VS 2008 Mdi Form Controls Are Visible In Child Forms

Feb 12, 2010

i use a picture control in mdi form .. but when i load child froms then mdi form picture are also show in front of child form...

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2008 : Transparent Form But Visible Controls?

May 1, 2012

if I set the property Opacity = 0, a form becomes transparent... but become transparent all it controls, too!how to make transparent ONLY the form and let the controls, labels, buttons etc. visible??

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Jumping Between Forms - Making A Form Visible And Not Visible

Jul 17, 2009

I'm having an odd problem when making a form visible and not visible and it not continuing to function. Here is what I have happening. I have a main form (frmMain) that is an MDIParent. On this form I have a menu to open a second form (frmCalculate) and populate a listview from Items in the database.

As I click or select items in the listview on frmCalculate the tag is read and data is pulled based on the id stored in that tag and fills in various fields on the form. This works great. However, I also have a context menu attached to the listview that allows me to perform a "what if" scenerio on the items I am calculating. When I select this menu, I hide the frmCalculate and open the frmWhatIf form where I can mess around with values on the item I had hilighted in the listview on frmCalculate. Nothing is pulled from or written back to the database here, all the information is filled in from fields on frmCalculate. It just allows me to look at rising costs and how they will affect my margins.... anyway.

If I then close frmWhatIf, it brings my frmCalculate back by setting its visible propery to true (never closed frmCalculate, just hid it). At this point if I click an item in the listview I get an exception for a null reference. IF however I never hide frmCalculate, I can open and close frmWhatIF without ever having an issue. Why do I lose the functionality to select items just by hiding and unhiding the form? As a test I added two menus to the toolbar on frmMain one called hide and one called show. I then opened frmCalculate with original menu item to populate the listview and selected a few items to test that it was working and then using the hide menu I made the form invisible and the show button to bring it back. This yielded the same exception so without even opening frmWhatIf the problem still occurs.

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VS 2008 - MDI Child - Controls Move Up The Form At Runtime

Jul 29, 2009

I have an MDI application which uses fixed sized forms. I've started to change the forms to sizeable and anchored the controls so they move when the form is resized. If the child form has a menu this jumps onto the parent menu (as it always has done) but all the controls move up the form at runtime and leave a space at the bottom of the child. If I change the form in design mode to cut through the bottom controls i.e. so the form doesn't appear tall enough, it corrects itself at runtime. Is there another workaround as it looks misleading in the designer.

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VS 2008 .NET Child Form Controls Method Calls?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a MDI Form that has a child form containing a text box. I want to be able to make a call to the TextBox's cut() method on the currentlly active child form. Here's what I have so far, but it is complaining about using ctrl.cut()


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Transparent Form But Visible Controls?

Dec 21, 2009

if I set the property Opacity = 0, a form becomes transparent... but become transparent all it controls, too!how to make transparent ONLY the form and let the controls, labels, buttons etc. visible??

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Form Transparent But Controls Visible?

Aug 20, 2010

When I make my form Opacity 0% everything disappears including controls that I know will happen im not dumb ok so I tried another method using Transparency Key I had success BUT my problem there is that when I have a picture box and an image IN the picture box around the image is the Form Background color so lets say I picked Maroon for Form1.BackColor, The edges of my image is Maroon

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Transparent Form But Controls Visible?

Feb 16, 2012

I am having trouble finding a way to make the form transparent but the controls still visible. The only transparency I have been able to get to work on the form is

Me.Opacity = <value between 0 and 1>

but that affects all the controls on the form Is there a way to make the controls not inherit this property from the form? Is there another way to make the form transparent? I have buttons and a checkbox that I don't want to be affected by the transparency at all, and a picturebox that I do want to be able to control the level of transparency. Currently, I'm using a slider bar, and controlling the opacity of the form, but that makes everything on the form transparent. I'd actually like for the form itself to be completely invisible, and for my slider bar to control the opacity of the picturebox only.

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VS 2008 Resize Of Parent Form Keeps Relative Size/Loc Of Child Forms?

Sep 17, 2010

I want a set of child forms to keep their relative sizes and locations to their parent form when parent form is resized. So if one child form is opened and covers the lower right quadrant.. it will remain a quadrant for whatever resize is done on parent form.

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Controls Not Return All The Child Controls For The Form?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a slight problem With an enumaration of child controls on a form. The following code will not get but about have the controls that are on the form. The controls show that the count is correct but when it goes through the loop it skips over some of the controls. If you run it through the enumeration two or three times it will get all the controls a few at a time. The solution uses two forms, one that has the controls and the other that labels are made and displayed on. The Tx is just a index to add a number to the label.name and rename the label. So each label is identified seperately. This works for all the the controls that are seen in the for each loop.

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Make Controls Visible, Form Invisible?

Jan 27, 2010

I want my form to be invisible but I want the buttons and list-box to still be visible. So basicaly I want a bunch of floating buttons and listboxes on my screen.

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Child Forms Are Sharing Controls And Conflicting

Feb 7, 2012

I have a form that can spawn a child form, something like:[code]I want to be able to launch multiple children. Unfortunately, I seem to be getting conflicts within the controls of the children. One button will run the other child's control, etc. They also seem to think that their class-level variables are accessible to each other. Private Shared variables like the following are conflicting (one form thinks it's seeing the other form's "mp3file" variable as their own):[code]How do I spawn children forms that keep their controls and data separate?

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Manipulating Controls On Parent Forms From Child

Mar 6, 2012

I'm trying to add a new row to a DataGridView from FORM 2 but I can not succeed, the code I tried is as follows:


Looking like it took time but can not find a solution,

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Make Multiple Controls Visible Or Invisible On A Form?

Jun 2, 2011

Still using VS 2005. My concept is to use the same form space to display different "pages", like a "wizard" where you click the [Next] button, and the current UI disappears and a new UI appears. I want to "turn off" multiple controls and "turn on" multiple other controls. Example code: -

Private Sub


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Print A Windows Form Which Occupies More Than The Visible Screen And Contains Controls?

Jan 14, 2010

I need to print a windows form which contains radio buttons, checkboxes, and other controls.

Printform doesn't work - even with the scrollable option it only prints the visible screen.

The PrintDocument doesn't work, because I can't add controls to it.

I can't capture the screen image, because the form occupies more than the visible screen.

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Forms :: Auto-scaling Of Controls In A Form (.Net 2008)

Mar 30, 2010

In my home form I have a splitcontainer and few buttons. When the buttons are clicked respective forms are opened in the splitcontainer. The splitcontainer is anchored- top, left, right, bottom so that when the home form is resized the splitcontainer resizes itself automatically. The controls within the other forms are also anchored properly to resize themselves accordingly. But the problem is when i open a form in the splitcontainer, even if I resize the home form, the controls in the form within the splitcontainer aren't resizing. The reason is when the home form is resized the splitcontainer is resizing itself accordingly but the form inside the splitcontainer isn't (as forms don't have anchor or dock properties so I couldn't set them). As a result though the controls in the sub form are anchored to resize themselves yet they aren't.

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Adding Controls At Runtime To Child Form?

Jan 27, 2010

Updating a VB6 prog in VS2005 on Windows 7. The prog has an MDI + child forms and there are a number of content types, with varying numbers of controls being set up and positioned from setup files.On forms which are not child forms I can easily add controls at run time like this:

Dim lab As New Label
With lab
.Left = 0 : .Top = 0
.Width = 800 : .Height = 800


This doesn't work on a child form, no label is visible. Can't see any obvious problem in quickwatch.

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Adding Controls To Child Form At Runtime?

Jan 27, 2010

Updating a VB6 prog in VS2005 on Windows 7. The prog has an MDI + child forms and there are a number of content types, with varying numbers of controls being set up and positioned from setup files.On forms which are not child forms I can easily add controls at run time like this:

Dim lab As New Label
With lab
.Left = 0 : .Top = 0


This doesn't work on a child form, no label is visible. Can't see any obvious problem in quickwatch. Is there some known reason for this or do I just have a wierd bug?

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Making Controls Resize With The MDI Child Form

Jan 23, 2011

Does anyone know how to make the controls on an MDI Child form resize along with the form itself? I inherited a project from another developer and I was asked specifically to make the form resize. With advice I received on this forum I now have the form resizing as expected. It will minimize, restore and maximize as well as resize with the mouse pointer.

The problem is that when I increase the size of the form all I get is more blank space on the screen. The controls to do change at all. Although I thin this is normal behavior for a Windows form my bosses all seem to think that the controls resize on every other widows for they see. I wondered if anyone had successfully accomplished this. I was already advised to write a FormResize handling subroutine and this unfortunately did not work.

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Controls On MDI Form To Display Child Form?

Apr 15, 2010

I took picture box and some container controls on my MDI form but when I am opening my child forms it going to backside of my MDI forms controls.

How can I resolve this issue because I cannot remove my controls from my MDI form but at the same time I want to use my child form worked properly.

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Mdi Child Maximize, Form Tiling And Alignment Of Controls?

Jun 22, 2010

my project is on the verge of completion and a large part of the credit goes to daniweb.now m stuck with a very annoying problm. ive googled the whole day but to no avail.m using visual studion 2005 and access 07.ive clubbed these three problms together cause i thought they might be related somehow...

1) i want the mdi child screen to be maximized. but on the first attempt only the control box goes to the top rite corner. however on the 2nd attempt it gets sorted out.ive tried to set the initial state to maximized but with same result. please help

2) whn the form loads it gives this tiling effect.. like the effect a tube light gives whn it is switced on...which is very annoying.
ive search for the result and some recommended to change the resolution of the user screen which is not acceptable to me.cant i change the resolution of my application depending on the user's resolution.

3) whn the form is maximized i want its user control or contents to change their alignment accordingly...anchor property only changes the size however the ideal thing will be to change the controls position w.r.t the container or form...

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Forms :: Open A Child Form - Main Form Is Unresponsive?

Apr 20, 2011

When I open my child form,


It opens up the new form, but now I can not interact with my main form. It will not accept focus or allow me to interact with it.

Do I need to change the form type?

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Change The Size Of Child Form And Add Controls From Parent In A Showdialog Mode?

Mar 17, 2012

I have an outlook application, whenever the user receive a new mail I show him a form and some controls

The user needs to insert information and close the form. Sometimes the user is not near his machine so whenever there is a new mail I am adding new controls and modify the child size.

It has been successful using the Form.show() method but not in showdialog() i cant add controls and change the form size can someone please help on the subject?


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Make Form Visible For The First Time From Another Form (form.visible = True)

Aug 18, 2009

Below is the exception code info. when I try to make form visible for the first time from another form then I get an exception code. something like 'a required variable not set'



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Forms :: Access Variable Of Child Form?

Jan 3, 2012

I have about 60 Child forms

Each have a variable with same name.

In Main form I want to set the value of the variable of the active child.

One way of doing that is like

Select Case Me.ActiveMdiChild.Name
Case "formName"

I donot want to do that as it involves writing many cases and I may miss some.

Is there some other way of doing it .

I tried

Dim O as Object = Me.ActiveMdiChil
O.VariableName= 0

and its various variants but its not working

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Forms :: Bring Newest Child Form To Top?

Oct 16, 2009

I try codes and search around but still can't find it.

That when I click to add new child form, the newest child form always appear after the old one[code]....

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Forms :: Get All The Active MDI Child Form In An Application?

May 28, 2011

how to get all the active mdi child in an application..it is possible to work? me.ActiveMdiChild.Name

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Detect And Set The Form Size In The Child And MDIParent Forms?

Feb 5, 2012

Anybody know a way to detect and set the form size in the child and MDIParent forms?

I'm having all kinds of problems from scroll bars popping up, to can't get the form to fill the parent. Pretty sure I have tried every possible combination in the forms properties 10 times.

I'm really getting tired of beating myself against this. Anybody seen a good tutorial on the finer points of MDIparent / MDI Child page size, etc.

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Display Child Forms Using Menustip In MDI Parent Form?

Apr 7, 2011

When I click on Borrow Book(s) from Transaction menu it should open frmborrow.vb

Also to it should do the same to rest of the menu(s)......

What should i write in the click event for Borrow Books from Menustrip menu

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Forms :: Close And Reopen Child Form Within Parent?

Dec 22, 2010

When my application first loads the parent opens and I select my child form from toolstrip:

'In parent open the form when option is clicked
Public Sub Showfrmitemreview(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles itemreivewStripMenuItemA.Click, itemreviewStripMenuItemB.Click


Nothing happens I don't even get an error message. I've played around with the code numerous times and the only thing that worked was to have it open outside of the parent which I do not want to happen.

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