Writing That Polls Machines Every 40ms And Depending On The Result Of The Poll Sometype Of Action Is Taken?

Jan 13, 2012

I have an application that i am writing that polls machines every 40ms and depending on the result of the poll sometype of action is taken. i have each machine that is polled run in a separte thread. this all works fine.

what i want to add to it is to use a timer and either on a tick or elapsed time fire inside of each thread at lets say a 1 minute interval to update a file with stats about each thread and the machine it is connect to. for example below if a start polling 3 machines on com1 2 and 3 and poll them. machine 1 may have 102 copies machine 2 200 copies and machine 3 400 copies. i want a timer theat ticks every 1 minute that will fire within each thread and record those results


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Writing File/Folder Sync Prog, Result Text Boxes Not Updating Untill After All File Action Is Done Even Though Update Code Comes Before Copy?

Apr 12, 2011

I am working on a program using VB.Net 2010 which will enable me to setup groups of files & folders for back up with syncing capabilities etc. I have a concept program which is based on some sample code I found out in one of the VB.Net forums. I have modified it from a command line based program to a form based program. At the moment I consider this code to be a "concept" program which once I have the various copy/sync routines developed and debugged will be integrated in to another program I wrote for
creating "Back Up" groups to automate the process. There are some 3rd party programs that do similar things that I want to do such as Microsofts Sync Toy, but none of them offer the grouping and exclusions options that I am going to program in to this backup/sync program.

So here is my problem, I have the included code taking two folders, a source and a destination, and copying everything from the source to the destination. It will skip over any unchanged files/folders and will delete anything found in the destination folder that is not found in the source folder and it will update all files in the destination folder that have a newer version in the source folder. In other words it will mirror image the source to the destination but will be smart enough not to copy unchanged items from the source to the destination thereby saving a lot of time. The sync part of the program is working fine, the displaying of the progress and results is not.


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Double Request - Fill The Second Page Fields And How To Choose The Right Button Depending The Action To Take

Jun 15, 2010

I have a web page that I need to log in, the first page is not a problem I can log in as it only has the company name to enter, but from here is where I have problems, as when the first page is done, I am directed to a second page with two fields that has to be filled, filename and author, then depending on the action you have to click on in button,out,button delay button, here is where I need help, how do I fill the second page fields and how to chose the right button depending the action to take.

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Asp.net - Function Chaining Depending On Boolean Result

Jun 7, 2010

This is just an efficiency question really.. I'm interested to know if there is a more efficient or logical way that people use to handle this sort of scenario.

In my asp.net application I am running a script to generate a new project my code at the top level looks like this:

Dim ok As Boolean = True
ok = createFolderStructure()
If ok Then ok = createMDB()


I create a boolean and each function returns a boolean result, the next function in this chain will only run if the previous one was successful. I do this because an asp.net application will continue to run through the page life cycle unless there is an unhandled exception and I don't want my whole application to be screwed up if something in the chain goes wrong (there is a lot of copying and deleting of files etc.. in this example).

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Set A Default Value In A Combobox Depending On Result From A Dataset?

Jun 6, 2012

I have a small section of a windows form that allows users to select when a customer should be called (i.e. day of the week, time and inbound or outbound)When the form is loaded I will extract the information using a dataset and bind to form controls. I want to use a combo box for call stautus - inbound or outbound - however wish to give the user the choice at runtime.My thoughts are I would need to set a static list (so the user could choose) and set the default or displayed value to the info the dataset has extracted.This code to select the index doesnt work when I am comparing the dataset result to the "Outbound" string even though I am using the ToString method.

Private Sub TestTelesalesForm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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Change Rows On Gridview Depending On SQL Query Result?

Dec 6, 2010

Im trying to change the information on each row depending on the result from the query. Im thinking that at the minute my problem is that I'm only returning the first result from the query into the result.

e.g. query returns row 1 with '1232' row 2 '1243' but result is only ever set to '1232'

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Set Value Of A Gridview Column Depending On Result From MS Access Query?

May 7, 2011

I have a query which is pulling values from a table in MS Access

tblInstructor.Football AS InstructorRole,


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Polls A USB Controller For Changes Using DirectInput?

Jun 4, 2010

I've been working with code that polls a USB controller for changes using DirectInput, however I would much prefer I could make it event-driven instead (to cut CPU usage). Does anyone know if there is some method of doing this with DirectInput? I can provide the code upon request.

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Connect Client Machines With Sql Server Machines?

Dec 7, 2011

How to connect client machines with sql server machines ?Vb.Net as front end.

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.net - Add Items From ObjectCollection To An IList(Of SomeType)?

Nov 12, 2010

How could I add ObjectCollection items to an IList(Of SomeType)?I have tried with:

For Each obj As SomeType In listBox.Items 'ObjectCollection MyObject.ItProperty.Add(obj) 'IList Next

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Enhanced Student Poll Application?

Oct 29, 2011

I'm reviewing a midterm visual basic exam question that I got didn't code correctly and I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong.

The problem is:"Figure 7.4 contains an array of survey responses that is hard-coded (1-5) into the program. Suppose we wish to process survey results that are stored in a file. First, create an application that enables the user to write survey responses to a file. Use StreamWriter to create a file called SurveyResponses.txt and write each response on a separate line. Modify the code in fig. 7.4 to read the survey responses from SurveyResponses.txt by using StreamReader. THe program should continue to read responses until it reaches the end of file. The results should be output to a text box."

Note:the output of figure 7.4 is as follows and the frequency is incremented when a user submits a response.

Rating Frequency

My issue is that I use StreamReader and StreamWriter to allow the user to select a location to save the file and to open the file. I believe VB must automatically create a file and automatically open it, which I cannot figure out how to do it.

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Using Arrays To Display Poll Results ?

Nov 18, 2011


I removed line numbers from your code, So now it is line 22. Dont put line numbers, they are auto generated frequency(responses(answer)) += 1

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.net - Silverlight Datacontext, Repeats All The Past Commands/action Each Time A New Action Is Performed On It

Mar 28, 2011

a datacontext defined in a module(domain services ado.net ria)a page having add/delete methods whenever any method is executed, it is found that all the previous actions (NEW RECORD ADDITION and DELETION OF RECORDS) are carried out before the new action is carried out normally

this behaviour is not prominent but "when using break points and inspecting the values of the variables and table object to be added to context, it is clear that all the previous actions take place again. even when the datacotext. savechanges is called, even after that still all actions carried out on the datacontext repeat themseleves, when any new action is to be carried out

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End Result Of Combobox Selection Keep Showing Same Multiple End Result When There Is Only One Entry?

Dec 10, 2010

I am currently having a headache on how to solve this problem that i am facing. here is the situation: I have a combobox and a list box on the main form. The combobox will get the data from the ms access database. In the database, i have the details of a person's IC, Name and DOB say for eg on one entry I have D215311523C,SHAWN,13/04/1987 So now, my combobox on form load will show the list of dates in the database to allow the user to search base on the date itself by clicking on the selected date. So when the user clicks on the particular date say 13/04/1987, people in the database whose birthday is 13/04/1987 will be shown on the listbox.Meaning to say if i have 3 entries whose dates are the same 13/04/1987, 3 entries will appear. If there is only two entry, then two results will be shown. But now, when i do a single click on the date, one result will be shown. That is correct. But the problem is when i click on the same date again, three of the same results will be shown on the list box. that is it will display : 13/04/1987 13/04/1987 13/04/1987 which is not the case. Then it will show more duplicates of the same results if i click more times on the same date which should not be the case.

Dim n As Integer
Dim numbers() As Integer
Dim StartFrom As Integer
Dim EndAt As Integer


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IDE :: When There Is No Result In Grid Result Column, Disable The Save Button

Sep 25, 2010

I am using a datagrid in my where i am having four columns. In first column the parameter values are entered and in the second column measured value is entered and in third column the nominal value is entered.Inthe fourth column the result is displayed by subtracting the measured value and nominal values. I am doing this calculation in Datagrid cell validated event. What i want is,there will be many rows in the grid,when typing the value in the third column the corresponding result will be displayedin the rowof theresult column,save button will be displayed while the form loads,when the calculate part is completed that is there should not any cell of the resut column empty then i should enable the save butto.

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Make An Array And Put Result Every Time The Serial Port Gives A New Result?

Oct 14, 2009

I am encountering the following issue So i have a device that sends stuff at the serial port, i then parse it and put it into an array of bytes like that:

Dim HCI_Command_Rcvd_Byte() As Byte All good till here What i wanna do is make an array and put this result every time the serial port gives me a new result, for example:


Basically what i wanna do is let the port parse the messages, fill in the array with the result at an empty spot in this array and then i will have a separate thread that will look in into this array in each non empty space and after it looks into the non empty space it will use or discard the info and also mark this space as empty (after it checked)

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Limit Result Being Put Into DataSet And Get Next Result From Database

Apr 16, 2010

I just read about DataSet in VB.NET, it uses disconnected concept. My question is: if my apps has "List All" button that query data from 1 table in the database, and that table has "very very very" many rows, so my DataSet will be filled with those data and eat up memory. Can I limit the data that being put to the DataSet from that query? But I want to be able to retrieve the next data from the same query if the user want to see it?

For example:
I have 1000 rows in my database, and i query all of them. But I just want 200 rows being inserted to my DataSet, but if the user want to see rows number 201 and so on, I want to be able to retrieve the next 200 rows, and so on. So it just like cutting those data into a group of 200 rows. Can I do this with the concept of "disconnected" of the DataSet?

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App Not Working On SOME XP Machines

Aug 19, 2011

I have developed an application is VS2010 ( VB app using .NET4 ) ... the application runs fine under Windows 7 and on (3) XP machines we have here. Had one user looking for support on an XP machine ... when he started the app nothing happened. No errors or anything, just nothing happened. Had him install the latest .NET4 framework and everything was fine.

Just had another support issue ... user with the same complaint ... had him install latest .NET4 ... but this time did not fix the issue ... still nothing happens when he clicks to start the app ... no errors ... just nothing happens.

I can't check this because it runs on all our XP machines .... Is the only criteria that .NET4 be installed? I created an install that includes only the EXE from the BINRELEASE folder ... nothing else. Do I need anything else. Strange that it works on all our XP machines.

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Compile - Cannot Run .exe On Some Machines

Jun 21, 2010

I have a small form program that is basically an interface for installing different software packages so that we can distribute a CD with our products that our customers can just pop in the drive, autorun, and click the button to install what they need. The problem that I am running into is unlike when I had built this same program in VB6, the program rewritten in VB.net will not run on some machines, and shows me an error: .net Framework initialization error. required version of .net framework v2.0.50727.

I realize that it is asking for that version of .net framework in order to run, but what I would really like to know is if there is a way to make my exe non-dependant on this so that it will run on any machine. Requiring my customers to install .net framework in order to access an interface designed just to idiotproof the installation of some setup files and provide easy access to a few pdf's really would just defeat the purpose.

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How To Switch Machines

May 28, 2012

I have two machines, on the first of which I have developed my application to a point of satisfactory stability. Now I want to move everything to my second machine.Both computers have the same level of XP and NET Framework code, and both have Visual Studio 2010 at the same level.I copied my application's project folder onto the second machine, but the second machine's VS 10 can't load the project because it can't find a couple of Interop files (e.g., AxMSComCtl2). All of files are present in the project folder and also in its.bin subfolder. The only observable difference between the two machines is the presence, on the first machine, of some Assemblies stored under my user name there. Copying the Assemblies to the second machine didn't help (I hadn't thought it would).Is my application permanently "imprinted" on my first computer, or is there a simple way of resusitating its clone?

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Running On Other Machines?

Feb 25, 2012

My name is Jack, I developed a program and I wanted to run it on a clients PC. I used deifferent framework and that didn't work but when I used 3.5 client, it said it had stopped working and I know my client has .net framework 4 and when I did it with 4.0 client it didnt say it had stopped working it just didn't show up but the notification icon showed up for 2 seconds.

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Use (.exe) Tool In Other Machines

Oct 13, 2008

i have created a tool written in C# that would parse string (from 3 files) using regular expressions then throw all the matches in a grid. It works fine on my machine.. It returns matches from those 3 input files.. The problem is when i use that tool (.exe) in other machines..there are no errors. The program works fine for the first 2 files.. but doesn't return matches on the 3rd file.I tried copying the codes in one of the machines just to trace the problem, but when i run the program, it suddenly worked fine.. from then, the program is working fine on that machine.


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Use One EXE On Multiple Machines?

Nov 26, 2010

I have one EXE on my server machine (Windows Server 2003) and now i want users on multiple computers (Windows XP) to create one shortcut on there repective machine and access this EXE.

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.net Encryption Result Does Not Match The Xcode Encryption Result Given The Same Input Parameters?

Jun 21, 2011

I have set up a method in vb.net and in xcode for encrypting a string using as far as i can tell the same parameters for an AES encryption.I've looked all over the place but cannot find information on whether they use the same encryption algorithm and settings.

this is the vb.net code:

Dim encryptAES As New AesCryptoServiceProvider()
Dim encoding As New UTF8Encoding()
Dim encryptor As ICryptoTransform
encryptAES.Key = encoding.GetBytes("12345678901234567890123456789032")
encryptAES.IV = encoding.GetBytes("1234567890123416")
encryptAES.Mode = CipherMode.CBC


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App Runs Slow On Other Machines?

May 24, 2009

Basically i have designed an app that runs smoothly on my desktop PC (3GHz processor, 2GB RAM, Windows XP Media Centre (SP3)).

When i put the app on my laptop(1.4GHz processor, 448MB RAM, Windows XP Home Edition (SP2)) it runs really slow and is unusable.

I have tried deploying the app and also just copy the whole folder to my laptop and run the apps *.exe from the bin/debug folder, but it has the same results.

I have tested it on higher spec machines with 2GB RAM and they also replicate the slowness, so i'm at a loss as to why it behaves 100% on my desktop PC, where i have Visual Studio installed but not on any other machine.

My question is if little differences like operating system, RAM, service packs, VS installation, etc, make apps run differently on different machines.

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Cannot Execute Exe On Machines Other Than The Developer?

Jul 19, 2011

I updated a VB.NET application from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010 and made a few changes to it. Now it works fine on my development workstation but when the user tries to run it, it fails. The error detail is below. I've searched for System.InvalidOperationException and found several suggestions but none of them have helped. There isn't any static initialization code in the application. I changed the compilation to x86 instead of AnyCpu. None of these has helped. The project is compiled for .NET 3.5 and that hasn't changed. Both environments are Windows 7 64-bit.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I might determine what is causing this?


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Global Variable Across All Machines?

May 31, 2009

I'm focusing on Networking programming and I had found something that was very interesting to me in Remoting, which is the ability to have some how a "shared global variable accross applications" ... Here's a quick example of what I'm saying (which is stripped and modified from one found example on internet):

In the Remoting class:

Code:Namespace remoteclass Public Class xx Inherits MarshalByRefObject
Public Shared_Var As String 'This is our share variable
End ClassEnd Namespace


I found that I can eaisly use this red-marked variable (Shared_Var) acrross all application clients without any extra line of code to update its value ... without using even what is called "singlecall" and "sigletron".

But I have concerns:

1) This is only applicable for simple types of variables (e.g. string and integer) but an array or DataTable for example are not updated! and I don't know why!!

2) Would that load the communication network (I mean the content of these shared variables (few KBs to 1MB) will always be communicated across machines all the time without any management) ... Actually I don't how this works from inside, Does it update on change or cyclic ...

3) And finally, can I found something like this in WCF?

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How To Run Application On Multiple Machines

Jun 22, 2010

I have created a Office management software in vb.net & access, but i m not able to run it multiple machines.

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Notify Change Across Machines?

May 11, 2011

I have an object with a GUI interface. This has properties and methods. When this object is modified by anyone, on any machine, all other users should reflect the change, without specifically asking for a refresh. How can I achieve this? Imagine that the Object is static across users. I need complete details on going about it

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Pinging A List Of Machines?

Feb 1, 2012

I have a list of machines, 1 per line in a file called devices.txt.

What I need to be able to do is to ping each of these machines, and then output each machine that is online to another text file called machines.txt

The files need to just be the machine name and have 1 machine per line.

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