Different Playback Speed Mediaplayer

Dec 27, 2009

I am making a program that works with my hometrainer so i can now have my speed and distanse on my screen but now when i start byking i would like to play a video on my screen also when i am biking slow the video has to play slow when i am biking fast the video has to play fast is there any one how can tell my how todo this whith a sample

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Change CD Playback Speed?

Aug 22, 2010

Well I made this application [URL] and I need to be able to change the speed which the CD Plays at?

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Access Windows Media Player's Playback Speed Controls?

Apr 28, 2009

Is there a way to access WMP10+'s playback speed controls in a dotnet app?

User level information on the Playback control information

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Check Internet Speed - Download A File Like 1mb Size, Then It Will Calculate The Speed?

Feb 21, 2012

How do i exactly check internet connection speed.I have searched around google and found out a method w/c will Download a file like 1mb size, then it will calculate the speed.

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Check The Bandwidth (download Speed And Upload Speed) Of A User In .net Or Php?

Dec 31, 2010

how do i check the bandwidth (download speed and possible upload speed) of a user in vb.net or php that uses my app or visits my site resp?

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VS 2010 Calculate DownLoad Speed And UpLoad Speed Kb/s And Graph

Nov 30, 2010

I have a codes that calculates DownLoad speed and UpLoad speed kb/s. I would like to implement this kind. I also want to put such kind of graph. Any article or links where can I start building my own like that.

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Calculate Internet Download Speed And Upload Speed

Jul 29, 2009

i want to monitor the speed at which my system is currently Downloading and uploading. I dont have any idea how will it can be done.

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Create A MediaPlayer Program?

Nov 5, 2009

I need to know how to create a program like MediaPlayer from scratch .Does Directshow do this ??? And if yes , what the steps I should follow to have full control at this side of programming ( Is there any SDK I should download )?I'm using VisualBasic 2008 Pro.

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Load The Decrypted One On A Mediaplayer?

Jun 5, 2009

I have a wpf application that stores videos/images and generic files

1) what is the best way to encrypt these type of file in term of performances

2) and when you encrypt a video how do you load the decrypted one on a mediaplayer?

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VS 2008 MediaPlayer For Windows Xp?

Jan 9, 2012

I wrote a program for Playing Video's , I used 'AxInterop.WMPLib.dll' This i think will only work with 64 bit machines because it is Media player 12. I need to play my video's on a Windows XP 32 bit machine. But i need a older version of the player. Where can i download the dll for Mediaplayer 11.

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Check For The Lan Speed And Put This Speed Value In A Progress Bar?

Jan 4, 2012

i want to check for the lan speed and put this speed value in a progress bar.

for example:

[==== ] the lan speed now is 23 KB/s

and there is another problem is if there are a LAN and a WiFi adapter in the same time how do i check for the speed for both adapters

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Forms :: Mediaplayer Time In Label?

Dec 4, 2011

so i am busy with a mediaplayer ( just for fun ) and everything pretty much works, but one thing doesn't.the thing is ive got 2 labels, the first label needs to show how much ive already played, and the second label needs to show the duration of the media file.example: a media file from 1 hour 32 minutes and 18 second and i have already player 43 minutes and 9 seconds from it, then the first label needs to show 00:43:09 and the second label 01:32:18.

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Mediaplayer : Unable To Play Some Songs?

Dec 21, 2009

In my VB.Net application, I am using Mediaplayer for playing songs. It is working fine with some songs. But some songs are not playing. I gave msdxm.ocx for COM componetes. I used breakpoint to see what is happening, I got the the error as "Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.". I am using the following code,

AxMediaPlayer1.FileName = "D:Songsabc.mp3"

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Mediaplayer Fade In Visual Studio?

Sep 14, 2010

Is there any ready method/function etc to create a fade in/fade out effect for sound with Windows Mediaplayer in Visual Studio Express 2008?

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Choose Between Different Sound Cards For Playback

May 2, 2010

I have a program that I have been building for quite some time, which is sort of a media center type of program. One of the features it includes is a CallerID and call management system that I have integrated into it.I am actually turning the ringers off on my phones, and the program will have it's own ringer instead. One reason i'm doing that is, it is programmed only to ring if I actually have the number already in my phonebook (i.e. no more telemarketers), and other features like quiet time (after a preset time, let's say 11:00 the phone won't ring).So anyhow I have 2 sound cards in my system. One sound card is connected to my living room home theater, which would be for watching tv, movies, etc.The other sound card is going to a separate amplifier that will power speakers that are throughout the house. I want to be able to programatically tell my program to output sound on the secondary sound card.It will be just a simple wav file, and hopefully speech as well (using the system. speech.speech synthesizer).So no matter if your watching a movie, or playing xbox (meaning the stereo will no longer be playing audio from the computer),when the phone rings you will hear the ringer over the speakers, along with a voice saying "Joe Schmoe is calling".I don't know if I can specifically have it play certain sounds over one card, or if it is a per application setting.For instance, if you are watching a movie (meaning the movie is playing through the windows media player control, inside of my program), and the phone rings, I want the phone to ring on the other card without changing the audio from the movie. If i'm not able to do it that way, and if the program itself is only able to play through one card at a time, I will simply make the caller id portion it's own separate application, that way I could make it happen.

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Hide Media Player During Playback?

Nov 18, 2009

I'm using Windows 7 with VS 2008 in VB. I'm trying to play some sounds in a playlist, but I don't want the media player window to show up when I play them. I've tried the following, but the media player shows up on the screen when the last line is executed. How do I hide the media player?

Dim mp As New WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer
mp.uiMode =


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Record And Playback Mouse Movements

Jan 17, 2010

I am working on mouse recorder and I got it where it will record and playback the mouse movement by using 2 simple listbox and some codes. But now I am stuck on how to get it to record the clicks and also playback that as well. I was wondering if I could just use another list box to store the clicks in it? But I am sure I got to do something more extreme.

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Add Effects To Sounds That Are Playing Using The Mediaplayer Control?

Sep 15, 2009

is it possible to add effects to sounds that are playing using the mediaplayer control?. i have tried using directsound which works good and i can add effects to the sounds playing but it wont play mp3 files and i have looked all over for information on directshow which does play mp3s but all the examples i managed to find all have about 50 lines of code just to play one track and dont show how to add effects.

i need to play several sounds at the same time and add different effects to each track and also be able to play - stop - pause each individual track at will mediaplayer i can do this but dont know how to add effects directsound i can do all of this but cant play mp3s.is there any way to add effects using mediaplayer control? or does anyone please know where i can see a code example in directshow that adds effects to the sounds playing?

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MediaPlayer.URL Makes Vb 2010 Application Not Responding?

Sep 19, 2011

Im building an application in vb 2010 which uses window media player component. When I run the application in debug mode and Press Play button, the application hangs up and stops responding. When I press PAUSE button in vb 2010 the line it shows is

mediaPlayer.URL = curl

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Playing Video - Auto Seeking In MediaPlayer

Mar 4, 2010

If I have a video of 70 Seconds and I want to play it directly from 31 seconds to onwards how can I do that in vb.net.

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VS 2005 Receive The Time And If The Mediaplayer Is Paused Using Api?

Oct 30, 2010

I want to receive the time and if the mediaplayer is paused using api.My problem is that the child is called Static but there�s 3 items there and it seems that I just get the first of them.

Heres my code so far:

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As IntPtr
Private Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWnd1 As


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'Listen' To Microphone Input And Playback Simultaneously?

Mar 23, 2012

I'm developing a Public Announcement appplication with two main features:

1. Record audio and playback on event (I've achieved this)

2. Allow 'realtime' playback on event - no recording, just a live announcement

So, how can I cause the microphone input to be sent to the speakers simulatiously as the announcer speaks?

mciSendString("open new Type waveaudio Alias recsound", "", 0, 0)
mciSendString("play recsound", "", 0, 0)

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Find The Default Audio Playback Device?

Sep 10, 2011

How to find the default audio playback device

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Record And Playback All Keyboard And Mouse Events

Oct 8, 2010

I am writing a program to record and playback all the keyboard and mouse events using the journalrecord and journalplayback methods. The code also stores this recorded event in the file and opens the file for playing. The mouse movements are playing fine but none of the mouse clicks or keyboard keypresses are playing fine. Attaching the record and playback hook procedure.

Private Function RecordHookProc( _
ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, _
ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer
'Stop recording at "BREAK" key press
[Code] .....

Win32 is a class file which I have used for declaration of constants and importing DLL files.
readFs and writeFs are the Filestreams

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VS 2008 - Realtime Microphone Playback (Like Amplifier)

Mar 13, 2011

I need to make an application that plays the microphone line in the same time I speak to it, somewhat like an amplifier, so I can talk to the microphone without recording and my speakers play that sound at the same time! Its pretty difficult for me because I am really new at this type of applications and off course I don't have any idea about microphone line in volume control coding too!

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VS 2010 Audio Playback On Multiple Devices?

Jan 9, 2012

What I need is an application that can have several audio files open up, which in turn can be routed to any of the audio output devices (e.g. external audio card channels). See the attached image for an illustration.

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VS 2010 Change Sound Playback With Button?

Apr 23, 2012

So im trying to figure out how i can change sound playback from head phones to speakers and from speakers back to headphones with 2 buttons, if u didnt get me: [Speaker button]<-- click=sound playback from speakers [Headphone button]<-- click=sound playback from headphones.

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Move And Re-size A Window That Has BorderStyle = None With MediaPlayer As Child

Jul 10, 2011

What I am doing is making a Media Player, but I am making it to be some sort like BS Player.

The Video part of the player is on its own with no border and then there is going to be a separate Form for the controls. (I might need help with that later) But the first thing that I have to do is make the window movable and re-sizable by dragging the Media Player (WMP). WMP is taking up the whole screen of the Form so there is no where to click on the original Form. If possible, I would like it to show contents while dragging, ignoring the Windows Appearance and Performance. If that can't be done or is to much work, I will settle for just the border of the Form being showed while moved.

For re-sizing, the media player has to stay the same size as the form, but it also has to stay the same Ratio of the video. So as long as I can specify the current height and width of the window and also get then get the width while the window is being re-sized, I can get the height that the window needs to be by using this formula.

Window.y / Window.x * Sized Window.x = New Window.y .

I know that may sound complicated or maybe I am making it harder then it actually is, this is just how I know how to do it. I will explain what each variable in the Formula means.

Window.y is the current height of the window

Window.x is the current width of the window

Sized Window.x is the width of the window while it is being re-sized

New Window.y is the final height for the new size of the window

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Audio Playback - Make The Shuffle Never Play The Same Song Twice

Mar 21, 2011

Basically my program has a "shuffle" music feature:

vb For i = 0 To 26 num = randomObject.Next(0, 27) My.Computer.Audio.Play("C:UsersMcturtlesMusicSongs" & num & ".wav", AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop) Next

Which selects a random number 0 - 26 and selects the corresponding song.

And a straight play feature:

vb Dim counter As Integer Do Until counter > 26 My.Computer.Audio.Play("C:usersmcturtlesmusicsongs" & counter & ".wav", AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete) counter += 1 Loop

All of these activated by a button(separate for each)

When I click one, it makes the program stop responding. I'm pretty sure it is the .WaitToComplete mode, but I can't find a way to make it continuously play without it. If you can find my error. Also if you could tell me a way to make the shuffle never play the same song twice, that would be awesome as well.

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Get The Speed Of A Computers Fan Speed?

May 5, 2009

how would i go about getting the of a fan of a computer that my program is running on in rps(revolutions per second) using vb.net?

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