[2008] Make Sure The Mdiform Will Not Consist The Same Child Form?

Mar 1, 2009

how to make sure the mdiform will not consist the same child form?

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MdiForm - Set Focus To Window And Make It Minimized

Dec 22, 2008

i have an mdiForm. it has the standard "windows" menu option, thats lets you change the layout of the child windows, it also has the list of currently open windows. is there a way to access that code that generates that list so i can alter so that is window from the list is selected and it has been minimized, it wont just set the focus to that window but open it to the normal state?

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Increase The Speed Of Opening Of Mdichild Form Into Mdiform?

May 12, 2011

My application having one mdiform in that form six child forms are there.Switching of opening one childform into anather form speed is very slow after clicking of any button in the mdiform.

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Make Static Mdi Child Form To Not Movable?

Nov 6, 2009

i create StudentForm as my mdi child form, what i suppose to do to let user unable to move my mdi child form to other location? i want it to be static location

Private Sub StudentToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles StudentToolStripMenuItem.Click
StudentForm.MdiParent = Me
End Sub

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Make Sure That Only One Instance Of A Child Form Is Loaded In .net?

Aug 31, 2010

How could i make sure that only one instance of a child form is loaded in my application.

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Make The Active MDI Child Form Stand Out More?

Jul 8, 2009

When I have two MDI Child forms opened, it is difficult to visually see the active form versus the non-active form.I would like to have the Active Form stand out more, say a yellow border.

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MDI Form - Make A Parent Child Relationship

Sep 30, 2009

I am working on my final project and I need to have 1 MDI Form. For the life of me I cannot figure out what to do. My book mentions doing this:

Dim childForm as New ChildFormClass()
childForm.MdiParent = parentForm

When I put that in the Parent form it doesn't like the ChildFormClass(). I wouldn't think it would be too hard to make a parent child relationship? I have tried looking for the MdiList property but I cannot seem to find it. I think I need to have some menu items to have a child form. If there is a way to have an MDI form without that I would like that. Does anyone know a good tutorial that explains creating MDI forms well, and what to do/put in the parent and child forms code?

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C# - Make A Windows Form Automatically Take The Size Of It's Child Table Layout Panel?

Sep 17, 2011

I have a windows form that contains a table layout panel extending the whole form, the size of this table layout panel may change at run time according to it's content, how can I make it's parent form automatically take its size,

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Unable To Place A Label Box In The MDI Parent Form And Then Open A Child Form The Label Box Highlighted In Child Form?

Dec 15, 2011

I have an issue when I place a label box in the MDI Parent form and then open a child form the label box highlighted in child form?

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VB 2008 - Change Child Form Combo Box From MdiParent Form

Feb 23, 2010

In VB 2008, I have a Parent form with a combo box on it. There is a child form also with a combo box on it. I want to be able to change the values on the child form based on what the user selected from the main form. The user launches the child form from a toolbar on the Parent form. The following code is run:


What I want to do is if the Parent's combo box has "Red", "Blue", "Green" values and the user selects "Green", the child form's combo box(With the same values) will also change to "Green". (I do not need to change the Parent form if the child form changes.) I've tried changing the Child's combobox from the combobox's change event on the Parent form, and the code runs, but nothing changes on the child form.

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VS 2008 Populating Cbobox On Form Load For A Child Form?

May 14, 2009

i am having an issue populating two combo boxes on form load. The program will connect to an access database and pull data as instructed. Then as it pulls each record it puts it into the combo box.

This was working.. atleast i think it was. i dont recall it ever not working, however i wasn't looking for it.

My problem is that if when i load the MDI parent form and have it skip the selection form and the login form and load the next form in the sequence, it loads everything perfectly. However if the select form is loaded first, then the login form and then the form i need loaded, it will not populate. The only difference between the two different loads is that the login form calls a function that loads the form as a new project.form

I did this so that I can have multiple forms open at a time. I am assuming my problem is that I need to get the child forms handle then populating controls using that handle? but i think if I had to do that then I would beable to populate the comboboxes on the first form load using the login method of opening the form.

Here's my code.

Private Sub frmLine1t5_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Text = "Line " & LineNumber & " Test Form"


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File To Open As Mdi Child Form / Save From Child Form

Nov 17, 2011

I have a MenuStrip with File > New, Open, Save, Exit located in a parent form, and a RichTextBox located in a child form.The problem I'm running into is concerned with the destination of the file elected from "Open" and the save.When a user selects their file from "Open", I need it to open the child form and put the text into the RichTextBox.I also need the program to be able to "Save" from a child form, whether it's been brought up via "New" or "Open".

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VS 2008 Making A Form To Child Form

Sep 28, 2010

1) I m very new to VB.NEt 2008. I have placed a MDI Form in my project and a Form too. I want to make the form to a Child Form of MDI. is there any property or how can it possible.

2) I want to set the lable back color to Transparent but found no property.

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VS 2008 A Child Form On Top Of The Other?

Apr 3, 2010

I've got an MDI vb project with several child forms. Now I want each child to be placed on top of the other open childs when I create it. In simple words, I don't want it to hide behind the other open childs.

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Reciept Printing - Form Which Consist - Item Code , Item Name , Item Price , Quantity Of Item

May 25, 2012

Regarding my college project. i'm working on a sales system . i have a form which consist of all the following information( item code , item name , item price , quantity of item ) which is display using a data grid . data input by user using text box and all this information will be stored in a database(sales database) i'm using ms access 2007. the grand total will be displayed in a text box . and amount paid will be input in a text box too , my major problem now is how to i create a reciept that will have all this information of the purcase. i have a reciept button . what the next step ? i dont have any idea how to get the reciept done.

Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class Form5
Dim con As New OleDbConnection


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VS 2008 DataGridViewComboBoxColumn In MDI Child Form

Apr 23, 2012

I have a main form having the MDI Parent Control. I have a menu toolstrip menu "set status" which opens a Child Form having a DataGridView. The DataGridView has a


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VS 2008 MDI Child And A Dialog Form?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm having trouble with MDI child and a dialog form. The problem details are listed below:

1. One MDI Parent form (Form1) with a button on it (Button1).

2. One Child form of Form1 (name = Form2) with a button (Button2) and a textbox (text_box1).

3. Another form in the project (not child of Form1 and not MDI Parent) with name Form3. This form has also a button on it (Button3).

The application behaviour is as follows: the application starts with Form1. Clicking the Button1 will show Form2. Form2 correctly opened as a MDI child. Clicking the Button2 on the Form2 will show Form3 as dialog (Form3.ShowDialog() ). Clicking the Button3 on the Form3 need to do the magical thing - to set/change the text in the Form2's text_box1.

Tried various examples from this forum. Also followed a lot of examples from net. Nothing works. Tried to create a writable property in the Form2 class but calling it from the Form3 does nothing.

I tried to access the MDIchildren(ss) while ss loops in MDIchildrens array but I don't know how to access the label control inside the Form2 using this technique. Successfully changed the Form2 caption but no controls are available in VB intellisense - practically correct because VB don't know which form from array I'm referring to.

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VS 2008 Scrollbar Child Form?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a huge image which I loaded into a picturebox on a Child Form. The problem is that I can't seem to create scrollbars on the Child Form. So... I tried the Webbrowser control. The code I used:

WebBrowser1.Navigate("file:///" & Application.StartupPath.ToString() & "libmap.jpg")Doesn't work somehow. But then again... I'm not sure where to place that particular folder. I tried all the C:UsersRadjeshDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projectsproject_name.... and subfolders, but I ca't seem to get it right.

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VS 2008 How To Static Mdi Child Form Location

Nov 6, 2009

i create StudentForm as my mdi child form, what i suppose to do to let user unable to move my mdi child form to other location? how to make it in static location? Private Sub StudentToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles StudentToolStripMenuItem.Click

StudentForm.MdiParent = Me
End Sub

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How To Work On Both Parent And Child Form Without Closing Child

Apr 10, 2011

i have created two forms A and B when button in form A is clicked B is invoked when B is running its not possible to work on A until i close form B. How can i work on A without closing B

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Passing Data From Child To Parent Form Which Is A Child Of Another One

Apr 17, 2012

i have three forms

when i click button1 on form1=====> form2.showdialog()
then click button 1 on form2 =====> form3.showdialog
then click button 1 on form 3 =====>


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VS 2008 - MDI Child - Controls Move Up The Form At Runtime

Jul 29, 2009

I have an MDI application which uses fixed sized forms. I've started to change the forms to sizeable and anchored the controls so they move when the form is resized. If the child form has a menu this jumps onto the parent menu (as it always has done) but all the controls move up the form at runtime and leave a space at the bottom of the child. If I change the form in design mode to cut through the bottom controls i.e. so the form doesn't appear tall enough, it corrects itself at runtime. Is there another workaround as it looks misleading in the designer.

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VS 2008 - Passing Data From WPF Parent To Child Form

Jan 27, 2010

In my WPF Form1 I have TextBlock1 that fill from AddressTableAdapter. To edit address user must click EditButton to open Form2 to perform changes. My problem is passing data to Form2 from Form1. In Form2 I have 3 TextBoxes Street, City, Zip, and StateComboBox. I try to code in Loaded procedure of Form2 like this and got error message:

Private Sub Form2Detail_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Me.Loaded
Me.StreetTextBox = IIf(IsDBNull(AbcDataSet.Address.StreetColumn), "", AbcDataSet.Address.StreetColumn))
Me.StateComboBox = IIf(IsDBNull(AbcDataSet.Address.StateColumn), 0, AbcDataSet.Address.StateColumn))
End Sub

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VS 2008 - Show Child Form In MDI Parent Taskbar?

Mar 30, 2012

I have developed vb.net application and have one main form with isMdiContainer property true. It has one Menustrip control docking on top of the form and StatusStrip docking on bottom of the scrren. When User click on any menu item it opens new form or if already opened, show it. My application allow to open multiple child forms opened at same time and all forms StartPosition is set to CenterScreen. My problem is becuase all forms are in cetenr it ovelaps each other and user wouldn't know which form(menu option) is opend. I would like to see all opened forms in different tabs (like in windows taskbar) in bottom of MDI parent form.

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VS 2008 .NET Child Form Controls Method Calls?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a MDI Form that has a child form containing a text box. I want to be able to make a call to the TextBox's cut() method on the currentlly active child form. Here's what I have so far, but it is complaining about using ctrl.cut()


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VS 2008 Mdi Form Controls Are Visible In Child Forms

Feb 12, 2010

i use a picture control in mdi form .. but when i load child froms then mdi form picture are also show in front of child form...

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VS 2008 - Adding Rows To Databound DataGridView From Child Form?

Feb 7, 2010

I am having trouble adding a row to a databound datagridview on a parent form from a child form. I have two forms, one contains a datagridview that is bound to a table using 'datagridviewbindingsource' and contains an 'add' button. The second contains a checked listbox that is populated correctly and has a "Cancel" and an 'OK' button - when i check several items in the child form, i would like to hit okay and update the bindingsource of the datagridview on the first form with the checked items.

in form1 when btnAdd is clicked
dim f2 as new form2
'call it as a dialog to check for the cancel button
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Stopping A MDI Child Form Loading In A Maximized State

Sep 28, 2010

I have an MDI Form that contains an MDI Child form. On this child form is a flexgrid. When the user double clicks on a row in the flexgrid this loads another MDI Child form. I have set the following properties on the second child form:

FormBorderStyle = FixedDialog
MaximizeBox = False
MinimizeBox = False
StartPosition = CenterScreen
WindowState = Normal

The problem is that if the first MDI child form is in a maximized state and the user double clicks on the flex grid, the second child form loads in a maximized state too! How can I stop this?

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VS 2008 Stopping An MDI Child Form Loading In A Maximized State?

Jan 16, 2009

I have an MDI Form that contains an MDI Child form. On this child form is a flexgrid. When the user double clicks on a row in the flexgrid this loads another MDI Child form. I have set the following properties on the second child form:

FormBorderStyle = FixedDialog
MaximizeBox = False
MinimizeBox = False


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VS 2008 Resize Of Parent Form Keeps Relative Size/Loc Of Child Forms?

Sep 17, 2010

I want a set of child forms to keep their relative sizes and locations to their parent form when parent form is resized. So if one child form is opened and covers the lower right quadrant.. it will remain a quadrant for whatever resize is done on parent form.

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