[2005] System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader?

Aug 4, 2009

[2005] System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader

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VS 2005 Hiding Connection String Using System.Configuration?

Mar 11, 2010

When connecting to data I always like to use the Configuration methods:

Dim settings As ConnectionStringSettings = _


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'ConfigurationManager' Is Not A Member Of 'Configuration' Even When A Reference To System.Configuration.dll Is Added To Project?

Nov 16, 2010

Receive 'ConfigurationManager' is not a member of 'Configuration' in VS2008.I read all of the topics in the forum about this error Tried adding areference to System.Configuration.dll to the project and an "Imports System.Configuration" to the vb file.Still get an error

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How To Using System.Configuration

Jan 12, 2009

I want to use app.config as outlined here[URL]..When I add the following code, the word using is underlined

using System.Configuration And in this piece of code ConfigurationSettings is undelined

Dim dbPath as String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DatabasePath")
Dim email as String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("SupportEmail")

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Changing System Configuration By VB6

Nov 28, 2010

When we are typing the msconfig in Start>Run the window is appearing that is named System Configuration Utility . Now I want with WMI and API objects access this data and change them by programming in VB6. Specially, I want to change data on Start-up lists and Boot up services Can any one suggest me a solution?

Note: When I am going to use registry datas in compare of System Configuration Utility I have found that all of applications are not listed in registry + startup folder of windows. I think there is a provider for this issue in windows that returns or manages all applications on startup. I am searching for that.

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Configuration System Failed To Initialize

Dec 9, 2005

When i try to run my app I get this exception "Configuration system failed to initialize"I recently added a datascource to the app and am assuming that something has gone wrong there but it was all working ok and then this error just started.I assume it's a problem with my appconfig file which i'll post here I cant see anything wrong with it but.!!I've tried deleting the ConnectionString Section but nothing helps and i cant run my app at


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Configuration System Failed To Initialize In .NET Exe?

Nov 24, 2009

I have an .NET winforms application(A). I am calling another .NET exe(B) file from the winforms application. When executes, it throws the following error.

I haven't kept any configuration file for the second exe file(B).

"Configuration system failed to initialize"

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Recover When System.Configuration Fails?

Feb 5, 2010

I've made heavy use of the convenient My.Settings feature but sometimes I run into problems using it.

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ConfigurationManager Not Found Under System.Configuration In VS 2010?

Aug 4, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2010 and referencing System.Configuration at the top "Imports System.Configuration" but I'm still getting not declared and could be inaccessible due to it's protection level. What now?

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DB/Reporting :: Configuration System Failed To Initialize

May 14, 2008

Have you tried configuring ASP.Net Membership together with Enterprise Library DAAB? When I run my application it throws the following exception:
"Configuration system failed to initialize"
It seems that it encounters a problem that normally don't occur when I setup my configuration file.

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Error - Configuration System Failed To Initialize

Sep 17, 2010

I have a VS Solution with several projects. I want to set a specific project to the start project in Debug mode. Everything seems to run fine as I set breakpoints on the initial Form and several initialization procedures. At one point however, I get this error which is not an issue when I compile and run the release version.

Here is an illustration of the Exception. Unrecognized configuration section configuration. (C:...path...File.vshost.exe.config line 25) The config file is listed below an the jit debugging = true statement is on line 25


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Error: Configuration System Failed To Initialize

Jun 8, 2009

What is wrong with my app.config. Started getting the error when I added the log4net and configsections.

Error: Configuration System Failed to Initialize

Line of code



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Set 'maxconnection' Programmably - (importing System.Net.Configuration)

Jun 23, 2009

My app downloads multiple files, and its limited to 2 connections. Now I've read you can change this, by adding the following in the app.config file:


And that does work, however I would like to hardcode it in, rather than use app.config file.

I've tried (importing System.Net.Configuration):


But that doesn't work, still stays limited to 2 connections total.

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System.Configuration Config File Name Missing

Nov 3, 2009

I am trying to execute a VB .net console application called Application1 that I created using Visual Studio 2008 with .net framework 3.5. When I run it under the windows scheduler or from a command prompt it works fine. When I try to run it under a purchased job scheduler, I get a message stating that directory APPLIC~1.config is missing. What properties does system.configuration use when it tries to find an application's .config file? Can these be set when my application starts?

Note: I was able to use ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "" & My.Application.Info.AssemblyName & ".exe") to get around this issue but would like a cleaner solution. I do not want to do this each time I want to retrieve an appSetting entry.

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System.Configuration Namespace's Specific Classes

Jul 31, 2009

I am fresher in vb.net but I want to develop a project in this case I want to use the system.Configuration namespace's specific calsses. But I am not clear which class i use and why it's function and it's use.

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System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings Does Not Exist?

Oct 5, 2006

I am trying to upgrade a VB 2003 program to VB 2005.One warning I am getting is:

'Public Shared ReadOnly Property AppSettings() As System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection' is obsolete: 'This method is obsolete, it has been replaced by


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[vb2008] Configuration System Failed To Initialize?

Apr 13, 2011

I am the author of a freeware that have been hundreds of downloads without problems... and only ONE user reports to me the error in object.Since the exception is handled, tanks to his report I can realize that the error is generated when is read this code line:

If My.Settings.Opened = True then

Now the question is: why a single PC over hundreds have problems gaining access to My.Settings?His PC has installed XP Home Edition SP3, my program is compliled for Framework2.0.

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Configuration System Failed To Initialize In Window Application

May 24, 2012

i am using databse connection model but can't get actual result because of this error , i don't know why this occurring ,i have use the windows application with app.config file, i paste xml code.



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VS 2010 - Error: Failed System Boot Configuration

Apr 18, 2011

im tying to use settings in visual basic; i have my sentence in the settings; i want to program a click event in order to appear that sentence in a textbox, after the click i i have this error [Code] "failed system boot configuration".

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Access System Files (.SYS) Using VB Data Source Configuration Wizard?

Oct 1, 2009

New to VB... I am trying to access .SYS (system files) located in the following folder path (example) My Database NameVIEWSSYSTEM VIEWS in the Object Explorer of my SQL Database. In walking through the Data Source Configuration Wizard for data connectivity I select DATABASEVIEWS and the SYSTEM VIEWS sub-folder is not available for selection. In general: What is the best method to access System Files using VB Data Source?

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Error Creating The Web Proxy Specified In The 'system.net/defaultproxy' Configuration Section?

Aug 17, 2009

I am working with a old windows app (vb.net), this was working fine before with the old out look (owa) now we moved to 2010 outlookweb acess, after movingis application is unable to sync the exchange applications to web.

req As


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IDE :: Error Creating The Web Proxy Specified In The 'system.net/defaultproxy' Configuration Section?

Aug 5, 2010

IDE :: error creating the web proxy specified in the 'system.net/defaultproxy' configuration section.

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Error : 'System.Configuration.Install' Doesn't Contain Any Public Member Or 'cannot Be Found

May 14, 2010

I have below installer class to ngen app after installation and I'm getting several errors.

Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Configuration.Install
'This line gives warning: Namespace or type specified in the Imports


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VS 2005 IDE Configuration Build Type?

Jul 16, 2010

with vb.net 2005 how to configure my IDE for release / debug build configuration from which tab i should set it

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Error - You Must Implement A Default Accessor On System.Configuration.ConfigurationLockCollection Because It Inherits From ICollection

May 12, 2011

I have a web service created with vb.net in vs 2010. Here is a look at my property

Public Class MyClass
Inherits ConfigurationSection
Protected _score As Integer


When I try to add this as a service to a web app, also done in vs2010 with vb.net, I get the error in the title. Please help with this. I am not sure what is needed in order to implement a default accessor.

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VS 2005 Runtime Configuration File(Assembly)?

Jun 5, 2009

Well i m going through a problem, may be anyone knows the solution or may guide me.abcconfig file contains

<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">


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VS 2005 - How To Edit Connection String In Configuration File

Oct 12, 2010

How To Editing The "Connection String" in the Configuration file by the Code in the Runtime. This is my Code
My.MySettings.Default.Item("ConString") = "New Connection String"
This code can edit the Configuration file in the run Time but if I restart the system the Configuration file will return back to the first Configuration.

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VS 2005 Custom Connection String In Data Source Configuration Wizard?

Apr 17, 2009

I am looking to make a data connection with a network server(sql server 2005). When I run the data source configuration wizard, it allows me only to pick a local database file. I want to use a connection string like this "Data Source=SQLSERVER;Initial Catalog=mydb;User Id=username;Password=password;" I know I can do that programmatically. But I would like to know whether I can do that using the data source wizard so that I will be able to use Bindingsources and tableadapters.

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Use "System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager" In VB2008 Express Project?

Nov 10, 2009

I want to use "System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager" in my project, but when attempting to use it, I get the error "ConfigurationManager is not a member of Configuration".


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Cant Get Rid Of "Configuration System Failed To Initialize" Exception?

Aug 10, 2010

Due to some bug I had deleted the whole bin folder *with* config files, yesterday but after doing so it was working fine but today the program always throws this exception:onfiguration system failed to initialize. Even when I have recreated the configuration files. The exception is thrown as soon as application starts.

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