'Listen' To Microphone Input And Playback Simultaneously?

Mar 23, 2012

I'm developing a Public Announcement appplication with two main features:

1. Record audio and playback on event (I've achieved this)

2. Allow 'realtime' playback on event - no recording, just a live announcement

So, how can I cause the microphone input to be sent to the speakers simulatiously as the announcer speaks?

mciSendString("open new Type waveaudio Alias recsound", "", 0, 0)
mciSendString("play recsound", "", 0, 0)

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VS 2008 - Realtime Microphone Playback (Like Amplifier)

Mar 13, 2011

I need to make an application that plays the microphone line in the same time I speak to it, somewhat like an amplifier, so I can talk to the microphone without recording and my speakers play that sound at the same time! Its pretty difficult for me because I am really new at this type of applications and off course I don't have any idea about microphone line in volume control coding too!

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Get Microphone Input In Vb?

May 25, 2009

ACTUALLY I Am try To develop a program that have voice recognition..How CAN I do THat

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MP3 To Microphone Input

Jul 26, 2011

I have no idea how to tackle this project. I need to write an MP3 file to the microphone in. So when i'm using VOIP, the mp3 file get played. I tried to write an mp3 to the default CAPTURE DRIVE with directsound out (with Naudio): this doesnt work (it does compile, execute, but the microphone in does not seem to get input:


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Get Microphone Input Level In VB?

Feb 1, 2010

I am a beginner in VB, and I would like to make an oscilloscope display - showing voltage level of microphone input.

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Get The Microphone Input Level?

Jan 25, 2010

for an application I need to get the microphone input level and "display" it with a ProgressBar.

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Get Usb Microphone Input Level?

May 10, 2010

How to get usb microphone input level ?

(i am refering to peak volume input)

what import statement, source code to use ?

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How To Access Raw Data Of Microphone Input

May 6, 2012

I'm writing a windows application that need to access the raw data of the microphone input. Basically there's an electronic circuit connect to the microphone jack, and I need to get that data and process it. All I could find are some examples of using API to save the data to a wav file or something like that. But I need to process the data in real time. Get the exactly value of the input on that time. Is it possible?

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Monitor Live Microphone Input?

Jun 26, 2010

How can I monitor live microphone input?

I've read this site but that's only for recording[code]...

How can I monitor it live? Or change the input volume?

I'm programming on Windows Vista with languages vb.net and c#.

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Send Beep Through Microphone Input?

Nov 21, 2011

Is a way of creating a program (either in C(+,++,#) or VB.net) that would be able to send a beep sound through the same line-in that is being used for audacity (not stereo mix)?

I am trying to make a way of syncing up audio and video from 2 different programs, in a similar way that a clapper bored works in the movies.

Would there be a way of using a sort of microphone enhancement that could be created because they affect the microphone input?

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VB Or C# - Run App In System Tray And Listen To Keyboard Input Without App In Focus

Mar 28, 2010

I want to make an app which on loading sits in the system tray and even after I open another program (say notepad or vlc or anything) i.e. even when the app is not in focus and if I press "G" on my keyboard, the tray icon should show a tool tip - "key G is pressed". I have tried several codes but nothing works when the app goes out of focus. I can use Register Hot Key [url] but it needs a modifier also (like Ctrl or Alt etc. along with my key G). So, is there any way I can achieve this? something which many tray icons do like antivirus apps, etc. and I do not want to use AutoHotkey application.

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Access Webcam And Microphone Input In Program?

Sep 20, 2009

How can you access the webcam and microphone in VB.net, assuming the user even has one?

I fail to see a My.Computer.Webcam or My.Computer.Microphone, both of which would probably have been a nice addition.

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Analyzing Sound Level From Microphone Input?

Mar 27, 2009

I have a external hardware that has a miniplug output that i connected to my pc microphone input. That output has two posible states, white noise or no sound at all.What im trying to do is an application that would fire an event every time there is a change from one state to the other.

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Audio Which Has Been Streamed As Input To Virtual Microphone?

Mar 11, 2010

I would like to add a virtual microphone (similar to how you can have a virual CD drive and then mount ISO files on it.) so that it can be selectable in programs like MSN and skype. But have the source of the audio be streamed from over a network(I know how to stream the audio over the network in VB.net) but how do I get that audio which has been streamed as the input to the virtual microphone?

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Change CD Playback Speed?

Aug 22, 2010

Well I made this application [URL] and I need to be able to change the speed which the CD Plays at?

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Different Playback Speed Mediaplayer

Dec 27, 2009

I am making a program that works with my hometrainer so i can now have my speed and distanse on my screen but now when i start byking i would like to play a video on my screen also when i am biking slow the video has to play slow when i am biking fast the video has to play fast is there any one how can tell my how todo this whith a sample

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Choose Between Different Sound Cards For Playback

May 2, 2010

I have a program that I have been building for quite some time, which is sort of a media center type of program. One of the features it includes is a CallerID and call management system that I have integrated into it.I am actually turning the ringers off on my phones, and the program will have it's own ringer instead. One reason i'm doing that is, it is programmed only to ring if I actually have the number already in my phonebook (i.e. no more telemarketers), and other features like quiet time (after a preset time, let's say 11:00 the phone won't ring).So anyhow I have 2 sound cards in my system. One sound card is connected to my living room home theater, which would be for watching tv, movies, etc.The other sound card is going to a separate amplifier that will power speakers that are throughout the house. I want to be able to programatically tell my program to output sound on the secondary sound card.It will be just a simple wav file, and hopefully speech as well (using the system. speech.speech synthesizer).So no matter if your watching a movie, or playing xbox (meaning the stereo will no longer be playing audio from the computer),when the phone rings you will hear the ringer over the speakers, along with a voice saying "Joe Schmoe is calling".I don't know if I can specifically have it play certain sounds over one card, or if it is a per application setting.For instance, if you are watching a movie (meaning the movie is playing through the windows media player control, inside of my program), and the phone rings, I want the phone to ring on the other card without changing the audio from the movie. If i'm not able to do it that way, and if the program itself is only able to play through one card at a time, I will simply make the caller id portion it's own separate application, that way I could make it happen.

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Hide Media Player During Playback?

Nov 18, 2009

I'm using Windows 7 with VS 2008 in VB. I'm trying to play some sounds in a playlist, but I don't want the media player window to show up when I play them. I've tried the following, but the media player shows up on the screen when the last line is executed. How do I hide the media player?

Dim mp As New WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer
mp.uiMode =


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Record And Playback Mouse Movements

Jan 17, 2010

I am working on mouse recorder and I got it where it will record and playback the mouse movement by using 2 simple listbox and some codes. But now I am stuck on how to get it to record the clicks and also playback that as well. I was wondering if I could just use another list box to store the clicks in it? But I am sure I got to do something more extreme.

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Find The Default Audio Playback Device?

Sep 10, 2011

How to find the default audio playback device

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Record And Playback All Keyboard And Mouse Events

Oct 8, 2010

I am writing a program to record and playback all the keyboard and mouse events using the journalrecord and journalplayback methods. The code also stores this recorded event in the file and opens the file for playing. The mouse movements are playing fine but none of the mouse clicks or keyboard keypresses are playing fine. Attaching the record and playback hook procedure.

Private Function RecordHookProc( _
ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, _
ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer
'Stop recording at "BREAK" key press
[Code] .....

Win32 is a class file which I have used for declaration of constants and importing DLL files.
readFs and writeFs are the Filestreams

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VS 2010 Audio Playback On Multiple Devices?

Jan 9, 2012

What I need is an application that can have several audio files open up, which in turn can be routed to any of the audio output devices (e.g. external audio card channels). See the attached image for an illustration.

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VS 2010 Change Sound Playback With Button?

Apr 23, 2012

So im trying to figure out how i can change sound playback from head phones to speakers and from speakers back to headphones with 2 buttons, if u didnt get me: [Speaker button]<-- click=sound playback from speakers [Headphone button]<-- click=sound playback from headphones.

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Audio Playback - Make The Shuffle Never Play The Same Song Twice

Mar 21, 2011

Basically my program has a "shuffle" music feature:

vb For i = 0 To 26 num = randomObject.Next(0, 27) My.Computer.Audio.Play("C:UsersMcturtlesMusicSongs" & num & ".wav", AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop) Next

Which selects a random number 0 - 26 and selects the corresponding song.

And a straight play feature:

vb Dim counter As Integer Do Until counter > 26 My.Computer.Audio.Play("C:usersmcturtlesmusicsongs" & counter & ".wav", AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete) counter += 1 Loop

All of these activated by a button(separate for each)

When I click one, it makes the program stop responding. I'm pretty sure it is the .WaitToComplete mode, but I can't find a way to make it continuously play without it. If you can find my error. Also if you could tell me a way to make the shuffle never play the same song twice, that would be awesome as well.

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Access Windows Media Player's Playback Speed Controls?

Apr 28, 2009

Is there a way to access WMP10+'s playback speed controls in a dotnet app?

User level information on the Playback control information

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TCP Listen On Any IP?

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to make a TCP chat program, but instead of having people enter in the ip of the computer they wish to talk to everytime, i would like the program to be able to listen on all ip addresses, so that it will provide for a better user experience, and that i can have chat rooms with multiple people joining. I have the code working with entering in ips, however, when i use the IPAddress.any command it will not send messages.

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.NET: Listen For Keypresses?

Apr 17, 2012

I found the code linked below on on of Microsoft's websites for listening for keypresses, however I can't seem to ge thte code to respond?

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Listen For The 'End Sub Event'?

May 26, 2009

This is my first post, so hopefully I'm asking it in the correct place.

Currently I have two subs where the first calls the second.

Sub Sub1()
'some code
Call Sub2(x)
End Sub
Sub Sub2()
'some code
End Sub

This means that Sub1 does not end until after Sub2 is complete.I need to have Sub2 run after Sub1 has ended. In my case Sub1 is triggered from an application event, so calling the two subs from another 'parent' sub would not work.Is there a way that I can listen for the 'End Sub Event' of a sub?I am currently working in VBA but will be heading to .net shortly so I'll take whatever flavour of code people can help with.

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Listen To A TCP Port

Apr 27, 2011

I have a program running on a machine on the local network that serves data on port 23. I'd like to be able to listen for data on this port, and add the data to a listbox when and if it comes in. Idealy this would run async. I sort of gotten this to work using the following: [code]

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Listen To IP On Network?

Dec 6, 2011

I have barcode reader work by rs232 , i using converter from rs232 to TCP/IP to make it connect by TCP/IP, Now barcode send data on this Ip "" on local network and the IP port is 50000 How i can listen to this ip to read the data send to this ip?

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