.Presumably I would just have to pass TiHD or SpHD to the constructor, and then I would be able to use the object to indirectly modify the array with extended functionality (similar to using a Graphics object to modify a Bitmap). Is there such a class?

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.net - Concerned With Writing Xml?

Apr 18, 2009

I have a mail application. While sending to each recipient I am writing to an XML file named mail.xml. I use the following code:

Dim from As String = txtFrom.Text
Dim txto As String = txtTo.Text
Dim subj As String = txtSubject.Text
Dim body As String = txtBody.Text


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.Net Writing To The Cd Drive?

Jun 21, 2010

I have been searching the net for information on backing up files to cd from vb.net application cannot find anything?

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C# - .NET And P2P - Writing A P2P Messenger

Mar 22, 2010

how to write such app? Or maybe knows some nice tutorial? I would like to use System.Net.PeerToPeer namespace, but everything I can find about it is MSDN which I can't read without getting mad. Or maybe using "old-school" TCP/IP would more efficient?

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DB/Reporting :: Writing To A New Row

May 17, 2008

I am currently making an old school adventure game for a college project, it uses an Access database (dbGameStats) which has the primary key (gameStatsId) which is an auto number. The main form of the game holds the data bindings, dragged into text boxes, and the various screens of the game are shown over the top of the main form. So on the main form I have highscore and player name text boxes, bound to the corresponding database fields, when running the program, the user enters a name, the highscore field is altered as the game progresses and when the user exist the database is updated using this:


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Matching And Writing?

Sep 17, 2009

I have two files like this

File one
[2 11.63 39.7] X7.705 Y0.735 209.037
Open -209.037
18N694 P321 117461, 50374 100MIL;


what i need to do is from file 1 let say my line is like this

[2 11.63 39.7] X7.705 Y0.735 209.037
Open -209.037
18N694 P321 117461, 50374 100MIL;

from the line i must take P321 and match with my File2 if i find the mathing line like this

12N709 11.3611 4.9474 P321 L6 BOTTOM 100MIL 43-CHISEL X11.3611Y4.9474 1922 0

then i must take the value beside P321 which is L6 and write it in my original file like this

[2 11.63 39.7] X7.705 Y0.735 209.037
Open -209.037
18N694 P321 117461, 50374 100MIL; L6

How we can do this. To get the P321 from my file 1 can i use regex pattern like this P*[0-9]. And how to match the regex pattern with file 2 write the content ?

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Writing A Varible To Hex

Apr 13, 2012

i have made a program that converts a number you put into a text field into hex What i now want to is to be able to write that variable into the file as hex still [code]if that worked that is what i want to do but it doesn't can you help me

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Writing DataGridView To XML

Oct 4, 2008

This is my first post and I'm not sure if this is the best place for this but I hope so. I am currently making my own very basic mp3 player. I have set it up to import songs and load their ID3 tags into a DataGridView. My problem is that I want to save these to a XML file. I know that I can easily save a DataSet to XML but I'm not sure how to convert my DataGridView into a DataSet or if there is another way to save it as an XML file.

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